If this is a win for the Haitian people, then I would rather lose
(Editors Note: In an MSNBC interview about the U.S. manufactured consent at the U.N. to bring in another foreign force to protect US-EU imperialism and their apartheid run by the white Syrian-Lebanese billionaire oligarchs of Hayti, who oversee U.S. plunders, Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) opined that this “is a win for the Haitian people.” As usual, most of the media PR is that U.S. brings justice, order and protection for Black lives! This post is a response to from a long-time Hayti freedom fighter. (See also, The United States Has Its Fingerprints All Over the Chaos in Haiti and Èzili Dantò threads on Twitter, IG, Tiktok.)

If this is a win for the Haitian people, then I would rather lose by Renkcul Sayab
Most authentic Haitians are mourning the placement (again) of Haiti under Chapter 7 by the United Nations. They are exasperated at the frequent interventions of foreigners in the internal affairs of their country. They are exasperated at the fomentation of events by others [independently of themselves] to be used as material justification for those interventions. They are exasperated at being voiceless in the running of the affairs of their country. They are exasperated at the imperialist countries (former adversaries) choosing, imposing and supporting corrupt puppet governments in their country. They are exasperated at being cast into eternal misery and treated like children.
Say that you have your home and someone breaks the front door.
Muscles himself in. Takes the family coffers. Disarm you and imposes restrictions upon you from getting ammunition to defend yourself. Takes over the family budget and decide to put you on perennial welfare assistance. Purposely choses the most delinquent (or deranged) member of the household and place him at the helm to misguide the destiny of the family, and periodically comes back to administer whippings to everyone in the house for the troubles purportedly caused by his bad choice for you. Then, how can you be happy?
How can you rejoice at him coming back every time with the big stick “to restore order” in situations that he himself creates by design?
Do you like to be yelled at? Do you like to be screamed at? Do you like to be whipped periodically?
Where is your dignity? Are you an adult or a child? Are you a freeman or a slave? How can you have a bad conscience? Did you choose that deranged member of the family as leader?
Perhaps the problem is with your lack of consciousness or awareness. How can you let yourself be sidetracked by the same fallacious pretext that he uses historically all the time (fomented insecurity) to intervene in your internal affairs and not see the big picture? Are you an avatar of stupidity to fall for the same ruse all the time?
Haitians have long said they can take care of their own house, their own security, like everyone else if they were not deprived of ammunition. Why didn’t you argue for that point on their behalf? Why insist that the job must be done by others? (Haiti Doesn’t Need More Guns. It Needs a New Government)
Do you know why Haiti was disarmed? Do you know that a Haitian Colonel from the North Side (Calixte) was about to lead a battalion to Dajabon in 1937 to avenge the Parsley massacre but he received orders from the Haitian president (Vincent) to walk back? What situation do you find yourself in if the person that disarms you then turns around to arm your antagonistic and hateful neighbor to the teeth? Does he not put you in an inferior position to your neighbor who can then threatens you by force anytime that he wants?
I know that some folks who want to represent Haitians are not familiar with Haiti and with its culture.
However, for the sake of the dignity of your parents, Sheila McCormick, please have some respect for their country of origin.
A fundamental element that is found in all cultures is the respect for the elderly. And that leads to a pecking order in societal arrangement. Haiti is a very old Nation (1804), the nation that laid out the groundwork for the freedom, the restitution of blacks as human beings (Until Haiti spoke!), the emancipation of the Black race (no one thought that Blacks could have organized a truly independent country) in the formation of countries like Kenya (1963), Bahamas (1973), Antigua and Barbuda (1981) and in the promulgation of the US Civil Rights Act (1964)…etc. leading to the emergence of some Black men and women at occupying highly visible positions. The role given to those nations to police Haiti is humiliating and degrading to a country that used to stand up not only for the Black race but also for other nations that face aggressions by others.
It is rather Haiti that should be in the position of Grand Marshal of Liberty to keep those countries in check and not the other way around. Would you let your children whip your grandma? Of course not. Each time a foreign military intervention occurs in Haiti, it takes a bite away from the sovereignty and the dignity of the Haitian people. It reduces them to children. Brief, it reminds them of slavery.
Haiti is the aureole of the Black world and should be a world heritage site; a place venerated and respected by Jamaica, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Kenya, Black America, Afro-Venezuela, Afro-Brazil, Ghana, Gabon – all, countries of Africa and with populations of African origin.
Anyone who rejoices in the placement of Haiti again under Chapter 7 by the United Nations is a naive soul who does not see beyond the tip of his (her) nose or does not understand anything in this world. Celebrating this flagrant slapping of Haiti is hurtful to many die-hard Haitian compatriots. It is frankly ugly, offends many.
How can you be happy when they pin your parents to the ground and then outsource to their own nieces and nephews the ignoble job of whipping them? Where is the win for your parents? That is insane!
Renkcul Sayab
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