Hillary Wage Slavery in Haiti Exploits Impoverished Black Women——– The Quiet Genocide in Haiti
Occupation Through Humanitarian Front: The Dominican army?
Two people on the Ezili Network Newsletter list sent me the breaking news that the Dominican Republic army sent 1200 military troops to help the Matthew Hurricane victims. (See, Deployment of 1200 Dominican troops to Haiti; L’aide dominicaine est-elle une gifle pour le peuple Haïtien?; and, Haiti sectors question Dominican Republic´s aid.)
It’s reported that the Dominican Republic plans to send:
A staff of 1,200 including 800 Dominican soldiers during the coming weeks of October 21 and a second group of 400 Dominican soldiers at the end of October. They are to provide military security for Dominican aid that the Dominican Republic will send to Haiti on November 1st and second. The Dominican government plans to send 700 containers of food supplies and medicines accompanied by a medical team of 150 specialists which include psychiatrists, psychologists, and dermatologists to provide help to the Hurricane Matthew victims. Another 700 containers and medical staff will arrive on October 31. (See also, Quand certains Haïtiens se découvrent nationalistes après 12 ans de Minustha.)
Why are the Dominican, the US, France and Canadian militaries invading Haiti to help distribute humanitarian assistance when the UN is already in Haiti for over 12 years now and just got its mandate renewed in the chaos of Hurricane Matthews? Cuba and Venezuela sent assistance without sending soldiers setting up base camps, why does DR assistance require a military escort for their aid convoys that’s reported to be setting up base camps?
Haiti has less violence than the Dominican Republic. In fact, than most countries of the Western Hemisphere. The DR has a brutal history for ethnic cleansing Haitians. The Haitian government ought to be sensitive to this if they value Haitian lives.
It’s difficult to tell people about evil because folks don’t want to know. The US-EU propaganda is that the psychopaths that rule these nations are good. To know that all you’ve been told is a lie is painful to absorb. That’s why evil conquers. The US is in Haiti to depopulate the island of Haitians. Instead of bringing heavy equipment to help with flood waters, evacuating people in areas, like Baladeres Haiti that are flooded or using their helicopters to fly Haitians in these bad areas to other areas in Haiti where the people may get medical help and to safety, they’ll drop off a few bags of emergency supplies, take pictures of the devastation and fly off. They’ll be back, later, with the NGO crisis caravan vultures once the death count mounts. See the photo album titled The Quiet Genocide in Haiti.
Baladères Haiti, still under water, two weeks
after Hurricane Matthew disaster.
How do you want people not to get cholera from
this? Aye! The government should evacuate them.
MEDIA SILENT as tens of thousands of Black people march against Hillary Clinton around the country. Protestors chant: “Don’t vote for Hillary, she’s killing Black people.” See also, Facebook post comments ;
Haiti Message to Donald Trump and
Let Establishment Democrats Scream But Haitian and Haitian-American Disgust with Clintons Is Justified.
Donate to support the Hurricane Matthew victims
with Zili Dlo Clean Water Renewable Energy
This author wrote many years ago, before the Wikileaks and Hillary Clinton release emails vindicated our research with further hard proof, that the humanitarian occupation in Haiti was:
“..blithely focused on establishing luxury hotels, tourist resorts, mining infrastructure to drill and dig up Haiti’s vast minerals and oil for its own coffers. While claiming it’s providing aid to Haiti, the U.S. is stealing Haiti’s gold, copper, marble, iridium, uranium and oil wealth. The U.S. genocidal plans for Haitians continues to displace Haiti’s farmers and fishermen as they battle cholera.”
The first group of Dominican soldiers entered to “help” Haiti with food distribution this week, in war uniforms and fully armed. You would think the UN is not already there.
But there are lots of resources in lush and green Southern peninsula of Haiti.
Haitians understand a landmass that is over a billion years old is a world heritage site of great historical, ecosystem and biosphere reserve value.
Southern Haiti is topped by the pristine Pic Macaya mountain, which was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2016 for its ecological significance. Before October 4, 2016 when the suspicious Hurricane Matthew storm laid on top of Southern Haiti for hours on end at 145 mph winds, it was filled with green fruit trees, family farm lands and fishermen villages.
Farmers have the oldest and most noble profession. Haitians in the outback are the honest non-corporate type farmers and fishermen, where human beings are in tune with nature, the ocean, the trees, fauna, flora, ecosystem and provide their families and communities with organic and nutrient rich foods. But US big-agribusiness agricultural policies, the Neoliberals’ rush to automate and put everyone on a grid as wage workers devalued Haiti’s informal economy and its small subsistence farmers.
Their lands and work are not counted in Haiti’s GDP by the World Bank and international thieves, telling everyone Haitians live on less than $2 dollars per day. Well, that is actually rich, if you have family lands, the ocean breeze, mountain coolness, coastal waters, fruit trees filled with coconuts, avocados, mangos, bananas, small rice paddies and other foodstuffs and just need the manufactured condiments to gild the lily and can trade for some of it, at the local farmers’ market, in exchange for your surplus food, livestock or crafts.
Before the three US occupations of Haiti, Haitians lived reasonably well, and elderly Haitians tell us of a time, told to them by their grandparents, before 1915 when school children use to collect monies to help out US orphans and Chinese children. A time when Haiti gave asylum and life to a whole host of different peoples seeking a safe haven from racial, political and religious persecutions. That’s beside helping Simon Bolivar free South America from European slavery and being one of the first nations to recognize Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire with weapons and financial support.
Before Hurricane Matthews, local Haiti farmers – both men and women – and Haiti fishermen, were eeking out a living in Southern Haiti, surviving climate warfare of droughts, US supported dictatorship and the UN occupation and the diseases and the cultural discontents foreign consumerism and religions bring. (See, Rich countries once used gunboats to seize food. Now they use trade deals ; Does the Western economic calculation of wealth fit Haiti -fit Dessalines idea of wealth distribution?NO! and, 90% of the agricultural workers in the Dominican Republic are Haitian.)
Southern Haiti is a coastal and mountain region where families of farmers and fishermen farmed the family fields, lived, loved and raised their families for centuries. Empire has already taken the North after the earthquake. With the total crop devastation, some families will move off their community lands to look for life elsewhere and the brutal weather warfare beneficiaries expect to reap a harvest of Haiti lands they’ve not been able to get their hands on for centuries. If people abandoned their lands because of the havoc of Hurricane Matthews, our open enemy wins. But the blows after blows Haiti endures are major:
“it could be a decade or more before the southwestern peninsula recovers economically from Hurricane Matthew, which struck hard at the rugged region of more than 1 million people that is almost completely dependent on farming and fishing.
Re-planting vegetable crops can be done relatively quickly and rice fields begin to recover as floodwaters recede, but the loss of mature fruit trees that families nurtured for a generation is a staggering blow. “It will take at least 10 years for nature to do what it needs to do to grow the trees back,” said Elancie Moise, an agronomist and senior agriculture ministry official in the south.” — A decade of crop loss from Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

Do not let Andre Michel die like this. Justice for the Haitian Viejo (sugarcane workers) in the Dominican Republic.
Haiti Riches
When I got the news about the Dominican army and others invading UN occupied Haiti, I thought of two pieces of work on our sites:
Video at $120 Billion Haiti oil
“The US-Euros enslaving nations have been carting out Haiti resources for a long time behind the Neoliberals/Neocon’s humanitarian imperialism” — Èzili Dantò, HLLN/FreeHaiti, 2004. Go here.
“There is a multinational conspiracy to illegally take the mineral resources of the Haitian people: Espaillat Nanita revealed that in Haiti there are huge resources of gold and other minerals by ESPACINSULAR, SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, November 17, 2009 (Translated from Spanish original)” Go here.
The fact is, the meek will not inherit the earth.
Haitians with access must work with allies abroad, who are opposing the US taking of Haiti lands for Clinton donors and to stop the Haiti hemorrhage and the string of convenient crises. (See, Èzili on Weather Warfare, Haiti, HAARP, Hurricane Matthew, Katrina.)
Haitians must not be fooled by false benevolence, again.
Hillary Clinton and The Quiet Genocide in Haiti Hides behind A Humanitarian Front
The way Congo resources are pillaged by Bill Clinton’s puppet presidents, Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni from Rwanda and Uganda respectively, is through the use of Rwanda-Uganda backed M23 proxy rebels in the Congo. (See Kambale Musavuli, from Friends of the Congo and his analysis of the recent Clinton-Podesta email revelations: here, here.)
Are the Dominicans the M23 surrogates for US-Euros taking Haiti mineral resources out of Haiti through, not only Israeli’s HLSI (Clinton Global Initiative donors), but now Dominican Republic military proxies?
Wake up Haitians.
Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, the first female tyrant and mass murderer of the USA
No one is coming to save Haiti. We must resist the slow genocide. The Clintons, Bushes, Cheryl Mill, Susan Rice, Barack Obama, along with the re-imaged and branded Neocons, are not friends of Haiti.
They are our butchers on behalf of the Bush-Clinton bipartisan corporatocracy. Like the Haiti coup d’etat collaborators, these psychos are getting richer and more powerful in proportion to the havoc they wrought in the US, throughout the world and while Haiti keeps reeling under a string of catastrophes. (See, Clinton’s chief of staff gave advice to Clinton Foundation: New documents show the foundation had a direct line to longtime Clinton loyalist Cheryl Mills, circumventing the official State Dept process; Èzili photo essays: The Quiet Genocide in Haiti, and The Illegal Martelly-HLSI Border plunder of Haiti assets – Zone 1,2,3 & 4.)
The Clintons and Paul Farmer poverty pimping NGOs used the January 2010 Haiti earthquake, and then the 2010 UN-introduced cholera outbreak, to raise billions of dollars for their coffers while bringing in global investors aligned to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative to screw Haiti out of its lands, offshore islands, gold, oil, iridium, deep water ports and other mineral resources but called it “help for Haiti.” The Clintons under Barack Obama, use US government resources to advance the profit interests of Eva Peled at HSLI, Dennis O’Brien at Digicel, Frank Guistra and Newmont Mining to name a few
The Clinton Foundation with the US government creates dictators such as Michel Martelly, Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni and Alassane Ouattara. They are the overseers for empire who fill their pockets with the trickle down while the US-EU corporate raiders-invaders – who also happen to be big Clinton Foundation donors – take Haiti oil, gold, copper, iridium, deep water ports, coastal lands, offshore islands and Haiti labor practically for free.
To do this, the bipeds create or exacerbate climate melt-down with the earthquake or Hurricane Matthew.
The US built its largest Embassy compound in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti after it did the coupnapping against President Aristide in 2004. It brought in the UN and the charitable industrial complex as its proxy military aids to hide its colonial hands and plunder.
US Skullduggery in Haiti

Weather Warfare Operations in Haiti – Hurricane Matthew skullduggery
The clandestine digging, tunneling beneath Haiti soil to built their huge Embassy compound was done on the Southern earthquake fault line. This, in addition to their ocean fracking and exploiting of Haiti oil wells, probably caused the earthquake that killed 316,000 Haitians in 33 seconds and injured a million people. But the Clintons using this disaster to take more than 30% of Haiti territory doesn’t seem enough. They need the South of Haiti also because of the oil, iridium and strategic position.
Hurricane Matthew was man-made. Six years from now, ten years from now, some white guy will say it and that’s when folks will listen. But I stand before you now, and say it, like many other Haitians whose voices are drowned out by the white savior industrial complex, rushing with “help.”
When will the world learn that there is a bipartisan destruction of the world, especially against defenseless Haiti going on?
Haitians must end the US occupation behind humanitarian imperialism, fake elections, fake aid and the NGO poverty pimps. Must clearly understand what Èzili’s Haitian Lawyers Leadership has been pointing out for more than 12 years now:
The imperialist plays both parts, villain and hero. The villain destroys and then the hero comes to “pray for Haiti” and “save” the destroyed. Sometimes, one biped plays both parts. Their colonial pattern doesn’t change. The Destroyer fuels the engine for the “hero” philanthropist who thrives on disaster” — Èzili Dantò, US occupation: Uselessness of USAID, UN, NGOs in Haiti.
Isn’t it convenient that in the week of Hurricane Matthew, the UN extended its mission in Haiti for another year without opposition? See, Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Mission in Haiti, unanimously adopting Resolution 2313 (2016). Then the Dominican army invades Haiti along with more NGOs and the Haiti election for October 9, 2016, which the US didn’t control and hated, was canceled? Hillary Clinton, expected to become the first female tyrant and mass murderer of the USA, is also expected to rig re-scheduled elections to put in a Michel Martelly replica to endorse all the lands the brutal energy vampires have siphoned out of Haiti since the bi-centennial occupation began.
This is so old folks. As vividly old as I feel today.
Last January 2016, when the people of Haiti resisted tyranny and we were fighting to stop the US-Obama imperialists from putting in another Martelly dictator and corrupt Parliament to sanction Martelly’s decrees that gave Desalin’s lands and resources away to foreigners, I wrote:
“My whole career, I’ve defended Haitians against the wrath of empire. I don’t want to see what the OAS, the UN and CORE group are about to do in Haiti to get their way to preserve Michel Martelly’s unilateral decrees and land giveaways to foreigners these last five years. Empire wants Haiti lands, islands, strategic position, deep water ports, rare iridium, its gold and underwater riches. They have the racist colonial narrative, billions of dollars they’ve siphoned off the world’s poor they oppress and weapons to terrorize the planet. I write today to remind everyone that for five years, since 2011, Haitians peacefully demonstrated against Michel Martelly’s rule. In this last year, they’ve stopped his fake elections. Empire is livid. They won’t let go.
Haiti riches are the reasons for the white men’s rapacious and deadly greed. This is why the US-EU representatives in Haiti are desperate for fake elections in Haiti to put in another Gerald Latortue or Michel Martelly replica. ” — Obama’s War Against the First Black Republic
Hurricane Matthew death toll has surpassed 1,000 people and I believe its weather warfare against the people so that the Clintons donors get to keep the loot they got through Martelly’s decrees.
On top of this crime of genocide, like during the earthquake, Haitians will be asked to feel sorry for the white “aid workers” who are traumatized by the devastation they see and enter in to “help.” Another Johnathan Katz and IJDH will emerge to become “experts” on Haiti crisis. The media will take lots of award winning photos of the devastation to further the State Department’s psychological warfare about the pitiful, hurt, but corrupt Haitians responsible for their own misfortunes. Folks will be so desensitized that when the US decides to drop a nuclear bomb on Haitians to get the Haiti revolution all over with, they would have seen it already.
Democratic Party’s World Tyranny
Obama’s War Against the First Black Republic

Obama worst than Bush for Haiti, Africa, Caribbean (Obama sides with UN against Haiti in the cholera case)
The Democrats Play hero to the Republican’s villain role to distract from Democrat’s tyranny against workers at Free Trade zone, Obama deportations, Clintonian Wall Street welfare, Main Street robberies
Meanwhile, the Neocon-Neoliberal bipartisan crimes in Haiti will go unabated while these young white guys and gals, with no clue of their own countries systemic historic and present day perfidy, waste our time with their hurt, traumatize bullshit stories. Their experiences will shadow the loss of the Haitian people as usual. White supremacy makes them more valuable, count on its egomaniacs (Sean Penn, Hollywood mind control movies, et al) to propel the colonial story. White folks vicarious trauma are more important. More immediate than how the US-EU caused the 513-year-old damage to Ayiti that is responsible for the widespread catastrophic destruction to Haiti crops, livestock, roads, bridges, businesses, homes, especially in Jeremie, Les Cayes, Port Salut and Camp Coq at Ile A Vache. (See, Let Establishment Democrats Scream But Haitian-American Disgust with Clintons Is Justified; Hillary, Clinton Foundation and Genocide in Congo; and, Donate to Support Hurricane Matthew Victims.)
Right now, at least 1.4 million people are in urgent need for their homes to be reconstructed, for food, clean water, food, blankets, sheets, medicines, electricity and clothes following the Hurricane Matthew disaster and 2.1 million Haitians–more than 20 percent of the country’s population–are affected. 90% of the homes in the Southwestern areas are destroyed or damaged. Mudslides, flooding, fallen trees, cell towers and debris make roads impassable. Phone and road communication are mostly cut off for the South. UN-imported cholera may kill more Haitians again. But there is flooding throughout Haiti caused by the heavy rains.
In the twelve years the UN has been in Haiti it has built no flood walls, levees or protections against storm surges. But it has rigged elections and kept the people from putting in a government which would fight for local interests like clean filtered water, sanitation, public healthcare, relevant skills transfer and education for Haiti.
No one paid attention to our analysis during the earthquake and prediction of how nothing would be built back better for Haitians if we left it in the hands of the traditional Destroyers. To breathe, I am saying it again, but not with much care that it will make a difference. The IJDH/Paul Farmer poverty pimps will simply find a Black man to be their human shields, approve their masturbations on Black pain and make them feel good about the raping of Haiti.
But for those who truly want to know what time it is. It’s time to stop the Haitian holocaust. Resistance is the only thing that matters right now.
Resist the UN rapacious, diseased presence in Haiti. Don’t let the Dominican army anywhere near the South on a permanent basis to “help” distribute “assistance.” They are systemically racist and about Black genocide. Ask the deported Dominicans of Haitian descent made stateless. Understand that in the aftermath of the earthquake, the US-Euros basically took a large swath of land in the North by building “earthquake relief.
The bipeds took the North of Haiti with the Clintons’ Caracol Industrial Park, Paul Farmer’s brand new hospital, a new “Haiti University” where Haiti didn’t need one and with Gilbert Bigio/Clinton new Panamax Port. Now, in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthews, they are set to solidify their North plunders by putting a puppet president into office and to take the South by giving “help” for the Hurricane Matthew victims.
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, October 14, 2016
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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Thank you for your donation to support the Hurricane Matthew victims with Zili Dlo Clean Water Renewable Power.
Folk, so far we’ve raised about $1500 for the Matthew victims.
I have a list of housing from my own parent’s village to rebuild roofs for that is just a band-aid to get the people out of the rain and elements. The need is for much more than $1500. We need real monies. Like two, three million dollars to do any real work here. I am not a good fundraiser, just a work horse. But those of you who are. We need help for the South. If someone would just take the project of providing new roofs to about 30 people in one village that would be helpful. If another would help us raise the millions we need to institutionalize Zili Dlo Clean Water Renewable Power for Haiti and help us give the women and men we work with the funds to help themselves, it would be relief with human rights, healing, and dignity. We developed a good template because the earthquake and have worked with these villagers since the earthquake and cholera. But we need resources to institutionalize the services, skills transfer and be of real help. Watch the video on it. Thank you. Write me if you can fundraise for Zili Dlo at erzilidanto@yahoo.com
Donate to Support Hurricane Matthew Victims
Oil in Haiti – Economic Reasons for the US occupation behind a Humanitarian Front by Èzili Dantò
Hillary Clinton’s Colonialism during time of disaster in Haiti
Èzili Dantò joins the Kuhner Report to talk about how the Clinton’s stole money from the Haitian people during time of disaster.
Why Haitians are urging people not to donate money to American Red Cross
Free Haiti reMEMBERS Janjak Deslin, Haiti’s founding father,
born September 20, 1758, assassinated October 17, 1806
Zili Dlo Hurricane Matthew Relief Fund
Rebuilding with Human Rights, Healing and Dignity
From Kambale Musavuli, Friends of the Congo
(Source: Facebook post, October 14, 2016 at 2:22am )
I want to help those who follow our work with a short analysis to understand how devastating it is to read Podesta’s email pertaining to Rwanda and implicating the Congo. I hope you read the entire post, review the links, check the sources to see why I am furious reading Podesta’s email leaks. I wrote this for you…
It is so important for Congolese Americans and their allies in the United States to know this and understand that the folks going into the White House.
If they are Clintonites or Clintons themselves, we should be very worried about their past crimes in Africa, specifically their cover-up of the Congo genocide, as outlined in the 2010 UN Mapping Exercise Report, I quote: “Thus the apparent systematic and widespread attacks [by the Rwandan Military in the Congo] described in this report reveal a number of inculpatory elements that, if proven before a competent court, could be characterized as crimes of genocide.” page 14 – here.
History Line: In April of 2012, a rebellion kicked in the Congo whereby Rwanda directly financed, armed, trained rebels in the Congo who called themselves M23. The M23 killed Congolese people, displaced thousands and have sought refuge in Rwanda up until today.
In April 2012, Hillary Clinton was still the US Secretary of State who continued to block any sanction to Rwanda. During her time as secretary of state, the folks there kept talking about “QUIET DIPLOMACY” as what they were doing to put pressure of Rwanda.
Now to Podesta email leak, the former chief of staff of Bill Clinton in 1998 and the first president of the Center for American Progress in the early 2000s.
On April 12, 2012, at the dawn of the M23 rebellion, Amitabh Desai of the Clinton Foundation met with a few foreign ambassadors in Washington, namely those from Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda. The Rwandan ambassador in 2012 was James Kimonyo. He stalked activists when he was in Washington, attending events to disrupt in the audience. Mr Desai met with that man… James Kimonyo and here is what he reported back to the Clinton Foundation folks:
– Kagame is organizing an event in June to commemorate closing of Gacaca process for the genocide. They asked if WJC could go. I said Africa trip is probably in July and we haven’t decided countries yet but if there’s anything they’d want WJC to do in Rwanda in July, to let us know. I also said to let us know if they’d want a message from WJC for the June event; they’ll let us know.
– Ambassador asked if WJC/CF/CGI could do anything to help on education/universities in Rwanda. I explained we are constrained by funding but if they have specific ideas, to let us know. He said they’ll put together some ideas for us.
– Ambassador asked about attracting more investments/businesses to Rwanda, including mining/natural resources investors. I emphasized CGI as an opportunity for Kagame to engage investors. I also mentioned Barclays interest in doing something at CGI on investing in Africa. Also mentioned Kagame doing a side-meeting at/around CGI that convenes investors interested in Rwanda, akin to WJC’s investor meeting for Ireland or session WJC did for Haiti last year at CGI.
– Ambassador said criticism of Kagame seems to have quieted, partly due to WJC and Blair’s unwavering support for Kagame. Ambassador said Kagame and Rwanda very much appreciate WJC’s unflinching support.”
Source: Podesto’s leaked emails on Wikileaks – here
What does this all mean?
In order to understand this, you need to know that there has been conflict in the Congo since 1996 due to wars of invasions by US allies Rwanda and Uganda into the Congo that have displaced millions of Congolese making them homeless and refugees, that have killed over six million Congolese as a result of these wars, that have caused the pilfering of Congo’s mineral resources by both mining corporations and rebel groups.
Now, the first paragraph, Desai speaks about Bill Clinton aka WJC possible visit to Rwanda. A nice introduction to show how the Clinton Foundation is cooperating with the government of Rwanda.
The second paragraph discusses how Rwanda tried to get what they are actually interested in, but the funder (CF) says we don’t have money for you, but let us know some ideas…
The third paragraph is the one that gives you everything you need to know about the Clinton Foundation. CGI and CF has been used to advance corporate interests around the world. For this case, it is quite appalling to read exactly what these people do at CGI. They bring US investors to meet with foreign dictators and set up deals that will screw over the people. You know what’s Rwanda’s secret around their minerals? Well, they do not actually produce the volume of minerals they say they do. For example, Rwanda today is the number one producer of coltan in Africa, a mineral found in Congo (64% of the world reserve is in Congo).
This is why individuals such as Frank Balestra (CEO of AB Minerals Corp) can make a statement such as “AB Minerals Corp. is creating a new Coltan (Columbite-Tantalite) separation plant in Kigali, Rwanda .The project utilizes a new, more environmentally friendly, disruptive processing technology to create metallurgical grade Tantalum powder and Niobium oxide from an industrial scale processing plant using certified conflict free ore mined in Rwanda and East Africa.” ( Go here)
People in the west choose to ignore that minerals exported via Rwanda are blood minerals, yet the Clinton Foundation clearly chooses to be the broker for Rwanda by introducing them to investors who pay a lot of money to be a member of Clinton Global Initiative… thousands of dollars… and in this situation, Desai says “I emphasized CGI as an opportunity for Kagame to engage investors,” clearly pushing for this.
But why am I making time to write about this paragraph? Amitabh Desai, aka Ami is not someone who must clearly know what is happening in Rwanda and Congo. My assumption are based on his background: he graduated from John Hopkins and got his master’s degree from SIPA at Columbia University. He was a staffer for a year for Hillary Clinton when she was NY Senator. His role focused on foreign policy issues in Africa mainly. Then he went to work in the Bush and Obama White House (2007-2009) as the Deputy Director of Foreign Policy. Then since 2009, he has been the foreign policy adviser for the Clinton Foundation, meaning he is the rolodex guy with all the contacts for African dictators that Bill Clinton deal with via his foundation.
Reading this heavy bio tells me this guy know better… and reading articles on him from Politico on the Hillary Clinton’s emails tells me even stronger that he knows very well what is going on in Rwanda and of course the Congo. (See, Politico article, here.)
You can’t work with the Clintons and not know the issue in Rwanda.
So… he, Podesta and others are very well informed about the situation but somehow they ignore the truth.
Last paragraph is what US universities and many others do to protect Kagame, the president of Rwanda: they provide him with cover so that the world will not think he is a killer. Desai reports back how Rwanda is so appreciative of Toni Blair and Bill Clinton’s “unflinching” and “unwavering” support while Kagame/Rwanda faces criticisms of crimes committed in the Congo. Remember that this email again is being sent during the dawn of a Rwandan-backed rebellion into the DRC.
While we know that the Clinton Foundation is really a scam, today I am reading how the Clinton Foundation is providing cover and backing to an oppressive regime in Rwanda responsible for the deaths of millions of Congolese. It is there…at plain sight… and Hillary Clinton at the same time was the US Secretary of State.
From Kambale Musavuli, Friends of the Congo
(Source: Facebook post, October 13, 2016 at 11:00pm)
A few years ago, I participated in a side CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) event, meaning I did not spend the thousands of dollars to be there nor did I receive the complimentary ticket from some of Clinton folks. In the room, there were NGOs working on Congo, some Congolese, tech companies and a gold mining company.
While in the room, I saw a guy come in and sit just right behind me. I looked back and I was like “is this John Podesta? What is he doing at a Congo event with key stakeholders?”
I kept quiet for a bit. Then NGOs started talking… and they kept pissing me off. They all sounded like they were trying to get funding…. talking about public-private partnerships, and so on…
Then I raised my hand to speak and said “we are talking about all these things as if we do not know which companies are operating in the Congo. We know the companies… Cabot corporation out of Boston, MA, Kemet Electronics out of South Carolina, Banro for gold in Bukavu and Rangold in Ituri…”
Then guess what happened? Podesta stood up and walked out of the room.
The Congolese who was in the room didn’t know who Podesta was. I shared with the individual if they knew who was that guy who walked out. The individual responded no. Then I said “that guy was the chief of staff under Bill Clinton in 1998. He is part of those who got money to start the Center for American Progress from Democratic Alliance, Clintons, Soros and others. They push for neoliberal policies in Africa protecting the interest of Democrats and in our case, covering for Clinton’s actions in Rwanda and Uganda.”
What I said then to that young Congolese still did not make sense to the individual.
Today as I was reading Podesta’s email leaks and found this (here), all I kept saying was “people have no idea how evil these people are.”
I have boycotted the Clinton Global Initiative and anything that say Clinton because I know what these people have done in Somalia, Rwanda, Congo, Haiti.
Do you know where Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton were in 2012 when Obama sanctioned Rwanda for arming rebels in the Congo?
Bill and Chelsea that week flew into Kigali, Rwanda with Erin Burnett of CNN to do a propaganda program on how well Rwanda was doing.
At the time when everyone was ready to sanction Rwanda, Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton came to the rescue.
Please… don’t talk to me about Trump… Justice is not a partisan issue. Justice is a human right!
Before 2016, I have spoken at length about the Clintons… including Hillary Clinton burying the UN Mapping Report implicating Rwanda for committing genocide in the Congo.
I am so pissed right now that this email of Podesta will not mean much to people.
What it means to me is that there are US citizens getting 6 figures salaries to provide African dictators with cover while the rest of the population remain blind to it. And today, they want you to simply ignore this.
I can’t… the lives lost of over 6 million Congolese do matter!!!
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