“The blood of Haiti protesters and police shed during the 2015 Jovenel Moise electoral fraud is on the hands of Michel Martelly, Antonio “Sal” Sola (“King of the Dirty Campaign”), Barack Obama and the big business corporatocracy they work for.” — Ézili Dantò, HLLN/Free Haiti Movement, November, 2015
The entire international infrastructure in Haiti is implicated in the massive 2015 electoral Fraud: UN /OAS/US Embassy – Sandra Honoré, Sylvain Cote, Antonio “Sal Sola, Kenneth Merten
Video Source: Tele Image See notes in post summarizing what people in video say denouncing electoral fraud
A People’s Referendum
Haitians are taking to the street to reject the fraudulent results announced for the October 2015 elections. It’s a broad base, massive call that amounts to a people’s referendum to revoke Michel Martelly’s immunity from prosecution while in office and demanding his resignation for corruption, electoral fraud and treason. (In Kreyòl, go to website post at Referandòm Pou Libere Ayiti or the PDF Version)
If the US-Euros kept their unjust military and passport powers away from Haiti’s domestic governance, did not routinely block the freedom and human right for Haitians to have their votes and choices respected, the legal bandits of Michel Martelly would not be in power, would have been toppled long ago and couldn’t get away with this 2015 electoral fraud.
There’s no parliament or justice institution to do it, so the sovereign people of Haiti are exercising a public referendum to revoke Martelly’s immunity from prosecution while in office in addition to asking for his resignation for treason, crimes against Haiti sovereignty, the right to vote and for corruption.
Haitian lawyers, witnesses, victims and combattants, at home and abroad, who work to institutionalize the rule of law and to stop the tyranny imposed in Haiti, declare the Martelly Team and Michel Martelly are lawless and submit the Martelly 2010 selection, the uncontrollable Martelly decrees since he came into office and the August 9 and October 25, 2015 election scams as evidence of the Haitian people’s charges.
Guatemala revoked the presidential immunity of Ostos & Sola client president Pérez Molina. The people of Haiti will do the same with Ostos & Sola client Michel Martelly.
Pèp la ka fè sa an Ayiti tou. The US and the Martelly Regime had years to plan how to rig the elections and did actually fix and steal the August 9 and October 25th elections from the people of Haiti. Both Martelly and Pierre-Louis Opont, the president of the Electoral Council actually declared that counting the votes do not matter.
The racist and indecent Organization of American States (OAS), agreed.
The reign of impunity in Haiti that’s orchestrated by the former slaveholding powers are nowhere more dirty than in some of the Parliamentary results announced by the ultra-right Michel Martelly/Sal Sola regime with Pierre-Louis Opont.
Guy Philippe a US-trained death squad leader running free in Haiti since he helped the US take down the democratically elected government in 2004, ran for a Senate seat in Parliament and actually placed for the upcoming December 27th runoffs. Philippe is also a wanted criminal in the United States on a sealed drug indictment.
USA Stop Supporting Robbers, Briberers, Drug-dealers and Kidnappers in Haiti
It’s no wonder Haiti protesters carry signs asking the USA to stop supporting robbers, briberers, drug-dealers and kidnappers in Haiti against the Haitian people. For eleven years now, neither the UN troops, the Haiti police they train, nor the DEA could find wanted fugitive, Guy Philippe, in Haiti? Philippe ran for president in 2006. But the US/DEA couldn’t find him then either. Mostly the unarmed protesters – poor Haitians in the popular neighborhoods – assumed to be against the occupational candidates, are the ones being rounded up for jail, shot, and brutally stomped on.
Showing the people’s proof and statements about the 2015 electoral fraud, at Antonio Solá “Sal” Reche: King of the Dirty Campaign, I wrote:
“At 4:53 into the Tele Image video, we see testimony of a PHTK monitor who said he was paid to vote and the monitors where paid 1000 gourds or in cell phones, motorcycles, et al… to vote for the ruling party candidates. Later on in the video at 6:42, a witness shows one burnt ballot numbered and verified by the polling center showing a presidential vote for Moise Jean Charles. He says activists found it in Roro Nelson’s house where thousands of votes from opposition areas where burnt. Ronald Nelson and Woodly Éthéart known as Sonson Lafamilia are close associate to Michel Martelly known for their extra-legal tactics and as coordinators of the ground campaigns to manufacture consent for Martelly’s legal bandit team. Antonia “Sal” Sola Peche, like Michel Martelly’s close associates ex-convict, Ronald Nelson and accused kidnapper for the Galil Gang, Sonson Lafamilia, are not unfamiliar to legal authorities.”
U.S. imperialism in Haiti traditionally supports dictatorship, the tiny .05% billionaire white oligarchs from the Middle East and the death squad military and paramilitary trained to act against the local people. The Michel Martelly regime is their latest example. The U.S. uses the law as a tool to further empire’s interests and not for equal protection.
For example, a few days ago, the U.S. arrested two relatives of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on drug-trafficking charges in Haiti. It so happens that the “Leftist” Maduro political party is facing a tough election in December 2015. This high level arrest will help US aims to install a right-wing corporate government in Venezuela. In contrast, Michel Martelly’s bandits roam free and “legally” in Haiti because they do the work of empire. Two months ago, Michel Martelly’s son, Oliver Martelly was reported arrested by DEA agents for money laundering and drug trafficking. This report is ignored and goes un-investigated by the mainstream media that are blasting the arrest of Maduro’s two nephews.
The hypocritical U.S. can’t find wanted DEA fugitive Guy Philippe who is running for a senate seat. The U.S. press ignores that a current president’s son in Haiti was arrested in Miami. But they blast the arrest of Maduro’s relatives. Why? Because Guy Philippe and Michel Martelly are part of their terrorist assets in Haiti. Guy Phillipe was trained by U.S. special forces and used in 2004 to help topple the democratically elected Aristide/Neptune people’s government. Wanted US fugitive, Guy Philippe, also ran for president of Haiti in 2006. Neither the U.S., DEA, nor the United Nation troops in Haiti could find him then either. No matter how corrupt and ready to fall the Martelly reign becomes, the U.S. steps in to prop him up.
It must be swiftly mentioned, that for heretofore inexplicable reasons, which are made clearer by the U.S. arrests, corrupt high level officials from Venezuela, like the Venezuelan ambassador to Haiti, have stepped in, at crucial points during his reign, to prop up Martelly’s corrupt rule.
Venezuela, the Mulatto Nations’ Role in Haiti People’s Persecution
Venezuela is South America’s biggest oil producer. Through its Petrocaribe program, Venezuela sends subsidized oil to aid Martelly’s government who pays half the debt up front and the rest over 25 years at 1 percent or 2 percent interest.
Martelly used two presidential decrees to authorized high-salaried jobs for his wife, Sophia Martelly and son, Olivier Martelly. They manage public funds from the Petrocaribe program for the social programs, Aba Grangou – down with hunger; ti manman cherie for vulnerable single mothers; and a soccer program where a Martelly decree created the Commission to Support the Coordination of Infrastructures for Sports. His wife and son are not public officials accountable to the people.
The Haiti office of audits and accounting accused Michel Martelly of waste and mismanagement of hundreds of millions in Venezuelan PetroCaribe funds. Claiming nepotism, there are lawsuits launched by Haitian lawyers alleging the unconstitutionality of these decrees to privately manage public funds and accusing Michel Martelly’s wife and son, Olivier Martelly with embezzlement of government funds. The judge who was hearing the case against Sophia Martelly and Olivier Martelly mysteriously died.
But Maduro’s government squashed momentum and the investigation, undermining Haiti institutional audit and legal proceedings by stepping in to say, Venezuela is satisfied with Martelly’s use of PetroCaribe funds. This, despite the local Haiti audit report and despite it’s the sovereign people of Haiti who will have to pay Venezuela back, not Michel Martelly, for the U.S. $1 billion in funds the legal bandits in the Martelly Team are borrowing from the sale of subsidized Venezuelan oil under the PetroCaribe program. This is but another aspect of the Latin American mulatto nation’s disdain for the African masses’ self-rule in Haiti that started from the betrayal and killing of all the Black Generals after the Haiti revolution, to the formation of the Dominican Republic, and the OAS’s initial rejection of Haiti membership in the OAS. The mulatto factor against Haiti’s African-centered existence is today most evident in the racist Left-Right white political solidarity against Black Haiti.
Like the other 11 Latin American nations participating (including Eva Morales “radical” Bolivia) in the United Nations’ multinational military troops in Haiti, Venezuela supported the unpopular and scandal-ridden Martelly regime against Haiti institutional attempts and massive people protests to stop Martelly from forming his dictatorship these last five years. Maduro’s government supports the lighter-skinned Martelly’s corruption pretty much in the manner that the US, via Kenneth Merten, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and John Kerry, have done.
It Takes 52 Nations with billions in Combined Populations to Hold Back Ten Million Africans in Haiti – A country not at war, with no army and one of the lowest violence rates in the Western Hemisphere
The United Nation humanitarian cover in Haiti is another tool, used by empire to hide their plunder of Haiti’s natural resources. Deputy A. Rodon Bien Aime, a member of Martelly’s PKTK political party who also won his Deputy seat back in these elections, is blowing the whole Sola scheme to keep Martelly’s handpicked, un-elected team in power, sky high. Bien Aime’s allegations implicate the whole imperial power structure in Haiti in the 2015 electoral fraud – from the Martelly regime to Sandra Honoré, the United Nations Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), to the OAS.
Deputy A. Rodon Bien Aime alleges that a Canadian citizen and former OAS employee, Sylvain Cote, who is also a close associate of UN head, Sandra Honoré, has worked in various capacities for empire in Haiti and now does logistics for a UN company hired to transport the pwosè verbal – vote tally sheets and ballots from the voting centers to the central tabulation center in the capital. Deputy A. Rodon Bien Aime alleges that this white man and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), which allegedly had no previous experience in such activity, was given the Electoral Council contract to transport the ballot sheets. Deputy Bien Aime accuses that UNOPS international staffer, Sylvain Cote, is responsible for the logistics of replacing the ballot sheets and ballots with new ones, pre-filled, for the government candidates during the election transportation phase. According to one report, transporting the ballots required “450 workers, 600 private vehicles and 135 donkeys or horses around the country.” UNOPS executives have refuted the allegations but it’s not only the Deputy who says he has proof of the UN wrongdoing during the transportation of ballots.
This is not the first time the UN has been accused of electoral fraud in Haiti and forcing Haitians to take to the streets to fight for their votes to count.
In 2006, eye witnesses from the Ezili Dantò Witness Project alleged that UN trucks and transportation secure by UN/MINUSTAH troops transporting ballots marked for Rene Preval from Site Solèy and other populous areas, went directly to garbage dumpsters and landfills. Haitian TV also showed boxes of thousands of stolen ballots marked for Preval, partially burned and in a garbage dump.
The demonstrators on the streets of Haiti are denouncing foreigners like Sandra Honore, Antonia “Sal” Sola and Sylvain Cote, who they see come do their dirt and repression in Haiti. But the legacy of colonial impunity continues in Haiti. Inevitably it’s the desperately hungry, poor and skinny Haiti youths who are called corrupt, are getting stomped dead and systematically jailed. For them, Haiti is an international crime scene, an open prison.
If the law wasn’t an instrument of empire, the sheer magnitude of the international complicity in the electoral fraud in Haiti would topple the UN presence, force the US to recall its criminal ambassadors and agents. But this exact scenario happened with Hillary Clinton and Kenneth Merten in 2010 who were the ones to impose Michel Martelly although the votes were not in his favor. Hillary Clinton is not in jail but running for 2016 US president. Former Haiti Ambassador, Kenneth Merten, was returned to Haiti by the Obama administration to repeat his 2010 electoral fraud in 2015 in Haiti. That’s the world we live in. Empire’s minions do not subordinate their activities in Haiti to the law.
Haiti, The Rebel
Will the world allow the unarmed people of Haiti to again rise up alone and fight for their right to self-rule against the most powerful countries on planet earth, the US Embassy plotters, the criminal OAS/UN and media sanctions, again, without comment or censure? Michel Martelly belongs in jail for his crimes against the people of Haiti. If votes are not to be duly counted, what’s the point of elections?
Obama’s silence and complicity wakes Boukman who was executed, on the 7th day of another November, 224th years ago. Boukman urged the enslaved Africans in Haiti to listen to the voice of liberty singing in all their hearts. But he was beheaded by US partner-in-crime, Rochambeau France.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton brought dictatorship to Haiti in 2010 with Michel Martelly. The blatant and incessant US-Euro attempts to undo Vertieres, continue to call all Ayisyen to their post. To take their place in the line with Kapwa Lamò, Janjak Desalin, Cecil Fatiman, Boukman, Mari Jann, Toya, Defile. Tap into that indomitable courage forged out of the fiery crucible of over five centuries at war against white terror, tyranny and enslavement. Another November 18th approaches. Ayisyen have a legacy to reach. (See, Haitians and Haitian Americans Condemn the Jovenel Moise Electoral Fraud, Call for A Stop to the Brutal Silencing of Peaceful Protests; Top Haiti presidential candidates also say the electoral fraud is simply unacceptable; In Kreyòl – Free Haiti Referendum Paper; and Who will the U.S. declare President of Haiti this time?)
As, Haitian poet Michel Sanon, writes, Haiti was alone at Vertières too and rose to face the Devil:
“When hell broke loose
Unleashing its fire storm
With waves of flame rushing
To engulf (Haiti) whole…
Alone in the vast universe
(Haiti) froze hell over
And walked on its ashes
To create (her) own history.
Nobody stood by (her) side.
(Haiti) alone remember.
It was … a month called November.” — Haiti, The Rebel
The blood of Haiti protesters and police shed during the 2015 Jovenel Moise electoral fraud is on the hands of Michel Martelly, Antonio “Sal” Sola (“King of the Dirty Campaign”), Barack Obama and the big business corporatocracy they work for.
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Referandòm Pèp Souvrèn Ayisyen Pou Libere Ayiti
Barbarians Inside and at Haiti Gates: Israeli HLSI and Eva Peled
Fontyè Ayiti pwal jere pa HLSI, yon kòmpayi Izrayèlèn
Bien-Aime A. Rodon de PHTK dénonce le Canadien Sylvain Coté. Credit; Réseau Média Numérique

Haiti’s Case Against Bill & Hillary Clinton & their Cholera Democracy. Distributed by KOMOKODA – Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti
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