Summary: Jovenel Moise was a ballot box dictator imposed on Haiti like Michel Martelly and the Duvaliers. Èzili Dantò examines the Western barbarians, and the role Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela may have inadvertently or purposely played to hasten the assassination of Haiti’s defacto ruler, Jovenel Moise. On July 7, 2021, Moise’s illegal stolen term in office ended, like the lives of the masses of poor Haitians whom he had killed, in a hail of gunfire. Or, was it a hail of surgical microchip removal, high-tech torture, and stabbing machete cuts? No matter, fate granted Jovenel Moise’s wish. He avoided living his most dreaded fear– he did not end up in a Florida prison like convicted narco-traffickers, Manuel Antonio Noriega or Guy Philippe.

(See HLLN /FreeHaiti photo album on Moise assassination)

“For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony? To the destroyers, aspiring to extinguish us, reveling in their own fantastic success? The last imbecile to dream such dreams is dead, killed by the saviors of his dreams.” –Ayi Kwei Armah, Two Thousand Season
Western Barbarians, Balance of Power Games and the Role of Russia, Turkey, Venezuela in Haiti – The Coup D’etat/Assassination of a War Criminal: Who Benefits?
This is not exhaustive people. I cannot put every detail of the Haiti holocaust out in one post. You know, I’ve already identified a sampling of the crooked cabal of local oligarchs, overseers, and politicians, who have the means and possible motive to assassinate the puppet president, Jovenel Moise. (See, here, here, here, and at photos and video on Instagram @zilidanto here, and at the FreeHaitiMovement album, here.)
My first public statement to the news of the “coup d’etat” against Jovenel Moise, and the immediate Helen La Lime anointing of his fired Prime Minister, Claude Joseph, to succeed their puppet as “acting president,” was simple:
“The terrible powers who imposed Jovenel Moise into power took him out. Yet, these same deep state criminals are replacing the assassinated defacto president turned dictator with new puppets.” – Èzili Dantò of HLLN/ #FreeHaiti, July 7, 2021 (See, Why Are The Colonial Powers & Their Agents Complicit in Jovenel Moise’s Assassination?)
Haitians know there are two white women running Haiti for the global profit-over-people oligarchs. Their names are Michele Sison, the U.S. Ambassador, and Helen La Lime, the UN mission head in Haiti. They work with a confederated Core Group of former enslaving nations, called the “Core Group.” The Core Group of butchers in Haiti still preside over the holocaust in Haiti. The assassination/coup d’etat of Jovenel Moise has not altered that fact.
In fact, it’s given these legalized war criminals a pretext to discuss bringing more of their own, more U.S. military interventions into Haiti to try, and finish off the depopulation, and quiet genocide against Haiti altogether. (See, Prime Minister Claude Joseph Suspected as the Mastermind behind the assassination of Haitian President--Calvin Hughes @CalvinWPLG.)
In the early morning of July 7, 2021, a group of Columbians, accompanied by two Haitian-Americans, drove up to the presidential residence, yelled “this is a DEA operation.” Urged the outside guards to drop their guns. The presidential guards all dropped their guns. Not one presidential security personnel was hurt. Only the president, and his wife. This is the first assassination of a Haitian president since 1915.
The two Haitian-American suspects are from Florida. They claim they were there only as translators. The team was supposed to serve a 2019 arrest warrant on Jovenel Moise – take him into custody. A third Haitian, also from Florida, identified as Christian Emmanuel Sanon was supposedly going to be sworn in as president after Jovenel was arrested. Initially, it was reported that the suspects told authorities that when they got inside the presidential home, they found the president already dead in his bedroom, his wife wounded, and their two children hiding. It’s reported that once the brass at the Haiti police force got the news about the Columbians hit, the chase was on for them, some hid in bushes. Some died in a firefight with local police later that afternoon. Most were in custody within 24 hours of the hit. The Columbians say they were set up. They are the fall guys for an inside job. They claim they were brought in to cover up the deed of some unknown powers. (See Video: Haitian President assassinated by gunmen disguised as US DEA agents).
The whole story is suspect. Why? Because Leon Charles, the Chief of Police and his entire Haiti police force are suddenly so efficient. You see, in the days before the assassination, every news about Haiti blared the spectacle of an overwhelmed Haiti police force – unable to stop mere, starving street gangs from terrorizing the population. The police were so overwhelmed, that not too long ago, Police Chief Leon Charles, hired Columbian “law enforcement” to travel to Haiti to help Haiti police evict, the Ti-Makak gang, who are affiliated with Izo at Village de Dieu, from the house of the wife of former president Rene Preval in Laboule. But in less than 24 hours, said same police force had miraculously arrested the militarily trained, heavily armed, Columbian assassins!? (See, The Haitian police: An institution in ruin and now under siege, June 15, 2021; 4 Police Die in Raid on Haiti Gang Stronghold and HLLN album on Moise assassination.)
Why didn’t we ever see this precision when Jovenel’s gangs were unleashed on the poor market-women of Haiti, burning them out of their homes, and market places?
We note the U.S. did not interfere. Did not immediately put the mercenaries on a plane, and set them free. As they did, back in 2019 when seven U.S., and Eastern European mercenaries were caught in Haiti with illegal embargoed weapons. The photo ops of parading arrested mercenaries, the TV carnival, news junket of Haiti arrests was spectacular theater! (See,Feb 2019 – Inside Story of U.S. Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti, and Deep State Black Operation Caught in Act! w/ Èzili Dantò – Part 1 ; and, Part 2 )
To us who do Haiti justice work everyday, the U.S. authorities seemed only concerned with wrapping up their new regime change transition with an FBI bow. ( I am still not getting how the FBI has jurisdiction in Haiti? )
The Biden administration immediately dispatched senior FBI, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agents to “assist” in investigating the assassination. The Columbians, as well as Interpol, also sent an investigating team.
One question we Haitians have is why did we never see such white establishment interests in the deaths, and massacres at LaSaline, Belair, Site Solèy, Gran Ravine, and other poor, densely populated neighborhoods? Or, in the deaths of thousands of Haiti demonstrators, and community activists, brutalized, disappeared, kidnapped or shot in the head by foreign trained forces in Haiti, and their mercenaries who were used to keep, first Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, and then Jovenel Moise in power, hmm?
On July 16, 2021, the Columbian Director of Police, General Jorge Luis Vargas allegedly provided new details of the investigation. He reported that, of the 26 Colombian former military members involved in the crime, only a small group, including Germán Rivera, and Duberney Capador, had knowledge that the plan was to kill the president. The rest did not know, and were deceived, believing that they were there to provide presidential security. (Colombian police confirm identity of who gave the order to kill the president of Haiti.)
The story changes daily.

New Puppets Installed
After the assassination, Ariel Henry, who Jovenel had named to replace Claude Joseph as Prime Minister, was tweet-sanctioned, by Helen La Lime, and the Internationals, to work alongside the U.S. puppet Claude Joseph. The Haitian people have as little to do with choosing the current, so-called “government,” as they did with choosing Jovenel and Martelly. It’s all done by the strangers. (See, Haiti’s White Rulers Have Spoken on Haiti’s Political Future – Black Alliance For Peace and Haitian Ruling Families Create and Kill Monsters.)
Since I’ve already discussed the motives of the enslaved local collaborators – the blacks, and mulatto-Middle Eastern oligarchs – who are in bed with Sison, and La Lime, this essay won’t talk about their bed gymnastics. I’ll discuss the possible international motives for the Jovenel assassination-coup d’etat, and outline the possible indirect roles of Russia, Venezuela, and Turkey in the unraveling debacle. (See, Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moise Trained by US, Linkend to Pro-Coup Oligarchy.)
But remember Haitians, we are a spiritual people. Don’t get too involved with their racist media narrative, and the interlocking bed gymnastics of the Anglo-Saxon white body elites. Don’t get so focussed on the psychological war that’s the Great Hate-ti Disaster story they’re reveling in. For, I’ve no doubt, the destruction they’ve planned for the innocent has already cursed their entire bloodlines, and issues. Ginen poze. #Remember
We’re back to 1963 Bay of Pigs, and Russia is in the waters, and airspace of the United States. Add to this, a mostly corrupt U.S. military guard that sells shoddy overpriced technology to its own military, and the fact that the new Romans, the regular U.S.-Euro ordinary front-line soldiers, are tired of fighting (in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia..) for the sole benefit of the one percent global elites, and so there’s a replay of history. For today, the U.S. must hire the barbarians to fight its wars, pay mercenaries. When the Romans did that, the barbarians, the Germans (Visigoth and Vandals) ended up taking over Rome. They’re the rulers of today, right? The Anglo-Saxon white elite? For who is the U.S, France, and England, et al, but the barbarians Rome had hired to fight its colonizing wars. We know the biggest white ethnic group in the mutated England today, called the United States, are from the Germanic tribes. Now the barbarians are the Central Americans – hired Columbian hitmen? Let’s see how it plays out.
U.S. Military Retrenchment
The rolling imperial 1990s, when the U.S. was the big superdog/sole superpower in the earth’s yard, are over. Russia and China are asserting themselves again. Trump’s victory was a sign of the U.S. people’s dissatisfaction with the warmongering Duopoly. Since Trump and now Biden, it’s been the retrenchment of U.S. military power around the globe: America first. After George Floyd, many white police in the U.S., themselves dissatisfied former military, don’t want their future to be about the daily grinding into dust, poor, disenfranchised Blacks. For the guard is in the prison too.
Most healthy people don’t want their work to be about the daily grind of meeting arrest, and violation quotas for the system that profiles, and kills Blacks for profit, and domination. It’s just too hazardous with social media cameras everywhere. They’re just too exposed now.. So, Biden, and the Democrats look to the Asians, and Hispanics to break the fairly even vote block between the Republicons and Demonrats. Forsake local U.S. Black. With centuries of suffering. Gives reparations to the Asians for the Wuhan-Fauci Covid19 discriminatory repercussions against their group.
Columbia – South American Mercenaries for Empire and drug traffickers to help fund CIA wars everywhere
Colombia produces an estimated 70% of the cocaine consumed in the world. The United States uses Columbian drugs to reach U.S. Black neighborhoods, and to put hundreds of thousands of Black youths in jail. In Haiti, the DEA uses drug trafficking as a tool to also keep Haitian men locked down, with the threat of prison in Miami, unless they do colonial biddings.
What is the far-right, U.S.-client state named “Columbia,” but a baby’s mama the U.S. war-hawks may stop in on for this current booty call? At least 26 Columbian mercenaries allegedly participated to carry out the Coup D’etat by assassinating of the puppet, Jovenel Moise. (See, Haiti president assassination: 26 Colombians, two US-Haitians took part in Jovenel Moïse killing, police say; U.S. military once trained Colombians implicated in Haiti assassination plot, Pentagon says.) Most, are former Columbian military. Some are confirmed DEA and FBI mercenaries (informants). Many were trained by U.S. military, and one was security at the Canadian embassy in Haiti and for two oligarchs who were Moise’s bitter enemies: Reginald Boulos, and Dimitri Vorbe. Moise had issued arrest warrants for both Boulos and Vorbe. (Haitian opposition leader mounts D.C. lobbying campaign after president’s assassination.) This hit squad was allegedly hired through the Florida-based security company, CTU Security. History has a way of repeating itself. The barbarians of yesterday are hiring today’s barbarians? Will one vicious profiteer be replaced by another again? Not likely. The world’s decent people are too tired of the nonsense. (At Least Seven Colombians in Haiti Assassination Received U.S. Training, and equipment.)
Besides the 26 Columbians, three Haitian-Americans, living in Florida, are implicated: Joseph Vincent, James Solages, and Christian Emmanuel Sanon. (See, Prominent Florida doctor tied to assassination of Haitian president, and Haitian American suspect in assassination worked on and off as DEA informant .)
Get some popcorn Black people, keep the one-pointed focus on extending humane actions, and spiritual resistance to evil. We’ve got no horse in this race. The Original Peoples fear no death, it’s a transformation. I taste the armies of Garvey, Desalin, Gran Gitonn, Tante Toya, Malcom X, Queen Nzinga, and Caonabo in the whirlwind. Our centuries of unjust bloodshed chases the children of Sison, Lalime, and the 13 Eurasian bloodlines, called the one percent, who rule the earth. #Remember

Geopolitics Behind Jovenel Moise’s Assassination- Haiti’s Rapprochement with Russia, Venezuela and Turkey sealed Moise’s fate
Russia /Venezuela
The U.S.-led colonial terror in Haiti since 2004 has been so terrible and horrific, that during countless anti-corruption, anti-imperialist demonstrations, the people of Haiti burned the U.S. flag, and lifted up the Russian flag, asking for help. But for thirteen (13) intolerable years, from 2004 to 2017, Russia voted at the U.N. Security Council to play along with the U.S. colonial conquest in Haiti. It’s true that Russia has oftentimes, rhetorically responded, as if they sympathize. But given every chance to recognize Michel Martelly, and Jovenel Moise’s illegitimacy they have not ever rejected these colonial puppets as de facto presidents put in by the Core Group, UN, and OAS, as the people of Haiti have, en mass, and very loudly. Let’s say that first.
Let’s understand our Black lives are of no importance to the World War II Eurasian powers playing their balance of power games in our global South lands. We’re mostly just pawns they use to prick the tiger with, and then leave us to survive its roar. If Russia was ever serious about helping pro-democracy Haitians, it could have recognized Supreme Court Judge Joseph Mécène Jean-Louis, appointed as transitional president, after Jovenel Moise illegal term ended on February 7, 2021, not Jovenel Moise. Let’s say that also.
Russia was still buying the U.S.-CoreGroup fig leaf democracy story in Haiti that thinly covered naked imperialism. For them Jovenel was legitimate.
A month (35 days) after Jovenel Moise received and accepted the letters of appointment for the new Russian Ambassador to Haiti, Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov, he was assassinated.
Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov is the Russian Ambassador to Venezuela. This Haiti rapprochement with Venezuela through Russia did not please the United States who pushed Jovenel Moise to betray a traditionally close Haiti relationship with Venezuela to recognize the un-elected imposter Juan Guaidó as president over the duly elected Venezuelan president, Nicholas Maduro. This unprecedented appointment of a Russian ambassador to Haiti who is also the primary Russian agent in Venezuela probably gave the Western Core Group of nations running Haiti brain aneurysms.
A seemingly deeper bilateral cooperation and Haiti relations with Russia may have sealed Jovenel Moise’s fate. Especially after the pains the U.S.-led Core Group nations took to destroy the PetroCaribe fuel program that provided Haiti with cheap oil, and credit from 2008 to 2018.
Bill Clinton, as UN Envoy, raised in excess of $13 billion earthquake relief funds to build Haiti back better. This money was misappropriated, and/or embezzle by the internationals who left Haiti worst than before the earthquake. At the same time, these CoreGroup nations who absconded with $13 billion in quake funds, allowed, and rewarded the PHTK (Baldheaded) political party they put into power, called “Legal Bandits”, with Jovenel Moise, and Michel Martelly, to embezzle, and misappropriate billions of the $4billion Venezuelan fuel-purchasing deal.
Jovenel Moise, Michel Martelly, and the local bourgeoisie, and many of the Diaspora technocrats who support neocolonialism in Haiti were allowed to misappropriate, and embezzle billions from Venezuela’s oil-purchasing PetroCaribe program with impunity. These black collaborators provided the Haitian people with no successful social reform programs as Venezuela intended, and thus, ultimately helped to destroy the legitimacy of the PetroCaribe fuel program to the glee of the U.S.
To distract, and divert the world from demanding what happened to the $13 billion in U.N. member-state earthquake funds, and $8 billion in private charity funds, collected mostly by the Internationals, in the name of suffering Haitians, most of Jovenel Moise’s term in office was, used by the Internationals, to point to Haiti PetroCaribe corruption, street gang violence, not the greater corruption with foreign embezzlement of upwards to $21 billion in total earthquake funds. The Colonists’ simply screams without end about Black on Black crime. This is the racist projection and diversion always used by the system of white body supremacy to evade responsibility, and to kill, brutalize, and imprison more Black people, with total impunity.
Before his assassination, on June 17, 2021, Jovenel Moise, accompanied by a large delegation which included Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly rival, former defacto Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, visited Turkey.
The United States worries about Turkey’s growing friendship with Russia. Could this trip have added to the growing U.S. discontent with its puppet president, and sealed Jovenel’s fate on many fronts: angering many former political friends, the Lebanese/Syrian oligarchs in Haiti who dislike Turkey’s attacks on Syria opposition, and the U.S.-Core Group nations whose relationship with Turkey president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is almost as bad as their relationship with Venezuela’s Maduro?
There are many threads here to unpack in this newest neocolonial atrocity and foreign abuse of Haiti. There’s the Middle Eastern oligarch role versus the local politicians, the regional actors, the internationals, the personal. But Moise’s new relationship with Russia and even Erdorgan – the president of Turkey, a hated U.S. enemy – would not please the warmongering Western Core Group nations whatsoever. Nor, would such an African foray please the Lebanese-Syrian-Israeli billionaire oligarchs in Haiti. The Lebanese-Syrian-Israelis are both overseers of the Black masses locally for empire and victims/useful pawns in the U.S.-led balance of power game against Syria. These oligarchs work with the DEA/State department/Pentagon/CIA/FBI to launder Columbian drugs profits to financed U.S. wars domestically and all over the planet, including to finance the opposition to Bashar Al-Assad.
Turkey is not seen as a reliable NATO ally because it nakedly protects its own interests. Still remembers itself as the Ottoman Empire and thus not in awe or providing due NATO deference to nations it formerly owned in Europe and Asia.

Recall that back in August 2020, Jovenel and Erdogan strengthened Haiti and Turkey cooperation ties with the signing of seven agreements: Memorandum of Understanding for the formation of the political consultation mechanism between the ministries of foreign affairs; for cooperation between Chancellery Diplomacy Academies; on Disaster Management; for Economic Cooperation; for cultural cooperation; for Cooperation on Archives, and for Technical Cooperation.
U.S. corporations work hard to control all the energy projects in the Caribbean. They routinely hire private military contractors and work closely through interlocking boards and rotating personnel in the U.S. military, CIA/DEA/FBI, Israeli-Mossad mercenaries to enforce their corporate monopolies. Their agents even came after Zili Dlo, the tiny solar-powered, clean water project we put together after the earthquake and UN-imported cholera, to help the Haitian people have some electricity and clean water.
Venezuela has the world largest oil reserves. U.S. profiteers can’t stop thinking about bamboozling everyone to justify an invasion and install US-style De-mock-kkracy in order to pillage Venezuelan oil, as they do Haiti natural resources behind fake humanitarian aid, and bringing order to the disorder they created. The Russians, the bulwark against U.S. running roughshod over Venezuela and Cuba, are also good at building infrastructure to pipeline natural gas. But the U.S. ships them, and its corporations compete against countries like China, Russia and even Turkey who build large infrastructure projects in nations the U.S. merely exports resources from, without providing local infrastructure for basic services.
So imagine the Western confederate Core Group rage, absolute rage when, in November 2020, Jovenel Moise and his Turkish counterpart, Reccep Tayyip Erdogan, reportedly had telephone conversations as part of negotiations for the establishment of two floating power plants capable of extending electricity services to Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitian. Jovenel not only visited Turkey to complete preparations for these projects and signed other unknown agreements with a close friend of Russia the U.S hates, but we recall that back in March 2021, the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu also visited Haiti as part of a regional tour, and issued an official invitation to Haitian leaders.
Former de facto president, Michel Martelly, put in illegally under the Obama/Biden/HillaryClinton administration, signed a contract for an Israeli military company (HSIL) to “protect” Haiti borders, land, air, and sea.
Where was their border surveillance, satellites and communication spying technology on that fatefully July 7, 2021 assassination day? The head of security at Haiti’s presidential residence, Dimitri Herard, in charge of protecting mainly the outside perimeter of the presidential residence, and already under investigation by the United States government for arms trafficking, has been taken into police custody. But where were the white private military contractor bodyguards, paid millions to protect Jovenel Moise, and who were supposed to be on duty inside his house? No major media, I think, has touched on these particular inside job indicators.
It’s not far fetch then, to see the Jovenel Moise assassination is nothing more than a desperate message, delivered by the enraged United States, and Core Group hitmen and hitwomen, directly or indirectly, to all Haitians, and regional actors in the Americas. The message is, if you try to find allies to counter U.S. domination; if you try to leverage a bilateral relationship and new opportunities for local progress and development for Haiti through Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Turkey, Iran or North Korea against, for instance, the U.S.’s weaponized charity, fake humanitarian aid, and (de)mock-kkracy charades in Haiti. If you do, if you resist our total domination, and corruption, we will shoot you 12 times, gouge out both your eyes, break your neck, your arms, and your legs. (See, Haiti President Jovenel Moïse shot 12 times, “eye blown out” , and 2019: How America’s relationship with Turkey fell apart- The NATO allies’ partnership has devolved into a “slow-motion car crash.”)

Jovenel Moise – A War Criminal Looking To Save His Own Skin
Just a few weeks ago, I spoke to a source who told me Jovenel was looking for a way out. He didn’t want to spend the rest of his life running away from war crime charges for all the massacres, and financial crimes he presided over for the Colonists while in power. Jovenel tried to push an amendment to the Haiti constitution that would give him immunity from prosecution after his term was over. The U.S., who did not strongly support his referendum, finally came out to publicly hold their support. Jovenel was afraid of an indictment on drug money laundering charges, which allegedly, the DEA/CIA/CoreGroup nations held over his head his entire term in office. The allege Columbian hit squad reported they went to serve a 2019 warrant for Jovenel’s arrest. What warrant I want to know? A DEA warrant? I know Haiti, and I remember how hard we tried to get a Haitian judge to issue a warrant against Jovenel, without success.
I think Jovenel Moise, stressed out by his handlers relentless demands that were obviously against local Haiti interests, and knowing he was the most unpopular president of Haiti, saw the handwriting on the wall, and in addition to paying more U.S. lobbyist to continue upholding his PHTK political party’s reign, started to look for new allies to leverage against his Western handlers to save his skin after he’d finish doing the U.S.’s dirty jobs in Haiti, and his term was over.
As the head of the #FreeHaitiMovement, I was one of the justice activists a source close to Moise tried to feel out to see if the anti-corruption demonstrators, and civil society peoples would perhaps accept giving him amnesty as a condition to leaving office immediately. That’s how I know Jovenel Moise was afraid he’d end up in a Florida prison like Manuel Antonio Noriega or Guy Philippe. (See Video: Haitian President assassinated by gunmen disguised as US DEA agents)
I also know the U.S.-led Core Group was trying hard to find a way to shatter Haiti Senate powers that stops presidential decrees giving away Haiti gold, copper, silver deposits at Trou du Nord for only a 2.5 royalty. The white supremacist CoreGroup nations believe it their divine right to take, without fair compensation, black Haiti’s oil, gas, iridium and deep water port resources and are prepared to do so through more fake elections, amending the Haiti constitution or simply to re-deploy foreign troops back into Haiti. But with the global U.S. military retrenchment going on, and the past U.N. cholera debacle, U.N rapes, organ trafficking, and the obvious failure of $13 billion in quake funds to “built Haiti back better,” they couldn’t figure out how to sell another “Haiti request” for foreign troops into Haiti. Some even asked me, if an African Union or OAS/CARICOM nation force would be acceptable to resisting Haitians. All legitimate Haiti justice activists I know said hell no, go away please, and thank you.
But the Internationals, and their racist media are doing a fine job now, selling the need for foreign troops in Haiti to bring back “order,” as a result of the so-called “tragic” assassination.
An assassin is assassinated
Let’s be clear, the colonial puppet, Jovenel Moise, murdered his people. His death is not tragic to his victims. They say, “an assassin has been assassinated.” He was a dictator working in the interests of Haiti’s colonial enemies. He dissolved parliament in January 2020 and had rule by decree for 18 months. He was an indicted drug money launderer before he was imposed by the internationals as president. In one of his decrees he lowered the age of consent to 15, which many see as making pedophilia legal. He created a secret service agency, and was trying to create a new Tonton Makout paramilitary death squad from the street gangs. He federated the gangs, armed them and human rights organizations say he deployed them to terrorize the population. He indiscriminately used tear gas, toxic foul water, live bullets, rubber bullets, against school children, pregnant women, and protesting demonstrators. He used the foreign-trained militarized police, and sold-out media to silence, and censor anti-corruption, and anti-dictatorship demonstrators.
During their terms in office, Jovenel Moise, and Michel Marterlly, are known, and hated by the Haiti masses for hiring white foreign mercenaries – private military contractors – who used head-to-toe black balaclavas mask, and outfits to cover all skin color. These foreign mercenaries disguised themselves as Haiti police, and/or Haiti street gangs to kill the poor. They would also sit atop high peaks to use drones, and long distance snipers fire to kill, execution-style, peaceful demonstrators, and to assassinate Jovenel’s, and the CoreCroup’s political opposition, at will.
We’ve lost so many people.
In the last two years alone, Jovenel Moise’s local, colonial forces, and death squads forces conducted, at least, eleven massacres against poor communities protesting the nationwide persecution, and corruption. Still, Trump, and then Biden, both backed him up.
Since February 7, 2021 when his illegal term in office was over, Jovenel Moise, with the near silence of the enabling international community, illegally fired three (3) Supreme Court justices he feared could lead a transitional government, and indiscriminately presided over the murder of judges, lawyers (i.e. Monferrier Dorval), journalists (Diego Charles), human rights activists (Antoinette Duclaire), and any civil society sector that got in his way. (See, Haitian journalist Diego Charles, and human rights activist Antoinette Duclair, killed in Port-au-Prince shootings.)
Jovenel Moise was an imposter, an Antonio Sola-consultant created U.S. puppet who was sold to Haitians as a successful entrepreneur, a banana grower. But his Agritans company was a fake business created by the internationals simply to put him in power. Michel Martelly, his mentor, funneled millions in state funds into Agritans to prop up Moise, and his presidential campaign in 2015-16. Moise campaigned for the presidency with Guy Philippe, a convicted drug smuggler today serving time in U.S. federal prison.
Guy Philippe like Jovenel Moise was a CIA asset. Guy Philippe was used in Haiti as a paramilitary leader to take down Haiti’s democratically elected president, Jean Bertrand Aristide, and bring in the proxy United Nations’ disastrous 13-year Haiti occupation that ended its direct UN proxy rule in 2017. But now the Colonists who staged Jovenel Moise’s death and its narrative are also staging a Haiti “request” for U.S. troops to be deployed to Haiti.
Of course the Haitian people want no further foreign intervention. But we don’t have the media platform, and political platform, UN mission head, Helen La Lime has in Haiti. La Lime, a former U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) director is now the head of the UN’s BINUH mission in Haiti. She’s the U.S. career hitwomen who told Haitians that the successor to Jovenel is the George Soros, National Endowment For Democracy (NED)-created, Claude Joseph. Claude Joseph, as acting president is the one who conveniently asked for U.S. military deployment to Haiti! And then when a Columbian paper, close to the investigation, charged that Claude Joseph was a suspect, Lalime and the Core Group chose Ariel Henry to succeed Jovenel. (What gives these white nations the right to decide who should rule Black Haiti?) As I always point out, the colonial template is: create the disorder, come in to put back order. Wash, rinse, repeat. The Colonists plays hero and villain to cover all the bases. Yet, the world keeps getting fed U.S. neutrality and benevolence in Haiti!
At the end, with just some stolen months to go, the U.S. may have been ready to sacrifice their puppet Jovenel! When the Biden administration finally publicly refused to back his referendum to change the Haiti Constitution to allow for consecutive presidential terms to give Jovenel another shot at being president; when Biden, and the CoreGroup of Western nations did not back Jovenel’s amendment to the law to give him immunity from prosecution, Jovenel Moise may have feared arrest for war crimes after his term was over, and started looking for new allies to leverage against the U.S. like Turkey, Venezuela, and Russia.
This would have incensed, and enraged the US-led Core Group of Western Nations, and their colonized agents. The confederated “diplomats” ruling Haiti, called the “Core Group” are from Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Brazil, EU, OAS, UN, and United States. This amoral cabal, in clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, but with such enormous military, media, and financial power, either orchestrated his assassination or turned a blind eye to allow their local billionaire overseers, the Bigio-Mevs (Syrian-Lebanese-Israeli) mafia families in Haiti, along with their gang of PHTK House Kneegrows to take him out. I can’t prove it. I’ll never get to Court with what we Haitians know. We’re censored, marginalized, brutalized. But I am sure of it. I know the enemy is not our savior.
Recall, the U.S. has the biggest embassy in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti, with the most footprint in the Americas. It’s the fourth largest U.S. embassy in the world. No way with all that spy technology and manpower did this elaborate plot go unnoticed by either the US nor the Russians in neighboring Cuban and Venezuelan waters. Not plausible. Not unless the US is admitting to being as incompetent as the corrupt House-kneegrow Haitians their media are gleefully pinning total responsibility for this murder on to cover up empire’s murderous hands?
Koupab pa ka mare koupab
Ironically, those who took Jovenel out are today the “investigators” of the crime. The cover-up is arduous to cope with. It’s abuse. Especially since we’re still burying and grieving folks Jovenel, and the Western CoreGroup forces have disappeared, brutalized, raped, imprisoned or simply executed.
Just a few weeks ago, on June 29, 2021, Marie Antoinette Duclaire, a mother, a human rights advocate, who was helping the market women whose homes were burned down by various local, and international military/paramilitary death squads doing the biddings of empire, was slaughtered, execution-style, with Special Forces-type bullet to the head. She was a beloved friend, part of #FreeHaiti, a tireless advocate for a new Haiti without the foreign vampires, and local overseers. Antoinette stood for us, endured for us, died for us, and for her children not to suffer what we have had to endure as Haitians for two centuries.
To be honest, when I heard Jovenel had been assassinated, I thank the primal scream from the motherland that is the soul of Marie Antoinette Duclaire when her life was so cruelly snuffed out. I hope Antoinette’s soul is more at rest now. But I hate it that the rest is left up to us. (RIPNetty, rest in power beloved.)
Here’s Antoinette’s last “Bon Konba” message before she was executed, shot while in her car dropping off Diego Charles, a journalist, also killed. She say’s women are tired of the misery but we know we must continue to fight for change to come.
But the bottom line is, the Haitian masses work to take down the neocolonial SYSTEM, not just a president, and those who put him in power. From one generation to the next we fight empire. The people of Haiti have no interests in protecting corrupt oligarchs, the foreign mercenaries hired to kill and disappear anti-dictatorship demonstrators, nor the brutal, and amoral UN-OAS-State Department’s deep state, and their collaborators who are exposing themselves, killing each other off. (See the appalling human rights violations, brutal police crackdown, and reputation associated with Columbian forces: Hundreds of Colombian Protesters Missing, Believed to be in ‘Clandestine’ Detention Centers) Let the #Cleansing of the criminals in Haiti go on. That’s Ancestral Prayers answered, no?
But we’re not celebrating, for we have fought too long not to know this entire assassination project is also a US-CoreGroup psyops and flexing of power to show us citizens that even if we can see, as plain as day, their FBI/CIA/DEA et al, fingerprints, footprints, smoking gun in this assassination, we’re powerless to prove it, and can do NOTHING about it. (See Èzili clip gone viral on Tik Tok, and other social media platforms — People, We Do Not Deserve This Abuse! )
Èzili Dantò of HLLN/ #FreeHaiti
Bwa Kayiman 2021

Èzili Dantò/#FreeHaiti: Who Assassinated the Unpopular Jovenel Moise?
Read the #FreeHaiti discussion at the comments on the FB live, here
Deep State Black Operation Caught in Act! w/ Èzili Dantò – Part 1 ; and, Part 2
Èzili: Assassination of Haiti’s Jovenel Moise, Colonist Cover-Up, U.N.Amb, Haitian Revolution & More
At 45:19 into this interview with Dr Maat from July 8, 2021, I start to speak directly about the assassination and coup detat against defacto president and CoreGroup puppet, Jovenel Moise.
?♥️To Haiti With Love France owes Haiti for the Independence Debt extortion… And then there’s the reparation…” — Rudwaan AmenRa, To Haiti With Love
Èzili Dantò – #FreeHaiti New World Solutions
ReMEMBERING the Ancestors: MAAFA Commemorations, 2021
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