Leave MINUSTAH, Leave!
In this Petition, Haiti corrects the CORE Group “Friends of Haiti” claims made in the UN Security Council Resolution 2350 that called the corrupt, destabilizing, diseased, violent and murdering UN-MINUSTAH mission a “success” and “stabilizing” force in Haiti which brought milestones in democratic governance to Haiti. This is total fiction. The biggest of lies.
“One day, the rule of law will have enough teeth in this world. One day the world citizenry will have enough power and information and shall stand with the Haitian people to face empire. And then, no self-styled patriarchal and colonial “Friends of Haiti” will dehumanize Haitians, rape their children, take away our basic right to be free of such inhumanity, loss of life, dignity, health, labor, our ancestral lands and our freedom and get away with it unscathed.” – Èzili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
UN war criminals firing live rounds at civilians for domestic repression in Haiti, but tell the world that a chapter 7 force is a HUMANITARIAN mission!
You may sign the Petition on-line at iPetition here, titled: Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment.
Read the full Petition, including the preamble correcting the false claims of the Core Group of “Friends of Haiti” about the nightmarish MINUSTAH and recommending steps the UN Security Council, Nikki Haley and Secretary General Antonio Guterres should take to provide relief and justice to the victim of the UN sexual predators and prevent other Haiti children from similarly losing their childhood and innocence.
Legacy of 1804 | HLLN Petition to the UN for Reparations #LOF1804
Haiti Reacts to Extension of UN Force, the Manipulative Media Soundbites, and Petitions the UN Security Council On UN and UN Sex Rings
By Èzili Dantò

UN brings Cholera, Rape, Pedophilia, Corruption and Kidnapping Epidemic to Haiti
At HLLN, We’re Making a Record of the MINUSTAH War Crimes
After 13-years of virtual media silence and disinterest, we’re not exactly understanding why the sex abuse is getting focused on now by the corporate media. So HLLN corrects some of the AP missteps and outlines some of the other wrongdoings that MINUSTAH is responsible for, including turning Haiti from the direct democracy it was in 2004, where the people voted for their president directly to the indirect democracy it’s become in 2017.
This week, on April 13, the UN Security Council voted to extend the UN-MINUSTAH military mission in Haiti for six months and thereafter to rename and replace it with MINUJUSTH.
MINUJUSTH shall be formed with seven formed militarized police units and 295 individual police trainers, presumably already on the ground.
This week the Associated Press followed up on the Aljazeera coverage and documentary about UN sexual predators, their rape, pedophilia and the babies abandoned by the MINUSTAH so-called “peacekeeping” troops in Haiti with a report about how these UN sexual assaults and abuses date back to when MINUSTAH got there in 2004 and emphasized a case where 134 Sri Lankan soldiers set up brothels in Haiti from 2004 to 2007 but no arrests were made.
Strangely, no media focused on the more documented failures of the UN and MINUSTAH mission in Haiti, such as the cholera epidemic it brought; the squandering of over $10 billions in earthquake funds with no reconstruction done; the UN-trained police shooting unarmed demonstrators with UN back-up; and the charges that the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS,) and MINUSTAH helped rig the 2010, 2015 and 2016 vote count while destroying, during transport, ballots from areas that were not voting for the UN status quo candidate.
The Media Soundbites
After the UN Security Council Resolution 2350 to extend the MINUSTAH mission deemed MINUSTAH a “success”, the mainstream media soundbites going around the next day was: 1) the UN is leaving Haiti and 2) 134 Sri Lankan soldiers sexually abused ONLY nine Haiti children from 2004 to 2007 and were not punished. (See, U.S. says countries must punish United Nations troops for sexual abuse.)
That’s the Haiti soundbites. Both soundbites are wrong and directly and indirectly complicit in taking part in the complicated cover-up of UN crimes in Haiti.
The UN reports, which the AP quoted, are compromised and not to be taken seriously at all. The UN has a history of covering up, decriminalizing and minimizing the crimes, human rights violations and the violence of its soldiers, police, and aid worker personnel as we’ve previously outlined last week.
The Associated Press, in fact, did say they couldn’t locate any of the Sri Lankan soldier’s Haiti victims or much reporting from 2004 to 2007 and relied on UN reports for their article about the victims of the Sri Lankan soldiers. So why didn’t the AP come to us? Probably because of the white Liberals and “saviors of Haiti” of Haiti, along with the white Neocons and “destroyers of Haiti,” which the mainstream corporate media depends on to do the good/cop, bad/cop one-evil Hegelian dialectic of the Western nations, steered them away. Or, AP simply wasn’t looking for the truth beyond the UN-NGO cabal in Haiti.
The UN brothels and Sex Rings Continue in Haiti
Haitians would have pointed AP to the rapes committed against Tamil girls in 2009. Quoting HLLN’s reporting on the Sri Lanka brothels and rapes in Haiti, the Tamil Guardian wrote:
“Such accounts bear a harrowing resemblance to the subsequent reports of sexual abuse, prostitution rings and rape of children by Sri Lankan forces during the final stages of the conflict in 2009 and within government-run IDP camps.
See ‘Orgy of massacre, rape, torture and mutilation in final days’ – an eye-witness account of the rape amid impunity by a Sri Lankan soldier.”
We could have told AP that in 2007, both the UN and the UN’s investigative body, the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) told us what they told the Tamil Guardian, in 2011: that they were working with the Sri Lankan government and all “those responsible would be ‘held accountable for their actions.”
Haiti Call for Action on Sexual Abuse of Its Children by UN Peacekeepers
The Haiti Request to UN Security Council, US Ambassador President Nikki Haley and UN Secretary General António Guterres
With absolute certainty, we Haitians at HLLN know that the numbers of Haiti children hurt by UN soldiers (2000 overall allegations reported by AP in all the 16 peacekeeping missions altogether) are as vastly understated as the number of dead UN cholera victims are vastly understated.
The media headlines that the UN is leaving and there will be no tolerance for UN sexual predators. That soundbite doesn’t tell you the colonialism remains intact. Nothing has changed for Haitians. Nothing. Our UN nightmare continues.
See, it seems in those soundbites as if there’s progress in the exposure of crimes committed by the UN peacekeepers and that the UN is leaving Haiti.
But the UN is not leaving Haiti. It’s just reorganizing to rise up with a new name without the previous MINUSTAH liabilities while papering over its moral bankruptcy. The UN talks on. Moves lots of air around – mouthing zero tolerance spiels; pushing various “reports” and planted propaganda in the media to show its “efforts” and “recordings,” which inevitably bring no concrete justice, no restitution monies, no mental health trauma counseling and no relief to the Haiti victims of its sexual predators.
The AP exclusive disclosure ignores the UN-MINUSTAH sex brothels that are in Haiti in 2017, right now. But goes back ten years to 2007.
The timing and what’s amplified in the reporting are suspicious and manipulative.
AP focussed on a narrow if devastating assault on children that people can’t really stay stomach on for long without psychological hurt.
But, it wasn’t only children who were hurt in the Sri Lankan brothels. Some Haiti women were trafficked out of Haiti. Or, as the UN wants to term it “went” or “followed” the Sri Lanka soldiers and then were put in brothels and “polygamous households” in Sri Lanka also.
Frankly, we’ve never been able to get the truth out of the United Nations.
But we know, from the Èzili Dantò Witness Project on the ground in those years, that Haiti women, children, and men were drugged and some kidnapped from military trucks/tanks and forced to stay and service the foreign crews, there supposedly to bring the “rule of law” and “stability” to Haiti after the US took down Haiti’s first democratically elected president for a second time.
UN Sex Crimes and Rape
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
HLLN spent ten years publicly asking the UN for the report on the 2007 Sri Lankan investigation so we could compare it with our investigation. We asked for it, again, via mail and in a public letter on April 3, 2017 after the Aljazeera interview.
But on April 12, 2017, the Associated Press reported on some aspects of it, out of the blue, and at a point when there was a Security Council vote coming up on whether to extend MINUSTAH for another six months or not and/or to eliminate it altogether. The AP reported that 134 Sri Lankan soldiers were involved and got deported for sexually abusing 9 children and there was no arrest. That statement conflicts with a report we had where:
“Brigadiear Nihal Hapuarachchi, spokesperson for the Sri Lankan Army is reported to have stated: “A full inquiry was carried out and those soldiers who were found guilty were prosecuted” — See, Haitian lawyers condemn impunity for Sri Lankan soldiers
So what is the reason for this AP report which emphasized the 2007 sex rings, but didn’t talk to the Haitians involved in the matter, relied on UN reports?
Is there something that MINUSTAH did that is worst than the 2004-2007 sex rings in Haiti. Something that’s going on today, in April 2017, right now?
Are the white Liberals, the Dixiecrat-democrats, the Neocons, the feminists, the anti-war folks so appalled about the “Saren gas” victims in Syria and their Black assimilated UN/NGO/US deep state employees appropriating Haiti suffering to buff up their resumes, get more funding for their living expenses, write books, create documentaries, maintain themselves in a poverty-pimping job while whitewashing the scope of the UN crimes in Haiti.
Indeed, they are.
That’s why HLLN has put together this petition.
We know we’re alone.
Have always been.
The fact is, the UN contaminated and poisoned the Haiti environment in more way than one. It brought world’s worst cholera epidemic to Haiti, killed over 30,000 Haitians and made over one million sick. This virulent cholera strain from Nepal continues to kill Haitians. The source of the catastrophic UN-imposed cholera and UN responsibility was covered up and dismissed by the UN, the Clintons, the CDC, Paul Farmer and the Obama Administration. The victims never got any justice or restitution. Haiti’s waterways are contaminated.
The UN also presided over the killing from 14,000 to 20,000, mostly unarmed Haitians from 2004 to 2006, who protested the bi-centennial regime change of George W Bush, Jr that brought in the UN-MINUSTAH mission. MINUSTAH was brought to Haiti through the handy propaganda work of Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Kofi Annan, just as the big WMD lie was used to manufacture consent for the Iraq war.
The UN sex trafficking, prostitution, drug and organ trafficking rings continue to this day and are not a thing of the past.
Moreover, contrary to the current mainstream media soundbites, it’s not just 9 children who were abused by 134 Sri Lankan soldier somewhere around the vicinity of the Habitation Leclerc ruins in Haiti. Following the initial investigation by the UN’s OIOS, the systematic and exploitative nature of the abuse was specifically highlighted:
“acts of sexual exploitation and abuse (against children) were frequent and occurred usually at night, and at virtually every location where the contingent personnel were deployed,”
“In exchange for sex, the children received small amounts of money, food, and sometimes mobile phones,” — See, Haitian lawyers condemn impunity for Sri Lankan soldiers
HLLN wrote back then, in 2007, that:
“Sri Lankan soldiers were accused of systematically raping Haitian women and girls, some as young as 7 years old.”
UN Brothels in Haiti
The MINUSTAH set up BROTHELS and sex-slavery rings in Haiti. That’s how come one girl could say she had sex with 50 and a boy said with 100 peacekeepers. The starving and helpless children serviced them round the clock. The AP doesn’t mention the UN brothels, hotels and bars in Haiti and thus, its reporting is not representative of the scope, nature, and geography of the sexual slavery abuse in Haiti by United Nation personnel nor the MINUSTAH so-called “peacekeepers.”
The International “Friends of Haiti” Lies
Also, the foul UN Security Council Resolution calling the MINUSTAH mission “professional and a success” was drafted by the very CORE GROUP “Friends of Haiti,” headed by MINUSTAH spokesperson Sandra Honore, who helped rigged the 2010, 2015 and 2016 Haiti parliamentary and presidential elections with UNOPS.
These organized, powerful and well-connected global criminals treat us Haitians like we’re not human; have no brains, feel no pain, and must tolerate their absolute untruths.
We won’t.
We do understand that in the context of a chapter VII UN-MINUSTAH war mission that rape is a war crime.
MINUSTAH Colonialism
A Chapter VII mission is not a humanitarian mission as the Russian Federation representative noted in deliberations recently.
MINUSTAH is a colonial force. Rape in the context of war is a war crime. So is cholera under Chapter VII and its cover up. So is the UN-MINUSTAH colonialism in Haiti.
Haiti From Direct Democracy in 2004 to Indirect Democracy in 2017
Under Michel Martelly’s reign, Haiti resources were divvied out to the moneyed segment’s transnational corporations and more than 30% of all Haiti lands, rivers, and territorial waters were marked for unconstitutional expropriation by foreign interests connected to the Clintons and Bush families.
The misappropriation of $10 billion in earthquake funds, pay-to-play organized money laundering called “charity” and the fake elections supervised by UN-MINUSTAH, are all perfidy.
The UN used force (Chapter VII) to put in Haiti puppets who change the laws so that the tiny money segments in Haitian society have more power in the new system than the abandoned Black masses.
For instance, US-UN puppet president, Michel Martelly, created 19 new deputies positions in Parliament. Martelly never even used the Parliament. But ruled by decree. It’s US gerrymandering in Haiti to exploit and take away the power and patrimony of the Black Haiti masses.
The World Bank, with the Core Group and UN, have amended the mining laws and Haiti Constitution. The militarized police, trained by the UN-MINUSTAH, are a domestic repression force and the masses are discouraged from voting for people who don’t represent UN-status quo interests.
Less than 20% of the population are voting and that vote is heavily manipulated and outright rigged by the local oligarchy and global elites, working through the auspices of the UN, the OAS, USAID, the NGO poverty pimps, the Digicel-Clinton corporatocracy and as enforced by MINUSTAH guns.
The UN authorities and US diplomats, like Kenneth Merten, have worked to change the 1987 Haiti Constitution and laws to restructured the way the Prime Minister position is approved to make it easier for those with money to control the government. These are part of a litany of wrongs in the trail of destruction Barack Obama and MINUSTAH have left in Haiti.
Today, the oligarchs buy and put in the President, Parliament and the Prime Minister, and get through whatever actions they want with the new amendments and structural changes.
The Haiti vote has not only been stolen and repressed with UN-UNOPS orchestration, but those who do manage to vote for their candidate will have a diluted impact. Hence, Haiti is stable now for the global elites who won’t have to worry about the pesky Haitian people wanting to govern themselves and sharing in the economic wealth of the country.
A country that started out, after the Duvalier dictatorship, with direct democracy in the 1990s, is now in an indirect democracy with the moneyed Tonton Makout oligarchy back in power.
Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment
Here, in this petition, Haitians tell their own story about the nightmare the UN brought to Haiti with MINUSTAH – miscreants Haitians sometimes refer to as TOURISTAH, Volè Kabrit or goat thieves, rapists, kidnappers, sadistic torturers and drug dealers.
Today, in the preamble of this Haiti petition, we address the colonial narrative in the UN resolution that deems MINUSTAH a “success” for bringing Haiti “stability” and the “rule of law.” In the demand section of the Haiti Petition, we address and demand some zero tolerance measures that are necessary to help the MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH victims of rape, sexual exploitation, and abuse.
Justice for Haitians hasn’t come in decades.
We know that. But we’re making a record for the record.
Why Should You Sign the Petition?
The people who sign this Haiti petition are saying to the United Nation, that the Haitian victims of the UN-MINUSTAH rapes and sexual abuses are flesh and blood. They are human beings, not disposable, not expendable.
If you’d like to stand for justice for Haiti and the UN sexual abuse and exploitation victims:
Sign our petition to recognize the humanity of the UN-MINUSTAH survivors and help give every victim the voice, the relief, the dignity they can’t fight for by themselves but deserve.
To sign the petition on-line at iPetition.
Forwarded by Ezili’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (“HLLN)
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By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of National Groups
The Èzili HLLNetwork Challenge for the United Nations So-Called New “Zero Tolerance” Task Force
Deep State Manipulations in Haiti
New Rochambeau Expedition to Haiti For Donald Trump led by Kenneth Merten
Biggest World Scandal Finally getting some AP coverage-Right After Èzili Publicly Asks, Again, for the UN to release info about the 2007 Child Sex Ring in Haiti ran by UN workers
But, before I get to the AP article about the Haiti brothels set up by UN peacekeepers in Haiti, I want to ask you guys to look at this rough draft I’ve posted below to send to the new UN Secretary General in light of the constant media announcements that UN-MINUSTAH is leaving Haiti.
We don’t give much credence to those baying UN announcements. But it won’t hurt to use the occasion to try to preserve our access to the documents and reports of MINUSTAH misconduct and discipline. As you know, Haiti victims advocates like HLLN have been unable to get access for 13-years now.
(See the Èzili Newsletter draft of our Call for Action by the Secretary-General to address past misrepresentation of the extent of Rape, Pedophilia, MINUSTAH Babies, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and for Document Preservation, Paternity Procedure, Independent Haiti Enforcement Court. Send your thoughts and comments to erzilidanto [AT] Thank you.
If you want to sign on to the final petition to the UN about the MINUSTAH mission in Haiti and its sexual abuse of Haitians, send your name and organization. At the end of the day, this may just end up being a social media campaign, but we’re making a record that will have repercussion, if not today then as soon as someone needs to be elected! We have to do for ourselves folks, all of us. But especially as Haitians who do not have a local government but a puppet government put in by the UN and the Deep State’s Kenneth Mertens.)
The point of this post, though, is that for 10 years, HLLN has been asking the UN for their reports on the UN child sex ring put into Haiti, primarily by the Sri Lankan peacekeepers in 2007.
Last week, after the Aljazeera interview, we again asked the UN to release their investigation on this.
Today, the Associated Press is suddenly writing about the 2007 UN Sri Lankan soldiers’ child sex ring we’ve been demanding information on for 10 years. (See, AP Exclusive: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests and our piece last week asking the UN to disclose their investigation on the over 100 Sri Lankan Soldiers who had set up brothels in Haiti .)
“I did not even have breasts,” said a girl, known as V01 — Victim No. 1. She told U.N. investigators that over the next three years, from ages 12 to 15, she had sex with nearly 50 peacekeepers, including a “Commandant” who gave her 75 cents. Sometimes she slept in U.N. trucks on the base next to the decaying resort, whose once-glamorous buildings were being overtaken by jungle.
Justice for victims like V01 is rare. An Associated Press investigation of U.N. missions during the past 12 years found nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around the world — signaling the crisis is much larger than previously known. More than 300 of the allegations involved children, the AP found, but only a fraction of the alleged perpetrators served jail time.” —AP Exclusive: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests
It’s good that Pedogate in Haiti is getting some press. But the timing and points of emphasis are suspect. I am wondering what’s happening here besides UN propaganda to control the reporting on the number of cases of UN sexual violence in Haiti, elsewhere and who has that information.
I don’t see why else AP is reporting on something that happened 10-years ago, instead of also reporting on the current UN sex rings in Haiti. And their “exclusive” is coming to the fore now, so suddenly when no one was paying attention whatsoever to the biggest scandal of UN sex rings and trafficking in Haiti in 2007, except perhaps, folks like us at Ezili’s HLLN?
Also, it’s AP that got the EXCLUSIVE on the internal UN reports about Haiti sexual abuse! Haiti-led, Haiti-capacity building organizations like us are still ignored as if we’re not worthy of the information about our own people’s suffering or to analyze the UN investigations into Haiti victims’ cases. Cases we’ve been pushing get justice for ten years… Certainly, we Haitians didn’t need AP to tell us those young children and the other UN rape victims didn’t the arrests of the predators, personal relief for the harm suffered or mental health counseling to move forward from the violence and trauma. We Haitians had asked for the reports on UN misconduct and discipline in Haiti for a reason.
But besides the exposure of UN pedophilia which is critically necessary. I think it’s important to note that I see that the UN, through this AP exclusive, is conveniently low-balling the number of illicit sex cases of its aid workers, police and peacekeepers and putting a number of 2000 on “allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around the world?” It’s much more than 2000 cases of sexual rape, abuse in Haiti alone. We roughly estimate the UN illicit sex in Haiti at 1% of the population two years ago.
Think about it. The UN defines all sexual activity with their soldiers as illicit sex and has a policy against it because of the great power disparity between Haitians and the “peacekeepers” with guns. On the weekends you can see MINUSTAH and aid workers openly walking around the hotels and clubs with their fiduciary charges. The private clubs all around Haiti are filled with underage children and ladies of the night. It’s an industry and, we at HLLN say, that at least 1% of the population are involved in “illicit” sexual activities with UN personnel and peacekeepers. We note that all sexual contact with UN peacekeepers – this chapter seven shoot to kill MINUSTAH – are ILLICIT sex…
That is UN policy. So that, along with the criminal pedophilia, rape, and underage exploitation means 100,000 per year on a population of 10million Haitians. There are more and more private Arab-Middle Eastern flights going out of Haiti to Dubai and other Eastern countries than ever before… The Russians and Israeli private military contractors fly the private UN aircraft’s in white that sport UN logos. They’re private contractors clothed in UN logos. The planes don’t belong to the UN. They may carry UN staff into Haiti, but they are carrying a whole lot more out of Haiti on their return trips. I say, “get it straight AP.” Do your own research and instead of quoting UN figures.
For, the UN, desperate to remain in Haiti, does not want the numbers of UN vehicles transporting Haiti folks out of Haiti, or the numbers of peacekeepers sexually abusing Haitians to be exposed.
I have to think more about the timing of this AP article, the IJDH connections to Paul Farmer and the Clintons’ “stability” that MINUSTAH needs to keep in Haiti. But understand, folks, that the numbers of cases of UN rape getting reported, just like the numbers of cholera deaths are VASTLY understated. That’s one notation to consider.
Besides, most Haiti sexual exploitation and abuse victims, as we saw in the Aljazeera documentary, Haiti By Force, do not report their abuse, either because they’re afraid, fear the stigma, backlash, reprisals or know the UN culture of impunity makes reporting the abuse a waste of time. So, no, the “2000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other personnel around” is not a reflection of how big the problem really is. It’s an understatement, a minimizing. (Nor, are the soundbites attributed to AP that only 9 children were abused from 2004 to 2007 by 134 UN Sri Lankan “peacekeepers.”)
UN aid workers, senior officials, and career diplomats have largely normalized the unequal sexual “transactions,” prostitution, the sexual exploitation, pedophilia, the rapes of minors and fiduciaries, the abuse and trafficking as we saw in 1999 with the DYNCORP traffickers (See the Whistleblower movie based on events in Bosnia .)
The trafficking of poor children and even the gullible but better to do higher economic classes of women from Haiti is nearing as high as, if not higher than what’s been going on in the Dominican Republic for decades. The Dominican Republic women are the fourth most trafficked people in the world and they don’t have the UN there. The Dominican Republic is not at war, has the same population as Haiti but they have an army of 70,000 troops trained by the same UN-US militarized police forces that are training Haiti police. A local Haiti force that the UN-US occupiers are building to 14,000 which they traditionally, like their local Haiti UN-NGO employees, instill with their same “culture” and predatory values. (See also: The Code Blue Campaign is advocating for a new, independent special courts mechanism to deal with sexual abuse by UN peacekeeping personnel. April 10, 2017 .)
Also, at the same time today, the UN announced extending the UN-MINUSTAH forces in Haiti for another six months and, afterward having a much smaller force replace MINUSTAH. These two events are connected. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Keep your eyes open folks… Your minds are important on this and we need all your help to protect the Haiti victims of the UN “peacekeepers,” before MINUSTAH’s stature of limitation (one year after they leave) kicks in….Part of what I think is important is preserving the UN victims’ legal rights and using the momentum of their propaganda to remain in Haiti to see if we can set up some structure that stops the epidemic in sex slavery, trafficking, and rapes of our women and children….
The Haiti cash cow is too lucrative for UN senior officials, many of whom were are told, have bought homes in the DR, to give up. Besides, the UN subcontractors providing police instructors and flying private airplanes cloaked in UN logos, in and out of Haiti, don’t want to leave. The organ and sex trafficking to Dubai, Eastern Europe, the oil rigs and open seas is big, big business. So until decent humans can stop this travesty, Haiti innocents pay this terrible, terrible price.
The UN criminals are staying in Haiti regardless of the total failure of the MINUSTAH troops to bring anything to Haiti except, fake elections with Martelly and Jovenel Moise, diseases, cholera deaths, drugs, organ trafficking, foul Paul Farmer vaccines, the Clintons’ plunder of Haiti resources and earthquake fund pillage, murder of unarmed protestors, mass incarceration and child sex rings.
Èzili Dantò of HLLN
April 12, 2017
Haiti: Renewal of UN Mission’s Mandate for a Final Six-month Period : What’s In Blue
“While adding a reference to an exit strategy was not in itself controversial, it seems there was some resistance from other Council members to establishing a fixed timeline. As expressed in the debate yesterday, there is concern about jeopardizing the gains made in Haiti so far by pulling UN peacekeepers out too soon, thus repeating the failures of the closing in 2000 of the previous UN operation in Haiti, which was followed by an electoral crisis and large-scale public unrest. It seems that as a compromise, the draft resolution is not expected to request a firm timeline, but instead refers to a “projected” two-year exit plan leading to a non-peacekeeping UN presence that will continue to support the government of Haiti in sustaining peace and peacebuilding.” — Haiti: Renewal of UN Mission’s Mandate for a Final Six-month Period, UNnews, posted on WED 12 APR 2017 5:49 PM
General Haiti Update from HLLN – April 17, 2017
At HLLN we try to keep up with the threads of many critical justice and democracy issues for a free Haiti.
The past three weeks, it been the UN sexual rings finally getting some exposure in the mainstream media after 13-years of virtual silence and our campaign to stop the extension of MINUSTAH for another 6months and it’s reorganizing into a new format.
But, remember your solidarity is needed on some of the issues we put aside while fighting to stop Trump, these last few months since November 20, 2017, from recognizing the Clinton-Bush/Martelly-Jovenel Moise narco-state. There’s also the need for solidarity with Haiti workers paid starvation wages who are protesting being taxed for non-existent social Services.
I noted in February 2017 that, at “Will Donald Trump Allow The Rape Of Haiti To Continue?”:
“Besides our efforts (as established here) to end the UN occupation behind fake elections, the foul humanitarian front of folks like Digicel, the Clinton-Bush establishment NGOs and Dyncorp/PAE private military security contractors and independent police trainer providers, there are the urgent needs of the UN cholera victims for clean water, the rescue of our children getting nightly rape by these foreigners at “orphanages,” hotels and UN facilities, the quake and Hurricane Matthew victims needs for proper shelter and the fact that the vampires use of the political illegitimacy and fragility of an occupied nation to child traffic, kill and take our organs. ( and”
SIGN Haiti Petition to stop UN Sex Predators, bring Victim Relief, Punishment for MINUSTAH and UN aid worker’s guilty of harming Haiti children and guilty of SEA and sex trafficking in Haiti
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Ala Negess brave Papa BonDie, Bayo, mete pou yo. You are the lonely voice crying in the desert. If you succeed in your mission, there will be a thousand “reskye” to come to take credit (including AP).
Mèsi Pierre Antenor! M salyè w PIERRE ANTENOR ak anpil onè e respè e devan tout sa nou pa wè yo, tout sa ki pli gran ke nou. Si se pa te pou moun kòm oumen mwen patekapab fè travay Zansè saa. Mèsi pou tou sipò ou bay kòm “subscriber” ki peye yon ti moso pou edew nou kenbe travay la. If only I had more paid monthly subscribers and small monthly donors like you, we would do more. Thanks again. You’re appreciated.