Felipe Luciano interview on the historic return of Aristide with Ezili Dantò and Pierre Labossiere March 25, 2011, Wake up call, WBAI Click the black triangle to hear the show. Download audio: Felipe Luciano interview with Ezili Danto and Pierre Labossiere on historic return of Aristide
Posts tagged disaster capitalism
Haiti: The media blackout on Aristide’s historic and triumphant return to a celebrity welco...
Haiti: Telling our own stories despite the media blackout on Aristide’s historic and triumphant return to a celebrity welcome In this essay, I post six videos from the alternative news media – four from Democracy Now!, one from Aljazeera dealing with the huge and celebrity welcome for Aristide. The last video is by a young […]
Why does US fear Aristide’s return?
Why does US fear Aristide’s return? By Rickey Singh, Mar 16, 2011, Source: trinidadexpress.com (See also, HLLN’s Obama administration stops Aristide return to Haiti: Fears Lavalas, Returns Duvalierists) SUCCESSIVE administrations in Washington have demonstrated an obsession with the presence in Haiti of Jean Bertrand Aristide — whether or not he is functioning as president of […]
Seismic Shifts: Hayti freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Sambos
Seismic Shifts: Hayti Freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Sambos (c) 2011 Èzili Dantò. All rights reserved. * Inner Chorus Voice (off stage): Call: Kote moun yo ye? Response: Nou la! (Voice over echo E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!) * Intro I’ve been avoiding a performance piece […]