HLLN Open Letter Regarding the Sept 15th U.S. Congressional letter addressed to the Haiti Senate urging it to Clear the Path for Another Round of Mock Elections in Haiti
The white man gives the Afrikan one choice: serve Euro interests or die! Desalin Haiti responded, “we shall not integrate with injustice. Our rallying cry, in contrast to the white man’s ‘assimilate or die,’ is: Libète ou lanmò–Liberty or death!” Bwa Kayiman 2014 photo album Photos 1”41 Photo credit: Frantz Photos 1”15 Photo credit: Dahoud […]
The Afrikans fought back- A Bwa Kayiman resistance to white genocide FreeHaitiMovement posting Black August, Black resistance, Black self-defense, Robert F. Williams, Negroes with Guns. John Horse, Black Seminoles, Gullah Wars, Largest Afrikan Revolt in U.S. History and the untold stories for Black freedom in the United States, in Haiti and with Gaspar Yanga, […]
HLLN/Lakou New York/Radyo VKM Updates – Dosye Ilavach – April 16, 2014 “Ayisyen, tande vwa rezistans moun Ilavach yo ki djanm anpil” — Dahoud Andre/Manno Louizaire, Lakou New York “We will fight to the end to keep our lands at Ile a Vache.” “Lamothe, Martelly and Haiti tourism minister, Stephanie Villedrouin will steal this land […]
Why is Cuba, Venezuela, the African Union, Latin America and the CARICOM nations turning a blind eye to the US occupation of Haiti, even participating in the pillage and plunder? Is this what Venezuelan president Maduro calls ‘supporting revolution?’… Tourism, an export economy, sweatshops and privatization of pubic assets are not development for Haiti, Africa, […]
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