Konbit Lakay: Eugenia Charles with Èzili Dantò on Jan 18, 2020 regarding the tenth anniversary of the Haiti earthquake
Haiti earthquake: 10 years later, 528 years later – we’ve survived: Èzili Network essay, here and here.
“Haiti has been a reflection of Euro/US inhumanity towards the poor and African since their “New World” and updated feudal social order began. It’s still an international crime scene hidden behind false benevolence, false elections, false charity, false aid. Those billed as the “do-gooders” are about initiating or exacerbating catastrophe then capitalizing on catastrophe. That’s the profitable, parasitic formula. The privately-owned relief groups, the UN and US/Euro military, they’re mostly protecting the Montana Hotel and the like, tourism, resource extraction monopolies and other profitable industries, not the human rights of the majority to shelter, medicine, food, water, justice, inclusion, dignity and living-wage jobs. Duplicity and hypocrisy is hard to absorb, especially as the media coverage mostly trumpets, ad nausea, the private world relief organizations’, large NGOs and UN/US policymakers’ “good intentions” in Haiti in comparison, that is, to Haiti’s always corrupt and presumably evil-intended governments. Don’t take the path of least resistance. Mare vent nou byen rèd – face the evil, the malice and bottomless avarice directly my people. No matter how hard it is to absorb, how disemboweling, how marginalizing, how unpopular, how science-fiction it is to believe. Believe it. The paradoxical is yours to use. Ginen poze. No one can give you what’s yours naturally. Only a Haiti-led force shall mobilize the people-to-people international tsunami torrents to lift up the ugly colonial truth and sweep away Haiti’s containment-in-poverty, dependency, debt and domination.” —- Èzili Dantò, Jan 2010 http://www.margueritelaurent.com/photogallery/JeteDlo/1.html
Seismic Shifts: Haiti freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Sambos https://ezilidanto.com/2011/02/freestyling-haiti-to-murder-tarzan-jane-their-uncle-toms/
Èzili Dantò on Haiti History – Interview with Martine Zhenga Volcy on Wrfg, Jan. 14, 2011 – Tribute to Haiti on one year anniversary of Haiti earthquake (35:14)
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