Èzili Dantó interview (download) – The Quiet Genocide in Haiti” on Africa Live with Dedan Sakara, Oct. 12, 2014
On the Africa live website, the Èzili Dantò interview starts at 40:38 into broadcast.
The UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti is America’s AFRICOM in the Western HemisphereÈzili Dantó interview (download) – The Quiet Genocide in Haiti” on Diaspora Music with Norman Otis Richmond, Uhuru Radio Oct. 26, 2014, starts at 31:25 into the show. *** |
On October 4, 2014 the day of Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier’s death, US-installed, pro-Duvalier President Michel Martelly said, in a tweet, disrespecting the memory and dignity of the tens of thousands of Duvalier regime victims, whose deaths until now have never been officially recognized by the country that the nation mourns the death of Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier” who was an “authentic child of the country”.
In response to Martelly’s incorrect characterization of a man most Haitians see as a murderer and tyrant, Haitian pro-democracy advocates around the world and in Haiti, in letters, petitions, radio and social media denounced the idea that the Martelly-Lamothe regime would further insult the victims of the Duvalier regimes with an official state funeral. The post below by Gérald Bloncourt andEzili Dantò are examples of the denunciations of the Martelly regime and the return to dictatorship in Haiti while the human rights industry remains fairly mute. In his post, the veteran democracy advocate Gérald Bloncourt urges Haitians students to stand up against such a disrespect and travesty of justice if Martelly-Lamothe should further glorify the brutal dictator with a state funeral. The Martelly-Lamothe regime eventually backed down from holding a state funeral for a man charged with crimes against humanity and known worldwide as a dictator who never was elected to office. However, the terrorist Duvalier regime continues to wage war against the masses in their attempt to arrest the symbol of Baby Doc Duvalier downfall in 1986, Jean Bertrand Aristide.
Haiti oligarchy raise price on gas to show displeasure that Duvalier not getting State funeral, Oct 10, 2014
Are the Duvalierists’ trying to invade Aristide’s house for France/US/Canada and their UN private military and security companies to also do a Laurent Gbagbo travesty in Haiti? The Haiti oligarchs have raised gas prices to indicate their solidarity with the Duvalierist against the masses, at a time when worldwide gas prices are lower than usual. The UN mission and human rights industry see no evil in this whatsoever. The UN and the Haiti trained private military and security contractors have replaced and re-imaged the old bloody Haitian army, act against the people not the corrupt Haiti oligarchy.– Èzili Dantò, human rights attorney, HLLN
Haiti Demands Justice For Victims of Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier
En 2007, j”étais invité par l”Université d”Haiti aux évènements qui rendaient hommage à Jacques Roumain.
Je vous ai rencontré. Nous avons beaucoup parlé, discuté. Quelques-uns d”entre vous me demandaient que faire ? devant l”incurie des gouvernants de l”époque.
Je répondais, instruisez-vous, cultivez-vous, organisez-vous, patience ”
Aujourd”hui 6 Octobre 2014 je vous demande de vous insurger contre les décisions de Martelly actuellement et provisoirement« président d’Haiti, qui veut rendre hommage à l”ex-dictateur Duvalier.
Il n”est pas question que cet assassin, poursuivi pour Crimes contre l’Humanité, soit honoré par les autorités de notre pays.
Je vous demande d’avoir le courage de vos ainés de 1946 qui au cours des Cinq Glorieuses ont mis à bas un pouvoir autoritaire et contraire aux intér êts de la nation.
Debout, jeunesse haïtienne. Joignez-vous au peuple, aux opposants, à tous les démocrates, à tous les patriotes et imposez le respect dû aux milliers de victimes, vilement torturées, liquidées dans les geôles de Fort-Dimanche et dans toutes les prisons du territoire.
Insurgez-vous contre ce pouvoir qui bafoue la mémoire des Jacques Stephen Alexis, Marc Romulus, et de tant d’autres patriotes !
Ne demeurez plus dans l’ombre ! Agissez !
Dommage qu’avec mes 88 ans je ne puisse être parmi vous !
Debout jeunesse étudiante !
Vive Haïti, Libre et Démocratique !
Gérald Bloncourt
6 octobre 2014
[email protected]
Recommended Links on Baby Doc Duvalier
dies at 63, Justice for the dictator’s victims:
Bloncourt, RTVC, Une Personalité dit tout, 87 years old during this interview on the 1946 Haiti revolutionBloncourt speaks about the 1946 anti-racism, anti-imperialism Haiti struggle the US/France destroyed Haiti to stop from gaining ground *** *** “It was a coup, I participated. I went to Washington. I went to the meetings.”– Richard Morse UN acts against the people not the Haiti oligarchy *** |
– Sign Petition to demanding Martelly-Lamothe respect Haiti Justice For Victims of Baby Doc Duvalier- Gérald BLONCOURT
– Respectez la mémoire et la dignité du peuple haïtien – Obama’s change in Haiti: the Return of Dictator, Jean Claude Duvalier
– Sympathie aux victimes des régimes dictatoriaux duvaliéristes
–Haitians Reject State Funeral for Baby Doc, Telesur, 7 Oct. 2014
– Haiti-Duvalier : Funérailles le 11 octobre – Ni officielles, ni nationales, Altepress, 8 Oct. 2014
– Jean-Claude Duvalier Is Dead, But He Will Haunt Haiti for Years to Come
– No state funeral for ”Baby Doc” Duvalier
-Partial List of Duvalier regimes’ victims
–Reflections on the Death of an Unpunished Dictator
–Open Letter From Haiti Human Right Activists to US Congress:
No to Sham Elections and US Occupation
– Ezili interview on Duvalier death and quiet genocide in Haiti
– Bill Clinton has more power in Haiti than Haiti’s president: The Holocaust Continues
–The Top 10 Ways Canada Aided the 2004 Coup and its Reign of Terror
Human rights industry is MUTE on the current Duvalierist dictatorship in power with US-Obama support, go to – human right attorney Ezili Dantò’s To-Tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum, 2014
The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded, From FDR to Obama -The United Nations, a criminal organization- From Lumumba to Aristide
M pap jete dlo
M pap limen balèn
M pap pote dèy
M pap ede-leve sèkèy
Se pa Ayiti ki peri
Se yon diktatè ki mouri
Pou jan moun sa yo gen relasyon
Pou jan moun sa yo gen koneksyon,
epi pat gon Kè sere anrezèv nan frizè-manto-tolalito
al nan peyi-sanchapo
ak yon eritaj krazezo
menm jan ak tout bouwo
yo met chita dèyè yon biwo.
M pap jete dlo
M pap limen balèn
M pa pral nan vèy
M pap pot dèy
Ni m pap-ede leve-sèkèy.
FrannzLwi2014 ©Koleksyon Mawon
foto kredi/Facebook
The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded, From FDR to Obama
-The United Nations, a criminal organization- From Lumumba to Aristide
To schedule an Èzili Dantò/HLLN “To-Tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum” at your University or community function, write to [email protected]

The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded from FDR to Obama
-The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide
Ezili Dantò Note:
Without question Baby Doc Duvalier should have died in prison and some measure of justice accorded his thousands upon thousands of victims. However, this Human Rights Watch video epitomizes the indecency and hypocrisy of the Western human rights industry The traditional racist and intellectual dishonesty of the white supremacists that’s blind to the current Duvalierists in power preventing justice from getting done. The human rights industry works for and is financed by the creators and supporters of dictatorship and terrorists across the globe but have the gall to denounce only the dictators but NOT their US-Western/USAID/CIA government funders, creators and supporters who cuddled Duvalier, provided him with diplomatic visa to return to Haiti, laid the ground for his comfort in Haiti and for the privatized UN guns to escort him from the airport to the elite fortresses in Petioville. (Obama’s change in Haiti: the Return of Dictator, Jean Claude Duvalier.)
As this Ezili interview on Duvalier’s death and the quiet genocide in Haiti explains, Human Right Watch, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders and the rest, make their careers off the fake human rights industry that fuels and prolongs Haiti sufferings with their colonial narrative directed at the “other” as criminal instead of the governments of France, Canada, US and the UNSC in Haiti right now, with the privatized UN colonial guns who helped take down Haiti’s democratically elected government and put back Duvalierism with fake Clinton/Obama elections of their newest Martelly-Lamothe puppets.
The legacy of impunity, the impunity of the wealthy continues in Haiti and elsewhere on the planet because the human rights industry is paid to not attack the hand that feeds them, but to promote the “do-gooder” narrative of the Western psychopaths orchestrating genocide and wars for empire and their corporatocracy. (See, Ezili Dantò’s To-Tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum, 2014- Human rights attorney, Ezili Dantò illustrates The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from FDR to Obama and how the United Nations is a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide;Ezili interview on Duvalier death and quiet genocide in Haiti and Obama’s change in Haiti: the Return of Dictator, Jean Claude Duvalier.)
US armed the Tonton Macoutes
Where is the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders, et al… denunciation of US support of dictatorship in Haiti? Their denunciation of US-Euro-UNSC support of the new Tonton Macoutes terrorism in power in Haiti today?
The US-Hillary-Clinton selected president (Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly) under mock elections. Where is the human rights industry’s activism as Duvalierist fascists rule Haiti by decree today, under US occupation behind UN privatized guns?
Where is the laughable human rights industry’s fake concern for Haiti rights as the UN brings in deadly cholera? Or, are they just too busy tapping into the Blacks-are-Innately-criminal narrative to see that the US put the Duvalierists back into office because the Duvalierists would not bring Baby Doc Duvalier and his Guy Philippe/Louis Jodel Chamblain cohorts to trial or provide their victims with justice. Not against the US/France protégé by the name of Jean Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier. – Where was the human rights industrial complex denunciation of US arming the Haiti leopards/Tonton Macoutes paramilitaries under Duvalier, the father and the son? And today their militarizing Haiti police to commit the same Duvalierist brutalities against peaceful civilian protest and civilian assembly agitating against the current US occupation behind privatized UN guns and PMSCs? (See US armed the Tonton Macoutes and 2014- US terrorism in Haiti, US Crowds Next http://bit.ly/1jCss5x )
Human rights attorney, Ezili Dantò discusses “The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded, from FDR to Obama -The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide.

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide

Quiet Genocide: Ethnic Cleansing with UN privatized troops
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