Haiti: The David and Goliath Story
Americans Caught In Haiti During Violent Protest Suppression
Behind the often repeated great Haiti disaster story, there’s a whole lot going on we don’t hear about.
The Core Group of Haiti friends are the ambassadors from U.S., France, Canada, Brazil, Spain, OAS, UN, European Union and Germany. They prop up the corrupt and unpopular Jovenel-Céant regime, no matter how much violence it meters out onto the people. It’s chilling. And so Nazi terrible for the dying Haitian collective, some burned the U.S. flag at the last massive protests against the government and put out an SOS to Russia. (See, Russia points out U.S. lack of credibility; denounces U.S. double standard in Haiti and Venezuela here. Says US is trying to bring a puppet to Venezuela as they did in Haiti. Russia won’t sanction this Venezuela intervention to oust Maduro.)
Foreign intervention began since the assassination of Haiti’s founding father in 1806 and continued through the 2004 ouster of democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide which brought the UN-MINUSTAH troops that served as the National Palace’s military security to replace the Tonton Makout role of Duvalier days-gone-by. As of last year, MINUSTAH is no longer in Haiti to intimidate, kill and suppress resistance for the wealthy Haiti businessmen (oligarchs), Core Group of Western imperialists and their plantation negro puppet presidents. Without the UN uniform the white enforcers, agent provocateurs and private armies of the wealthy are more noticeable in Haiti, their violent repression deeds better exposed.
U.S. treatment of Black vs White Weapons Traffickers in Haiti
Arms trafficking in Haiti of semi automatic guns and ammunition has been the subject of recent criminal convictions in the United States. In early February 2019, a Black U.S. Marine of Haitian descent was convicted in a Florida court for weapons trafficking in Haiti. The illegal arms were purchased through a Haiti senator for the administration of then puppet president, Michel Martelly, to help keep him in office against the constant demonstration denouncing his legitimacy. His Chief of Police Godson Orelus along with others close to the Palace people are indicted in Haiti on the same charges of illegally exporting 166 semi-automatic guns and 30,000 rounds of ammunition to Haiti. (See also, Who is Dropping Planeloads of Illegal Weapons in Haiti and Why?)
Seven, all white, heavily armed US mercenaries caught in Haiti during violent protest suppression were arrested and charged with weapons trafficking and conspiracy. The US intervened and set them free. Why did the U.S. not charged or put them on trial, at least for the weapons charge, like the Black Marine, Junior Joseph, also caught arms trafficking in Haiti?
It’s against this background of white privilege, neocolonialism-imperialism, perpetual Haiti resistance and brutal, Western-sponsored institutionalized violence, that we must look at the latest indignity.
American Strike Force Arrested in Haiti During Violent Protest Suppression, Go Free
On Wednesday, February 20, 2018, five former American military men and other nationals arrested last Sunday, got on an American Airlines flight to Miami and took off for the United States.
The US managed the release of all the foreign nationals arrested including the five Americans and two Serbs, leaving behind the lone Haitian whom Voice of America reports, is a US deportee.
The career private military security contractors who were arrested include, former U.S. Marine Corps pilot and UN contractor Kent Leland Kroeker, Serbian nationals and permanent U.S. residents, Danilo Bajagic and Vlade Jankvic; former Navy SEALS Christopher Michael Osman and Christopher Mark McKinley (who also goes by Christopher Heben); U.S. nationals Dustin Daniel Porte; U.S national and former Army military policeman and State Department security guard, Talon Ray Burton, and Haitian national, Michael Estera. (See our Photo Album here and, more bio here.)
Haiti police arrested the eight mercenaries on February 17 and charged them with weapons trafficking and conspiracy to commit crimes (asosyasyon ak malfètè). Here’s video footage from the Toussaint Louverture Airport in Port-au-Prince of the military hit squad unilateral and arbitrarily released without trial, leaving Haiti assisted by U.S. Embassy staffers.
Haiti PM Says Suspects are Snipers Come to Assassinate Parliament and the Prime Minister
The suspects were detained at a police checkpoint, after police spotted them driving two cars without plates, bursting with men and weapons. They were near the Haitian Central Bank and told police they were on a government mission.
Side-stepping the suspects’ claims to work for the executive branch of the government, Haitian Prime Minister Jean Henry Céant, has charged, in an interview on CNN, that the strike team arrested are “mercenaries and terrorists” come to destabilize the “executive branch of the government.”
The Prime Minister did not say how he knows the suspected terrorists would assassinate him or cause him or the government and Parliament harm while on CNN. But this tweet followed from his spokesperson, Pascal Adrien. Through his twitter account Adrien adds the PM declared that the mercenaries did not go to the bank to rob it. This seeming non sequitur leap to direct the public narrative is typical of the CIA Laboratory hands who handle the PHTK/Céant plantation puppets in Haiti.

Bank robbery was a theory discussed in Haiti because the Jovenel Moise-Céant government is strapped for cash while at the Central Bank of Haiti, there’s reportedly over $760 million of frozen Venezuela PetroCaribe repayment funds, just sitting there. Folks wondered why the commandos went to the bank on a Sunday when it’s close?
PM Céant gives us his answer. He tells CNN, the men are “mercenaries and terrorists” come to murder those in the “executive branch of the government.” Nice re-direction from crux of the matter: who hired them? How did they get all those illegal weapons into the country, diplomatic pouches maybe? What were they doing trying to get into the Bank on a Sunday, driving in cars without license plates, with an arsenal of weapons, and five loose license plates inside the cars? Why is the National Palace and Céant’s Minister of Justice trying to set them free during the very moment Céant sat on CNN babbling about being a victim? Where is the rest of this crew of some 20 would-be robbers local Senators say were involved but not apprehended with the 8 arrested?
In Céant version, the men were apparently at the bank to scope the rooftop, which is directly across from the Prime Minister’s office and the Parliament building. This, in order to assassinate him and certain parliament members. He made this suspicious claim, while a letter to him, circulating everywhere on social media directly connected the Jovenel Moise-Céant government to the “mercenaries and terrorists.” Beyond Machiavellian. Misdirection without peer.
If they went to the bank on Sunday to rob it, destroy PetroCaribe loan papers, whatever, we don’t know. What we do know for a fact is that the mercenaries are connected to the executive branch who is desperate to remain in power and is not above creating a bloodbath in Haiti to keep themselves and the billionaire Middle Eastern oligarchs in power. Neither is the U.S. foreign policy establishment and career diplomats squeamish about killing peaceful demonstrators, on the down low, to keep their plantation puppets in power. They’ve got a huge footprint in tiny resource-rich Haiti. The fourth largest embassy in the world, biggest in the Western hemisphere.
But now that Céant and/or his spokesperson have made us focus on why the mercenaries went to the bank on Sunday, instead of who from his government, the Core Group or among the business sector hired them. Some people wonder how deep is the dirty cover-up and trickery? Is the $760 frozen Venezuela funds/bank reserves even still at the bank? After all, it’s the $4 billion in squandered or missing Venezuela PetroCaribe fuel monies, stolen by state actors, (not to mention the $13 billion in quake funds taken by the internationals which could have been used to improve living conditions for the masses) that largely sparks the ongoing protests demanding Jovenel/Céant resign.

Prime minister Céant is not the victim of the state violence engulfing Haiti. That narrative won’t fly. He’s the person who can help stop it by resigning. Injured Haitian police and unarmed protestors, already dead Haitians, perhaps killed by white snipers he admits are “mercenaries and terrorists,” are the victims of his government’s hired violence! Running around, stomach full and telling CNN the mercenaries directly connected to keeping his government in power are there to hit the executive branch at some future date, is insult to injury. Adds gasoline to the fire of hurt for the Haitian mothers whose children have fallen at protests to unknown sniper fire. Let’s remind Céant who was the prime minister when the Lasalin massacre happened. It was men dressed as police who massacred those civilians. (See, Haiti government complicit in La Saline Massacre, and the RNDDH report and Je Klere report on Lasalin.)
Those fake policemen belonging to Jovenel Moise’s National Palace Security unit, and the fake policemen and paramilitary at Lasalin, where not targeting the “executive branch of the government,” but poor, starving, helpless Haitians his government was suppose to protect.

to an unknown authority’s bullet, February 2019
The Media is the mop up crew for empire
The media is complicit in helping the US-approved dictatorship in Haiti hide the truth behind shocking Haiti headlines like this: Haiti PM says detained Americans are ‘terrorists’ targeting government. They tell the public all kinds of stories, as long as it stops the people of Haiti from taking back the country from the ruling oligarchs.
“The media coverage of the super-rich plutocrats would have you believe that these callous and greedy Wall Street warmongers, high-tech money launderers and profiteers are the world’s best charity workers and humanitarians. What part of ‘vultures and vampires feeding off Black pain ad suffering’ don’t people get?” — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/Free Haiti, at Instagram
Notice how in CNN’s coverage (here and here), the focus is not on the elite white Americans whose livelihood is violence for hire. The focus is not on them, their image, bios, what are they doing in Haiti with all those heavy weapons, nor who paid them? Their article could easily have drawn parallels to the recent conviction of a U.S. Marine on arms trafficking in Haiti of semi automatic guns and ammunition. Or, mention the CNN connection to one of the mercenary/SEALs arrested, Christopher McKinley, a Blackwater operative formerly known as Christopher Heben who had a long standing relationship with CNN as an expert commentator.
No. CNN’s focus is still on the great Haiti disaster story, the looting and violent Haitians when in fact the neoDuvalierist government has hired mercenaries, fake police and these sorts of paramilitary death squads before to violently suppress peaceful protests. CNN just simply can’t conceive Tonton Makouts as white people also.
It doesn’t mention Heben/McKinley, its former expert witness, has been convicted on three felony counts of forgery for steroid prescriptions and was once charged with making a false police report or that the other Haiti mercenary/Navy SEAL Chris Osman has been charged with multiple felonies, has a history of assaults. For CNN only the “violence of Haitians” matter, not the possible criminal U.S. intervention as terrorists and agent provocateurs inciting, orchestrating, manipulating and creating violence and civil unrest in Haiti.
The photo CNN attaches to their story about the American suspects, savagely pushes the racist narrative. It doesn’t show an image to represent the white military security contractors who are charged with weapons trafficking in Haiti, but a burnt car as shorthand to indicate Haiti and the elite’s perspective that abhors violence against property not sentient beings. The coverage sends these subliminal messages. Shows a fearful mind eye both grossly repelled and racially riveted to the small violences of starving Black activists, emaciated and abused people who maybe throw a rock, block a road, burn a tire, building, loot a store. Cry for help. Not proportionate to survive government massacres.
Here’s a collage to picture what we see when white privilege walks naked in unmarked cars through Haiti, heavily armed.

& Core Gang terror
Our collective grief due to sniper kills is posted to alert national and international criminal courts and citizens of the world, people-to-people, what terrorists and mercenaries do in Haiti. The status quo spin, of a man like Céant on CNN, also an apologist for the convicted drug money launderer Guy Philippe and incriminated money launderer President Jovenel Moise, is self-serving idiocy. The entire nation, for the most part, wants Jovenel-Céant to leave office and face corruption charges, if not Lasalin massacre indictments.
Read Georgianne Nienaber’s article for better background and perspective of current Haiti realities, at Merten, Mercenaries, Marionettes and the Media Blackout on Haiti, written December 2018.
Deception, Trickery and Confusion is the Mainstay of the CIA/Laboratory
Okay. So, the U.S. supported Prime Minister of Haiti, accuses U.S. mercenaries, who say they’re on a mission for the Jovenel-Céant government and are riding around in cars belonging to the Jovenel-Céant regime, of wanting to kill him. Then, the U.S. embassy quickly helps free these accused assassins before their court date in Haiti. Nothing is off here?
It doesn’t matter if these would-be assassins for Jovenel Moise get caught red handed. For the diplomats in Haiti, in the Core Group – who emboldens terror against the people of Haiti every nanosecond of the day- it’s just another day at the office. No convoluted explanations or more epic lies are needed. The U.S. Embassy simply goes to the Haiti jail, pick up their folks and get them out of Haiti. Might makes right, no?
“Who runs the world?” Nah, not Beyonce, the billionaire jackals.
Follow us on social media for more updates. Read the Haitian reaction to the Prime Minister’s attempt to distance himself from his President, at our twitter feed, Facebook pages here and here, the FreeHaiti Movement, the photo album and Instagram. Follow us on our pages. Like, comment, join the conversation. Donate to support this work. Give voice to the voiceless and abused.
Haiti mining riches and strategic location are the reasons why Executive Outcome-type mercenaries kill to keep the Western plantation puppets in office.
Know, that while the Laboratory (military-intelligence industrial complex) theater plays out, at the highest of levels, the poor Haitian people remain without justice or hope of justice or being entitled to basic human needs. The corrupt Jovenel-Céant cabal is still in office, spewing alibis on CNN. Mercenaries and terrorists work for money. The executive branch of government in Haiti and the local oligarchs it works for, along with the Core Group of nations propping up the inept Moise-Céant bandits, are the ones with monies to pay career mercenaries to do their bidding in Haiti.
It will be both amusing and macabre, though, to see how the repugnant Jovenel-Céant legal bandits get back into the good graces of their handlers at the Laboratory, come back online as the US’s brave and free heroes of “democracy.” Especially if the terrorists arrested take umbrage to their clients publicly calling them terrorists. Wouldn’t it be lovely if they spill the beans on them in retaliation?
Part 2 – American Imposters, Sniper Kills & CoreGroup Terror Roam Free
Jovenel/Céant High Crimes And Treason
Se pa Jodia Asasen Blan ap Tire Nou – Yon Sèl Bal lan Tèt

The low intensity war against the Haiti poor is waged by jackals (mercs drug/arms/organ/sex traffickers); World Bank/IMF economic hit men; career diplomats and CIA fronts who rig #Haiti elections; the Duopoly media colonial spins and the NGHos’ poverty pimps/fake humanitarians who play the savior role. These forces keep Haiti dependent, in endless debt, unfair trade, export economy, fuel their Western career advancements on Haiti crises, death and pain.
Eight mercenaries, violence-for hire, on a mission for the Imperialists, Oligarchs and their puppet Haiti president
The eight, heavily-armed mercenaries and alleged imposter Haiti cops were stopped at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon of February 17, 2019 and taken into custody in the early evening by Haitian police. They were detained at the checkpoint of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) at the Rue des Césars and later arrested at the police station.
An arsenal of weapons and tactical gear were seized during the arrest including two (2) drone aircraft, five (5) bullet-proof vests, backpacks, grenades, various knives, one (1) riflescope, silencers, three (3) satellite phones, six (6) automatic assault rifles, five (5) Glock 9 millimeter pistols, one 45-caliber pistol, a large quantity of ammunition, documents, five (5) license plates, among other contraband were found in two vehicles, a Ford pickup and a Toyota Prado. The arrest came during the Feb 7 to Feb 17th Operation Lockdown protests demanding the resignation of their “boss.”
According to local Haiti news, they claim they were on a mission for the (U.S-Core-Group installed, corrupt and unpopular) Jovenel Moise government, or to quote our source: “se pou pouvwa a yo lan mission.”
If this is proven true, than the president of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, is implicated in hiring either bank robbers or killers to murder people he’s charged to protect, (including for argument sake, his PM and parliament members), committing high crimes and treason. United States as the respondiat superior “boss,” is equally complicit. In cooperation with Jovenel’s Minister of Justice, Jean Roudy Aly (see, release letter here and here), the U.S. Embassy quickly freed the accused gun-runners two hours before their scheduled court appearance. Then sent, from Washington, career diplomat puppeteer, David Hale along with U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Michele Sison, to come publicly stand in solidarity with their corrupt puppets.

Meanwhile, the people of Haiti continue to reject these U.S.-imposed thieves, assassins, gunrunners and drug dealers as their government. On February 20, 2019, fourteen (14) Deputies signed a letter accusing Jovenel Moise of treason.

The evidence connects the mercenaries arrested to President Jovenel Moise and his ruling party
It’s also reported that security at the Central Bank of Haiti called police after refusing to let the heavily armed men inside the bank and got them stopped at the checkpoint.
A Behrmann Motors letter to PM Céant shows that at least one of the five license plates found inside the cars, license plate DM-01616, belongs to Jean Fritz Jean-Louis, a senior advisor and close friend to Haiti president, Jovenel Moise. The pickup Ford Ranger is also registered to the National Palace advisor. Fritz Jean-Louis was given the pickup Ford Ranger by Magalie Habitant, another National Palace insider. Habitant is the former Director General of Municipal Solid Waste Collection Services (SMCRS) who, according to the letter, purchased from Behrmann Motors, (some say, from pilfered SMCRS state funds), three (3) vehicles for $10million gourdes in cash. Fritz Jean Louis fled the country the day after the arrest. Local Haiti news outlet also point out that some of the battery charges confiscated with the weapons cache are battery charges belonging to Jovenel Moise’s National Palace security unit. It’s also alleged that the suspects stayed in Ms. Habitant’s home the night before the arrest. She’s the girlfriend of Fritz Jean Louis.
Sunday, before he fled the country, Fritz Jean Louis, told the news media that the men were in the country to do some security work for the Central Bank of Haiti. The Governor of the Central Bank, Jean Baden Dubois, told police he knows nothing about this, they are not part of the security operations at the Bank.

See Photo Album, here
Also, according to Micheal Estera’s lawyer, the second car is owned by Preble-Rish SA Haiti who he says hired Estera as driver/translator for the arrested foreign men. Our search reveals that Preble-Rish is a company connected to the ruling (PHTK) party. Josue Leconte, Gesner Champagne along with Jean Fritz Jean Louis are the Jovenel Moise welcome committee who met the mercenaries at the airport when they flew into Haiti by passing customs and immigration. Gesner Champagne, an executive at Preble-Rish is the brother in law of former president Michel Martelly who handpicked Jovenel Moise as his successor. Gesner “Ti Ges” Champagne was arrested in the U.S., in 1996, for illegal arms trafficking to Haiti.
Accusations of Committing Acts of Terrorism, Crimes Against Humanity and Transnational Crimes Against the Haitian population
For some time now, Haitian unarmed protestors marching along demonstrations roots, singing and calling for a better life and living conditions from the government would be picked off by sniper gun fire from long distances away. This is not new in Haiti.
What is new is that, on November 18, 2018, a convoy of heavily weaponized trucks, painted in camouflage pink, the color of the ruling PHTK party, began showing up along the demonstration routes, intimidating, randomly shooting and violently repressing the demonstrators.

Jovenel-Céant Declare War on the People of Haiti
The anti-government demonstrators immediately noticed there where white men in these pro-government units in black hoods, carrying heavy military weapons (M50, M60), including pickup trucks mounted with rocket launchers. The Chief of Police, Michel-Ange Gedeon, told the public these were fake police, and he didn’t recognize any of these men as part of the Haitian National Police Force. Since then, Chief Gedeon has been steadily arresting these fake cops, real Haitian police have been getting killed.
At that time these pink units came onto the scene, Jude Charles Faustin, President Jovenel Moise’s special adviser said these units were part of the General Security Unit of the National Palace (USGPN). Chief Gedeon responded they were not authorized to constitutionally patrol the streets. Only the national police force and command have this authority.

For Jovenel Moise presidential security for people who are armed with rocks?
Mario Andrésol, the former Director General of the Haiti police also condemned the use by USGPN agents of weapons of war intended to intimidate the population.

Since then, there’s been an undeclared war between the authorized police commanded by Gedeon and the imposter, militarized police seemingly, surreptitiously commanded by white career military contractors, hidden mercenaries for the National Palace. See photo.

Jovenel-Céant private war on the people, Nov 2018
However for the protests that followed, these units would continually show up in the streets. Demonstrators would be assassinated with a single sniper kill head shot, police killed, marchers shot in the back, and since the February 7, 2019 lock down protests until today, more often than not, ambulances would cart away bodies, sometimes never to be found again by family members. But cell phones are everywhere and Haitians took pictures.
Arrested! American & Serbian Mercenaries in Haiti with heavy weapons!
Now, comes February 17, 2019 and 7 foreign mercenaries with one Haitian are arrested by Gedeon’s police force and charged with weapons trafficking and conspiracy to commit crimes. (See a related article, titled, Who is Dropping Planeloads of Illegal Weapons in Haiti and Why? by Èzili Dantò, February 15, 2019)
Haiti is an international crime scene and the media, for the most part, acts as a mafia clean up crew after a hit.
Part 3 – Mercenaries, Snipers and Businessmen with a Kill List In Haiti
Direct From Haiti:
Snipers and Mercenaries With A List of People to Kill
We’ve selected two Kreyòl audio interviews, direct from Haiti, to provide good background information on how the situation and arrest of the foreign mercenaries unfolded. Haiti Parliament members with inside police knowledge, speak directly about the arrest of the American mercenaries. Tell how Jovenel Moise’s National Palace operatives – including a member of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet, the Minister of Justice – rushed to do damage control and set them free, here and here.
To summarize, the first audio report, done the day of the arrest on February 17, 2019, corroborates the information provided in the second interview.
According to this report, a government authority from the National Palace was with the mercenaries when they were arrested. This person was not arrested. Furthermore, two government authorities from the Palace quickly arrived at the police station in attempt to get the mercenaries released, one judiciary authority, one political authority (unnamed). The eight men were on their way from the Central Bank of Haiti, driving in unmarked cars without license plates.
We also learned from this source that there are other foreign commandos in Haiti, working with this group of men. Some say 20, some say 43, others up to 100 more of them are still in Haiti.
List of People to Kill
The second audio reporting in Kreyòl news radio gives more details and names the people from the government who descended on the police station to get the men released. The speaker is former President of the Haitian Senate, Desras Simon Dieuseul. He is interviewed by radio host, Jean Monard on February 18. Essentially, the exchange explains how these men, hired violence, driving around in cars without license plates in Haiti, are implicated in numerous acts of international terrorism in Haiti that are then blamed, in the international media, on looting Haitians, violent Haitians and on the peoples’ resistance to the corrupt status quo.
Senator Desras alleges that the foreign mercenaries have been in Haiti since early November 18, 2018 driving cars without license plates or changing the licenses at will, to avoid detection of their crimes. He charges the Jovenel Moise government, working with the Core Group of internationals, with orchestrating extrajudicial violence to quell legal and democratic protest to their rule. He goes into details so listen to the recording yourself.
He accuses the National Palace of giving the hired guns a list of people to execute, including opposition politicians, activists and certain named journalists. The Senator says he doesn’t know why the police have not released that information.
He says that other groups of these mercenaries are elsewhere, spread out, throughout Haiti. He notes they’re in the L’artibonite area and in the city of Les Cayes. He says these men were unleashed onto Haiti on the pretexts that the demonstrators would overrun the National Palace and the government hired them to stop this. He says these heavily armed mercenaries had hand grenades and other war weapons also, but not all are pictured in the police bust and arrest pictures. Deras says that these mercenaries are implicated in the shooting of many policemen during the various days of protests to weaken the Haiti police and Police Chief Michel-Ange Gedeon, in particular. (Tande in Kreyòl: “Career Mercenaries Hired to Kill Poor Haitians For Corrupt and Unpopular Government, February 18, 2019)
According to Desras, the three high level Jovenel Moise government executives, sent to pressure the police to free the mercenaries, are: Jean Roudy Aly, the Minister of Justice; Ardouin Zephirin, a presidential advisor and, Jean Fritz Jean Louis, the former Secretary of State. All are reported to have tried in vain “to bend the police to obtain the release of these foreign nationals apprehended with in their possession large arms, drones, pistols, a lot of license plates, bullet-proof vests, and other war equipment in the vicinity of the Central Bank of Haiti.” — Go to Rezo Nodwest for English translation and the original at – 3 personnalités du pouvoir auraient tenté de faire libérer les « mercenaires » étrangers arrêtés par la PNH )
Finally, the Senator confirms and its as also reported by Rezo Nordwest that, while the foreigners were in custody at the police station, at least one person filed a complaint against them which reveals “that one of the two vehicles seized had been used by shooters who had fired on a group of protesters during this weekend.
What proof is there that the 7 mercenaries arrested may also form part of the white men pictured here?

These are questions yet to be satisfactorily answered by the Haiti authorities and judicial process. Unfortunately, the U.S. Embassy helped the accused mercenaries, with professional sniper skills and equipment, flee Haiti and did not let the Haitian judiciary do its job.

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