Denounce and boycott Dominic Republic for making racism and civil genocide against Haiti-Dominicans, legal
Stop the colonial intimidation, denounce Venezuela $27 million in tourist project to take Haiti lands from poor and vulnerable Haitians (Kreyòl transcription of Jean Lamy Matulnes and Louis Jean Gardi from KOPI on 4 Je Kontre– February 26, 2014 interview, the day Matulnes was jailed without charge. English translation to come.) The Haitian government is […]
Ezili Dantò interviewed on Uhuru Radio by Africa Live host, Dedan Sakara, Feb. 4, 2014 Haiti : In a State of Permanent War and Cholera 4 years after the earthquake * Listento the counter-colonial narrative on Haiti. Learn the truth rarely, if ever, published by the international media. The international media, from the Left and […]
“The Dominican Republic Constitutional Court ruling to strip the nationality of Haitian descendants going back eight decades is legally absurd, blatantly racist and violates basic laws of fundamental fairness and human rights.” — Ezili Dantò of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ( “HLLN”) End Legal Apartheid in the Dominican Republic “The President of the Dominican […]
Ezili Dantò details legal responsibility of UN for Haiti cholera outbreak Cholera has, like other Haiti crisis, become a fund raising tools for foreign aid group to the detriment of Haitian health, justice, sovereignty and healing. Instead of immediately accepting responsibility, the UN has covered up the source of the outbreak and denied having legal […]
Video report on Haiti Riches, Zili Dlo solar project and the works of Ezili Dantò/HLLN Ezili’s HLLN tells the non-colonial narrative on Haiti and promotes self-sufficiency not NGO dependency. Zili Dlo is an HLLN project for clean water, renewable power, cultural education and skills transfer for Haiti HLLN’s Zili Dlo is a Haiti-led, Haiti-capacity building […]
by Èzili Dantò of HLLN “The slave-raids of today…white invaders and aggressors are joined by treacherous African petty bourgeoisie parasites, such as Obama, Kagame, Museveni, Kabila and others whose main demands have been integration into the command and leadership of the white capitalist parasitic political economy.” – Down with Kagame, Museveni and Kabila! The imperialist […]
Felipe Luciano/WBAI interviews Ezili Dantò of HLLN on Haiti, three years after the earthquake. Broadcast on Jan 11, 2012 It is an exercise in futility to go to the perpetrators and executioners of human rights crimes in Haiti in hopes of getting justice for our people.–Ezili Dantò of HLLN, Haiti: Jan 1, 2013: Another Independence […]
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