Èzili Dantò’s Note: March 21, 2017
The deep state creates a script for the unsuspecting public to play out. They rule through fear and by creating crisis after crisis while, behind the curtain, Haiti resources are carted out without interruption.
At the moment, it seems that powerful colonial forces are revving up instability ahead of the April 11 vote to stop President Donald Trump and, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, from forcing the UN presence out of Haiti. The orchestrated violence gives the UN, rogue CIA and US military industrial complex and intelligence agencies reasons to persuade Trump to not veto the extension but continue the Clinton status quo in Haiti. (See, UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.)
Haiti police dispute there was an attempt on Aristide’s life. But see the video below that is circulating on social media purporting to show the Martelly-Moise’s Haiti police, from the BIM unit (Motorized Intervention Brigade), seemingly caught shooting at former President Aristide’s motorcade, injuring two people… This Black bloodshed is the Euro-White settler’s sacrifices – indeed their Voodoo! (not our Vodun) – so that the usual parasitic oligarchs may extort more US taxpayer and International corporate funds. They’ll cut off the usual piece to pay their Deep State jackals while letting the local Martelly-Moise technocrats lap up the trickle down millions. The public will be sold a “law and order” script on the old colonial pretext that the predators are bringing “security and stability” to Haiti? Let’s hope that old dog can no longer hunt.
Stay alive Ayisyen. You are alone, but you’re enough. Stay away from large crowds at least until after the April 11 vote. This is not about Haiti human rights or sovereignty, but the continued violation of it by PHTK and Kenneth Merten‘s own Gang Galil.
For suggested actions to make loud and clear the message that the UN must GET OUT OF HAITI, go to: What Can You Do and ask the policymakers three questions.
Tande, lan ti tan saa, se Nèg e Nègès ki pran maronnaj kap viv. Rete lakay nou. Pa bay malfektè PKTK-Kenneth Merten yo chans pou tuye nou. Pa gen anyen laa pou nou sove sof lavi nou. — Èzili Dantò of HLLN and Free Haiti Movement, March 21, 2017
STOP MINUSTAH: End the UN Occupation in Haiti
The constant racist fearmongering and orchestrated instability in Haiti keeps the UN rapists in cushy Haiti jobs. We ask president Donald Trump to end the MINUSTAH mission immediately! End the 13-year occupation of Haiti. Help stop the raping of Haiti women and children.
United Nations Peacekeeper Soldiers Fire at Protestors in Haiti
Haiti is not at war. It has less violence than most Western Hemispheric nations, why is there a UN “peacekeeping” mission there for 13-years? We must stop the UN mercenary guns in Haiti, end the endless rape of Haiti’s peoples, lands, and resources.
Do not extend the UN mission on April 11th
Donald Trump should veto the April 11, 2017 UN mission extension in Haiti and demand justice and appropriate compensation for the UN cholera and rape victims. The right thing to do is to stop UN rape, pedophilia, sex slavery & enforced prostitution in Haiti and to demand justice for the UN rape and cholera victims in Haiti. (UN, Uruguay, and the Literal and Systemic Rape of Haiti; UN Capitalizing on Cholera: playing arsonist and fireman.)
In December of 2014, when Haitians fought to stop the Martelly dictatorship and rigged Jovenel Moise selections – UN “peacekeepers” attacked protesters with live ammo and chemical agents as several thousand opposition supporters tried to march on the presidential palace, demanding new leadership.” — See UN Soldiers Fire at Protestors in Haiti – Dec. 12 and 13 2014
Rape of Haiti Children By UN soldiers Vastly Understated, June 2015
Fault Lines – Haiti By Force: UN Sex Abuse, March 2017
Deep State Manipulations in Haiti

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama
Former President Jean Bertrand Aristide Survives Assassination Attempt
Èzili Dantò’s Note:
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Deep State Manipulations in Haiti: The Quiet Genocide of The Poor Black Masses
Besides the inexplicable burning down of the Croix Bossales and LaSaline marketplaces, today former president Jean Bertrand Aristide was shot at and at least two people standing in front of his motorcade were hit. Aristide survived the assassination attempt. But these pointed violences, just a few weeks before the UN rules on extending its mission in Haiti are routine.
“At least two people were injured after shots were fired at a motorcade carrying former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Port-au-Prince Monday in an apparent assassination attempt.” – Shots fired at former President of Haiti Aristide
The same foreign colonial forces that put in puppet president Jovenel Moise are continually manipulating the violence levels in Haiti to perpetuate their presence and colonial interests in Haiti. (See, Barbarians Inside and at Haiti Gates: Israeli HLSI and Eva Peled; New Rochambeau Expedition to Haiti For Donald Trump led by Kenneth Merten and Haiti Can’t Seem to Disengage from “Henchman” Merten .)
U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres recommended the Haiti UN mission “be extended for a final period of six months” after its current mandate expires on April 15, 2017. The U.N. Security Council is expected to decide on whether to extend the Haiti mission on April 11. So, of course, weeks before this critical vote and with a new President in the White House who wants to cut back on UN peacekeeping expenditures, the violence in Haiti increases. There’s ample evidence of this pattern since the UN got to the foreign cash cow that’s called “Haiti.”
The timing of the whole increased insecurity thing in Haiti, so soon after the rigged elections and the carnival, are orchestrated to rile up the people and set them up for more genocide by US-UN trained police if not the US-Euro colonial forces in UN and HLSI uniforms. The alphabet guys and Kenneth Merten are aiming to keep the UN or another version of these foreign militaries in Haiti.
They’re angling to prolong the MINUSTAH aka TOURISTAH’s vacation to maintain the colonial status quo. (See, L’ONU propose une nouvelle mission en Haïti<and=U.N. secretary general: Time for peacekeeping mission in Haiti to end.)
The Haiti oligarchy already has tons of private military security contractors to watch over the plundered lands they helped take from the traumatized (earthquake/cholera-fake election-ravaged) Haiti peoples under Obama through Michel Martelly’s decrees and the Clintons’ “earthquake relief” initiatives. But the alphabet guys want their own mercenary crews also. Trump is threatening to cut back on USAID funding and UN mission funding.
The Israeli (HLSI)/Mossad-CIA contract to built nine custom ports in Haiti and do surveillance was set up by powerful people who, with Digicel telecom and the Bigio, Apaid, Boulos, Abdullah oligarchs, made sure to put a criminal parliament and Jovenel Moise into power against the will of the Haiti majority. They are NOT going to let Jovenel Moise’s illegitimate government fall, no matter what they’re saying to the contrary to Washington. It took these predators more than three years to put Jovenel Moise in power. The rumor that Jovenel Moise and his new PM Guy Lafontant are useless and will fall before the year is out, is just another means to manipulate President Donald Trump into financing the Kenneth Merten-Clinton ilks and more military into Haiti. A country not at war and with less violence than most nations in the Western Hemisphere. (See also, Rape of Haiti Children By UN soldiers Vastly Understated; Women allegedly raped by UN peacekeepers in Haiti speak out.)
Jovenel Moise, the used car parts salesman and water peddler was built-up by Antonia Sola’s PR firm as a big banana exporter. This lie is lifted for all to see now that Moise is president.
The immorality, deceit, and criminality of the Haitians in politics, in its Parliament, the schooled Diaspora that supports them and the Middle Eastern oligarchs which uphold this depraved carnival are simply unspeakable (See, Ou est passée la plantation de banane; Peyizan KI NAN ZÒN Jovenel Moise Pote Anpil Plent Pou Li Bay Otorite .)
The situation is terrible. Haiti is saddled with un-elected and illegitimate rulers. Martelly and his crew cleaned out the treasury and left a nearly $2billion PetroCaraibe debt owed to Venezuela and the state cannot even pay the interests on this debt. There are workers’ strikes at the airport, hospitals and from the teachers because of state employee low wages, lack of supplies or because state workers have not been paid for months on end. The misery, unrest and general dissatisfaction was to be expected.
The Clinton-Obama-Merten crew set it up with the deep state in order to further kill more innocent Haitians. Everyone in Haiti knows who the money launderers and drug traffickers are because they hold high political positions. But, what folks must understand is that no matter what the money laundering Haitian tokens are doing, it’s NOTHING compared to the CIA-covert operation-drug trafficking uses of Haiti for the global military intelligence complex. Haiti is the place the deep state stashes the families of the Christian Arabs who they use to create instability in the Middle Eastern Muslim countries. Haiti is the space where billionaire Marc Antoine Acra’s cocaine shiploads and unexposed others, make tons of monies for the CIA/DEA deep-state operations to conduct their wars in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, to name a few. None of these Haitian are more corrupt than their handlers. (Indicted money laundering, drug trafficker Guy Philippe’s current pleadings where he accuses the CIA of getting him into the drug business is a case in point.)
Looking at the most recent public strikes at the airport, by the unpaid teachers and doctors, today’s assassination attempt on Aristide and yesterday’s burning down of the poor market women marketplaces (notice it’s not the Bigio or Mevs businesses in Site Soley that are burned down, but the poorest of the poor’s commercial spaces), but if you know the routine of the alphabet guys in Haiti, you’ll understand that they rule through crisis after crisis. It seems to me these handlers want to create more insecurity to manipulate President Donald Trump and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley into sending troops to Haiti or increasing the UN troops there more visibly….
I say the US put Jovenel Moise in, let them do what’s necessary for the people to have some peace. Bigio, Digicel, Mevs, should pay the teachers, doctors and airport personnel that Michel Martelly’s Administration left empty handed. For, if Trump takes the bait and sends more corrupt deep state CIA/DEA and military into Haiti, he will cast himself into the same role as the status quo he replaced and probably be a one term president. This won’t help the American working class nor the Haiti working classes.
President Preval just died unexpectedly. It’s a good thing that former President Jean Bertrand Aristide survived this assassination attempt. Be on guard Haitians. This current government is not ours and no Haitian life should be sacrificed to bring in more foreign military to kill Haitians. Stay alive Ayisyen. Sove tèt nou. Pran yon ti chez pou gade. Kite kriminèl yo tiye tèt yo poukont yo. Chanjman ap rive. Ginen poze.
♫♫Boukman o nan Bwa Kayiman
Nou lonmen non w
Nou pa denounen w, nan Bwa Kayiman
Papa Boukman o, nou wè ase
Papa Boukman o, nou rive nan tobout o
Peyi nou divize, lafanmi doz- a-do.
Nou pa te fè Bwa Kayiman
Pou n sèvi etranje.♫♫
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, March 21, 2017
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
Donate to Support Èzili HLLN’s Work. Help give voice to the UN victims.
Share the truth, expose the quiet genocide in Haiti.
On April 11, 2017, the UN Security Council is scheduled to vote on whether to extend, remove or re-image the UN-MINUSTAH, the terrible mission that brought rape, fake elections and cholera to Haiti.
Join the Èzili Network, in the coming weeks before April 11 UN Security Council vote, to ask for the total removal of all international troops in Haiti.
1. Help expose the Deep State Manipulations in Haiti that routinely hikes up Haiti violence right before the vote to extend the UN mission.
2. Consider tweeting any links showing UN rape, UN cholera, UN orchestrating fake elections in 2010, 2015, 2016, the UN massacres in Site Solèy and other such horrific UN devastation brought to Haiti since 2004, to:
US ambassador to UN, Nikki Hailey @nikkihaley and President Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump (See, UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.)
3. We hope you will get your social networks to join in this small effort to protect women and children from these predators by blasting thousands of “Do Not Extend the UN MINUSTAH Mission in Haiti or Re-image it as police.” Consider also using the hashtag #FreeHaiti
Go here to share links Tell Trump Not to Extend Rapist UN mission in Haiti on April 11. Add your own comments and links.
Re-post to all social media outlets: Tell the US Trump Administration to vote NOT to extend the terrible UN mission in Haiti. Help stop UN rape, pedophilia, sex slavery and enforced prostitution in #Haiti. Remove and #DoNotReImageMINUSTAH
Demand justice for the UN rape and cholera victims in Haiti.
The three questions Haitians ask world citizens to consider are:
QUESTION: What’s so important in Haiti that the U.S. would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, and the largest U.S. embassy in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti while funding a UN proxy occupation force, behind fake aid and fake elections, since 2004?
Haiti homicide rate is 10.2 per 100,000. It was lower in 2006 at 5.6 per 100,000. Haiti has one of the lowest crime rates and the lowest prison population rate in the Caribbean if not the entire Western Hemisphere.
The Dominican Republic has nearly four times more violence than Haiti. Brazil’s has 54 per 100,000 times more violence than Haiti. Until the 2016 ramping up of the covert US war to bring down the Dilma Rousseff government for allowing Chinese and Indian oil companies from BRICS dibs on its massive subsalt oil reserve find, Brazil was the commander of the UN-MINUSTAH troops in Haiti.
Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Brazil, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Columbia, etc..? Or, in Brazil, Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, Columbia – all with greater violence than Haiti?
2. QUESTION: Why is there a U.N. Chapter 7, shoot-to-kill, “peace enforcement” mission in Haiti since 2004? A country not at war, without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere? A country with one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean? The U.N. has never unleashed a war battalion in a country not at war and without a peace agreement to enforce in all its existence. Why the double standard for Haiti?
3. QUESTION: Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – billions in gold, massive oil reserves, natural gas, the purest iridium in the world, marble, and copper, to name a few.
Why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 61cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy? The U.S. occupation has brought Haiti not only dictatorship with Michel Martelly ruling without a Parliament from 2011 to 2016 and his handpicked Jovenel Moise successor ruling with a criminal Parliament, but child sex slavery, rape, organ trafficking and the reckless transmission of a contagious disease similar to the diseases brought by Columbus’ men when they first landed in Haiti over 500 years ago.
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