“First, Fauci & Co. came for the Haitians and you did not speak out. 30-years later, drunk on their uncontested world rampages, where perpetual sickness means humongous profits, they’ve come for you! #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Faucifraud“
—–Èzili Dantò of HLLN, FreeHaiti, April 20, 2020

On April 20, 1990, hundreds of thousands of Haitians surrounded the U.S. Federal Building in lower Manhattan after flooding across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest CDC-Fauci-FDA fake science that Haitians were highly likely (high risk) to be HIV-AIDs carriers and contagious
Fauci, First Came For the Haitians
I was there.
April 20, 1990
I remember when the CDC-FDA with Dr. Anthony Fauci gave disease a Black face.
Watch featured video: April 20, 1990 Brooklyn Bridge Swarmed!
April 20 1990 HIV Aids carriers was a CDC-FDA Fauci’s lie also
“I remember when the CDC-FDA with Dr. Anthony Fauci gave disease a Black face”
I don’t know any other Haitian activists, academics, or doctors who’ve said this. Is it because Haiti’s schooled professionals, writers, academics, and intellectuals mostly work for our destroyers? We know the tragic Black collaborators need those jobs and grants so they are perhaps too fearful and beholden to the colonizers to speak up.
I am an elder in this struggle, the few survivors still not integrated with the executioners and destroyers of my people. I’ll tell you about Dr. Fauci, Trump’s Coronavirus medical expert, and how his kind created the disease they call HIV-AIDS and then unleashed it, specifically on millions of neocolonially impoverished Black people worldwide.
I’ll tell you that anything that has to do with Dr. Fankenstein-Fauci, the architect of the HIV-Aids binding element glycoprotein 120 that is said to have helped bring forth the HIV-AIDS death epidemic, is probably bio-engineered.
I was there, April 20, 1990. I remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci gave disease a Black face.
It should not be allowed to happen again with the Fauci-Bill Gates Covid19.
I was on that Brooklyn Bridge, 30-years ago on April 20, 1990. I remember.
During the HIV-Aids crisis, the CDC/FDA with Fauci in the lead, set forth a health policy on blood donations that stigmatized Haitians as “Aids carriers.” There were no appropriate scientific facts to back it up whatsoever. In this Covid19 era, with Fauci front and center, I remember who they are, what they’ve done, historically. I must remember, so history cannot repeat itself.
I remember how back then, Haiti workers working at nursing homes, hospitals, hotels, cafeterias, driving taxi cabs, and in private homes as housekeepers and cooks were stigmatized and forced to “social distance” – (i.e. got laid off, fired!) from the general population. I remember how confused these ladies doing ‘day work‘ at wealthy Greenwich CT homes, my mother’s friends were, when the families they’ve been working two decades for, suddenly became afraid of them and sent them home with the HIV-Aids carrier stigma.
I remember we fought back the science “experts” the media still tout as infallible and forced the FDA and CDC to rethink messing around with Haitians like that! They had to quickly walk back their open racism and rescind their prejudice as Federal policy.
But more, I remember Dr. Anthony Fauci, Trump’s leading health expert today, was a leading part of those from the CDC, NIH and FDA who simply decided Haitians and Africans were diseased. I remember.
Those who forget and don’t tell this generation, sentence them to Covid19 stigma and social distancing for being “predisposed” vulnerable, which is on the horizon.
I know today, some of the people who really do die from Covid19, not the ones who were already very sick, almost at hospice type folks. But relatively healthy, working people. It’s those same health industry and service workers on the front lines. Many on the grind to survive are without access to proper information.
Recently, in an interview with the Breakfast Club, Fauci, supposedly the world’s leading expert in infectious disease stated that “there are very few things,” if anything people can do to boost their immune system. We know that’s a lie, just witchery and false.
If there’s no treatment people can do, or as Fauci says “throw in their bodies” to boost their immune system, why is Fauci pushing developing big pharma vaccines, “at best for next winter,” to counteract Covid19? What’s the point if “there are very few things,” if anything, you can do to boost your immune system and stop the germ infection? (See our extensive Èzili Newsletter coverage of Fauci on Breakfast Club and updates on how Haiti has been affected by Coronavirus and with the continuing deportations.)
I know a Haitian today who worked in a nursing home. She went home sick. Then to the hospital to take the Covid19 test. She was waiting for test results and told not to return to the hospital unless she can’t breathe.
Death sentence.
She died sitting at her kitchen table, telling her husband she felt an elephant was on her chest. The non-funeral was like Cholera all over again. No one could say goodbye because of contagion concerns, like cholera. I know all this and I also know, since the HIV-Aids epidemic and Fauci and CDC telling, one and all, that Haitians were carriers, that the status quo academics and doctors are pill, drug and vaccine pushers for big pharma.
30 years ago, on April 20, 1990, Haitians almost took down the Brooklyn Bridge in protest of the designation that they’re predisposed to be diseased! — I know they’re liars, pill pushers and have committed despicable crimes against humanity. (See, U.S. Guantanamo Bay Detention Prison Camp for Haiti refugees with HIV.; and, how CDC/NIH scientists hid increased autism in Black boys due to MMR Vaccines.)
Records show Fauci was funding two Wuhan labs experimenting and bio-engineering with Coronavirus from bats right before the outbreak. At the same time in 2015, the U.S. government had a moratorium on funding for research into ways that certain viruses can be made more virulent and transmissible and the State Department was raising safety and security concerns about the labs at Wuhan in China and an accidental leaks. (See video report of specific NIH admission, and “U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated.”)
Rotating presidents, like Obama and Trump, may not know what the NIH is funding and its global health repercussions, but Fauci has intricate knowledge.
When the Covid19 pandemic began in the U.S., Dr. Fauci, who has held the same position there for 36-years and through six U.S. presidents as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a division of the NIH) and, who is Trump’s chief medical expert on the Coronavirus pandemic, used all his media and UN-WHO-CDC powers to spread the shocking tale that the virus began not at the lab he was funding, but an open market where the Chinese eat bats. Fauci knew, very well, the dangerous pathogen cannot suddenly jump from these horseshoe bats to human without a binding agent created in a laboratory. (See also: FBI arrest Harvard chemist-nanotechnology expert, Charles Lieber and two Chinese spies caught in U.S. connected to the Wuhan laboratories. )
Even if funding research into creating and intensifying the power of germs is part of his job for whatever depraved reason these “doctors” tell themselves, it’s clear that doing forbidden research overseas when there’s a U.S. government moratorium on it, is probably illegal. And then, failing to immediately disclose the NIH Wuhan funding to the public when he’s the lead doctor pointing to the wet market in Wuhan and not the laboratory he funded as the origin of the Covid19 outbreak, makes Fauci, the quintessential big pharma man, look like he helped intensify a dangerous germ to cash in on the patents and vaccines to come, to say the least. (See, 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic .)
Always remember they’re diabolical liars.
Any Black person who still believes the CDC, Fauci, NIH, Bill Gates, U.N.-WHO, PAHO, and company are about anything but making money off the death and depopulation of Black people, poor people, all people, and managing illnesses mostly caused or exacerbated by their palliative drugs, foul vaccines, fluorided water, high lead water, Monsanto foods, glyphosate contaminated foods, nano-aluminum particles in the air and Telecom’s WIFI radiations, simply deserve to die for their willful ignorance.
I know the CDC and FDA which Fauci owns with his NIAID since before 1984. His budget in 2020 to create bio-weapons, new flu strains, and global havoc is over $5.9 billion. That’s a huge amount of monies to fund University “research,” co-opt scientists and Wuhan labs to help the Rothchilds and Rockefellers (Bill Gate’s family) to inject and kill MILLIONS of Africans, and especially to brutalize South Africa for liberating itself from white minority rule.
I was there when USAID in Haiti and the CDC covered up cholera and who brought it to Haiti. The Clintons took over Haiti with the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) after the earthquake, practically dissolved Parliament, didn’t clean up the water U.N. feces poisoned but instead ordered 200,000 body bags, foul ineffective untested cholera vaccines and made impoverished Haiti woman (Madan Sara) buy Clinton Global Initiative-Warren Buffett (Swiss Re) cholera insurance with their “aid to Haiti monies!”
The solution to cholera death was simple, hydration: A bit of salt, sugar, and clean water could re-hydrate and stop cholera infection from turning to a death sentence for those who were sickened.
But, just as Dr. Fauci is telling Americans in the U.S. that there is nothing lying around their house, like lemon, ginger, garlic, clove, sunlight, vitamin C, D-K2, A, and eucalyptus steam therapy, that they can use to boost up their immune system, they did that with Haiti. To make money. (See, A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Global Research, March 30, 2020 and Open letter from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., to the President of the United States to restore the immune and economic health in short order for the American people.)
Fauci and the disease management crew (doctors, academic grant whores, and their “healthcare system”) say: just wash your hands, social distance, wait until you can’t breathe, and go get intubated to boost up hospital profits and mostly die if you enter their system. No one has to tell me this. I’ve lost people behind their killing sprees. If it wasn’t for our fightback, herbal cures, and the sun in Haiti, more than the 30,000 of our people would have died from cholera. —– That’s why they won’t let Èzili Dantò’s voice to be heard. (See our Facebook Album on Covid19 and William Engdahl’s on “Dr. Fauci’s Incriminating Record”.)
I remember Fauci and big-pharma doctors like him, including Paul Farmer the UN Deputy Envoy to Haiti with Bill Clinton, helped cover-up UN-cholera in Haiti.
I remember Haiti never had cholera, at least not for hundred years before the UN soldiers came.
I remember right after the January 12, 2010 earthquake Fauci was interviewed for an NIH special report and he said Haiti had no cholera.
I remember Fauci was clear that there “is no cholera in Haiti, so it would be extremely unlikely that there would be an outbreak of cholera in Haiti, even though you don’t want to completely rule it out, it’s not the first thing that you think of when you think of an outbreak of waterborne disease.” https://bit.ly/2VwLXG6
Then seven months later, on October 25, 2010, when the cholera outbreak began killing impoverished Haitians by the thousands and we at the Haitian Lawyers Leadership (HLLN) pointed to evidence that the contagion spread started and was brought to the Meille River in Mirebalais by the UN soldiers, Fauci, without any investigation or scientific data, told the media that cholera “must have been in Haiti already, beneath the surface, and poor sanitation helped trigger the outbreak.” (See, Was cholera in Haiti before the earthquakehttps://cnn.it/2XYQDGx )
I know racism, both with cholera and HIV-Aids, informs Fauci’s “science.”
I know his fake science cost tens of thousands of Haitian lives and helped spread cholera in Haiti.
For, I remember the refusal – of the CDC, Fauci, the UN, UN deputy envoy Paul Farmer and the Clintons who were running Haiti (IHRC) – to quarantine the UN soldiers at Mirebalais. I remember their refusal to test all UN soldiers and foreigners coming into Haiti for contagious diseases as Èzili’s HLLN requested. How these Colonists allowed the UN-cholera to freely spread until it became an epidemic. I know Haitians still suffer, to this day, from the Fauci/CDC/Clinton/UN-Paul Farmer initial cover-ups of the source of the cholera bacteria and failure to quarantine the initial carriers. Their anti-black racism naturally told them that cholera “must have been in Haiti already, beneath the surface” of Black skin, so no scientific investigation was necessary.
I remember.
I will never forget Fauci and the CDC-NIH-WHO-UN cholera cover-up in Haiti.
I remember I was the first lawyer to write a legal case for Haiti against the UN for bringing cholera to Haiti. But, they make as if I am the invisible woman. That Èzili Dantò’s tongue is still cut out. But it’s not.
Without our FreeHaiti loud activism and that of many, many other Haitians who eventually came on board, the UN would never have admitted, even so belatedly, to contaminating Haiti with cholera.
I’ve experienced the racist, depopulation cabal’s criminality, deprave callowness, and unconscionability. I share what I know. I am an elder in this struggle, the few survivors still not integrated with the executioners and destroyers of my people.
I know Anthony Fauci gave disease a Black face.
I was there.
Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti
Li lèd li la
April 20, 2020
Background Information
“Criminals against humanity, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are Dr. Goebbels reincarnated with global technological power and nuclear influence while you were put to sleep with media programming of their good works. They’ve already murdered hundreds of millions of peoples, mostly Africans, to cure and purify the planet in a run that would defy even Hitler’s sadistic imagination. The death with total immunity opportunities these two Drs. Goebbels now have, with the Covid19 corporate narrative, are gloriously limitless.” — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti, in the era of the Fauci-Gates #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Faucifraud—–Èzili Dantò of HLLN, FreeHaiti, April 20, 2020
Although it was privileged white male homosexual tourists who brought AIDs to Haiti, I remember the HIV concentration camp for Haitians at Guantanamo Bay
Richard Krause was head of NAID in 1981 when the AIDS cases were first reported by the CDC… Anthony Fauci was at the NIH since 1968….and would succeed Krause as director of NAID in 1984.
Anthony Fauci became, not only the Director of NAID but the Coordinator of AIDS Research at the NIH and held the public spotlight as a chief spokesperson for AIDS. https://history.nih.gov/nihinownwords/docs/page_10.html
Richard Krause, states —“…When it was reported by the CDC that AIDS was sexually transmitted, I said, “Okay, it is in our ballpark, and we have to do all we can do.” I cannot remember the exact date when that was. About six months to nine months after the publication in the New England Journal of Medicine of the first cases, the CDC showed a diagram of a dozen or more transmitted cases on the West Coast and on the East Coast from one sexual partner with AIDS. That must have come out in about 1982, and then we began to gear up. Dr. Tony [Anthony] Fauci and Dr. Kenneth Sell were interested in the immunology side, and we alerted our STD centers to get involved, and they did.” —https://history.nih.gov/nihinownwords/docs/krause1_03.html
In an interview at the NIH archives, Krause explains how the NAID first made the “Haitian connection” to AIDs:
“Harden: Do you recall when you first realized that AIDS was occurring internationally–in Africa and other countries, Third World countries and Europe? Could you give me some perspective on this?
Krause: NIAID had a good deal to do with that. …..We knew there was a “Haitian connection.” Early on we had the four H’s: hemophiliacs, homosexuals, Haitians, and heroin addicts. We could not get into Haiti because they were so damned mad that we called AIDS the Haitian disease. It was not a disease of Haitians. It was true that there was an unusual percentage of people of Haitian origin with AIDS living in the United States. That is why we came to use that phrase to identify them. By Haitians we did not mean the people of Haiti….But we helped out and the young doctors (from Haiti) came to the NIAID clinical services to learn more about AIDS from Dr. Fauci. (1983)….Haitians are wonderful people. I brought home art, and I enjoyed the people tremendously. They are French-speaking, extremely artistic, and talented people. They have a tragic history, and because of this, large numbers of them in the 1960s had gone to Zaire as engineers, accountants, etc. When they were kicked out, some of them came back to Haiti, some of them came here and to Canada, and a few went to Europe. AIDS traveled with them from Africa. ….My own view is that AIDS started in Africa,…It had probably been confined and transmitted very sporadically in the rural communities, not spreading very far because people did not travel very far. Since they have a lot of STDs, something must have happened to the social barriers, and the diseases broke out. Certainly in recent times prostitution has flourished in the large urbanized cities of central Africa…. ” https://history.nih.gov/nihinownwords/docs/krause1_04.html
Fauci/NIAID-NIH/CDC’s drug study and experiments on Haitians, continue with Jean William “Bill” Pape of Gheisko (Groupe Haitien d’Etudes du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes), the same Haitian doctor working for them since 1979 and who they (Krause, Thomas C. Quinn, Cliff Lane) met up with in 1983 on a 10-day trip to Haiti in the spring of 1983 after the HIV epidemic hit in 1981. (See, HIV Vaccine Trials Continue in Haiti.) Bill Pape’s Gheisko won the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Award for Global Health, And receive $1 million in prize money from Bill Gates’s foundation. He also received the Clinton Global Citizen Award in 2010 – the year of the earthquake. So, there’s no doubt Pape is on the front-lines to drug study Bill Gates and big-pharma’s Covid19 vaccines on his traditional Haitian guinea pigs in manner he’s established in Haiti, since 1983, with his Haiti “comprehensive services …including providing health care, tuberculosis case finding, reproductive health and family planning, sexual health education, micro credit financing, and nutritional support.”
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Here’s Dr. Judy Mikovits on the intentional Black deaths sponsored by CDC/NIH/Gates-Fauci-Monsanto-PaulFarmer cabal :
Black depopulation orchestrated by U.S.-gov=Fauci/CDC-NIH
Dr. Judy Mikovits: Black Depopulation a Goal of NIH and CDC — Proven by the Data! – https://youtu.be/hAnYEHSXHHw
Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Gates, Fauci, Corrupt Science | Blacks Targeted by NIH, CDC
Plandemic, Pt 1 – Big Pharma and deep state plague of corruption.. — https://www.bitchute.com/video/M4hmDfRpWOg/
Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PhD EXPOSES Anthony Fauci,Dr Birx & UNCOVERS Medical Corruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRGKaLLd78o
Video: The WHO is Funded by Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Media didn’t cover almost everything in this video…
Bill Gates set aside, U.N.-WHO’s funding reduced, CDC questioned…. No vaccines!
?Rizza Islam – CDC, WHO, BILL GATES ALL TOOK AN “L”??♂️
What’s Going On?- Haiti opportunities to survive, create, produce during global Covid19 lockdown
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idSTyv49urk
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGbYHJcMbz8
A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Global Research, March 30, 2020
Open letter from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., to the President of the United States to restore the immune and economic health in short order for the American people.
A doctor’s suggested protocol to Trump for various groups of people facing the Coronavirus. Dr. Shiva says there is not a one size fits all in people biological needs to booster immune system…
Truth about big pharma, depopulation colonists- Anthonio Fauci
— NIH/Fauci KNEW ABOUT CHLOROQUINE- Fauci knew about chloroquine for corona in 2005
—National Institutes of Health (NIH), a U.S. government agency headed by Dr. Fauci, gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab that’s at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny
Suzanne Humphries on Vaccines
Suzanne Humphries on Vaccines
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial–“Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been found to be efficient on SARS-CoV-2, and reported to be efficient in Chinese COV-19 patients. We evaluate the role of hydroxychloroquine on respiratory viral loads.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32205204
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