On May 16, 2024, Kenya lawyers at the Midenga & Company Advocates law firm and Thirdway Alliance Party leader and lawyer Dr. Ekuru Aukot, filed contempt of court proceedings against the Ruto government for blatantly disobeying and violating a Kenya High Court order prohibiting deployment of Kenya police officers to Haiti in violation of the National Police Service Act and Kenya Constitution.
Last January 26, 2024 Judge Chacha Mwita of the Kenyan High Court said Kenya’s National Security Council, led by the president William Ruto, does not have the authority to deploy regular police outside the country. Judge Mwita blocked President William Ruto’s government’s police deployment to Haiti for violating Kenya Constitution. The judge argued that the deployment is illegal as the National Security Council lacks the legal authority to send police outside Kenya. He added that the council can only deploy military, not police, for peacekeeping missions such as Haiti.
The Biden Administration along with William Ruto’s government and CARICOM leaders announced to both the Haiti and Kenya public that the Kenya colonial deployment will began on or around May 23, 2024. Haiti lawyers also filed similar legal action against the outgoing PM Ariel Henry’ government. The suit says he lacked constitutional mandate and legal authority, alleging a foreign, Chapter7, shoot-to-kill mercenary mission, funded by the imperial powers led by the U.S., violates Haiti sovereignty, which causes of action continues to apply to Henry’s replacement – the new 9-headed US-CARICOM-backed transitional presidential council. (See Haiti complaint at Haiti Lawyers Sue the De Facto Haiti Government for Treason and Kenya Petition to Secretary General of the United Nations, President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House, DNC and RNC ; Kenya Letter.)

Kenya’s infectious diseases: Its cholera strain and outbreak & Ebola.. Will US-EU sponsors of occupation provide reparations for bringing more diseases to defenseless Haytians in addition to its assault weapons, fake elections, fake aid, dictatorships & cholera democracy? https://t.co/6VNgBjlhrt #FreeHaiti
— Èzili Dantò (@Ezilidanto) May 16, 2024
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