“For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony? To the destroyers, aspiring to extinguish us, reveling in their own fantastic success? The last imbecile to dream such dreams is dead, killed by the saviors of his dreams.” — Ayi Kwei Armah
Èzili Dantò January 1st
interview 2013
Civil Alert interview (177:03min): Èzili Dantò of the Haytian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) speak about the Haytian Revolution and its hidden history, January 3, 2013, Civil Alert/BlogTalkRadio.
Èzili Dantò Note:
I write this essay every January 1st.
It was first posted on this website in 2013 and is copied below. But the original was written in 2004 immediately after the U.S. regime change taking out Hayti political self-rule and sovereignty. Hayti is still under occupation, still struggling for human rights, self-determination and liberation. The overriding terror of Western parasitism, called colonialism, imperialism, and multinational Establishment corruption of the power elites who rule the many, are the same even when the particulars, the endless socially engineered and manufactured CoreGroup imperial crisis, as noted in the essay, may change from year to year.
Hayti holds the line going back 221 years since our independence on Jan. 1, 1804 and 522 years since the first Afrikan was brought in chains to Ayiti in the Western Hemisphere by European slavers in 1503.
Happy Makaya everyone.
Makaya is the season, (falling during the Winter Solstice) from December to Jan6 in Hayti – a sacred time for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual purification, mostly with leaves, cleansing baths fasting and meditation, to bring good vibrations, health, enlightenment and prosperity for the coming New Sun Year. Hope you are all vibrating at the highest of levels to bring into manifestation a more humane, prosperous, loving and joyful 2025 year for planet earth and especially for the children and future generations of Hayti.
Thank you everyone for your support during the past year. It is everything and so greatly appreciated. At the Èzili Network and #FreeHaiti we look forward to your participation and reflections to come this new sun year.
Makaya is our yearly Vodun earth, vegetation, herbal cleansing, cyclical celestial alignments, and cycle of life celebrations. Makaya is the Vodun culture’s celebration to honor Nature’s plant/herbal bounties and the wondrous life manifesting properties and healing of the multiverses’ Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight, and Earthlight…and Govi reclaiming from the magnetosphere the irreducible, eternal essence of the Ancestors.
The Makaya celebration recognizes the astrological science of the Vodun Ancestors for the end of each Sun Year, marking the stars, sun, moon, earth seasons, celestial alignments and zodiac cycles. Our serpentine, not linear path on planet earth…
“The Solar path – The Danbala-Wedo Serpentine fire is Kundalini rising up the spine, symbolic of the activated DNA… In a macro/micro looped back holographic fractal universe….it’s enlightenment, reaching back to source Anba Dlo, past the Duat, magnetosphere, realms/portals, the quickening (nou tounen teta lan Dlo) and astral travel.” – Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti
We begin the New Year by celebrating Hayti’s 221st year of independence, even while we are under US occupation behind the UN-CoreGroup front and billionaire mafia today. The Ancestors’ achievements guide us to another tomorrow.
Lanmou, fòs, kouraj, sante, pwosperite. Wi nou soufri kriz aprè kriz. Anpil boulvèsman. Okipasyon Meriken, retou blan kolon yo, trayizon restavek yo, tranbleman tè, siklòn, grangou klorox, lavi chè, vòl resous peyi a, e chomaj oksidantal. Men, lan mitan tout sa, GRANMOUN konprann byen: Ginen poze.
Gade andedan w. Wap wè: Ayiti se yon plas ansyen li ye, se tè sakre nou li ye. Nou se Ayisyen. Vèso sakre. Timoun ki fèk parèt sou latè, ki tou ti bebe e ki panse lamò se lavi etenèl pakapab vinn ranse ak Ginen Fran. Si w granmoun, Ayibobo pou ou!
May the powerful spirit of the Ancestors who gathered Bò Kay Manbo Inan guide us more in 2025.
Long live – viv – Desalin, AbdarayaToya, Jeneral Moyiz, Grann Gitonn, Dede Magrit, Manbo Inan, Grann Brijit and all the warriors at Vètyè. Viv Ayiti. Viv lame endijèn Ayisyen an. Kouwòn pou Dede Defile. Aba okipasyon. Mèsi papa Desalin.
Love, light, healing and may you all always walk with honor and respect,
Èzili Dantò of HLLN
Desalin is Rising!
January 1, 2025
(See also special Jan 1st posting of Desalin’s Constitution (Kreyòl and English)
“May the clear waters of Simbi and Agwe heal hearts for new beginnings, wash away the pain of those who continually kill the innocent. May Cain be healed so that Able may live free.” – Èzili Dantò of HLLN, December 25, 2012
Jan 1: Another Independence Day Under Occupation
Ours has been a long struggle. It started, over 520 years ago in 1503 when the first kidnapped Afrikan captives set chained foot on what is now known as Haytian soil.
Back on Jan. 1, 1804, European/U.S. barbarity and savagery received its greatest blow in the Western Hemisphere. We continue to face their guns, greed, foreign germs and odious cruelties. But we also continue to celebrate our victories, humanity and determination never to be as shallow and violent as these enemies. Haytians have been stigmatized and forced to pay with their lives and freedom for that achievement ever since.
Every Jan. 1st marks Hayti’s freedom day.
Oceans of our blood have poured and watered the soil to nourish civilized co-existence on this planet earth and continue, this very minute, to soak the earth needlessly, simply because Haytians were the first to counter, in combat, European/U.S. biological fatalism, destroy their myth of white superiority and to do what even Spartacus could not.
How should Haytians mark this anniversary?
Who should we confer with about our awesome burden, our plight, our long struggle to be treated as human beings by the European “discoverers” and settlers? About the U.N. soldiers” massacres; about the US occupation of Hayti behind the UN front; about the US/Euro open-pit mining for Hayti’s untold billions in gold in the time of UN-imported cholera; about the savage disenfranchisement of the impoverished with US-supported sham elections since 2004; about their feudal pillage masked as humanitarian aid in Hayti; about $10 billion in earthquake dollars collected that’s been put in foreign pockets leaving practically no footprint in Hayti; about the use of Hayti misery by the US/UN/NGOs to cash in – market for donation dollars; about the arsonist and firemen role played by the fake humanitarians; about the rapes of our women; importation of cholera that’s killed over 10,000 and infected nearly one million innocent Haytians and the repression of Hayti’s defenseless poor? About the lies of the mainstream media and awful propaganda for empire by the likes of Bill Clinton and Dr. Paul Farmer? (See, Lakou New York interview (in Kreyòl) on Hayti’s Riches, 2008; Open pit mining in the time of UN cholera catastrophe is good for who in Hayti?)
Who should we confer with about this insane Western force that attacks all that is not like itself, even though it has no attackers? About Bartholomew De La Casas’ “New World,” enmeshed in its own armor of materialism, caged in centuries of self-serving lies that defends itself endlessly from the planet’s masses, bringing genocide it veils in false declarations of benevolence?” (See full text of HLLN’s regular Jan 1st essay at Another Independence Day Under Occupation http://bit.ly/wXsPKN)
How do we Haytians get justice?
Who do we tell about the UN repackaging old donor pledges and Dr. Paul Farmer and Obama’s complicity in denying the earthquake and cholera victims justice and reparations, all the while telling the world they’re bringing stability, democracy, justice and civilization to Hayti?
How do we show that Hayti’s violence rate is lower than that of most of the tourist destinations in the Caribbean – has one of the lowest violence rates in the Western Hemisphere when the US has a Chapter 7 UN peace enforcement (tourista/MINUSTAH) mission in Hayti collecting over half billion per year when there’s no civil war or peace agreement to enforce?
Who do we tell that the kidnappings, sex slavery and organ trafficking in Hayti are not the work of impoverished Black youths but mostly the work of the wealthy global elites, folks with access to diplomatic pouches, privatized ports and it went nuclear with the kidnapping of democratically elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide by US Special Forces and that the cholera epidemic began under the US occupation of Hayti behind the UN and NGO humanitarian front? How do we show a world convinced with the false benevolence of the “first world” rulers, absorbed in white gluttony, profit-over-people values, monopolistic, and unfettered capitalism of its absolute evil? How should we Haytians, who still live and breathe free, fight on for ourselves, our children, for those who don’t?
In the book “Two Thousand Seasons,” Ayi Kwei Armah writes:
“How have we come to be mere mirrors to annihilations? For whom do we aspire to reflect our people’s death? For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony? In what hopes? That the destroyers, aspiring to extinguish us, will suffer conciliatory remorse at the sight of their own fantastic success? The last imbecile to dream such dreams is dead, killed by the saviors of his dreams.”
It is an exercise in futility to go to the perpetrators and executioners of human rights crimes in Hayti in hopes of getting justice for our people.
Those who ousted the constitutional government of Hayti in 2004 – the U.N., which acts as proxy to maintain this international crime, the Haytian lackeys and their Bill Clinton, Paul Farmer and State Department masters – are dead inside and cannot hear the cries of the Hayiian masses.
It’s not their mission or mandate. For they don’t represent life, liberty, democracy, development, and decency, but its opposite. This officialdom, this authority, rains death, despotism, destruction, cruelty, inhumanity, injustice, and represents all that civilized peoples worldwide struggle to overcome. They write laws but are too “high tech” to live them. They mouth words of “justice” and fairness but their words are DEAD.
To further quote Ghanaian writer, Ayi Kwei Armah: “Those utterly dead, never again to awake, such is their muttering.”
See for yourself, my people, Paul Farmer’s mutterings and back peddling on the UN as the source of Hayti cholera quoted at “Haytians Won’t Play Baseball in the time of Cholera.” (The Haytian Blogger, December, 2012 http://bit.ly/W5lx56.)
But as you read Dr. Farmer’s racist obfuscations and immoral lies that seek to mask the US occupation behind UN front as Haytian “progress” that is worthy of international support, remember: the mutterings of zombies are meaningless.
Ayi Kwei Armah explains what’s to be done with such predators and their blan-peyi Haytian lackeys, for they are dead: “Leave them in their graves. Whatever waking form they wear, the stench of death pours ceaseless from their mouths. From every opening of their possessed carcasses comes death’s excremental pus. Their soul itself is dead and long since putrefied. Would you have your intercourse with these creatures from the graveyard?”
NO. Leave the dead in their graves. Speak your righteous message not to these “long rotted ash” but address your message, my people, to the living and look only to Desalin’s descendants worldwide. His legacy is liberty. Speak to liberty lovers. Empower the world’s lovers of liberty.
On freedom day, raise up peaceful co-existence in the name of Janjak Desalin, the father of Haytian independence, author of the concept that a “Haytian” is a “freedom lover,” no matter his or her melanin content…
Remember that “Black” as redefined by Desalin means a “Lover of Liberty.” Therefore, any person, of whatever fabricated social “race,” who loves freedom and liberty is Black, not white in the pejorative “tyrant” sense. For, to Haytians, anyone who is a tyrant, no matter what his or her skin color, is deemed “white,” a blan, a stranger, not family. We speak also, for instance, of Barack Obama, the two warmongering Rices or Colin Powell, servants to the Sodom-Gomorrah vampire system.
Black is also, to Janjak Desalin and his knowledgeable descendants, the color and texture of liberty.
It is because of this Desalin philosophy and psychology that Haytian beliefs are marginalized and why Haytians are forever marked for destruction and annihilation. Our concepts, based on the observable facts of our history, experiences and existence, threaten white supremacy to its core. That is why most people in this world only know the lies told and retold about Hayti, about Hayti’s culture, its psychology, its philosophy.
I’ve written in the “Red, Black, Moonlight” monologue series, “Reaching for Black, keeps me from bursting into flames.” For it is that “reaching” which defines and gives texture to our struggle. Our independence and freedom is divine and “as black as primordial space, as black as the firmament from which creation sprang ” the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. All who are ”Haytian” carry particles of a culture, where every vibratory energy comes out of the dark melanin seed, that Hayti and Africa owns, which captures light and reproduces itself and various hues and shades, full of multidimensional patterns, disparate energies, eternal seeds.”
Remember and celebrate the road traveled
Humbled by the courage of the Haytians who left us a freedom legacy to live, a liberated psychology to help free Africa’s children from all sorts of colonization, a philosophy to extend, on Independence Day, we remember, respect and honor our deep roots even as we continue to face officialdom’s bitter lies, its Northern despotism and racist disdain. We face its lies and half-truths, such as written by the likes of the fake progressives bringing Hollywood to celebrate the opening of a sweatshop as the height of “building Hayti back better” or their various mainstream press chums, who continually call Hayti “a hell hole,” “violent,” “full of ignorant blacks,” “infectious,” while calling their imposed Martelly/Lamothe regime “progress,” its reign “democracy” and their last sham election-under-occupation “worthy.”
On our Independence Day, Haytians shall come together to stand tall within ourselves against the empire’s lies and stigmas. We’ve survived. We know who we are, what we are and that we’ve got roots to keep us strong.
Our history of survival is our greatest asset and rallying point. We exist still because we have ALWAYS defined ourselves, extended ourselves, given value to ourselves, our life, strengths, ancestors, history and heroes, when the world’s greatest armies, media and superpowers have not.
In fact, Northern officialdom and its Haytian blan-peyi lackeys are united solely in their refusal to recognize Hayti’s value, its sovereignty and right to self-determination. Death, imprisonment, suffering and sacrifice may be our perennial plight in this, Bartholomew De La Casas’ “New World.” Yet try as the pathetic likes of Bill Clinton/Paul Farmer may to tell Haytians what we are worth, how exclusionary elections are “our due” and that repression is liberty, they fool and shame only themselves and their restavek Haytian lackeys.
Ayi Kwei Armah writes, “A people losing sight of origins is dead. A people deaf to purposes is lost. Under fertile rain, in scorching sunshine, there is no difference: their bodies are mere corpses, awaiting final burial.”
As flesh and blood, endowed by our creator with the right to life, we claim the natural right to just retribution, to self-defense, to equal application of international laws governing human and civil rights. For we are certain, if not in this lifetime, then in our children or great-grandchildren’s time, the day will come when the fiendish fake progressives like Paul Farmers of this world will answer for the Haytian lives they’ve helped to destroy down the centuries and generations. The day will come, as surely as tomorrow is already here, and Haytians all over the world, who have survived the US occupation’s bloody carnage since 2004, will continue demanding an end to the masking of the tyranny as a way of remembering our independence from European/ U.S. official servitude and its manifold injustices.
Every tomorrow will be our Independence Day. Every tomorrow we Haytians shall extend our independence, blocking re-colonization, its modern day applications and their new rods of empire – endless use of progressive credentials of the likes of Paul Farmer, Bill Clinton, Ban Ki Moon and Jim Wong Kim to hide the disconcerting savagery of the US occupation of Hayti since 2004. Every tomorrow, even if placed in jail, forgotten and abandoned like Catholic nun Dona Belizaire and Vodouist, Ougan Zaza (Frantz Jean Raymond) or in exile or contained in poverty, we won’t relent but shall recount our glorious history of struggle ad nauseam, until no doubt remains that we are indeed Desalin’s descendants.
My people, leave the dead in their graves and look to Desalin’s descendants. Gather the living un-coopted Haytians, drink soup joumou, play Desalin’s anthem, recount the StoryofJanjak – the greatest hero to ever live, meditate on Boukman’s prayer. Remember Desalin’s Law, read the two (November 29, 1803 and January 1, 1804) Haytian Declaration of Independence to your children. Call on Dede Defile, Dede Magrit, Manbo Inan, Tant Abdaraya Toya, Grann Gitonn, Grann Brijit, Marijann, Kapwa Lamò, Sanit Belè, Bwaron Tonè, Anri Kristof, Suzann Louvèti, Boukman, Makandal, Chalemayn Peralt and Katrin Flon. Like Moriso Lewa, say “Thank you – Mèsi Papa Desalin” and celebrate our living history. Keep making that history. Remember and celebrate the dignity of one of the least violent peoples in the Western Hemisphere, the Èzili Dantò generosity of Hayti’s present and historical women warriors. Remember our roots, our struggle – its vast glory. Nou fè yon sel kò.
Those roots are our living way, our legacy, our path to freedom and our light that’s impossible to lose. Its remembrance calls us, animates us and keeps us moving through these unspeakable sufferings and grief.
On our Independence Day and on every other tomorrow to come, we shall forget the dead living amongst us, sucking our blood like the vampires they are. These parasites have lost sight of Hayti’s origins – its sanctity, divinity, and goodness; its gift of liberty and fraternity, when all around the Northern settlers were bringing only depravity.
Desalin’s descendants hold a sacred trust. Our mission is to live free, not to live as dead zombies, corporate stooges, or U.N. sell-outs, servile to gluttonous and inhuman greed like the Bafyòti restaveks and their vampirish white masters.
“Kanga Mundele,” said the spirit of Èzili Dantò that mounted that great, Reign Kongo – Mambo Inan, a master teacher for Manbo Cecile Fatiman and countless other revolutionary priests/priestesses (Manbo/Ougan), on Aug. 14, 1791, at Bò Kay Manbo Inan (aka Bwa Kayiman), the ceremony that began the great Haytian Revolution. Kanga Mundele means “kill the stranger” in Kikongo – “kill the stranger within,” “amongst us,” – and also means “long live freedom.”
Indeed our freedom still lives. Despite over 500 years of grief, Haytians are still here – standing on truth, living without fear. Nou La! We don’t get much press, but we’re here! Nou la. Kanga Mundele!
Èzili Dantò of HLLN
Li bèl li la
January 1st, another day under occupation
(For more on the non-colonial narrative on Hayti, go to: Jan 1, 2012 Another Independence Day under occupation at http://bit.ly/wXsPKN and, in general at https://ezilidanto.com/)
Donate to support Èzili’s HLLN work, Zili Dlo Clean Water, Solar Power and Skill Transfer for everyone in Hayti.
The Haytian struggle – the greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out on this planet
Forwarded by Èzili’s Haytian Lawyers Leadership Network
November 29, 1803 – Hayti’s first Declaration of Independence, “I have saved my country, I have avenged America”–Janjak Desalin, Hayti founding father
January 1, 1804 Hayti Declaration of Independence
The Bò Kay Manbo Inan (Bwa Kayiman) Call
Spoken in the KiKongo language on August 14, 1791 – The Bò Kay Manbo Inan Prophecy and Call, which began the Hayti revolution, is: E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!
Èzili’s English translation: The Supreme Creator (E, e, Mbomba, e, e!), Master of Breath shall foil the black collaborators/traitors (kanga bafyòti). Kill/tie up/stop the tyrannical white settlers/colonists, strangers (kanga mundele). Bind all their evil forces/sorcerers (kanga Ndòki). Stop them!
(Listen to the Welfare Poets’ song Sak Pase and their reciting (2:05) of the Bò Kay Manbo Inan (aka Bwa Kayiman) invocation: E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li! – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1DnBmvMjkU)
At Bò Kay Manbo Inan (Bwa Kayiman), on August 14, 1791, the enslaved Haytian rejected bourgeois freedom and fought for universal justice and freedom. The struggle for human rights and dignity continues today…”
“…These poor people are being punished because they have the audacity to
hold a huge MIRROR to the face of hypocrites who come to lecture them about
democracy with machine guns in their hands….” Jean (Jafrikayiti) St. Vil
speaking out on the December 22 massacre in Site Soley, Dec. 20, 2006,
[ezilidanto] 400 UN soldiers open fire and attack the starving Site Soley community, at least 10 dead, countless civilians wounded, hundreds of residents demand end of the violence and withdrawal of the 8,000-strong UN troops in Hayti.
“…At least 10 people died and 20 were wounded Friday in a UN peace-keeping
operation in Hayti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, a UN official said.
The operation was aimed at disarming one of the armed bands in the poverty
district of Cite Soleil, according to Sophia Boutaud, spokeswoman for the
United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Hayti (MINUSTAH)…” http://bit.ly/RfDK2S
[ezilidanto] Senate passes HOPE Act | HLLN statement on the new US trade legislation to “help Haytians”, erzilidanto, 12/16/2006
[ezilidanto]“…We at HLLN, fondasyon Mapou and Democracy for Hayti, along with our Network partners abroad and in Hayti giving voice to the plight of voiceless
Haytians, did not endorse it then, and we wish to reaffirm our position now
that the legislation has been passed. HOPE was combined to follow the path of
AGOA, a preferential treatment bill which supposedly should have worked
wonders for the African economy. AGOA has done little for the Africa worker
and African domestic economy, so why will it be any different in Hayti…”
[ezilidanto] Bòn Ane 2007! – New Years Message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide (in Kreyol text and audio) from Pretoria, South Africa | The kidnapping epidemic in Hayti BEGAN with the kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide and the foreign-sponsored 2004 coup d’etat that ousted Hayti’s democratically elected government, erzilidanto, 12/25/2006
Audio :Bòn Ane 2007! – New Years Message from President Jean Bertrand Aristide (in Kreyol text and audio) from Pretoria, South Africa
[erzilidanto] Denounce UN slaughter of mostly civilians in Site Solèy on Dec. 22, 2006, call your churches, civic organizations, your local, national and international media and speak out! | Massive UN assault on Cite Soleil – URGENT ALERT from Hayti Action Comm-The UN’s Christmas present to Hayti, erzilidanto, 12/25/2006
“The came to terrorize the population, said Rose Matel, (a Site Soley
resident) referring to the police and UN troops. “I don’t think they really
killed the bandits, unless they consider all of us as bandits.” (regarding
UN’s Dec. 22, 2006 brutal military assault on Site Soley residents)- Reuters
Aren’t there gangs in the US? W ill 400 UN foreign soldiers, with helicopters and war tanks come blast a whole neighborhood in Los Angeles in the dead of night on the excuse they are looking for gangs and then carelessly dismiss the assassination of US citizens as mere “collateral damage?” as they are doing with their Dec. 22 massacre of Site Soley’s innocent residents?| Jafrikayiti speak out against the Dec. 22, 2006 UN massacre | Hayti Blue Helmets not Peaceful, erzilidanto, 12/30/2006
Jan 1, 2007- Haytian worldwide celebrate defeating European enslavement and
colonialism: Remembering Hayti’s founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines at
the end of the bicentennial year, 1806-2006
Seismic Shifts: Hayti Freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Uncle Toms
Mesi Papa Dessalines
Three ideals of Dessalines
Kouwòn pou Defile
Libète Ou La Mò
Dessalines’ Law
Dessalines’ Songs *La Dessalinienne
Hayti’s National Anthem
Hayti: Foreign Investment means Death and Repression: A Historical Perspective
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