Haiti dreadlocks hold a demonstration protesting US-trained and supported Haiti militarized police illegally detaining them to cut off their hair. The Dreads demand a stop to the profiling and selective picking for arrest, assault and discrimination of Haitians simply for their African-ness in Desalin’s land, now occupied by the imperialist and their Eurocentric neo-Duvalierist puppet regime
Haiti Dreadlock Wearers Demand: A Stop to Persecution by US Puppet Regime

Respect the rights of the Dread, Locks. Twist, Braid and Afro-wearers. We have the right not to look like you! Photo Credit: Jelin Esau Jules
Adler Pierre, rastafarien, dénonce des policiers encagoulés qui lui auraient coupé ses dreadlocks
Des rastafariens dénoncent des policiers qui se livreraient à la coupe de leurs dreadlocks
We Have the Right to Look Different

Stop arbitrarily arresting and assaulting Dreads in Haiti: We Have A Right to be Different Photo credit: Tina Lorquet
A Dreadlock-wearers demonstration, held on December 3, 2014 in Haiti, protested the Haiti militarized police action that corralled, at gun-point, several dread men, forced them to lay down and brutally chopped and cut-off their dreads, twists and locks. In addition, all over Haiti are protesting for an end to the US occupation behind UN guns, an end to their imposed Eurocentric Martelly-Lamothe government which puts foreign interests and aesthetics ahead of Haiti interests.

Stop arbitrarily arresting and assaulting Dreads, Locks, Twists, Braid and Afro-wearers in Haiti – Photo credit: Jelin Esau Jules
Haitians dreads who are arrested or detained are routinely subject to police hair-chopping assaults in US-occupied Haiti.
Babylon Shall Fall
The dreadlock-wearing protestors are asking for justice and reparation for these illegal state actions. They claim the right to grow their hair, afro their hair, dread, twist, braid and lock anyway they wish and that those men who were most recently assaulted, they’re hairs chopped-off were not breaking any laws for the police to summarily assault and profile them this way. The Dread demonstrators walked from the Art School – Ecole Nationale des Arts (ENARTS) – to Parliament then past in front of the Cathedral turning back towards the Petion University and ENARTS center again. This is the first of such planned protest actions, and the Dreadlocked community intends to file an official complaint asking the Martelly-Lamothe government for an immediate investigation into this most recent brutal Babylon police (Polisye Babilòn)’s acts against Dreads in Haiti.
Ezili’s HLLN/Free Haiti Movement has elsewhere documented, since the US occupation behind UN mercenary guns began in 2004 with the Bush bicentennial regime change, the State killing of Dreads likeEmmanuel Drèd Wilmè and, for instance, the profiling by five Brazilian soldiers working for the UN, seen arresting a protester wearing dreadlocks and a T-shirt from Jean-Juste’s Veye Yo organization back in 2009. The colonial profiling and Eurocentricity continues to harm the masses of native Haitians, as we see with the denial and repeals of basic rights, the US/Clinton/Obama “Haiti reconstruction” priorities, their supervising so-called “amendments” to the Haiti Constitution with no Haiti public participation/referendum, making Vodun illegal again, and other such US-Euro-influenced cultural prohibitions forced upon occupied Haiti. (See also HLLN Recommended Links to honor Dred Wilmè killed by UN troops July 6, 2005.)

Stop Profiling Dreads in Haiti. Babylon Shall Fall. We Have A Right to be Different. Photo Credit: Jelin Esau Jules
“Pèp Ayisyen pran aksyon dirèk pou fè Martelly sispann touye moun, arete moun, koupe cheve moun. Pèp la di non Ayiti pa pou vann, ni angwo, ni andetay. Pèp la di non pap gen Diktati ann Ayiti.”
In Haiti the government is not Haitian
Kanaval 2015: Fè Leta Nou, Artist: Guerchang Bastia
Brothers Posse – Bon Bò-A [Video Kanaval 2015]
Join the Free Haiti Movement –
“Like” our Facebook Page. Follow us on Twitter and this website ezilidanto.com/zili for Haiti news and analysis
Book a Haiti Teach-In Forum withEzili Dantò – The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from FDR to Obama; The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide
Haitians Protest Life Under US Occupation Behind UN Mercenary Guns
Ten of thousands of Haitians demonstrated in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and throughout Haiti said Ezili Dantò
Ezili interview on Black Agenda Report weekly radio broadcast with Glen Ford plus interview with Cornel West and Bob Avakian Dialogue at Riverside Church, published by BAR, Nov. 26, 2014
Africa Live interview Ezili Dantò with Dedan Sankara on the Quiet Genocide in Haiti, Oct. 12, 2004 or listen here
Diaspora Music interview Ezili Dantò with Norman Otis Richmond: UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti is America’s AFRICOM in the Western Hemisphere, Oct 26, 2014
Haiti Protest Caracol & Martelly Regime – 45th Native American Day Of Mourning
Vertieres 2014-Haiti Resist US Occupation & Martelly-Lamothe Puppet Gov
No to Sham Elections and US Occupation
Ezili on Haiti, four years after quake, Feb 2014
Celebrating Bwa Kayiman 2014

Sacred burning heart of warrior mother archetype, Ezili Dantò
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