Donald Trump Makes a Deal to Return the Clinton, Obama, Bush Colonists to Continue the Genocide for Resources in Haiti
New Rochambeau Expedition to Haiti For Donald Trump led by Kenneth Merten

US election scam with Kenneth Merten and Pierre Louis Opont, same election fraud, five years later which Merten presided over 2017 for Martelly’s Washington handpicked successor, Jovenel Moise… Trump apparently made a Clintonesque deal in 2017 to recognize the foul Jovenel Moise and Martelly along with the colonial terrors of the establishment Bushes and Clintons against the people of Haiti as Obama did.
Donald Trump apparently made the same deal Obama did: Forsake the dispensable 13 million exploited and re-evangelized/enslaved Haitians in Haiti to the mercy of the Clintons, Bushes and Middle Eastern colonists. Not only did Trump send a delegation to legitimize the inauguration of the indicted money laundering Jovenel Moise as president, he is now sending Kenneth Merten on a mission to Haiti and the Dominican Republic to continue the Western genocide for resources behind the charitable reservation ghouls with the Bigio/Mervs slave traders and Martelly’s men-in-pink. (Hillary Clinton and Quiet Genocide in Haiti Hides behind Humanitarian Front.)
Apparently, Kenneth Merten has been promoted just below Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, as Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and he wants everyone to know it. (See, Haiti Can’t Seem to Disengage from “Henchman” Merten.)
Kenneth Merten was the US ambassador for Obama after the earthquake who worked with Secretary Hillary Clinton to illegally put Michel Martelly as president. He was also Obama’s Special (election) Coordinator to put Martelly’s successor, Jovenel Moise in as president in 2017 through another rigged elections. Donald Trump is rewarding Merten with a prominent position in his State Department to continue the foul work of the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons and UN occupiers in Haiti. See press release below.
March 13, 2017
No. 2017/18
American Embassy
Office of Public Diplomacy
Tabarre 41, Boulevard 15 octobre
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Tél: 2229-8351 / 2229-8903
U.S. State Department Representative
Travels to the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Starting today until March 17th, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kenneth Merten is visiting the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The objective of the visit by the American diplomat is to further U.S. government support for strong partnerships in the Hemisphere and stable regional economies.
In the Dominican Republic, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Merten will meet with senior government officials as well as civil society groups to discuss progress on issues of mutual interest, including bilateral trade, law enforcement cooperation, and joint cross border development and cooperation between Dominican Republic and Haiti. In the Republic of Haiti, he will meet with senior government officials, international donor partners, and stakeholders from the private sector working to advance Haiti’s democratic and economic development.
(End of text)
Nan dat 13 mas 2017
No. 2017/18
Anbasad peyi Etazini Damerik
Biwo Zafè Piblik
Taba 41, Boulva 15 Oktòb Pòtoprens, Ayiti
Tél: 2229-8351 / 2229-8903
Yon reprezantan Depatman Deta peyi Etazini
ap vizite Repiblik Dominikèn ak Ayiti
Apati jodi lendi 13 pou rive 17 mas, Asistan Sekretè Deta Adjwen Prensipal Ad Enterim Kenneth Merten ap vizite Repiblik Dominikèn ak Ayiti. Objektif vizit diplomat ameriken an se ranfòse sipò gouvènman peyi Etazini pou patenarya solid nan Emisfè-a ak ekonomi estab nan rejyon an.Nan Repiblik Dominikèn, Asistan Sekretè Deta Adjwen Prensipal Ad enterim Merten ap rankontre ofisyèl gouvènman-an ak gwoup sosyete sivil yo pou diskite sou pwogrè kap fèt nan kesyon ki konsène enterè de peyi yo, tankou komès ant de (2) peyi yo, kowoperasyon nan domèn pou fè respekte lalwa, ak devlopman ak koperasyon sou zafe fwontyè ant Repiblik Dominikèn ak Ayiti. Nan peyi Dayiti, li ap rankontre avèk ofisyèl gouvènman-an tou, patnè donatè entènasyonal yo, ak aktè nan sektè prive-a kap travay pou sipòte progrè demokratik ak ekonomik peyi-a.
(Fen tèks)
The vast resources in Haiti….
“means that what happened to the Indians with Christopher Columbus was a day at the picnic, compared to what (is)/will happen to today’s Haitians.” — Pierre Antenor
Will Donald Trump Allow The Rape Of Haiti To Continue?
Genocide in Haiti: Invasion of the Stephen Girard Vampires and their Haiti Ghouls
Quiet Genocide in Haiti: The Invasion of the Stephen Girard Vampires and their Haiti Ghouls
Weather Warfare, Haiti, HAARP, Hurricane Matthew, Katrina
“Mineral wealth has always been the basis of many genocides in history. Thus, the extermination of the Arawak / Taino, the natives of Haiti…reveals the pitiless cruelty of the conquistadors. This was the first barbaric experience directly related to the gold mining that the inhabitants of Haiti faced in the 16th century. Gold moved towards Europe and the natives, towards the void…recall here, Toussaint’s wife was humiliated, tortured atrociously by the executioners of Napoleon in search of the hidden gold of her husband.” — Joel Leon, Haïti : Quand une mine d’or signifie la mise a mort d’une nation! Global Research, 2012
“Toussaint Louverture entrusted a great deal of gold to Stephen Girard, a friend of his who was a ship captain of French descent and who frequently anchored in the Port-au-Prince harbor. The aim of this enterprise, according to the historian J.A. Rodgers was to accumulate a large amount of gold in order to finance the Haiti war against the global [European-Arab] slave trades. The value of this gold was estimated at more than $6 million US dollars. All this is reflected in the book “100 Amazing Facts About The Negro”. After the vile act of Napoleon who trapped Toussaint Louverture and sent him to France, Stephen Girard decided to keep the gold for himself instead of handing it over to the children and his wife of Toussaint Lourverture after he was killed at Fort -de-Joux, in France.
Recall here that Toussaint’s wife was humiliated, tortured atrociously by the executioners of Napoleon in search of the hidden gold of her husband. In 1812, Stephen Girard was the richest man in the United States of America. When in 1813, the American government was on the brink of bankruptcy and risked losing the war against England. Unable to raise the required $ 10 million, Stephen Girard alone lent $ 5 million to the government, half of what he needed. So the stolen wealth of Haiti by Stephen Girard was put at the service of the United States allowing it to win the last crucial war against England. Then Girard built “Girard College” in Philadelphia, from where no man or woman of Black skin was admitted. It was not until the 1970s that the US government imposed access to the college to everyone, regardless of the color of their skin.” — Joel Leon, Haïti : Quand une mine d’or signifie la mise a mort d’une nation! Global Research, 2012
” If the international establishment is lawless, racist, tyrannical, depraved and amoral – what do people of conscience worldwide, do? Answer: Never begin a conversation about Haiti without acknowledging the US occupation of Haiti behind UN mercenary gun, rigged elections and fake NGO humanitarian aid. Support the Free Haiti Movement; support local Haiti agriculture, local Haiti production, local manufacturing, local infrastructure that serves the Haiti public, not foreigners or tourists and especially, support local Haiti economics, indigenous African culture, human rights and local Haiti rule”. — Èzili Dantò, To-tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum, The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from FDR to Obama; The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, March 14, 2017
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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