Celebrating Bwa Kayiman 2017
August 14, 2017 marks the 226-year anniversary of Bwa Kayiman.
The Afrikan warriors at Bwa Kayiman did what Spartacus could not do. What the Biblical Jesus Christ never even tried to do. The Haitian warriors at Bwa Kayiman led a revolution that abolished slavery after 1200 years of Arab enslavement on the African continent and 300 years of European slavery in Haiti.
Scholars debate and duly question if there ever was a historical Jesus as today depicted by the Cesare Borgia photo, Council of Nicea deep state manipulators and Machiavellian propagandist echo chambers? But we do know, for sure, the Haiti warriors changed moral history on slavery; that the first ship transporting kidnapped Africans to the Americas was called “the good ship Jesus” and that slave makers used the bible to exhort:
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”-Ephesians 6:5. See also Peter 2:18
226 years ago, on August 14, 1791, Haitian men and women at Bwa Kayiman held the Vodun ceremony and war council that began the Haiti revolution. The Haitian Revolution challenged, condemned and abolished the practice of slavery, a feat not even the Christians’ most revered Jesus, ever did. This, set a new moral path for humanity on planet earth.
The men, women and children fought the Haiti revolution where the first to bring liberty into application in nation form after the Christian destroyers had begun their genocide rampage in the Americas. The profit-over-people nations, are still mercilessly beating up Haitians to a pulp, to this day, in the vain hopes of eradicating the accomplishments of the Bwa Kayiman warriors and Haiti Revolution. But Desalin’s descendants resist tyranny. Still struggle to live free to rule ourselves. We deny what our open enemies say we are, their missionary echo chambers. We deny that profit is more important than people and exist to uphold the equality of all peoples – tout moun se moun. Nou la! We’re still here to mark August 14 through August 22nd every year until eternity comes and to reach for the Ancestral forces, running in our DNA, that keeps us fighting the terror of the imperialists and their agents.
This year’s events at Prospect Park, New York, mark the 25th annual celebration in Brooklyn, New York. (Ougan Gran Bwa (Deenps Bazile ) confirmed the annual Bwa Kayiman celebrations he holds in New York started in 1992.) It will be held Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 1:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to link here for event announcement, here for photos and here for an Èzili Dantò reenactment of the Bwa Kayiman ceremony done at Prospect Park, Brooklyn with Troupe Makandal and the late great master Haitian drummer, Frisner Augustin.

Join in the 25th annual celebration in Brooklyn, New York, Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 1:00p.m. to the park closes
“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” Samuel Adams, one of the founders of American Independence from England rallying his countrymen to action.
Photos from Bwa Kayiman celebration 2017, here.
Come back after August 12th to see our photos and updates of the August 2017 Bwa Kayiman celebrations.
Click here to view last year’s post and photos. Join in the 25th annual celebration in Brooklyn, New York, Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 1:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Photo links for 2017 will be added, here.
”«Boukman o nan Bwa Kayiman
Nou lonmen non w
Nou pa denounen w, nan Bwa Kayiman
Papa Boukman o, nou wè ase
Papa Boukman o, nou rive nan tobout o
Peyi nou divize, lafanmi doz-a-do.
Nou pa te fè Bwa Kayiman
Pou n sèvi etranje.” «– See Boukman’s Prayer at Bwa Kayiman, 1791
Bio of the Èzili Dantò archetype, 1791 – the fierce spiritual mother of Haiti and the preeminent cosmic symbol for Black independence, warrior mother, love principle standing for people and community before profit and self-dealing, and for self-determination, justice, equality, freedom and protecting our bodies, soul and environment. http://bit.ly/11N7y8
Dispelling some of the European lies about Afrika, Louise Marie Maes, speaks of the civilization in Afrika such as Egypt, Kongo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, not at war until the European and Arab invasions.
Celebrating Bwa Kayiman 2017

Haiti Revolution that abolished slavery, colonialism, European Triangular Trade, forced assimilation
Bwa Kayiman was the Vodun war council and gathering, held on August 14, 1791, which began the great Haiti revolution that started August 22, 1791 and where Afrikans beat, in combat, the French, the Spanish and the English to abolish slavery, colonialism, forced assimilation and European Triangular Trade. (See, Celebrating Bwa Kayiman, 2016, 2014; Bio of the Èzili Dantò archetype, 1791; Èzili’s Bwa Kayiman links ; Haiti Epistemology and Èzili photo essay: Vodun – The Light and Beauty of Haiti.)
Ezili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, August 10, 2017
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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“Vodun is the oldest sacred science on the planet. Out of Vodun came Christianity, Judaism and Islam. They all are elements from fragments, from the periphery of the Vodun system, or the Afrikan indigenous spiritual system…Because if the rest of the African world truly understands what happened in Haiti and begin to adopt and return to the spiritual essence of their ancestors and look into our indigenous culture to organize ourselves, we”ll all be able to free ourselves of European spiritual domination, cultural domination, and psychological domination. And once you can do that it becomes easy to free yourself of their economic domination and their political domination.” – Professor James Smalls, Vodun and Haiti, pt 1
Gen yon Lwa ki pwal rantre…
Featured Interview for – Bwa Kayiman, August 14, 2015
BlackWomniverse interview with Èzili Dantò of HLLN about the Great Mother Roots in Haiti
Download to listen. Èzili Dantò of HLLN speaks about the Great Mother Roots in Haiti and Africa on Black Wombniverse in Culture, podcast – recorded May 29, 2010
Original source – Blog talk radio Blackwomniverse, starts about 15 minutes into music.
Go here for Bio of Èzili Dantò, 1791 – Warrior mother, divine mother, love principle. First archetype raised for Haiti independence at Bwa Kayiman, August 14, 1791
Èzili re-enactment Bwa Kayiman-Gathering started Haiti Revolution 226yrs ago
Emancipate Yourself (Kreyol) by BLACKMUSICS
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POWERFUL!…wish I could experience the celebration but I live halfway around the world. May the ancesters continue to give us strength by way of the Creator.