A startling Haiti radio broadcast reports that Michel Martelly – the post-earthquake Clinton/Obama imposed president of Haiti- was not only fraudulently elected but also not qualified constitutionally to hold office. He’s used at least one non-Haitian passport. Other US covert operations include the controlled opposition in Haiti and electronic voting programing to continue delegitimizing elections, disenfranchising the masses.

Martelly held a US passport, US Ambassador Kenneth H. Merten coded language implying Martelly had not violated the Haiti Constitution to become President is as corrupt and lawless as the Martelly-Lamothe Regime
Anbake Ayisyen, Anbake
Rache Manyòk, pa gen okenn negosyasyon
On December 21, 2014, veteran Haiti broadcaster Ricot Dupuy, in the afternoon program titled “Voix et Verite” on Radio Soleil in New York, says a credible source has confirmed that Michel Martelly (aka Michael Martelly) is a US citizen. (Listen-download). Former US Ambassador to Haiti,Kenneth H. Merten, effectively lied. Martelly held a U.S. passport.
The embarrassment Michel Martelly presents, was imposed on Haiti by the international community (the self-style “Core Group”) through fraudulent elections in November 2010. He has remained in power since May 14, 2011.
The mounting public pressure for Martelly to resign continues to beg the question: why are the 20 Haiti Senators, who are the only active political authority left in Haiti with a semblance of legal power, refusing to do their job to impeach Martelly for high treason and corruption, including for fraudulently representing he was constitutionally qualified to be the president of Haiti? Who do they serve?
Journalist Ricot Dupuy explains, in the explosive radio broadcast, the corrupt role that former US Ambassador to Haiti, Kenneth H. Merten, played. He confirms the incredible contortions the US went through to “elect” Martelly and then to keep him in office over the objections of the Haiti populace. He shows how Bill and Hillary Clinton and their staff lawyer, Cheryl Mills, helped force Martelly down Haiti’s throat, fraudulently maneuvering Martelly’s placement in the balloting process through to being “elected.” And then, Merten illegally interfered in Haiti’s impeachment process to save Martelly from being forced to resign.
The Haiti constitution states that Haitian nationality is lost by naturalization in a foreign country.
“Senator, Anick Francois Joseph, told reporters that he noticed that Mr. Martelly held a U.S. passport when they flew together on an American Airlines flight to Miami from Haiti in November 2007.
The airlines later identified a “Michael Martelly” on the passenger list but no “Michel Martelly.” Haitian news reports said Mr. Martelly often uses “Michael” instead of “Michel” when he travels to the United States.” —Embassy Row: Haiti President, an American? By James Morrison, Washington Times, March 15, 2012 *** Ezili’s interview (starts at 12:10) with Bill Fletcher Jr. – 3/4/14 |
“His name is in the system as an American citizen,” say journalist Dupuy (33:19-34:28). A quick look on youtube reveals clearly that Merten said “Martelly wasn’t American but a Haitian citizen.” He lied in the context of the Parliamentary inquiry to save Martelly and deflect the issue.
Dupuy reports that Merten did not expect his fraudulent intervention to completely squash the questions regarding the dual citizenship of the president of Haiti, and his disqualification for the position if he had ever held a non-Haitian passport.
But such a powerful US federal agent used his position to intimidate a parliamentary inquiry in Haiti. It seems standard fare for such morally bankrupt American officials and politicians from the Democrat-Republican duopoly. Clearly, the Obama administration is filled with pathological liars, beginning with the Clintons in Haiti, to Kenneth H. Merten and the lies they’ve told about Michel Martelly’s constitutionality to the current U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, Pamela White’s blatant partisanship. These Internationals are committing grave crimes against the poor majority in Haiti. The startling broadcast, which is in Kreyòl, gives many example of how the US officials in Haiti are tiny tyrants and despots, who ignore the law, even purge official U.S. records to protect their fascist, corporate-over-people-interests, not democracy, justice, good governance or the rule of law. See also, Haiti’s First Family Under Corruption Probe Cloud by Voice of America, December 22, 2014 and Martelly: Haiti’s second great disaster.
The International Community (aka the “Core Group“) continues to prop-up the illegal Martelly regime against Haitian law with military force and double-speak. It had no respect for former President René Préval’s mandate (nor for President Aristide’s mandate back in 2004 and 1991). But it’s coercing Haiti by demanding that the “Constitutional mandate” of President Michel Martelly be respected. This is the same Core Group (donor countries, OAS and the United Nations) that orchestrated and doctored the election of Michell Martelly over the legal objections of the people of Haiti and former Haiti president René Préval.
Haiti human rights and law defenders have responded:
“We are indeed respecting President Michel Martelly’s Constitutional mandate by demanding his resignation.” —Pitit Desalin responds to Core Group“, December 24, 2014
The Ricot broadcast confirms Seitenfus’ report that the international community openly discussed forcing former President Preval’s resignation during the November 28, 2010 balloting process and sending a plane for him to leave the country if he did not cooperate with their putting Michel Martelly in the presidential seat. This was “a silent coup” according to Brazilian Ricardo Seitenfus, who was then the representative of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Haiti. Seitenfus was fired for criticizing and making public this Core Group’s coercive plans.
According to new information, Former US Ambassador to Haiti, Kenneth Merten, lied to stop Haiti parliament from impeaching the US selected President of Haiti, who has held a US passport and thus disqualified to be president of Haiti.– (listen to the broadcast) |
On the informative broadcast, Dupuy says, he’s confirmed, through the radio’s trusted and highly placed sources, that there is a program to spy on Haitians in Haiti. There is also a system ready to electronically steal Haitian votes, if elections are held under the Martelly regime.
Reportedly there is already in place, names of people who are vetted to win the next Haiti elections. Dupuy cited the names of a few people who are in “the system” and are expected to be “elected” should Haiti go to elections.
“The system” of electronic fraud was put together, Dupuy reports, by M. Klaus Eberwein, theDirector General of Fund for Economic and Social Assistance (FAES), who is a good friend of former Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe. Lamothe himself didn’t meet the 5-year residency requirements for his position. He was forced to resign on December 13, 2014 amidst widespread public protest calling for the fall and resignation of both Martelly and Lamothe. Together, Martelly-Lamothe are known in Haiti as “bandi legal“- the legal bandits – held in office by the even more lawless International mafia (“Core Group”) who are perpetrating this electoral and other governance fraud with military force against the protesting Haiti population.
It’s also reported that “the system” was put together by the Director General of FAES with former International Republican Institute employee, Stanley Lucas, helping to find a company to develop the program.
The U.S.-selected president of Haiti, once said that if he was president that:
“First thing, after I establish my power, which would be very strong and necessary, I would close that congress thing. La chambre des deputes. Le senat … Out of my way.” — Michel Martelly
With the powerful help of the United States, France, Canada and UN international guns, the ultra right-wing President Martelly has done just that, in these last 3-years of lawlessness and governance of Haiti by presidential decree.

Ndòki – The evil forces of empire. Global elites fund fake progressives
Ezili’s HLLN urges all Haitians to listen to the Voix et Verite broadcast, which we have copied and make available for all interested to review and share. Men anpil chay pa lou – Many hands make light a heavy load.
One of the most important declaration made by Radio Soleil in the subject broadcast is the verification that the Martelly-Lamothe administration and Haiti oligarchs, who can’t win a popular election, have set up electronic voting software and procedures that rigs the electoral process in this minority’s favor, disenfranchises the African majority.
It’s alleged that most of the high profiled Haiti collaborators to US imperialism in Haiti already knew Michel Martelly was a US citizen as alleged by certain members of parliament. However, those who openly denounced this flagrant violation of the Haiti constitution were either bought off, intimidated or silenced.
Ezili’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN), which has been reporting the non-colonial narrative on Haiti for two decades, knows that the difficulty is that the truth in Haiti doesn’t have as much resources as the imperialist lies and manipulations that are promoted and widely disseminated by the corporate media and the white savior industrial complex (Ndòki). We don’t think Senator Moise Jean-Charles, who led the charge on the dossier on Martelly’s nationality, ever thought he was wrong about Martelly disqualifications. But the powerful sources against him were overwhelming when little support is given from the rest of the society, especially the repugnant, high profiled Diaspora officials and the Clinton/Bush “technocrats” working in high positions in Haiti who are as much pathological liars and manipulators as their international bosses.
Haiti is a country generally without electricity. A country where the right-wing government controls the electrical grid, putting on or shutting off the electricity at will, where it controls the distribution and delivery of ballots through UN trucks and guns, as well as controls programming of the software for voting. This new electronic voting procedure is a formula for electoral fraud by the wealthy.
It’s important that once Haiti has unseated the unconstitutional Michel Martelly, the UN-MINUSTAH forces and their US-Euro bosses that Haiti dismantles this computerized recipe for rigged and sham elections. The long-delayed parliamentary, local and municipal elections cannot legitimately be held under the lawless international occupation of Haiti and Martelly presidency.
“Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri n”ap vanje yo!” ”Indigenous Army of Ayiti, 1791
Ezili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement
December 24, 2014
“The West has two faces. One evil.”

NGO/Charitable Industrial Complex are the crisis caravan: The poverty pimping business – advocacy & activism used to maintain the status quo
The Plantation Called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Humanitarian Aid
One Hundred Years of Haiti Resistance to US imperialism in all its faces
“Nobody in the world, nobody in History, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them” — Assata Shakur

December 6 – Haiti protestors: Anbake
Open Letter From Haiti Human Right Activists to US Congress: No to Sham
Elections and US Occupation

Haitians decide to stop getting played by US diplomats and their stooge President Martelly
Haiti Senate: Impeach Martelly to Avoid a Bloodbath and Further Unconstitutionality
Haiti Protest Caracol & Martelly Regime – 45th Native American Day Of Mourning

Haiti protestors asking for Martelly’s resignation, for real not MOCK elections, for a list of names of the criminals who broke out of jail, for a return of Haiti sovereignty. For an end the US occupation behind UN/NGO imperialism
Vertieres 2014-Haiti Resist US Occupation & Martelly-Lamothe Puppet Gov
Haiti Dreadlocks Protest Eurocentric Profiling

The UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti has killed over 10,000 Haitians with UN-cholera and infected over 850,000 more with the deadly bacteria. End US occupation of Haiti behind these UN guns.
“The UN is a criminal organization. A tool of empire from Patrice Lumumba to Aristide – See, The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from FDR to Obama
“The three Haiti questions all Haitians and world citizens should have an answer for:
1. QUESTION: What’s so important in Haiti that the US would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, while funding a UN proxy occupation force for over 10-years now?
Haiti homicide rate is 6.9 per 100,000. But the Dominican Republic has FOUR times more violence than Haiti at 25.0 per 100,000. Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Or, in Brazil, Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas – all with greater violence than Haiti?
2. QUESTION: Why is there a UN, Chapter 7 (shoot-to-kill) peace enforcement mission in Haiti for over 10 years? A country not at war, without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere?
3. QUESTION: Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – gold, oil, natural gas, iridium, copper, uranium, et al” why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 41cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy?”
United Nations Peacekeeper Soldiers Fire at Protestors in Haiti
Rony Timothée (FOPARK) annonce le début d”exécution du nouveau calendrier de manifestations
Platfòm « Pitit Dessalines » Deklare Yo pap Negosye ak Martelly Manifestasyon, 18 Dec 2014*** Open Letter From Haiti Human Right Activists to US Congress: No to Sham Elections and US Occupation ***
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