“We are mothers, we give life, we demand respect”- “Nou se manman, nou bay lavi, nou egzije respè“- Haiti women protest against President Martelly for his misogynistic abuse in Miragoâne
All women with a moral anchor must join with Haiti mothers in calling for the immediate resignation of Michel Martelly in Haiti and for the US occupiers of Haiti to stop blocking Martelly’s removal. — Ezili Dantó of HLLN
Do U.S. women know Hillary Clinton & Co. put in a thug Haiti president who calls for men to beat, rape and sexual abuse women to shut them up?
The embarrassing, shameless U.S. puppet, dictator Michel Martelly, runs amuck
Michel Martelly, a defacto president, with friends accused of rape like Roro Nelson, living in a country where foreign troops are raping Haiti women and children at an epidemic rate, recently literally advised, at a campaign stop, for men to feel free to beat up and rape a Miragoane woman who questioned his “presidency.” She accused Martelly of not making good of his promises to the people, including providing electricity.

Clinton-ites Butchers of Haiti: Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Cheryl Mills
Without a doubt, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton , Hillary Clinton and the international “CORE GROUP” in Haiti are cavalierly supporting the rape and beating of women in Haiti, with a president ruling by decree, who actually calls political critics, sluts, whores and recommends that a woman should get herself rape and beaten.
This is beyond disturbing.
HLLN doesn’t usually address the puppets of empire in Haiti, only Category One, their foreign employers. But this latest act of state violence and abuse of authority by Martelly requires reporting, on behalf of the now voiceless and marginalized Miragoane woman, braver than all the men in Haiti.
The “CORE GROUP” is what the ruling foreign protectorate calls itself in Haiti. It’s made up of mostly US stooges including, the NGOs, the UN, the OAS and France, U.S., Canada money, media and military.
The latest, and most nasty rendition of Michel Martelly, flaunting the power the Core Group ruling Haiti gives him, occurred on July 28, 2015.
I post the evidence, but be warned. It’s vile.
On July 28, 2015, obscene Haiti dictator Michel Martelly told a questioning citizen, a brave woman in Miragoane, she’s a whore who needs “to get her ass beat up.” In the audio of the incident, we can hear Martelly shouting to audience applause. He publicly tells her how he would shut her up. He tells her to “Go get someone to fuck the shit out of you.” – “Pran raje a pou yon Nég al fé bagay avé w, féme dyol ou konsa. ….Si se bagay ou vle fé, pran nénpót Nég lan foul la epi travése mirray la wonfle bounda w. — If it’s sex you want to have, pick any man from the crowd, go over the fence and get banged.“
This Michel Martelly is Bill/Hillary Clinton’s “building Haiti back better!”
For those still wondering what the US occupation of Haiti does to Haiti, what Haitians need to FREE Haiti from, besides UN rape, UN endemic violence, US structural violence of imperialism, UN cholera, theft of Haiti natural resources, quake monies and the NGO poverty pimps. Here’s the latest Michel Martelly misogynistic degeneracy – listen to the audio, see the video.
“Anbake” Martelly, in effect, tells his critics. “I am the dictator in Haiti with US-UN firepower backing up my reign and there’s nothing Haiti can do to stop me.” Anbake, he taunts at every opportunity.
As Secretary of State under Obama, Hillary Clinton insisted that the cross-dressing Michel Martelly become president of Haiti, notwithstanding that he did not win enough votes even in the US’s 2010 cholera democracy elections after the earthquake to go to the second rounds. When a recount found the same results, Cheryl Mills and the OAS returned results different than that submitted by the Haiti election council.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State helped impose the Martelly dictatorship. US Ambassador to Haiti, Pamela White and US Ambassador to UN Samatha Powers, daily maintain the Haiti terror with UN guns and the NGO charitable fronts
Do U.S. women understand the type of man, Hillary Clinton, put in power in Haiti? A man who calls women who disagree with him politically, whores and sluts. Martelly recommends these women go get themselves “banged”. That’s the Hillary Clinton legacy in Haiti. Yet, Mrs Clinton is allegedly the lead Democratic Party candidate in the upcoming US presidential elections. How horrific for the world and for the world’s women, the specter that Hillary Clinton might actually become president of the already immoral United States. (See, Hillary Clinton, Haiti Resources, US Thievery and the Female Butchers; 100th Anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti and, Bwa Kayiman 2015 Approaches.)
Do U.S. women really understand that the so-called “feminist” Hillary Clinton supports a Haiti president who calls for men to beat and rape women to shut them up? If so, then, all women with a moral anchor must join with Haiti mothers in calling for the immediate resignation of Michel Martelly in Haiti and for the US occupiers of Haiti to stop blocking Martelly’s removal.

Miragoane Sexist Attack By Martelly on July 28_2015. Women’s org calls on citizens not to vote for Martelly’s PHTK party.
Ezili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, August 5, 2015
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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“Beautiful” Butchers of Haiti: Mrs. Clinton, Rice, Mills & the Arabs
No, Hillary: Haiti is not for sale to your family

US Controls Haiti UN Mission in Haiti – Statements by Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations. Feb. 11, 2011\ Janet Sanderson, US Ambassador to Haiti, Jan 10, 2008
“O Afrika, Ki sa n te fè ki mal lè n te nan Ginen pou se move sant sa a jodi a kap monte lan nen n? Ki sa n te fè ki mal lè n te Farawon pou se pèvèti ak pouriti santi sa a hillary akouche lan men n?
Yo di se LamezonBlanch ki selekte l ak fòmate l, ou kwè li ta kapab lòt jan?
Son vagabon, yon mal pou wont, yon san koutya, san lizay tankou ti simòn sèlman ki pou ta fon deklarasyon konsa. Kote w konn tande Gason tout bon ap di Fanm “Mwen ta kase dyòl ou”? Pou yon gason menm ap anvizaje goumen ak yon fanm pou montre jan l brav, jan l aksyonè, prouve gason sa a son Lach, prouve gason sa a gen ti (o o) anba kanson l. Paske gason tout bon m konnen yo pa konn bat fanm, ni yo pa nan joure fanm di betiz. Se pou kochon anchèf la al kase dyòl manzè hillary clinton ak tout lòt sanzave blofè pwofesyonèl ofisyèl parèy li yo (Mwen pa di tout) kap plede desann pantalon roz yo a sou Nasyon an pou enterè ak byennèt okipasyon an. A la ti peyi pa gen chans mesye!” — Frantz Louis

Haiti’s Case Against Bill & Hillary Clinton & their Cholera Democracy. Distributed by KOMOKODA – Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti
Forwarded by Ezili’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Women protest against President Martelly for his action in Miragoâne
At the initiative of feminist organizations – Solidarity fanm kore fann, the Solidarity of Haitian Women Solidarity Organization (OSFHA) and others – a peaceful march was organized, Tuesday, August 4, to denounce the insulting remarks made by the President of the Republic, Joseph Michel Martelly, to a woman during his visit to Miragoâne during the election campaign of his party- PHTK- for the partial legislative elections on 9 August.” —-Des femmes s”insurgent contre les propos du président Martelly à Miragoâne
Officials exit Haiti gov’t over president’s remarks to woman, Associated Press By EVENS SANON, August 5, 2015
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — A hostile comment made by Haitian President Michel Martelly at a campaign rally has set off an uproar in his coalition government, leading a politically allied party to announce the resignation of three officials from his administration Wednesday.
The leader of the Fusion Social Democrats told reporters that two Cabinet ministers and a secretary of state will leave Martelly’s government due to the president’s comments to a woman in the port city of Miragoane.
“This is inappropriate. Enough is enough,” Edmonde Supplice Beauzile said at a news conference announcing his party’s vote to remove its three officials, which include the minister of women’s affairs.
Martelly was at a rally July 29 when a woman accused his government of incompetence and complained that it failed to bring electricity to her community. Video broadcast by Haitian media show the president dismissing her with coarse, sexist language, telling her in Haitian Creole to “go get a man and go in the bushes” to have sex. Many in the crowd at the nighttime rally erupted in cheers and laughs at his remarks.
A presidential spokesman did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.
Loss of the three officials from a core part of the coalition is unlikely to affect the outgoing president’s ability to govern. Martelly, who took office in May 2011, is in the final year of a five-year term. He has been governing without a legislature since January because the terms of lawmakers expired before new elections could be held.
Legislative elections are scheduled for Sunday. The first round of the presidential election is Oct. 25, and Martelly cannot run for a consecutive term
Before entering politics, Martelly was a brash performer of compas, Haiti’s high-energy version of merengue music. As the self-proclaimed “bad boy of compas,” he was known for years for crude onstage antics that included cursing rivals and mooning the audience.
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