Stolen lands, built by stolen labor, fuel by raw materials and resources stolen from foreign countries, THAT is looting (See Photo essay- Free Leonard Peltier, wrongfully incarcerated since 1976 )
Haitians at Fort Liberte Protest Caracol Monopolizing Electricity

Haiti industrial park opening Caracol
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pose with workers at the grand opening ceremony of the new Caracol Industrial Park in Caracol, Haiti, on October 22, 2012. (Larry Downing/Reuters)
Ezili Dantò’s Note:
US Black genocide in Haiti comes in the guise of help
Occupied Haiti keeps doing the same things that services empire but that’s dished up in the guise of “help” or “jobs” for Haitians.
Our political class turns a blind eye to history, continually pleasing their white masters who are systematically implementing the death plan for Haiti.
Years ago, HLLN explained that the Caracol industrial park’s infrastructure would serve foreign interests and big mining interests in Northeast Haiti.
The protestors wounded in the Nov. 27, 2014 demonstration to demand that Fort Liberte be supplied with electricity from the power plant at nearby Caracol could have been spared IF the Haiti political class where NOT always trusting the Clinton/Bush ilks promoting Haitian genocide.
The Ezili Network warned the Haiti misleadership that US development or “help” for Haiti is about death, deprivation, and repression. But Ezili Dantò/HLLN’s work is hated and marginalized while the assassins and their restaveks are LAUDED by civilization or is it devilization!See, Haiti: Foreign Investment means Death and Repression: A Historical Perspective .
An AP news report on Nov 27, 2014 declares that : “For the last few days, protesters in Fort Liberte have taken to the streets demanding the town be supplied with electricity from a power plant at an industrial park in nearby Caracol, the senator said.”– Protesters Wounded by Gunfire in Northeast Haiti.
Haiti: Protest Bill Clinton’s Flagship Reconstruction Project – The Caracol Sweatshop – Monopolizing Haiti Electricity
But this is to be expected. The US/Clinton/Obama/UN use of quake funds to build, as its flagship reconstruction project, the Caracol (Sweatshop) Industrial Park, was never about helping Haiti with living wage jobs, or any sort of real jobs. Or about providing Haiti with public roads, sanitation, clean water, electricity or any sort of progressive infrastructure. It was about the theft of Haiti lands and resources to benefit foreigners and to feed the power elites’ voracious greed. See our July 9, 2012 report – Ezili analysis of Caracol in Northeast Haiti: Foreign Investment means Death and Repression: A Historical Perspective.
Listen to the Haitian perspective interview on the on-going protests throughout Haiti at “Tens of Thousands in Haiti Protest US occupation and Its Puppet Government.” (The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide”.)
Book an Ezili Dantò/Free Haiti presentation on: The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded, From FDR to Obama -The United Nations, a criminal organization- From Lumumba to Aristide (See the photo essay: Haiti teach-in forum and listen to interview on The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide”.)
Haiti: “Obama, take Martelly!” US Embassy-bound demo triggers fiery clashes
November 29, 2014 Protest in Port au Prince
Anti Martelly-Lamothe regime protest held at Port-au-Prince on November 29 2014. This protest demonstration was headed to the US Embassy in Haiti but unable to reach their final destination where the organizers planned to deliver a message to the US Obama government with respect to their unconditional support for this corrupt regime as implemented by US Ambassador to Haiti, Pamela White, USAID and their militarized police/UN/PMSCs mercenary guns.
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