#FreeHaiti #FreeHaitiMovement
❤️?❤️ Ézili Dantò’s Note:❤️?❤️
Annual Virtual Global Maafa Commemoration
The International Coalition to Commemorate the African Ancestors of the Middle Passage (ICAAMP) Annual Virtual Global MAAFA Commemoration with libations and Prayers for African Ancestors June 12, 2021.
This is an excerpt from a 7-hour video broadcast. It’s a monumentally important and wonderful annual program of pouring libation globally for those we lost in the MAAFA and those who survive. It takes place globally the second week of every June and is spiritually critical to lifting up our sacred energies and telling our own stories for ourselves. Check the @ADACI Ancestors link on Youtube and the Remember The Ancestors on Facebook to watch the complete ICAAMP Annual Commemoration event. (Watch entire program at- ICAAMP Annual Commemoration )
The panel discussion that comes after my presentation (1:20:21) is indeed groundbreaking for our collective history. They gave their lives for our collective liberation and survived the horribly inhumane U.S. gulags to tell their story. I am simply humbled to be in the presence of these former Panthers and MOVE family warriors. I am so very proud and inspired by Sister Wanda Sabir and the organizers who are so committed, so powerful, intelligent and courageous enough to invite these former political prisoners who spent between 40 to 50years in U.S. jails for crimes they did not commit and because they stood for the truth which provided the small Civil Rights freedoms so many educated Blacks – living in U.S. simply take granted, some living the suburban amnesia life, forgetting all about our political prisoners.
Please listen to these two women, two men – Sister Pam Africa and Sister Janet Africa and Brother Jihad Abdulmumit and Brother Jalil Muntaqim. They’ve paid in blood, gave their life for the Black liberation struggle and thus covered themselves in glory, deserving our utmost respect and eternal admiration. Their stories and the lessons these stories provide are critical to propelling this Black Liberation struggle to completion. White Terror is always predictable. Learn once people.
In addition, this inspiring ICAAMP/ADACI Ancestors’ program offers lots of cultural treats, an insightful youth panel and tons of historical revelations. I especially liked seeing the Merikens of Trinidad. The Merikens are U.S. Blacks who fought, on the side Great Britain, during the American Revolutionary War so they could be free, not because they cared about either of these slave holding and making white nations.. Lots of our history there. I am still catching up on all the hours of offerings. Hope you watch some of this with your family and friends and share the links widely.
Thank you again Sister Wanda Sabir, Eurica Huggins, ICAAMP/ADACI ANCESTORS, all the organizers, panelists, participants and viewers who worked together on this beautiful and critical undertaking. Ancestral Honor and Respect,
Èzili Dantò of HLLN/#FreeHaiti, June 12, 2021 ❤️?❤️

Annual Virtual Global Maafa Commemoration
#Remember #Honor #Heal #FreeHaiti #FreeHaitiMovement
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