Èzili Dantò on the Mistreatment of Women
The Sexual abuse and rape culture in the faux-liberal entertainment industry
Bartering Sex for Food; Jobs and Fame for sex
In Haiti, it’s an authority figure with a gun, a United Nations soldier, bartering food for sex.
In Hollywood, it’s a super-producer bartering fame, money, and jobs for sex.
It’s the same soul-destroying indignity for the victims.
Some would say one category just gets paid better and might be able to amass enough inner power and material luxuries, 30-year later, to speak up, name one name, when a crowd also speaks up.
Sexual abuse, exploitation and rape by the powerful against vulnerable children, women and men in Haiti is a terrible crime and scourge. It’s the norm since the charitable industrial complex arrived to bring the natives charity, and the United Nations multi-national forces landed to protect them in Haiti.
The enablers of sexual rape, assault and colonial plunder are beribboned philanthropists, crowned in status-quo respectability.
The Destroyers who plunder the starving are career diplomats, the veteran ministers, good-will ambassadors, “do-gooding” luminaries with access to money, power, and media.
The enablers are the white charitable industrial complex honchos and the governments of the 193 countries in the United Nations who turn a blind eye. Watch: Weaponized Charity: Haiti Child Trafficking Hub Exposed.
In the Hollywood entertainment and music industry, people know that there is a culture of impunity for sexual assault, and misconduct there that’s akin to the Clinton Foundation’s pay to play.
It’s “put out-to-play.” And this enforced prostitution in the entertainment industry is being highlighted by the Weinstein case.
From my perspective, this dis-empowerment of white women is not unlike the bartering system that high-profile international politicians and media enablers force upon sexually abused Haiti children and peoples through their racism, dismissive narratives, resource plunders and enabling colonialism.
Transactional Sex: Pay to Play
On October 5, 2017, New York Times broke the Harvey Weinstein story. Exposing nearly 30-years of vile mistreatment and objectifying women as sex objects. He traumatized women, sexually harassed them, rape them and offered them explicit work-for-sex deals.
At least three women told the New York Times they were raped by the Hollywood studio head and super producer.
Within days, more than 30 famous white actresses and women revealed, they too, were sexually assaulted or harassed by Weinstein. The list grows daily. But that’s not the end of it. Terry Crews, a former professional football player, and Black actor joined in to say it’s not just beautiful white women who are affected by the casting couch. Crews tweeted that the Harvey Weinstein allegations gave him PTSD.
Crews, a 240lbs very large Black male says he too was also once sexually assaulted by a high-level Hollywood executive. Read the details here – Terry Crews Recounts Sexual Assault By ‘Hollywood Honcho’.
Actress Kate Beckinsale says Weinstein’s behavior is the status quo in the business.
Beckinsale says the 81 Oscar-winning producer made unwanted sexual advances toward her at the Savoy Hotel in London when she was 17 years old:
“Let’s stop allowing our young women to be sexual cannon fodder, and let’s remember that Harvey is an emblem of a system that is sick, and that we have work to do.” — Kate Beckinsale, Hollywood Reporter, October 12, 2017
Describing Weinstein, The New Yorker, writes:
“His movies have earned more than three hundred Oscar nominations, and, at the annual awards ceremonies, he has been thanked more than almost anyone else in movie history, just after Steven Spielberg and right before God.”
Oh, how this Hollywood “God” and faux-liberal has fallen from his pedestal.
If the most famous and wealthy white women in the world were afraid to name names, identify and expose sexual harassment and rape for 30-years because the sexist media and corporate machinery and its lawyers would have crucified them, destroyed their careers, imagine how much worst the plight of materially poor Haiti women, children and the Èzili Network defending Haiti, headed by a resource-less Black woman without any status quo support?
Sex-for-jobs and Advancement: The Norm
Hollywood and corporate America have a history of protecting the Roman Polanskis and Woody Allens. Mia Farrow was left in the Hollywood cold, remember? When the Bill Cosby sexual allegations hit the media and white women kept coming forward, I wondered when the owners of Hollywood would similarly be put on blast for the culture of sexism, rape and sexual abuse known as “the casting couch?”
The jobs-for-sex and advancement culture is no secret.
I know what I am talking about. Not only in terms of the faux liberals in the humanitarian industry, but in the media and Hollywood’s Lalaland.
I spent my early career doing entertainment law. I was at Nell’s nightclub with a music client that infamous night in New York that helped falsely nail rap legend, Tupac Shakur, for “groping.” I saw with my own eyes the whoring and procuring happening in the entertainment industry.
After I left the entertainment industry because of the rank misogyny, I met it in Haiti, at the National Palace and through defending the human and economic rights of vulnerable Haitians, especially the children.
Powerless women, minors and other vulnerable communities who speak out against the powerful, as well as, the well-heeled sexual predators are ostracized, ignored, marginalized and unable to make a living. I know this from experience and have many stories to tell.
At the Èzili Network, we currently have a Haiti Petition to say no to the sexual abuse, rape and forced pregnancy of vulnerable Haiti women and children by the powerful United Nations’ troops and its civilian employees. The petition builds awareness about how sex is a colonial tool for mind control, soul destruction, psychological domination, lists solutions and corrects the United Nations self-serving narrative about its aid workers in Haiti. (Sign the petition here.)
It’s tough and painful to persevere for thirty years in a culture where materialism, making money and getting approved by powerful perverts and icons of depravity, is the norm. I understand why so many women felt too intimidated to expose Harvey Weinstein. His behavior, as Kate Beckinsale says, is the status quo.
Sign Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment
Please sign to say NO to United Nations aid worker and troops rape, sexual abuse of Haiti children, women and men. Say no you don’t want your tax dollars supporting sexual predators. No more pedophiles and rapists in Haiti. Sign the petition to demand justice for the Haiti victims of UN and aid worker sexual abuse. Protect the children.
Help stop United Nations sex trafficking, exploitation, abuse and pedophilia
SUMMARY: This petition demands relief and justice for the Haiti victims of UN rape, pedophilia, sexual exploitation and abuse, forced pregnancy, sex slavery and the forced prostitution of minors. Read the Petition in Kreyòl: Petisyon Kont Kadejak ak Lòt Krim Seksyèl Nasyonzini Fè An Ayiti)
Video interviews: Rape of Haiti Children By UN soldiers Vastly Understated ; Èzili Dantò on The Stream: Sexually abused by aid workers Part I and Part II.
By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of National Groups; and, UN rape, pedophilia, enforced prostitution in Haiti
Frankly, we work to crush the entire wretched system being held up by the silence and fear of so many powerful and “respected” people.
As Beckinsale says, this is the norm in Hollywood. “Harvey is an emblem of a system that is sick.” What this tells us is that there are tons more Harvey Weinsteins out there and tons more silent victims and accomplices buried deep within the wretched propaganda machine that Hollywood is.
I’ve often pointed out how the United Nations and media reports also vastly understate the numbers of UN and charity worker sexual abuse of Haiti women, men, boys, and girls.
In contrast to the promise of fame and wealth in the entertainment industry, for Haitians, the bartering system is for basic food, shelter, and shoes which Haiti could provide for its people if imperialism and white supremacy didn’t strip it of every resource and positive narrative. Watch the video here.
At the Èzili Network, our community is awoke to the truth that the pop culture Hollywood and the entertainment industry manufactures is mostly a PR mill, a myth, a distraction for the Deep State injustices the planet is kept from understanding. We are awaiting for Pedogate – the use and abuse of vulnerable children in the U.S. by Hollywood moguls, by corporate barons, by Washington politicians – both gay/straight, Democrat/Republican, priests/pastors/atheist and by elected officials and law enforcement authorities at the highest of levels – to get some traction; to get exposed by the same high profile personalities currently denouncing Harvey Weinstein. (See, Pedophilia in Hollywood: An Open Secret.)
Jewish propagandists like Weinstein in Hollywood, work hand-in-hand with the Deep State to glorify a narrative for war, the CIA honey baits, regime changes, MK-Ultra sex for mind control espionage, resource plunders and the warmongering across the planet. Its side consequences are global human trafficking, the destruction of the rule of law and the proliferation of the child sex trade.
It’s decades since the nineties and I frankly can’t wait for these Clinton-Weinstein-Paul Farmer liberals and their white savior charitable industrial complex faux-progressives in Haiti to drop from public grace too! It won’t be too soon. The depravity is hurting our collective soul, even when it’s un-articulated. (See, Paul Farmer is not a God but the face of the UN/USAID/World Bank and, Trans-Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien, An MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor Whistleblower’s True Story.)
Hollywood’s culture resembles the UN-US-EU colonial culture
Bullying, Rape, Corruption, Immunity, and Impunity of the Powerful
As an international human rights lawyer who has spoken out, I can testify how we have no echo chambers that can compete with the Hollywood propaganda, the use of its useful and “beautiful” celebrity idiots and the sell-out mainstream media. (See, American Celebrities Useful Idiots Haiti Part 2 )
There’s little public validation about the powerful rapists and exploiters of vulnerable people in Haiti, just some intermittent and cursory acknowledgment, narcissistic self-congratulations and empty promises. (See, Haiti Targeted by Economic Hitmen & UN Front for Deep State Enrichment ) All you have to do is to pick up a current article from the New York Times, Reuters or Associated Press about the October 15, 2017 departure of the so-called “peacekeepers” and you’ll read, for instance, how the United Nations’ “stabilized” Haiti and did a good job essentially keeping the natives from tearing each other apart.
The journalists and the academics and racist experts the media always quote, like that Mark Schneider which the Associated Press routinely digs up, or Robert Maguire who is the Miami Herald’s go-to, status quo mouthpiece, won’t tell you that Haiti has never been at war, has less violence than many U.S. cities than the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Mexico, Jamaica; than most countries in the Western Hemisphere. Nor will they point out, without equivocation, that the UN mission in Haiti is a US-EU-NGO proxy occupation force – the new Tonton Makouts training a new partisan and militarized Haiti police force to secure U.S.-EU interests in the same manner as the old Haiti army.
They’ll not show how the United States built its largest embassy in the world there behind UN uniforms and its child sex trade, drug trade, fake elections and earthquake disaster capitalism. They’ll never mention the Haiti riches getting pillaged and the land appropriations which took place these nearly 14-years behind the United Nations’ shoot-to-kill proxy occupation. They won’t explain the big UN-MINUSTAH racket: how very poor soldiers from desperately poor nations, come to Haiti and get to make more monies on a Haiti tour to lift themselves out of poverty back home while the local Haiti police are making just a small fraction of the wages of the foreign soldiers. The corruption and frustrations this colonialism wreaks. (In Haiti, the UN mission paid a U.S. foreign police trainer $124,000 per year to play dominoes and around on the internet instead of training Haitian police as billed. Go here , here and Impunity for All, here. United Nation waste, here and United Nations greed and corruption.)
There are just too many powerful people, too many Exxonmobile/Goldman Sachs interests, big pharma Paul Farmer interests, and media mogul interests – some of them from Hollywood and today righteously denouncing the Harvey Weinstein sexual assaults to all and sundry – who benefit from the modern day forms of colonialism, human trafficking, sexism, resource plunders and slavery in this world.
The Fall Out: One Western God falls down from his perch
As I write this today, top Hollywood luminaries and political heavyweights are falling all over themselves to denounce the movie mogul, big Democratic donor and prolific fund-raiser for Democratic Party candidates, Harvey Weinstein, for his sexual assaults and harassment of vulnerable young women.
The Republican National Committee has put out a national call for Democrats to “return dirty Harvey Weinstein cash.”
The Obamas – whose eldest daughter, Malia, interned with The Weinstein Company last summer before heading to college – quickly released a statement on the allegations against Weinstein. The now infamous sexual predator was a major Hollywood campaign contributor to Obama’s campaigns.
The Obamas statement:
Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports of Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture, including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect, so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future.
Other high-profile celebrities who issued statements against Weinstein to distance themselves include Hillary Clinton, Dame Judi Dench, Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence and George Clooney. Hillary Clinton Breaks Silence On Harvey Weinstein Scandal: “Shocked And Appalled” (See, Barack and Michelle Obama are ‘disgusted‘ by Harvey Weinstein’s actions).
The Weinstein Company quickly fired its co-founder in response to the allegations against him. History will record their decades of silence and some feigning ignorance to what was an open secret.
The Useful Idiots: For Imperialism and Rape
But some Weinstein enablers are finding it hard to credibly extricate themselves from the Weinstein mud.
The brave and outspoken Weinstein victim, actress Rose McGowan, calls Donna Karan “a scum in a fancy dress” for defending the accused serial sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein and saying the victims are to blame. (Go here and here.)
I never could stand Donna Karan. Not since she and Sean Penn, that other useful Hollywood idiot hiding US occupation in Haiti with fake benevolence, came with the Clintons to Haiti to glorify the Caracol sweatshop job hoax; its import quota swapping fraud; the US’s 400 square miles of Haiti land grabbing; and, the Clintons and Obamas putting a sweatshop on a $3.2 trillion Haiti resource as the height of earthquake reconstruction and flagship relief. There was NO earthquake in Northern Haiti. The Clintons put a sweatshop and extraction infrastructure on a $3.2 trillion Haiti resource and environmental treasure and then brought Hollywood’s useful idiots to celebrate their sweatshop. (See, Caracol Bay, Haiti, “the most productive ecosystem in Haiti…needs protection,” not a Hollywood-sanctioned toxic industrial park built next to it – here and here.)
These soft power enablers to imperialism, human trafficking, narco-trafficking and sex crimes need to face certain consequences for their complicity in the subjugation of the vulnerable and most defenseless among us. Those who remain silent in the face of rape need to get it together pronto. Nix the rank hypocrisy and sanctimoniousness the world drowns in. (See, How the Harvey Weinstein scandal has become a nightmare for Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and Democrats rush to cut ties with Harvey Weinstein.)
The fall-out against the most powerful Hollywood film mogul has been long in coming. Let’s not stop there.
Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur Were Not Spared
There is a Pattern to Weinstein’s Immunity From Prosecution
Listen to one 2015 New York police audio released by The New Yorker, where the sick film mogul aggressively works on the mind of a very frightened young woman in a hotel room.
You’ll hear Filipina-Italian model, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, repeatedly say no she doesn’t want to come in. She doesn’t want Weinstein touching her. She tells him she feels uncomfortable. She tells him “yesterday was too much.” He tells her he’s well-known in the hotel, admits he touched her inappropriately and that he is “used” to groping women’s breasts without their permission. She tells him she doesn’t want to come inside his hotel room, time and time again. She wants to go back downstairs. The sick, low life bastard, used to getting what he wants without consequences, tells her “don’t embarrass me in the hotel. I am here all the time.” Weinstein presses Gutierrez hard to either place herself at his mercy in the hotel room and sit while he gets naked and takes a shower, or “never call me again.” Emphasizing his huge celebrity status, prestige, and power in the industry, he tells Gutierrez he’s a famous guy and “don’t ruin your friendship with me…” Even a first-year law student could reasonably argue the groping assault he admits to, the heavy bullying to coerce her into his room, the veiled threat to retaliate and even to the intent suggested with the order, “go to the bathroom.” For what?
As a lawyer, I am still wondering why the New York police and prosecutors made this courageous, but frightened young woman – who stood on her own inner strength and power to get this pervert on tape, go through that frightening experience and then did not charge Weinstein for the sexual misconduct. It’s just not right.
We can only push for the recent revelations to give the spineless New York prosecutors a spine and some level of accountability to respect women, the sanctity of their bodies.
For 30-years, Weinstein used his celebrity status and reputation to avoid the consequences of his actions. There is no statute of limitations for rape in New York. There’s a five-year limitation for sexual felonies, assaults and offenses. The Ambra Battilana Gutierrez case is still within the five-year statute of limitation provision.
You hear the pervert admit he touched Gutierrez inappropriately the day before. You listen to how he manipulates by making the victim feel she is hurting his “reputation” with the hotel by protesting his advances. By any standards that’s good evidence to start a case of fraud and sexual assault. I know for a fact the New York police and prosecutors have no qualms when charging young Black males, like Pac, on just the word of totally compromised accusers, no taped evidence in the perpetrators own voice.
Yet, Weinstein wasn’t charged. Remember too how California law enforcement ruined poor Michael Jackson’s life on their charges of sexual molestation of children?
Michael, who was innocent of pedophilia, was acquitted. But the sad truth is, white America generally thinks all Black males are criminals, all white males are innocent. Tupac was never convicted of rape but groping. He actually served 8-months in jail for a most vague charge of “groping” Ayanna Jackson, who I saw, with my own two eyes, consensually performing oral sex on him, in public, downstairs on the dance floor at Nell’s nightclub in New York, just four days before she accused him of rape in 1993. But don’t tell that to most journalists. Some still claim he was convicted of rape. They simply write untruths. Depend on racist assumptions and the colonial narrative to back them up.
Similarly, Michael Jackson was never forgiven for getting acquitted.
That one truly offends me to no end. Michael Jackson did not merit such unwarranted hate. He was a pure heart. Lots of people knew he did not molest children. Michael was really too good for this depraved world. Yes, he had self-esteem issues and destroyed his skin trying to erase the African features, trying to be more white in a racist world where he craved status-quo approval. But Michael Jackson loved the innocence in children. He would not have taken it away.
The industry destroyed him because they couldn’t control his fame and power. Wanted his art without having to pay the market price for it. But rich white males like Weinstein, with serial sexual felony and misconduct allegations, get a free pass. The law enforcement authorities dismiss victims, like Gutierrez, who are brave enough to go to the police immediately.
Now that these famous white actresses are coming forward, think about what was happening in Hollywood in the time when Michael and Tupac were getting smeared and crucified? Michael Jackson was, after all merely a Black man who had gotten too famous for them to exploit and control without consequences. He was a disturbed former child superstar, but he was innocent of pedophilia and got acquitted, notwithstanding the continued smearing and media and music industry prosecutions. I think the world will see this more clearly only when the owners of the entertainment industry, the rich white Hollywood and music industry pedophiles – both heterosexual and homosexuals – are finally outed.
Most people will only see this when white male luminaries, perhaps such as Elton John and his co-horts, who host one of the highest-profile annual Oscar parties during the Academy Awards, finally man up and start talking. That time we are awaiting.
For now we can only encourage more folks to speak truth to power. And, a growing list of famous white women are finally starting to name names, including Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rosanna Arquette, Kate Beckinsale and others who admit they were sexually harassed by Weinstein when they were very young aspiring actresses. I think Rose Cowan is a badass survivor. I’ve seen powerful men steal a woman’s fight too often. May Cowan always keep her fight. I like her and Kate Beckinsale’s statements the most because they’re the first I’ve heard say Weinstein is not the only such serial rapist and predator in Hollywood.
Other victims, like Italian film actress and director, Asia Argento, told the The New Yorker that Harvery Weinstein raped her. She too was smeared and ostracized.
One TV reporter said Weinstein lured her to a private corner in a restaurant, masturbated in front of her and forced her to be silent and watch him.
The allegations detail how the powerful predator used his high level Hollywood contacts, access, credibility and wealth to suppress his disgusting deviancy from public view with a slew of sexual abuse settlements, nondisclosure agreements, monetary payoffs, and legal threats. (See, Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades.)
Actress Rose Cowan said Weinstein raped her and then she was ostracized in the industry. She faced a smear campaign calling her a slut and a gold digger. She says she was humiliated and initially forced to remain silent because the Miramax founder was a big movie executive who purchased her ex-boyfriend’s movie.
A pattern emerges.
The reports I’ve reviewed show how Weinstein used his employees and others in the industry, dependent on him for work, to facilitate liaisons. He was able to get away with his abuses because the culture of impunity and silence of other powerful men, women and businesses, covered up his deviancy. The staff at the luxury hotels? Perhaps distraught victims complained to the hotel management? If they didn’t call the police, are they part of the networks of accomplices facilitating moguls luring vulnerable women on the pretext of considering them for movie roles? Also, the talent agencies that set up the appointments essentially procured the women for him.
If there’s a Weinstein criminal prosecution, I hope the case won’t be swept under the rug in the slap-on-the-wrist-manner of financier and convicted pedophile, Jeffrey “the Lolita Express” Epstein.
Stop the Humanitarians
Privately a Sexual Predator, Publicly A Champion of Women
In public, Weinstein presented himself as a champion of women. He won tons of humanitarian awards. England nearly made him “Sir Weinstein” for his many Shakespearean-themed movies.
If you just look through YouTube, you’ll see how the very same movie insiders who presented these awards and made the glowing speeches apparently knew the dirty secrets of the sexual predator. But went along for the money, for the fame, for fear of getting whitelisted.
While Weinstein was using the exclusive Savoy Hotel in London or the Beverly Hills hotel in Hollywood as his hunting ground for assignations – regularly demanding sex from aspiring actresses, models and even raping some according to the allegations – his company was also distributing “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about campus sexual assault.
He hosted fundraisers for former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, the self-described champion of woman and children causes and Barack Obama. Both are the supposed lion and lioness of American progressiveness. Yeah, right.
In fact, the New York Times also reported, Weinstein helped endow a faculty chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. Steinem is the white feminist guru (and a former Playboy Bunny and CIA operative of course.) Apparently, Weinstein was also front in center, walking in a women empowerment parade during a Sundance Film Festival.
His profile as a humanitarian, like that of Bill Clinton and Paul Farmers – the UN Envoy and Deputy Envoy to Haiti, respectively, are long and often-repeated. The dirty realities, the hanging out with convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, not so much.
Either way, the corporate entity Weinstein and his ilk branded will simply change its name to escape the worst fallout. In our world, the corporate entity has more rights than human beings. It’s how white supremacy and patriarchy survives eternally. It constantly morphs under another banner – pours the same old toxic cocktail into a new bottle, a new skin so-to-speak. Then revs up its media, movies and obsequious celebrities to clothes itself again as the height of justice, progress and human achievement. Just as the modern-day colonial missionaries currently working under the “humanitarian,” “philanthropist,” or “UN peacekeeper” banners – the white savior charitable industrial complex money launderers – hide the same old Western neocolonialism, U.S. imperialism, bloody regime changes, fake elections, resource pillage and land appropriations in Haiti and Africa.
It’s In All the Disciplines
I hardly watch Hollywood movies. They’re infected with historical racism and white male colonizing white savior Avatar fantasies. They’re mostly white supremacist propaganda, oftentimes legitimizing Deep State manufactured consent for regime changes otherwise called “responsibility to protect,” or “humanitarian relief.” But its plain Western perpetual warmongering, glorifying imperialism, materialism, Neoliberal economics and disaster capitalism. The intelligence agencies guide and approve many of the big studio thrillers and the scripts that get produced. Sex is and always has been a tool for espionage and government control. The images launched on the Black community are mostly stereotypes, the promotion of gangster rap, the standard hyper-sexualizing of the Black female while feminizing Black males and other such Deep State COINTELPRO tools for Black community dis-empowerment which firmly took hold of Black entertainment narratives by the mid-nineties.
Lalaland is nought but a propaganda arm of the state in the manner of the mainstream media stories glorify a minority on the planet in the attempt to manipulate the world’s societies to accept subjugation.
FreeHaiti albums: The Global War Black Women and Girls, and The Global War Against Black Men.
“Sex buyers are rarely punished in the U.S. legal system. But the women prostituted are often punished. Core value changes are required. Jail the buyer and procurer/enablers. Protect the exploited victims. Particularly minors. They cannot legally give consent. Consent is also void with coercion and whenever the power differential is so great, it’s a betrayal of public trust for the authority figure to take advantage of his status, power and access. [i.e. A soldier who sexually harasses a Haitian he’s been paid to protect. A movie mogul who harasses young actresses for sex he got to come to his hotel room on the pretext of giving them roles in his movies.]”– Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti
The Hollywood public relations, movie-making complex, ignored the dirty reality of the work-for-sex deals that permeate their workers’ environment while pontificating about sexual abuse in college campuses or child sex trafficking and human trafficking in developing countries or within the drugged out and impoverished U.S. street scene.
The entertainment industry and Hollywood stakeholders, across the board – homosexual/heterosexual, Republican/Democrats – indulge in deviant workplace sexual exploitation of the younger and less powerful who are trying to make careers and a living in the entertainment field. The System’s glorification of profit over people (dignity, honor, decency, innocence), happens in all the disciplines and throughout corporate America.
At the top echelons there’s no difference between the conservative icons, media and cultural arbiters like Roger E. Ailes, Bill O’Reilly or the liberal one like Weinstein. None.
The Amnesia and Feigned Ignorance of the Shock, Appalled and Disgusted folks: Without Enablers Predators Would Not Flourish
This quid pro quo behavior is not exclusive to Hollywood’s dens of inequity. It’s the Deep State’s modus operandi.
Sex is a tool for control, power and whitemail.
Power uses it to exploit, to control, to dominate. It occurs in all walks of life, by all political persuasions – Christian/secular, conservatives icons ( Roger E. Ailes and Bill O’Reilly), liberals (Weinstein, Anthony Weiner), gay/straight, priests/pastors, film moguls, mining moguls and is often overlooked and brushed under the carpet. It is common knowledge, as many have come forward. There is a casting couch, and it’s not just for white women. Children and powerless men are also subjected to its indignity. It’s the transaction price the more vulnerable are expected to pay for getting their foot in the door, to get famous or simply to make a living. It’s enablers abound.
Consider, ‘Harvey Weinstein’s Media Enablers’? The New York Times Is One of Them. Consider the many ultra-famous entertainment icons, denouncing Weinstein, who are also good-will ambassadors for the wretched UN or getting funded by the United Nations’ NGO enablers turning a blind eye and enabling the rape of Haiti children.
If we want a people over profit world. A big reset is in order.
Speak out for the victims. Support the women who name their abusers and their supporters. Don’t watch the movies of rapists. Vote out, write to or otherwise get fired police chiefs and local prosecutors who don’t prosecute known serial sex predators because of their celebrity status. Sign Petition to Remove Harvey Weinstein From The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
For Haiti, sign our Haiti Petition-Say no to U.N. Troops and Aid Workers Raping Children
For other suggested actions to make loud and clear the message that the UN must GET OUT OF HAITI, and the US occupation must end, go to: What Can You Do and ask the policymakers three questions.
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Western hypocrisy and deep state manipulations run deep. Totally agree with you – the playboy bunny, CIA operative and human rights guru – doesn’t compute at all.
“..Either way, the corporate entity Weinstein and his ilk branded will simply change its name to escape the worst fallout. In our world, the corporate entity has more rights than human beings. It’s how white supremacy and patriarchy survives eternally. It constantly morphs under another banner – pours the same old toxic cocktail into a new bottle, a new skin so-to-speak. Then revs up its media, movies and obsequious celebrities to clothes itself again as the height of justice, progress and human achievement. Just as the modern-day colonial missionaries currently working under the “humanitarian,” “philanthropist,” or “UN peacekeeper” banners – the white savior charitable industrial complex money launderers – hide the same old Western neocolonialism, U.S. imperialism, bloody regime changes, fake elections, resource pillage and land appropriations in Haiti and Africa.” — Èzili at Black males get smeared and falsely prosecuted: Harvey Weinstein gets a 30-year cover up
Oct 15, 2017
British police are investigating three new allegations of sexual assault against film producer Weinstein – https://goo.gl/Xx7JCC
Weinstein ejected from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
French president moves to revoke Weinstein’s prestigious Legion of Honor award
A Full List of Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers – https://goo.gl/pLH71V
Hollywood’s long ugly history with sexual harassment “..In her memoir “Child Star,” actress Shirley Temple claimed that an MGM producer known to have an “adventuresome casting couch” unzipped his trousers and exposed himself to her during their first meeting in 1940. She was 12″
Groped for years
Judy Garland was pawed and propositioned for sex by studio bigwigs at MGM between the ages of 16 and 20, according to author Gerald Clarke, who wrote “Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland.” One of the most notorious harassers was allegedly Louis B. Mayer, the head of the studio. “Mayer would tell her what a wonderful singer she was, and he would say ‘you sing from the heart’ and then he would place his hand on her left breast,”— Hollywood’s long ugly history with sexual harassment https://goo.gl/uGC3io
Lupita Nyong’o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein – https://goo.gl/FDwd9U
and New York Times op ed by Lupita Nyong’o – https://goo.gl/hCiTi7
“I had shelved my experience with Harvey far in the recesses of my mind, joining in the conspiracy of silence that has allowed this predator to prowl for so many years. I had felt very much alone when these things happened, and I had blamed myself for a lot of it, quite like many of the other women who have shared their stories….”