Freedom, Equality or Death
At the Battle of Vertières on November 18, 1803, French General Rochambeau of Napoleon’s army surrendered to General Janjak Desalin, Hayti’s founding father. Below is the video recording of our 19th annual #FreeHaiti Nov 18th Teach-in to celebrate the Haytian victory, the Hayti fight song that sustained the Hayti freedom warriors, along with the French’s Act of Surrender. We also post here the Haitian Lawyers Leadership/AUMOHD’s press release about our lawsuit against the illegitimate Ariel Henry government, put in office by the same enslaving nations Vertieres stood against. They’re charged for high crimes and violating Haytian sovereignty and Constitution for requesting foreign troops to invade Hayti with a Chapter7 U.N. shoot to kill mandate.
A #FreeHaiti Nov 18, 2023 post,
HLLN/#FreeHaiti 19th Annual Vertières Teach-in:
Desalin, his mother Agbaraya Toya and the Indigenous Army – the Africans who beat Napoleon’s army to abolish slavery, the slave trade, forced assimilation, and direct colonialism at the Battle of Vertières (Vètyè)
Grenadye Alaso – Soldiers Attack!
Grenadye Alaso!
Sa ki mouri zafè ya yo.
Nanpren manman, nanpren papa.
Sa ki mouri zafè ya yo!
Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri zafè ya yo.
Nanpren manman nanpren papa.
Sa ki mouri n’ap vanje yo!
Grenadye alaso!
(English Translation)
Soldiers attack!
Those who die, death, it doesn’t matter.
There are no mothers here,
no fathers here.
Just soldiers.
Soldiers Attack!
Soldiers attack!
Those who die, death, it doesn’t matter.
There are no mothers here,
no fathers here.
Those who die, we will avenge!
Soldiers attack!
(Translated into English by Èzili Dantò of HLLN/#FreeHaiti, Nov 18, 2023, from original French by
Jean Ledan Fils)
On the night of November 18, 1803, a French officer came to propose an armistice.
General-in-Chief Janjak Desalin (Jean-Jacques Dessalines), commanding the Original People’s Army (Indigenous Army), told him that he would consider a suspension of hostilities if Rochambeau sent him an officer with his powers according to procedure.
The English at war against France had blocked the harbor. Around 2 a.m., Rochambeau wrote to English Commodore Joshua Loring: “To prevent bloodshed and save the remains of the army of Saint-Domingue…”
At dawn, Rochambeau asked General Desalin to suspend the hostilities until an agreement is reached with the English.
General Desalin replied: “Go and tell the general Rochambeau that his negotiations with the English don’t concern me, that they are waging war for their account, and the Indigenous people (Original people) for theirs. Nevertheless, I grant a suspension of weapons for the day. But, if this period expires, nothing is decided between him and me, I will resume my operations with the greatest force. ”
Around 5 p.m., Duveyrier arrived at the Indigenous camp and Desalin negotiated the following act.
“Today 27 Brumaire (November 19, 1803), adjutant-commander Duveyrier, in charge of powers of General-in-Chief Rochambeau, commanding the French army, to deal with the surrender of the city of Aux Cap, and I, Janjak Desalin (Jean-Jacques Dessalines), we have agreed on the following articles:
- Art. 1. The city of Aux Cap and the forts surrounding it will be delivered, within ten days, from the date of 28 present (November 20), to the General-in-chief Dessalines.
- Art. 2. The munitions of war that are in arsenals, weapons, and artillery will be left in the state they are in now.
- Art.3. All warships and others which will be deemed necessary by the general Rochambeau both for the transport of troops and residents only for evacuation, will be free to leave on the appointed day.
- Art. 4. Military and civilian officers, troops making up the Aux Cap garrison, will leave with the honors of war, taking their weapons and effects belonging to their demi-brigades.
- Art. 5. Those too sick and injured to be transported out of state will be treated in hospitals until they heal. They will be specially recommended for merciful treatment by General Dessalines.
- Art. 6. General Dessalines, giving the assurance of his protection to the inhabitants who will remain in the place, demands justice from General Rochambeau – the freedom of the country’s men whatever their color, who cannot, under any pretext whatsoever, be forced to embark with the French army.
- Art. 7. Troops from both armies will remain in their respective positions until the tenth day set for the evacuation of Aux Cap.
- Art. 8. General Rochambeau will send, for security of these agreements, the adjutant-commander Urbain Deveau in exchange for whom the General Dessalines will hand over an officer of the same rank.
Done in duplicate and in good faith, in the neighborhood general of Aux Cap, the said day, month, and year aforementioned.

Press Release
Contact Information:
Attorney Evel Fanfan in Haiti at 011 509 36 70 3640
Attorney Èzili Dantò in the U.S. at 203 829 7210
Email: [email protected]
Release Date: November 15, 2023
For Immediate Release
Haiti Lawyers File Lawsuit Against the Illegitimate Haiti Government For Requesting Invasion Into Haiti In Violation of Haiti Constitution
On November 6, 2023, Èzili Dantò’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network and Evel
Fanfan’s Actions of Organizations Motivated for a Haiti Ruled by Law (AUMOHD), filed a lawsuit against the unelected and de facto Ariel Henry Haiti Government for requesting foreign troops be deployed to Haiti in violation of the Haiti Constitution and Haiti sovereignty.
See the original complaint in French, registered at the High Court of Port-au-Prince, No. I 3970329 (PDF of original filing) and the English translation at
The Haitian Constitution prohibits in its article 263.1 the existence of other Armed Corps on the national territory. Haiti has had more than 10 different international interventions in the last decades. Each brought more disenfranchisement for the Haitian people, left more arms, more violence, and more human rights violations, including contaminated UN soldiers killing more than 10,000 Haitians with cholera, poisoning Haiti’s waterways, and making one million Haitians sick. No reparations have ever been made for these international crimes.
Ariel Henry and his government are not duly elected and have no constitutional mandate or legal capacity to request foreign troops on Haitian soil. This is a high crime under the Haitian Constitution.
The Haitian lawsuit proposes two solutions that the international community and de facto Haiti government have at their disposal to counter the paramilitary death squads without bringing more violence and foreign military into Haiti:
- Enforce United Nations Resolution 2653, which calls on UN member states to stop the arms trafficking coming from foreign lands into Haiti for use by the right-wing paramilitaries. These death squads heavily depend on arms trafficking, primarily from the United States and, to a lesser extent, the Dominican Republic. Haiti does not manufacture weapons.
- Compliance, by these powers, with UN Resolution 2653 is a legal Haiti solution rather than the imperial solution that violates Haiti’s sovereignty.
- These death squads are financed by the wealthy, white Syrian-Lebanese Haiti oligarchs who remain invisible to the media. Most are already sanctioned by Canada, the United States, and the UN for financing “gangs” and thus for financing death, terror, and murder in Haiti. The Ariel Henry government and members of his PHTK political party have also been named by UN reports for financing this violence.
- Instead of violating the Haiti and Kenya constitutions, the lawyers who filed this case in Haiti propose that the de facto Haiti authorities (along with the governments of Canada, the United States, and the Dominican Republic) take prosecutorial actions and mobilize their enforcement authorities. They recommend not just imposing toothless sanctions on these wealthy businessmen and Haitian politicians for their role in financing terror, dispossession, rape, and murder but call for issuing arrest warrants and promptly apprehending these criminal businessmen and financiers of terror in Haiti against the impoverished Haitian people. These two solutions are the Haiti-led answers to support the human rights and sovereignty of the Haitian people, not illegal invasions to uphold imperial plunders and an illegal Ariel Henry government.
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