The popular uprising demands big business and their local oligarchs stop exploiting the impoverished in Haiti. Haitians want a new beginning. A Tabula Rasa – Clean Slate
October Haitian uprising: Use What’s in Your Hands Ayisyen!
“Kouman nou fè panse se pitit gason kolon blan yo ki pou ta erite bitasyon yo? E sila yo ki gen papa yo ann Afrik yo, yo menm, yo pap jwenn anyen!?” — Jeneral Janjak Desalin (General Jean Jacques Dessalines), 1804

Haitians have no military, media or monies to use to defend themselves in the citadels of power or from the superpowers. But we fight tyranny with what’s in our hands – our courage, culture, revolutionary history, brain, breath, belly, soul – bare bodies. Never becoming what we fight against.
The Beginning
I was in Haiti in 2004 during the mass protest to stop the Internationals – the agents of big business – from taking down the people’s first democratically elected president, for a second time. I’ll tell you about that 33rd Coup d’etat and brutal foreign invasion in a minute.
But first, understand well what the faces of Haiti violence, brutality and corruption look like and why these faces are always hidden from view in news reporting about Haiti. Flip your colonized brain open and see the billionaire Haiti oligarchs and the Western Core Group of warmongers, tyrants, despots and bringers of terror in Haiti.

The Mafia Families in Haiti and Foreign Consulates They Use
The mercenary, mafia Haiti families are mostly Arab-Syrian-Lebanese-Jewish immigrants who privatize every consulate inside Haiti, privatize all of Haiti’s ports, and own every means of production, manufacturing, distribution – import or export. They locate the foreign consulates they represent on the premises of their businesses largely to avoid taxes, rob the poor, use diplomatic plates on their vehicles to travel the country, get their goods through diplomatic channels and guarantee themselves little police intervention, plausible delays, deniability and diplomatic immunity.
“Most of the mulatto oligarchs hide their private businesses behind titles of “honorary consul”. They use diplomatic plates so not to be arrested for their wrongdoings.” — TM Jimmy Et Agr, (translated from here)
Here’s a small list to show Haiti oligarchs who are also honorary consuls with their businesses located on the premises of the consulates they represent. These family business monopolies share the same addresses as the honorary consul location for Russia, Philippines, Ecuador, Italy, Israel, Czechia, Denmark, Guatemala, Jamaica, Uruguay, Portugal, India/Paraguay, Finland, Peru, Estonia, Poland, Norway and South Korea.
“According to Article 10 of the April 5, 1979 decree, subject to reciprocity, the properties belonging to diplomatic agents are exempted from the Land and Property Taxes – Contribution Foncière des Propriétés Bâties (CFBP)” —Why do the rich in Haiti often become honorary consuls? – AyiboPost,(translated from original, here)
The Core Group of Western ambassadors in Haiti (United States, France, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Spain, European Union, OAS, United Nations) also use their embassy assets to benefit their big business cronies and for the benefit of their own private company affiliations and affairs in the same manner as the local white mercenary families do.
This is why these economic elites require a Black puppet president to project all corruption upon and cholera democracy to excludes the population from the business of their own nation. They devastate, plunder and fleece the poor Black masses for the benefit of a few super-rich with diplomatic plates, diplomatic pouches, veneers of legality, privatized military and multinational political powers, visa powers, grant and scholarship powers, all, in complicity with funded academics, journalists and the worldwide brainwashed intelligentsia, liberal and conservative, who work to co-sign these legal bandits. Hide them.

“I Want the Assets of the Country to be Equitably Divided”
Shortly after the Haiti Revolution the mulatto sons of France insisted that the plantations and properties of their loser white fathers, liberated by the Black revolution belonged to them. Janjak Desalin, Haiti’s founding father, born September 20, 1757, assassinated October 17, 1806, responded:
“And those whose fathers are in Africa, shall they have nothing?” – Janjak Desalin, 1804

Janjak Desalin (Jean Jacques Dessalines) wanted an equitable distribution of the lands and properties liberated by the masses of enslaved Blacks in Haiti. For this, he was assassinated by the local mulatto sons of France in collusion with the former enslaving white nations (France, Britain, Spain and their U.S. and other white enslaving nation allies).
That was the first coup detat in Haiti. Haiti has suffered 33 such foreign-sponsored interventions.
With Desalin’s murder on October 17, 1806, neocolonialism and the legacy of impunity had begun in Haiti. Instead of a Black ruled independent nation as Desalin envisioned, his death turned Haiti into a Black ruled defacto colony with mostly Eurocentric black and mulatto puppet presidents, tolerated by the foreign powers if they helped them enslaved their own for personal gain through the appearance of promoting Haiti sovereignty while fleecing all its labor and exporting its riches abroad.
Pèpè Missionary Education and Religions
Haiti became that clientele nation of the former enslavers also through ecclesiastical colonialism, where its rulers where educated at Haiti school taught by foreigners to work for the interests and cultures of foreigners. Haiti children are taught everything Western is good, everything Haitian is bad and ugly. And they’ve even funded the lighter skinned Mickey Martellys to put it to song for the Haiti people to dance to their own destruction!
Through these Pèpè schools – meaning “non-Haitian” – the social infrastructures the people protesting in the streets want to end, were developed in Haiti.
There was the Pèpè education of the Jesuits, the Pèpè economics of the export economy/privatization colonists, the Pèpè religions of the Catholics and later the protestants. Thus, the former colonizers, missionaries and enslavers used the few they brainwashed, paid and programmed to economically re-enslave the Black masses, promote social exclusion and prejudice, plunder the nation’s resources.
Financial Colonialism
The name of Desalin was initially forbidden to ever be mentioned. The Black masses, enslaved for 300 years and who rose up and fought a 13-year war (1791 to 1804) to beat, in combat, the greatest armies of France, Britain and Spain and set themselves free, were forced to pay reparations – an “Independence Debt” – to the whites who lost them as property.
Impoverished Haiti paid reparations for 122 years. First to France and then, when the Monroe Doctrine came to application, the slave trade debt forced upon Haiti was paid to the United States until 1947. This brutal exploitation goes on today. But so does the mass, grassroots struggle to end the financial enslavement and neocolonialism, in all its forms.
Haiti’s struggle to end financial enslavement and neocolonialism
On this October day, pro-democracy protesters barred Haiti’s establishment president from visiting the historic sites – Marchan Desalin and the site of Desalin’s death at Pon Wouj.
Haitians want a new beginning.
They gathered early in the day at the historic sites to stop this latest black puppet for Western domination who pretends he represents Haiti sovereignty and rule. They would not let those who desecrate the memory of Haiti’s freedom fighters every day, with their collaboration with Haiti’s historic enemies, put wreaths on his grave for the appearance of respect. Neither the current puppet president, nor his mostly narco-trafficking Parliament dared their wrath.
So, even with all their access to the superpower Core Group’s monies, media and military, including access to the newest foreign snipers big business has hired to shoot protesters in the head, the dictatorship could not visit Pon Wouj. See, a video showing one such white mercenary. Instead, Jovenel Moise, went to the national museum to lay a wreath in the garden there. His foreign snipers were not so hidden, perched high on the 2004 Commemorative Tower built to celebrate Haiti’s 200-years of independence. The irony of that mocks us all, to say the least.
Invaders at the Unfinished 2004 Commemorative Tower
It was on December 31, 2003. And I was in Haiti to honor the bicentennial of Haiti’s independence on January 1, 2004. I was in Haiti to participate in the struggle to stop the International tyrants from taking over Haiti, once again. We had suffered the first Bush, Sr regime change in 1991; the deceitful Bill Clinton return of the democratically elected President Aristide, for one year, to push IMF/World privatizations, unleash the CIA soft powers, such as the white savior press of the NGOs charitable and human rights industrial complex, keep the demobilized U.S.-trained army armed and reintegrated into the new police force.
Bill Clinton returned Aristide mainly to stem the flow of refugees fleeing a nation the U.S. had set on fire with the 1991 coup detat and to re-image the Haiti oligarchs and coup detat/regime change murderers and collaborators as legitimate civil society.
Retaliation Anticipated
In this October 17, 2019 video you see two white mercenaries use the unfinished 2004 tower to protect the unpopular establishment president, Jovenel Moise from his people. This tells you all you need to know. How the greatest David vs Goliath battle being played out on this planet, continues. The cold, white supremacist’s determination to altogether erase Haitian self-rule, make their 2004 invasion of Haiti successfully in the face of all the crowds of pro-democracy fighters you constantly see in Haiti’s streets who say, no.
Last year, anti-government militants when Jovenel Moise also had problem staying at Pon Wou. His PHTK’s government retaliation came, later, on November 13 -17, 2018 in the form of the government-implicated La Saline Massacre. The coming weeks for Haitians are particularly dangerous, like last year. We don’t know which town the US supported Jovenel government will attack and destroy next. How many of us will die?
The International Plot, 2004
Haiti once pulled itself out from under the Internationals (also called the “Core Group”) and had a popularly elected president. But the enslaving Western nations used all their monies, media and military to destabilize Haiti and leave the impression the popularly-elected President Aristide was a dictator. Like the lie about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction, they lied big in Haiti too. Convinced the world that the 2004 invasion was a humanitarian mission. That the bloody international, unconscionable oligarchs and their neoDuvalierist puppets were the champions of Haitian human rights, instead of the predators and violators they are.
When Haiti Was Free
When Haiti was free, for that small, controversial moment in Aristide’s first 7 months after the first election and in the years of his rule before the 2004 bicentennial regime change, more schools were built, and the barefoot masses could freely visit the National Palace and be welcomed. It was far from a perfect and splendid participatory democracy time, but these baby steps into Black self-rule cast great fear in the hearts of the greedy Internationals and most of the local economic oligarchs.
They were psychopathic about it, and plotted, and massacred and trained Haiti death squads in the Dominican Republic, brought in foreign mercenaries at strategic times, paid off Haiti academics, demonized the pro-democracy demonstrators, co-opted journalists, created targeted chaos, political assassinations, controlled oppositions, fake George Soros civil societies, funded NGOs and human rights organizations to say what they wanted, squeezed Haiti hard financially, cut off bank credits, loans, visas, took over most Haiti radio stations with religious programing and plotted some more, until finally their problems was solved on February 29, 2004 with the 33rd regime change in Haiti. I was there and lived it. Tens of thousands got killed for doing what I am doing here, exposing the truth the media won’t tell you.
Organized Tyrants, War Crimes, Violation of Laws of Nations and The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
It was very late on December 31, 2003, the eve of the bicentennial. I’d already gone up to my room for the night. But Jafrikayiti (Jean St-Vil) knew I was in Haiti and called from the front desk of the Montana Hotel in Petion-Ville to meet up. I took the elevator down and found a heated conversation in progress with US career diplomat and then member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Luigi R. Einaudi, who was also the Assistant Secretary General at the Organization of American States (OAS). What I heard Einaudi say as he exited towards the elevator up to his room explains what you see in Haiti today.
“The international community is so screwed up they’re letting Haitians run Haiti.”–Luigi R. Einaudi, OAS Assistant Secretary General, December 31, 2003, Montana Hotel, Haiti
OAS Betrayal
I witnessed Einaudi of the OAS, this red face, overweight white male – a sloppily inebriated and debauched bully, peeling back the veneer and letting us see the corrupt and corrosive underneath – essentially he told Haitians, on the eve of Haiti’s 200-year independence, the naked truth, free of the usual media spins, and fairy tale whitewashing.
In sum, he indicated that the Internationals would overthrow the people’s choice and recolonized Haiti. The Internationals could not, I heard him tell, under any circumstances be so screwed up as to let “Haitians run Haiti.” (His exact words are noted above. See also the Ottawa Initiative, here and here where the International tyrants met to plan the take over and, it seems, to depopulate Haiti of its Black populous.)
United Nation Betrayal
Not long after my encounter, Haiti’s duly elected president – Jean Bertrand Aristide, was kidnapped by U.S. Special Forces, put on a U.S. rendition plane and deported to Africa.
The UN Security Council then authorized a fake peacekeeping mission into Haiti to suppress the massive resistance. The same UN Resolution 1542 also unilaterally declared, not only a Chapter 7, shoot-to-kill peacekeeping mission on a country not at war, with no peace agreement of opposing parties to mediate, but established the formation of an international team of foreigners, called the Core Group, to run Haiti through fake elections that, in its application these last 15-years, essentially excludes the voices of the masses and prevents popularly elected presidents to be seated in Haiti, ever again. The United Nations, of course, is the most undemocratic institution in the world, with five nations having veto power over 194 nations.
So, it didn’t matter that they were sending combat soldiers to a place which had less violence, per capital, than most nations in the Western Hemisphere. It didn’t matter to the five superpower Eurasian nations, bent on their balance-of-power geopolitics, that they were sending foreign, embattled war soldiers to a place filled with innocent civilians.
Luigi Einaudi’s OAS, just comes into Haiti on a “delegation,” whenever Haitians point to the terrors, the killings, indefinite detentions, the rigged votes, suppressed votes and blank ballots, to say, the elections of Martelly or their Jovenel puppets are legit. That’s it. The corporate media, repeats this normalization of fraud and terror upon innocence, and all’s well in the white world of injustice.
The Core Group are the ambassadors from the U.S., France, Canada/(U.K), Spain, Germany, Brazil and the ambassadors from the OAS, UN and European Union.
“The level of humanity’s decency is proven by its treatment of the most helpless. Haiti has been brutally exploited and raped for over 200 years over and over again by the enslaving white nations. They have no compunction about ganging up in Haiti as a Core Group of terrorists, none whatsoever. And the beat goes on…” — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/#FreeHaiti, October 7, 2019 – ÈziliNewsletter
The Haiti Oligarchs: Billionaires of the Caribbean

Today, Haitians battling in the streets of Haiti for the right to economic dignity, justice and true sovereignty, as the ones you see in the videos and pictures, continue to fight the neocolonialist black puppets and collaborators. This time, his name is Jovenel Moise, and their local mulatto/white players are the Arab-Jewish, Middle Eastern mafia families, who immigrated into Haiti over the last centuries to become the new Haiti overseers/middleman/subcontractors.
These Haitians are the wealthiest billionaires in the Caribbean. Most are disconnected from the Haiti Revolution and Haitian culture and work with the Core Group of white, Western nations. The Arab-Jewish mulatto gangs of today oppress, brutalize and abuse the masses of Black Haitians for personal gain and on behalf of the Core Group of white nations and their clientele state allies.
These Arab-Jews terrorizing Haitians to contain them in extreme poverty, maintain the great disaster story that began with the assassination of Haiti’s founding father are the families: Bigio, Mevs, Brandt, Boulos, Braun, Baker, Bausen, Madsen, Apaid, Abdallah, Kedar, Coles, Handal, Deeb and Vorbes, et al..
Haitians on the streets of Haiti and mourning the fallen, demand these legalized terrorists leave Haiti alone. Let the Black masses finally rule themselves; fulfill Desalin’s vision where Haiti riches are shared equally by the masses of Haitians.
Our great ancestors fought, during the Haiti Revolution and since that time, to liberate themselves from despots and tyrants such as the Core Group, which came back to directly to re-occupy Haiti in 2004, on the bicentennial of Haiti’s independence through a UN Resolution establishing a fake peacekeeping mission and the rule of the Core Group.
The Despicable Legacy of the U.N. peacekeepers, the Core Group and Billionaire Haiti Oligarchs
Haitians battled at great cost and got rid of the brutal UN terrorizing troops they called MINUSTAH which came in with the Core Group in 2004. Ostensibly, like the Clinton family and the $80 billion-dollar per year charitable industrial complex, the Core Group of Internationals are always building Haiti back better.
Above all, the bloody 2004 MINUSTAH-CORE Group invaders caused more Haiti loss in their 15-years in Haiti than the previous US-supported and maintained 30-year Duvalier dictatorship. Most noteworthy, the UN soldiers and civilian contingents helped bring death to 14,000 to 20,000 Haitians in the populous neighborhoods from 2004 to 2006. Even more, the UN “peacekeepers” raped tens of thousands of Haiti women, children and men, left tens of thousands of MINUSTAH children without paternal support and poisoned Haiti’s water with their cholera-laced feces. Haitians note that UN-cholera killed 30,000 Haitians and made over 3 million sick.
The irony is that the U.N. arbitrates the multi-lateral treaties to prevent the spread of communicable diseases by nation-states. Moreover, in the UN Resolution 1542 which initially brought the UN/MINUSTAH peacekeepers to Haiti, the Security Council specifically encouraged its peacekeeping personnel “in the prevention and control of communicable diseases in all its peacekeeping operations.”
This deadly occupying forces which came in to oppress Haiti resistance is almost gone because Haiti’s masses fought back continually against them since they landed in 2004. They’re almost gone also because Hillary Clinton did not win the White House in 2016 to finance and maintain the U.N. “peacekeeping” horrors in Haiti. But the Core Group of butchers, formed under the same unilateral U.N. resolution as MINUSTAH, and without the Haitian people’s permission, still remain and must also be gone from Haiti. That’s why the people are in the streets today.
You won’t hear this put so clearly in the liberal or mainstream press. But Èzili’s FreeHaiti has been around in this fight for over two decades. We know the big picture. We see how the racist powers-that-be keep the great disaster story in Haiti going, framed as Black-on-Black crime, violence or incompetence.
Or, since the status quo aims to take Venezuelan oil for U.S. oil companies and to do so, they must take down the elected Venezuelan president Nicholas Maduro. The media speaks loudly today of the corrupted Petro Caribe Program — mostly without contextualizing the IMF financial squeeze on Haiti to lit up the already existing discontent with the money laundering Jovenel Moise. Without contextualizing the Western geopolitical and commercial interests of the U.S. to use Haiti as a platform from which to destroy the Venezuelan program.
Where Did the $21 Billion in Earthquake Monies Go?
The Black establishment presidents who absconded with the Venezuelan funds, were put in through Core Group’s machinations.
What the CIA Laboratory is doing is killing two birds with one stone. They get to push the corruption of the Venezuelan Petro Caribe oil program while blasting out images of Haiti leader’s innate corruption. This, of course, conveniently displaces the bigger focus. The structural and literal corruption and repression of the Internationals and their oligarchs, whom we must ask: Where Did the Earthquake Monies Go?
You’re left with images of violent Haitians on the street destroying property and how corrupt the PetroCaribe Venezuelan loan program was. No one tells you, if you go by the numbers, the US/CoreGroup Gang and NGOs are 1000 times more corrupt in Haiti than their Black, un-elected puppets.
From 2010 to about 2013, the Core Group/Clinton cronies absconded with over $13 billion in earthquake donor State funds that were meant to help “built Haiti back better.” The entire misappropriated Venezuelan PetroCaribe funds, from 2006 to 2017, is about $4.2 billion according to Haiti’s Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes. Most of the theft of these monies occurred, after the earthquake, under Core Group-installed puppet president, Michel Martelly.
Nowhere in their news recitation is it properly highlighted and contrasted that the $4.2 billion in PetroCaribe funds was the rare direct aid to Haiti in contrast to the $13 billion in earthquake funds which went to Bill Clinton’s Haiti Recovery Commission cronies, not the homeless quake victims. (See, I Pay This Price For You: Haiti is Open For Business; True Colors showing ; Controlled opposition chaos spins the people in circles to keep Establishment intact.)
In addition to the $13 billion presided over FOR Haiti’s best interests at the UN, experts say at least another $8billion was collected by private charities in the name of “helping” Haitians. That’s a total of $21 billion in both UN member country aid and private charity aid (like Red Cross, et al), collected, supposedly to help build Haiti after the earthquake.
Think of the failures and theft of all these earthquake funds and the NGO fake charity narratives when you see the people in the streets protesting. The savage exploitation and abuse are the reasons why the Haiti population are in revolt. Think of that when you watch this video and the other short video excerpt above of the millions protesting the neocolonial system in Haiti.
Haiti is their fiscal paradise. The UN/MINUSTAH has changed its uniforms many times in Haiti these last 25 years. The Core Gang of white nations use their clientele states during heightened public scrutiny times when it is not possible to play the Black on Black crime card to directly invade Haiti, murder the people “to bring back order!” – white supremacist profit over people order. They use nations like Taiwan, Israel and ex-U.S. military turned private military security contractors to maintain the horror show and legacy of impunity and injustice. (See here, here, and here.)
New white mercenaries caught on film during the October 17, 2019 protest.
Head shots, bullets to the eye, in back of the head piercing to the front. That’s what happening to the unarmed demonstrators. The video shows the newest mercenaries spotted on Oct 17, 2019 on their high perch at the 2004 Commemorative Tower. Big business terrorism and war crimes continue in Haiti. Last February, similar mercenaries were caught with illegal weapons in Haiti and arrested. But Michel Sison, the U.S. ambassador had them escorted back to the U.S. with no charges. These Core Group-Jovenel snipers for hire have been executing unarmed demonstrators since last October, 2018 and before. (See here, here, and here.)
But where are all those NGO-human rights organizations and charitable do-gooders in Haiti? The media? Their silence is deafening, in the face of this legalized terrorism and war crimes. Haiti bare their bodies open to trained war criminals working for big business. The execution of hundreds of poor, starving Haitians constitutionally fighting, in their own land, for their civil and human rights is normalized, given total impunity.
“If the U.S. loses Haiti, it loses the Western Hemisphere. So imagine what it will do to the Haitian people to keep its puppets and sycophants in power?” — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti, October 2019
The Media Propaganda
U.N. Exits Haiti After 15-years?
The U.N. makes Faustian bargains and lends its uniforms to the soldiers of its biggest funders. The U.S. doesn’t intend to exit Haiti. Killing Black people is too easy, too lucrative all around.
While today, the media is busy writing disaster pieces boiling down the revolt in Haiti to the “struggle between President Jovenel Moïse and a surging opposition movement” or, alternatively blaring out the news that the UN peacekeeping forces exit Haiti, (which they have not – the US embassy is an underground military base in Haiti, the largest embassy in the Western Hemisphere), their puppet president and the Core Group ambassadors remain to terrorize, commit war crimes, genocide and crime against peace as the world watches, mostly in silence. The new name for the new U.N. uniforms in Haiti is the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH).
The self-serving white supremacist narratives always criminalizes the Black masses, not the Arab-Jewish oligarchs, nor the Core Group white supremacists who represent big business and whose bloody hands in the current Haiti Holocaust the status quo academics, human rights lawyers, experts and media, mostly won’t expose.
Always Highlighting Black on Black Fratricide, not the White Repression and Imperialism at its roots
Even the less corporatized, media reports on Haiti which hit the main points of the UN’s hideous injustices and perfidy in Haiti, leave out the bigger picture of the repulsive Core Group and billionaire Haiti oligarchy. (See, As the UN leaves Haiti, its victims still wait for justice: It is high time for the UN to take responsibility for the crimes its peacekeeping forces committed in Haiti.)
For their own survival, the powers-that-be who have noteworthy media and big business platforms won’t tell you the scale of the white madness in Haiti: the war crimes, weaponized charity, ecocide, foul vaccinations, Nazi eugenics, IMF/WB Neoliberal death plans, the organ trafficking, human trafficking, pedophilia and sexual abuse. They won’t mention the amoral Core Group’s violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, nor FreeHaiti’s charge of quiet and deliberate genocide.
“It is organized violence on top which creates individual violence at the bottom. It is the accumulated indignation against organized wrong, organized crime, organized injustice which drives the political offender to his act.” –Emma Goldman
The Eternal Maroons: Pour Libation for Janjak Desalin and Zabeth

One Body
We are the Haitians, we fight alone using our bodies and soul and whatever weapons we lay our hands on to gain economic dignity, access, the right to life, our own culture, our own bodies, our own lands and resources, values and true liberation from the white system of fake democracy and human rights. Our weapon is Zabeth, Janjak Desalin, Makandal, Grann Toya, their ideals, values, triumphs, courage, legacy, and history. We know death is but a transformation of energy. Energy doesn’t die. They’re here – Zansèt yo e Timoun yo vini! We are one body – nou fè yon sèl kò.
In the name of Zabeth, the Haitian Maroon child, who was broken into pieces at the wheel – chained to the mill where the mules were driven by the whip, then trampled by the mules, we fight on. Zabeth fought gloriously, continuously. For Zabeth whose path we follow and all the Haiti warriors, our Ancestors, for Desalin, Defile, Grann Toya, Grann Gitonn, we fight on. We’ve got a legacy to reach, an honorable heritage to die for, from one generation to the next. #TabulaRasa #FreeHaiti #BareVolè #RememberDesalin #DesalinLives
Nou pa te fè Bwa Kayiman pou sèvi etranje

“From the viewpoint of the discoverers, terror is only terror when it terrorises them, their descendants or their friends...”- Jacques Depelchin, Africa: In Solidarity with Site Solèy
Èzili Dantò, Executive Director Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN), the Free Haiti Movement, and a Connecticut Women Hall of Fame Honoree, October 17, 2019
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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Join the warriors to FREE Haiti & End the Core Group rape of the Black masses and the US-Euro resource pillage in Haiti. End the racist, bipartisan US occupation of Haiti behind Core Group mercenary guns and NGO humanitarian imperialism. #FreeHaiti #TabulaRasa
Pro-Democracy Movement in Haiti Swells Despite Lethal Police Violence
“Haiti also has billions in gold, iridium, copper, and oil advises human rights attorney Èzili Dantò. “And,” she told Truthout, “the Windward Passage and a history the enslaving nations must rewrite.”
She said the U.S. built its largest embassy in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti to control Haiti’s geopolitical position and strip it of its assets and riches.
“They will obliterate Haiti before they allow it to succeed as a nation,” Dantò said. “There is white fear of Haitian success.”*….“We know the harms the Clintons have done to Haitian women,” Dantò told Truthout. “Haitian women will not have their agony and colonially imposed poverty be used by parasites like Hillary and Bill Clinton.”
“…Dantò said that support from Haitians living in the diaspora now standing in solidarity with the masses in the streets has never been higher. Nevertheless, she worries about political machinations in Washington.”
Haiti 1804: Desalin’s Law
“Never again shall a Colonist or a European set his foot upon this territory with the title of master or proprietor. This resolution shall henceforward form the fundamental basis of our constitution. ” — Janjak Desalin (Jean Jacques Dessalines), Haiti’s founding father. Born September 20, 1757, assassinated October 17, 1806
“Generals, officers, soldiers, a little unlike him who has preceded me, he ex-general TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE, I have been faithful to the promise which I made to you when I took up arms against tyranny, and whilst the last spark of life remains in me I shall keep my oath. Never again shall a colonist or a European set his foot upon this territory with the title of master or proprietor.
This resolution shall henceforward form the fundamental basis of our constitution.Should other chiefs, after me, by pursuing conduct diametrically opposite to mine, dig their own graves and those of their species, you will have to accuse only the law of destiny which shall have taken me away from the happiness and welfare of my fellow-citizens. May my successors follow the path I shall have traced out for them! It is the system best adapted for consolidating their power; it is the highest homage they can render to my memory.”– Janjak Desalin (General Jean Jacques Dessalines), April 28, 1804, Headquarters at Cape Haitian, First year of independence (See: I Have Avenged America – Janjak Desalin )
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