CIA asset, Guy Philippe, was used as the Haiti face to the US-orchestrated 2004 bicentennial regime change in Haiti for the George W. Bush Administration. The occupiers brought in a nightmarish 13-year UN-MINUSTAH chapter 7 war mission. As MINUSTAH packs its bags to leave Haiti, 13-years later, also in April 2017, Guy Philippe pleads guilty to money laundering drug proceeds from 1999 to 2003.
DOSYE Guy Philippe: Li Plede Koupab pou Blanchisman Lajan ki Soti Lan Vann Dwòg
An Kreyòl: Tande diskisyon sou Dosye Guy Philippe e Pouswit Jisisye kote l plede koupab. (The interview is in Kreyòl, but the slides are in English to follow along.)
Guy Philippe Pleads Guilty and TPS: An Èzili Historical Analysis
Video: Ricot Dupuy of Radio Solèy interview with Èzili Dantò of HLLN on the April 24, 2017 Guy Philippe guilty plea for laundering money from drug trafficking. Recorded April 26, 2017. The deep analysis goes back to the 2004 Bush Regime change in Haiti that brought the nightmarish UN-MINUSTAH and the significance of Guy Philippe’s admissions to Free Haiti.
“What I write, what I write won’t break their iron will.
It offers witness to your dreams to survive their unremitting despotism…”
(T)here’s no logic to the rationale that keeps you contained.
Only the iron will to make your containment-in-poverty last through eternity.
That will is tempered
by no law, no civility, no grace, no shame, no decency.
It’s gluttonous.
It takes all liberties.
It operates by might.
It’s on automatic pilot.
It’s implacable.
It doesn’t care the price paid, the justice denied,
the human rights violated, the equality deferred.
That will colors your chains.
Hung others by the neck, while leaving you hanging now by one arm
over the side of an overloaded-with-hopes Haitian boat.
Your eyes beholding the ‘promised land’
with no one allowed to catch you from falling.”
“Don’t hit your head against Satan’s iron will little Haitian girl. Let me.”–Èzili Dantò,Little Girl in the Yellow Sunday Dress, 2002 / – Text:, – Audio: ; Photo – Little Girl in the Yellow Sunday Dress htp://
By Jean-Benito Mercier, Ph.D., Haitian Perspectives/HLLN
Guy Philippe: A High-Treason Criminal, a Thug

Guy Philippe Pleads Guilty
There is an ethical crisis that is crippling the Haitian society down to its skeleton to the point where, it becomes so confusing that, citizens are not able to differentiate what is wrong from what is right.
Many foolish Haitians tend to believe that when, in search of easy money, fame, and cheap heroism, and in the hope that when elected they may be able to use their position of power to negotiate deals with the US government, to bleach their criminal records, or in order to commute their prospective sentence, many Haitians come to believe that it is highly acceptable that street criminals or hit-men like those of FRAPH, (Emmanuel Constant, Jodel Chamblain, etc.), or national high-treason criminals, proclaimed fake national heroes like Guy Philippe, who committed horrible crimes against the Haitian people, the entire nation, or against the very core values we dream to see growing in the country.
This is the reason why there was such a nonsensical and disgusting rally to support the well-known criminal Guy Philippe, and perhaps to forcibly fade away his criminal wrongdoings so they may go unpunished for decades, if not longer.
Such an ethical crisis makes those Haitians so vulnerable to be spoon-fed with lies, myths, and false promises at work against their own nation, which they think they love so much.
Haitians who do not wage war against the occupiers who are there with the intent to enslave future generations of unborn yet Haitians; who do not stand for justice, human dignity and human rights the same way Dessalines did; who, instead turn themselves into mercenaries to attack their own country in order to support the anti-national mercantile elite so they may anchor tighter the ankles of generations of Haitians to come, cannot be anything more than thugs.
Guy Phillipe was a thug.
Haitians must not be complicit toward cultural thuggery. We have a collective responsibility to seek for truth, not fallacious accusations, and fight for justice to be served accordingly.
We have rejected coup d’états against any democratically elected government in our country because they are head-on hypocritical, backward-thinking, chaotic, anarchic, heavily counter-productive, damaging and costly for the country.
The coup d’états of 1991 and 2004 should have triggered the same reaction because they were both against the constitution of the Haiti. In 1991 there was a mobilization to oppose the coup, whereas in 2004, the coup was accepted as normal.
We must stay steadfast in the way we lead the fight for democracy. The democratic values must not be compromise for whatever reason or by whomever, as they please, to protect the interest of the elite and the International Community. Chaos and anarchy are the way they control Haiti’s destiny.
So, we stand our ground on our position concerning the coups against the former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and we always will do so. “For that matter, we must remain consistent in our search for justice, Haiti’s freedom, and for democracy. In other words, if we went to protest on the Georges Washington Bridge against the 1991 coup d’état, then we cannot turn our back on a different version of coup d’état in 2004. It is as much of a coup d’état. By principle, coup d’états are against the Haitian Constitution and the democratic values it expresses which we are fighting for. We must never betray the democratic values of any society, and in particular Haiti. For it is immoral and unethical militancy.
Democratic values are not liquid, solid, or gaseous. They do not change state; they are uncompromising. They cannot be one thing today and another tomorrow.
Human dignity is human dignity. Human rights are human rights. Therefore, their protection against violation is not negotiable. In the same way, high-treason criminals will never be heroes for us until the end of humanity.
Haiti does not need democratic sentinels or big brothers to come to undo what the constitutional majority does. Democratic wrongdoings must be rectified by democratic correctness, not through political thuggery, chaos and anarchy led by either paid or unpaid criminals.
We, Haitians, must hold the world, humanity, OAS, UN, and any other institution intended to promote those democratic values, accountable to the highest standard. The same way the founding fathers of the nation did. But primarily, we must hold ourselves accountable so blindness may not extinguish our revolutionary beacon.
The International Community knew exactly why they let a predatory criminal such as Guy Philippe run the streets of Port-au-Prince while they raised the price over Emmanuel Dred Wilmè’s head.
Drèd Wilmè protested against MINUSTAH’s crimes against the populations in Cite Soleil, while MINUSTAH operations managed to make Pierre Antoine Lovinsky disappear.
Beyond the International Community cover-ups, there was and is, a repugnant regionalistic chauvinism that makes people from Haiti’s territorial collectivities get used to the idea that when their natives commit crimes, the wombs of their region must remain open to hide them. Jeremy took so much pride in harboring a criminal like Guy Philippe. They did not raise their voices in any way possible to wash the shame he brought upon the region.
They accepted him among themselves although they knew he was a nationally identified criminal whose insulting and fake heroism they wanted to own as a prestigious legacy. A move that enormously tainted the prestige of the great Etzer Vilaire.
We just regret that Guy Philippe did not win the life sentence’s Powerball ticket because we’ll tell ya, Haiti is extremely sick and tired of those narco-criminals running the country; filling seats in politics; influencing immoral supports to win undemocratic elections under foreign influences.
In any normal society, almost everywhere around the world, criminals are forbidden to run for public office.
But, in Haiti, foreign entities impose the candidacy of felons, licentious individuals such Michelle Martelly, and the nation even makes tourist-display heroes out of them.
It was even more disconcerting to notice that Guy Philippe’s attorney, from the US, had the temerity to suggest that Guy Philippe should run again for political office because he is a smart guy.
We consider the inference a slap in the face of a respectable nation, and of all decent citizens of Haiti because the country is direly in need of legitimate individuals to inspire positive leadership and high integrity.
In essence, if Haiti continues down this path of praising, electing prosecuted criminals into public offices, it will not be too long before each child will aspire to become a gangster, or a cold-blooded assassin.
Our ethical aim is to ensure that such a tradition, such a cultural stage of thuggery, gangsterism, narco-trafficking, murder, rapes of any sort in politics, in the public life of the nation, does not overpower the national agenda and our universally promising democratic values.
We believe we should rather collectively choose a nation built upon the values of the acceptable democratic principles, the prevalence of the rules of law, and the respect of human rights and dignity. One more criminal in jail!
We respect the US legal system – at least for that one part awaiting its deep restructuring as well – because it puts a true criminal where he belongs: jail. Then, all of you, who did try to create a fake hero out of a true criminal, must go back to do some reediting such as: Guy Philippe, whom we believe to be a hero, has never been but a high-treason and narco-criminal, a thug.
Similarly, those newspapers who headlined him, in an attempt, to discredit, darken the light over the true Haitian heroes, such as Charlemagne Peralte and Benoit Batraville, have one duty, which is to go back and change those headlines for their political correctness. Do not stop there! Continue to write that once again you have plotted against the first Black nation in the world because you refuse to pay it tribute and extend it the high respect you owe it.
Dr. Jean-Benito Mercier, Ph.D
Haitian Perspectives/HLLN
April, 2017
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HLLN says no to the UN remaining in Haiti – No mini-MINUSTAH!Partez! Leave MINUSTAH, Leave!
By Dr. Jean-Benito Mercier, Ph.D for Haitian Perspectives/HLLN
Haiti Corrects Core Group “Friends of Haiti” Lies In Resolution to Withdraw MINUSTAH And Manipulative Media Soundbites
HLLN says no to the UN remaining in Haiti: No mini-MiNUSTAH! Partez!
Sign on-line:
Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment
By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of National Groups
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