Seismic Shift – Vodun remembrances
Seismic Shifts: Hayti Freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Sambos
Inner Chorus Voice (off stage):
Call: Kote moun yo ye?
Response: Nou la! (Voice over echo E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!)
I’ve been avoiding a performance piece about earthquakes. So many seismic shifts and fault lines these last seven years. Paradoxically, there’s nothing new not already covered in the Red Black & Moonlight (RBM) series, except the level of Official cruelty, insanity, depths of depravity, acts of barbarity and hypocrisy is more vivid and vicious, with genocidal aftershocks. I didn’t know how to began. Then, in one day, after a poetry show, I wrote this piece that will probably be developed somehow, into the next series of 90-minute shows: Seismic Shifts: Hayti Freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane & their Sambos
Part One –
We are a people who have endured: STOP. No more, no more
January 12, 2010 at 4:53 p.m the world tilted.
A tremor took hold of me that won’t stop but at pure panic.
I’m that amputated limb stretching to explore an unfathomable agony with no arms.
Ayiti, they buy and sell you like the pieces of Louisiana Territory the French didn’t own but sold to Jefferson.
Maybe I’ll dance first? Maybe I’ll sing first.
Gotta get this energy out of my body first. This screaming pain out my mind, first. From my head that can’t handle this, I’ll bring it down to my belly juices, uncoil pure energy back up. That’s never let me down yet.
Last night I was at a poetry session to celebrate the life of Nathan P., who hosted the poetry slams at the world famous Nuyorican Poets Cafe from 2000 to 2007. Ngoma and Iyaba were there. It brought back happy memories. I hooked up with slam poets I’d not seen since Bush regime change 2004 interrupted my flow to come head up Èzili’s HLLN to give voice to those the greedy Western vampires had brutally silenced or turned into Bourgie ghouls.
The Haytian guy at the door said he caught my show at Yale long ago when he was starting out. “Don’t you remember,” he says. “I am Haytian-Dominican. I had a big Afro back then and you suggested I go work my stuff on Wednesdays at the Nuyorican?”
I’m nodding inanely. He’s running things now. This session with all the best performance poets from the Tri-State area was organized by the Haytian-Dominican who caught my show years ago when he was starting out. I feel seismic old. Looked at the stage being set up, wondering if I still had the silver bullet to freestyle the old Sanba way. Take down the Vampire’s Black collaborators; still had that kryptonite for the white saviors, from the Left, from the Right, who had killed the bi-centennial and woke up Dantò?
As friends took to the stage, I freestyled in my head. Scratched notes down on a napkin not to lose the moment’s honesty cause Ginen has got to step up even if words are not big enough. Tears, not grief enough. Got to step up. Even when the mind, the heart, the spirit is not big enough to absorb the shock of 310,000 of us dead in 33 seconds in the apocalyptic earthquake, the shock of thousands upon thousands who were maimed and paralyzed. Limbs amputated without anesthesia. Some, unnecessarily amputated. Organ traffickers, feasting, chop, chopping away.
We already make it in hardship on a daily basis. We’re already bloody dismembered limbs twisting on the Island floor even as the incomprehensible shock of UN-imported cholera keeps the tremors resonating, resonating us into crazy. Even as we endure the 42,000 bloodsucking-NGOs masturbating on Black pain. Even as we mourn our school-bitten Hayti zombies who will never be normal. Can’t be paralyzed when we’ve got to stop Hayti’s Konzes. Return the will of Desalin‘s people.
The glamorized tyrants, cruelly, unrelentingly, keep crumbling jagged cement blocks and twisted heavy metal onto our Haytian heads in a world overrun with the undead.
We are a people who have endured.
We’ve endured since 1503.
Endured 300-years of chattel slavery.
200 years of debt, dependency, and containment in poverty.
And now this US occupation behind a UN humanitarian front.
It’s hard. Really hard to fight forced assimilation because that’s what they want us to do. To assimilate into their profit-over-people culture, deny ourselves, our own interests and pursue the world-destroying interests of the power elites’ structure. The pattern doesn’t change: Grinning foreigners disguise themselves as humanitarians. New missionaries come to save the natives in violation of international laws of sovereignty and self-determination. Standard U.S. hypocrisy. A cornucopia of perverted foreign diplomats, UN human traffickers, sex ring pedophiles and a charitable industrial complex of non-profits unleashed to subjugate and control the long movement for Hayti economic liberation. Blink at the overflow of self-styled “friends of Hayti.” Look up to see Hayti lands, gold, oil, offshore islands stolen just like South Africa.
Those Haytians who refuse to get eugenicize, sell-out and assimilate, suffer unendurably. Dirty “Lavalas,” the apartheid elites call the darker, most unassimilated, poorer Haytian and pretty much about anyone with an independent brain cell who makes the powerful uncomfortable or love their Africaness. The white man who grins at you the most, says he speak for Lavalas, is not here to take but to save you, takes the most. Empire’s cons – Jane, Tarzan and King Leopold – play both hero and villain.
Those of us who don’t dance, grin back, shuffle and jive at S.O.B’s to the mentally colonized moronic Francophony Kompa beat ya’ll…with Konzes like coup d’etat-Wyclef Jean, Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, and Mr. Richard “It -was-a coup-I-participated” Morse – suffer unendurable “Lavalas” marginalization. The catch-all phrase meaning: uneducated, too Black, “not Eurocentric enough,” and maybe not a saboteur or informant working for the Deep State. Gang, Lavalas, chimère or indigenous human rights attorney. No matter. You’re the dangerous flood against dictatorship, ethnic cleansing and foreign occupation. Their hate is real. Duvalier dangerous. Treachery blatant, yielding palpable coup d’etat destruction since 2004, but served with the international looter’s approval, spread on top of a shuffling song delivered on carnival nights. No need to mention clouded in stinking sexism, gender blurring Men-in-Pink ball heads, and such normalizing of the U.S. prison-culture degradations against Black males.
I have never,
in a span of a year,
seen so much calamity.
January 12, 2010 at 4:53 p.m, the world tilted.
A tremor took hold of me that won’t stop but at pure panic.
We lost so many people in the earthquake. If they say 316,000 died, believe me it’s more. Think: TWICE that many. Not less than half-a-million dead at a minimum, most still entombed under the quake rubble, more than a year after. I say hello and goodbye with tight hugs, like it might be the last time. Cause it’s been the last time with so many I didn’t expect to lose. Over 310,000 people sacrificed. In an apocalyptic earthquake. It’s not fathomable. Then the international looters came, took most of the charity monies good-hearted citizens from around the world think they gave to Haytians, these monies never went to the Haytian poor. Then after that came the rains.
I can’t stand the rain.
Bodily tremors, soul tremors: shivering wounded and traumatized earthquake victims entombed on flooded streets together with the dead remains of family and friends still interred under the rubble, never removed.
Almost two million Blacks living horribly, quivering uncontrollably for over a year, under soggy tarps and sheets, flooded in mud from Hurricane Toma. Then came all the family and friends we’re losing to UN-imported cholera. Then came Obama re-starting deportations back to earthquake ravaged, cholera-ravaged, coup d’etat ravaged, NGO and Duvalierist-ravaged Hayti. And when Hayti’s survivors said enough, the powerful Clintons, husband and wife, both said: No, you’ve got to go to elections!
The world saw the Nov. 28, 2010 Hayti election travesty – stuffed ballots, destroyed ballots, strewed all over the streets, children playing hopscotch over them with earthquake dead voting while the living banned from voting.
And when we said STOP. No more, no more,
then came the shock and awe of the return of the bloody dictator Baby Doc Duvalier escorted by UN-troops from the airport to a cushy Hayti hotel, safely delivered on our heads from 25-years exile in France to boost up Hayti’s unendurable suffering. Obama Administration legitimizing the old Duvalierists that the Lavalas Movement had sacrificed so many innocent lives to annihilate. Imagine it: dastardly Duvalier licking his evil chops on room service delicacies while protected behind UN/US-Obama bullets, bombs and biological weapons. In stark contrast to the diet of Clorox hunger, Clinton famine, international looting, UN and foreigner sex abuse the poor population is forced-fed daily. Obama allows the bloody Duvalier to safety enter Hayti. Calls Zuma. Forbids democratically elected President Aristide to return. The old sadistic evil beat goes on…
Duvalierists, the overseers for empire in Hayti, these three piece suited local looters-Tonton Macoutes -the career Hayti technocrats and stooges working for the international looters, run things now – lending a local Black face to Hayti’s rape, pillage and plunder.
Bloody Duvalier death squads leaders – Louis-Jodel Chamblain/Guy Phillip/Prosper Avril – roam free in UN-occupied Hayti. Roam free in the Republic of NGOs further weakening the Haytian state, a swarm of NGO executives accountable to no Haytian voter. Destroying the local economy, sexually sodomizing, abusing children with your donation dollars, protecting pedophiles and child traffickers hiding in orphanages. Disaster capitalism and the shock doctrine still crumbling on our heads with Duvalier dictatorship victims assaulted, insulted, yet again. The living wounded further, disenfranchised, shocked, shocked, shocked, psychically terrorized, forced to starkly absorb justice denied. Hammered down. Shocked, shocked again and again. Nailed and contained-in-poverty’s coffin: debt, dependency and foreign domination, again and again. But the only demon the international and local looters see is Aristide.
People don’t seem to understand
Hayti needs justice not charity.
That it’s not foreign aid that helps Hayti.
Foreign aid is about Washington laundering US-tax payers’ monies back to Washington insiders, moving monies from its right hand to its left hand.
People don’t seem to understand that less than 1 cent,
less than 1 cent, of every dollar donated to Hayti goes to the Haytian government.
But the international looters – the U.S. stakeholders, the French, the Canadians and their embedded media – are always droning on and on, saying the reason why Hayti’s so poor and unable to rule itself or to help the earthquake victims is because of the corruption of Haytians. But that corruption is less than 1 cent, the rest of the $0.99 cent per dollar goes to the international looters and their Hayti Oligarchy-local looters who apply donor monies for foreign administrative fees, foreign salaries, shipping fees, foreign goods and services. The rest earning interests in foreign banks for the poverty pimps’ charity executives or it’s put in their pockets while they gleefully masturbate on our Black pain. Gleefully masturbate, masturbate, masturbate…on our Black pain.
People don’t seem to understand that it’s Haytians in the Diaspora whose monies actually holds up Hayti, not foreign aid or any USAID, Sean Penn, Paul Farmer or fake Jake Sully‘s donor donation dollars.
I’m broken like the cracked ground that swallowed over 300,000 down. But I can’t stop because they won’t stop!
I came to win, was raised to win. This is how I breathe. My redemption song…All I’ll ever have is this redemption song. This libation to the Ancestors.
Kote moun yo ye?
Part Two – Naked Divinity
Maybe I’ll dance more? Maybe I’ll sing more.
Gotta get this energy out of my body some more. This screaming pain out my mind more. From my head that can’t handle this, I’ll bring it down to my belly juices, uncoiling pure energy back up. That’s never let me down yet…
Feel like shedding these boots.
I going barefoot now
Apologies to HLLN at the outset
Time to shed like the arching rainbow of Ayida Dan Wedo.
I’m here now.
It’s been a while y’all
Maximum respect Atigbon Legba
Three snaps from the heart
I’ve been in another world but you all still holding it down
Ancestors’ hear.
Nathan P: its madness sheer madness.
Every day, we struggle. We don’t stop. We can’t give up. We are the Haytians, from the womb to the tomb our lives is about struggle. What keeps us moving is the legacy of the Ancestors. The strength in our veins inherited from the most courageous people in the world.
Because I eat everyday, have electricity and access to clean water everyday,
because I have some resources and passports, it is my obligation to give voice to the Haytian who can’t speak, who have been silenced, who are dying from UN-imported cholera or indefinite preventive detention in Hayti’s prisons behind this hidden US occupation.
It is my honor to suffer their humiliation and I do.
There’s lots of repercussion for standing and speaking truth to power.
It’s no joke.
What I leave the world is the work I have out here – my redemption song.
Tomorrow I don’t know if Empire’s vampires will silence this voice.
But today I stand and I will not live on bended knees. This is what every Haytian who is conscious enough to continue to fight will tell you.
Ginen Haytians will tell you that at a particular level where we know who we are from way back before (New World) time began, we understand that Ginen poze. That means our spirit is calm, at peace. Outside worldly graven images, Ginen poze.
We are spirit at our most authentic source.
We know as spirit and in truth to behold our own naked divinity, even on these ashes, we see. Understand the wisdom of Solomon.
We have to fight in this dualistic physical environment, but all the time as we fight the New World vampires,
as we struggle,
we understand that the work that Haytians did in 1804 allowed all on this planet to eventually not be chattel slaves. This time when we win economic justice, valuing life not profit. This time when the people win equitable distributions of Hayti’s bounty, the whole world will win again. A world heritage site, never to be broken.
Kote moun yo ye?
Nou la!
Yes, yes we are dying.
Yes, yes they are using biological warfare, whether it’s cholera, contaminated vaccines, Monsanto hybrid seeds or starving the people with agricultural policies, pèpè food aid destroying local farmers or hammering the suffering more with refusing to remove earthquake rubble for over a year, or imposing fraudulent elections or deporting the people’s voice back to Africa. Still, we understand. Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a human. We are the Haytians. Janjak Desalin’s descendants.
How we live, how we use our energy is more important than living as zombies. A normal human lives only to lift up energy that’s sacred, worthy of being resurrected, elevated by the generations to come after we’re gone. That’s Hayti’s cosmology, redemptive way, its resurrection way. This liberty or death. No fake Petion union with injustice. We choose eternal liberty. Know how you live and use your life force is more important than death. Vodun – lifting up sacred energies with our life force bringing life not death for the next generation to inherit.
The Go(o)d eye sees all – Granmèt la wè tout sa nou sibi.
Under slavery, the looters slaughtered our Ancestors in the name of Christianity. Today they are doing the same thing in the name of democracy, stability and securing a “good business environment.”
The vampire energy that feeds on Hayti, on the weak and the poor’s misery will come to an end because we’re here – Nou la – to rise and face it. Naked divinity.
Look out on an October’s day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Then you’ll understand.
How Janjak Desalin, the greatest hero to ever live,
suffered for humanity,
our sanity.
How he set the world free. But they could not love him because he was a Black savior, a real savior. The first to put liberty into application in the Western Hemisphere. The Vampires could not love him though his love was true. And on a dark October’s day on that old Pon Rouj bridge. They took his life like haters often do.
Part Three – Poetry Cafe
Seismic Shifts – Hayti freestyling to murder Tarzan, Jane and his coup d’etat Restaveks
Kote moun yo ye?
Maybe I’ll dance some more? Maybe I’ll sing some more.
Gotta get this energy out of my body some more. This screaming pain out my mind more. From my head that can’t handle this, I’ll bring it down to my belly juices, uncoiling pure energy back up. That’s never let me down yet…
Feel like shedding these boots.
I going barefoot now
Apologies to HLLN at the outset
Time to shed like the arching rainbow of Ayida Dan Wedo.
I’m here now.
It’s been a while y’all
Maximum respect Atigbon Legba
Three snaps from the heart
I’ve been in another world but you all still holding it down
Ancestors hear.
Nathan P: its madness sheer madness.
Should have been on this stage with y’all
showing my respects to the unfragmented bloodline.
Instead, I’ve been out here stepping to the evil, almost forgetting the soul scene. Danm!
I’m in the memories of Nuyorican Poets Cafe days gone by, of Connecticut Urban Artists days gone by… with Sylvia hosting us in the church basement. Remember that Anna?
It was before the Vampire Empire kidnapped Aristide in plain sight telling lies.
Deported him back to Africa.
Before they turned Desalin’s land into the welfare nation.
Flow interrupted.
Yeah Ngoma, seeing you and Iyaba (41 Times) Ibo Mandingo brought back times before they so rudely interrupted and the DNA coursing Black through me wouldn’t allow suburban amnesia but to keep it real getting off the stage to step with the People onto this other stage…
But I missed you.
I do this piece in praise to you. This good vibration that elevates the Hayti they don’t see.
I face constant destruction on the other stage, lose energy there, shrivel down.
Here, oh here I feel home, like I belong.
I miss all the inspiring poets, the conscious Black community that feeds our soul. Ra-members the Ancestors who bring us home…
It’s time to freestyle on these blood-sucking vampires, less folks mistake there’s no Ginen Haytians out here, just them trifling Wyclef/Martelly sell-out Negroes.
Time to call on Ginen drums
On soul Hayti artists.
So you know,
I”m not talking about colonial Konpa.
Twisted Martelly or Clinton’s Wyclef, who has taken off from where the Ron Brown ilk left off. But calling on real Black artists and progressives from the entire Black Diaspora. Soul artists, in all the mediums, from all the socially-constructed races.
Empire’s vampires are co-opting our people’s consent with celebrity colonialism. With Lalaland’s Sean Penns. Bling bling’s Konzes.
NGO perpetual dependency symphony has turned the Hayti nation into a US Indian reservation. They buy and sell us just as Columbus sold land that wasn”t his to sell. And if you don’t do what Mrs. Clinton says, they”ll take away your visa – your local and international approval, your job – your Konze position in their imperialist schemes. Like at a US reservation, they”ll cut back on the People’s monthly NGO food/shelter/medicine- rations and allotments.
These missionaries don’t care about stealing your lands behind the Bible anymore. They”ll move you off the land and healthy organic food into Obama and Congressional Black Caucus H.O.P.E sweatshops. While their military proxies contaminate the Artibonite River and Hayti’s breadbasket. With UN-imported cholera to kill you horribly after they’ve softly and slowly starved anyone left in the future with Monsanto hybrid seeds. They’ve got Paul Farmer to come in as U.N. envoy for this Obama/Clinton/Bush/USAID genocide. And will say – “Obama-is-Black,” “the US has a Black president,” “we’re in post-racial America” – to cut you off when you mention the white supremacy and condescension that’s hidden behind the false benevolence of their charity industry.
Thinly veiled, skinny as Satan’s tail. But they’re our partners in health. The embedded media says so. Tell us, ad nausea, how it’s not all that bad because Paul Farmer’s “BETTER” systematic false benevolence distractions is filmed for PBS minds. And those minds are progressive America, you all know that! Anderson Cooper and his ilk dishes it up regularly, every six months or so.
Tracy Kidder’s narcissistic books on Paul Farmer in Hayti and that Rwanda one made for the Left by the Left to feed the Left and create more “progressive” Tarzans are downright convincing. They’re on my book shelves to remind me of when I didn’t understand. His-story is a lullaby that pushes on all the hidden racial codes. They’re hidden press releases for the neophyte Tarzan, Jane and Ron Daniels’ masquerading behind the Harvard sweater crowd, waiting in the wings for his/her turn on the world’s false benevolence stage to achieve the poverty-pimping global success of the Paul Farmer-doctors-without-borders’ ilk.
Without borders? Don’t believe the hype. Their skin and apartheid minds are the border, the veil behind which they can’t see Desalin’s people.
Part 4
Celebrating the right vibration
Ainsley Burrows just left the stage, bringing us back to primordial Black -Jean Jacques Dessalines’ color of liberty. “Ommmm.” Can you feel Ngoma?
Back on-stage, Sabrina rocks an unexpected but powerful message on the Sudan. “Sudan means Black but being Black is outlawed in the Sudan.” Out in the audience, I’m thinking something similar.
Janjak Desalin, Hayti’s founding father, said all Haytians, regardless of skin color, shall be known by the appellation “Black.” But over 50,000 whites from the U.S. live in post Bush-regime-change-Hayti, mostly off Hayti’s misery. Mostly through donations made to NGOs or from foreign aid to alleviate Hayti’s misery. No borders? They”ll tell you they’re in Hayti, even on the very ashes they’ve made of us, to make things better and don’t see color or borders in Desalin’s Black Hayti. We’re invisible, see. They don’t see Black, nor the reservation lines patrolled by the UN. Nor the sea chain formed by the U.S. Coast Guards and war ships. Nor the color-coded NGO distribution lines. Selective blindness reigns. That’s why Mrs. Clinton can jet down to Hayti and tell President Preval to put in hard right-wing Martelly and Manigat who both support the Duvalierists and their death squads and have no interest in changing the color-coded system or ending the US occupation behind UN guns or pursuing the interests of the people of Hayti ahead of foreign interests.
The Clintons, along with the Bushes under Obama, are pushing Hayti to swallow the fraudulent elections where the majority Black are disenfranchised. The puppet Hayti parliament divested itself of any power anyway, so it doesn’t matter who gets elected in these fraudulent, U.S.-rigged elections. The United States of America along with the IMF, WB, UN, OAS and all of their tools put together an extra-judicial entity, called the Hayti Interim Reconstruction Commission. Hayti is a UN protectorate, run by a US-created, Clinton-chaired foreign-made entity that is the legal ruler of Hayti until the money runs out. It’s made up of people who were not elected by the people of Hayti. This same international community allowed for the recent return to Hayti of little-Hitler -Baby Doc Duvalier – who, along with his father, killed between 60 to 100,000 Haytians from the year 1957 to 1986. At the same time, Obama forbids Aristide, the first duly elected President of Hayti, to return because Obama says if he sees us Black majority, this would disrupt his US-rigged elections in Hayti.
Kote moun yo ye?
It’s time to freestyle on these blood-sucking vampires, less folks mistake there’s no Ginen Haytians out here. Just them trifling Wyclef/Martelly sell-out Negroes.
Time to call on Ginen drums.
It’s time to un-mask these buffoons. Take them on lyrically where there’s no rule ’bout how we murder Tarzan, Jane and his coup d’etat Konzes.
So great to celebrate your life in poetry Nathan P. – this Happy crossroads where we meet at Humphreys. Brings back precious memories, connections. Some, long forgotten.
I remember that this Grammy-award winning entertainment client of mine once owned Humphreys. Days gone by, of old school R&B songs, more than Surface bling but with lyrics to sang to and music and rhythms and real melodies that didn’t assault the body and mind that we could dance to, all night long. Happy times. “Only you can make me happy…” How did time go by so fast, Nathan P.? It’s madness, sheer madness!
Iyaba, my Black Mandingo, where you at? I was there. Back when your signature piece “41- times” was just hot off the presses. We worked on the same stage. Well, it was not even a stage. I was doing pieces from the Red, Black and Moonlight series when you first performed “41 Times.” Still reading off the paper, at an Urban Artist show…with Sylvia hosting us in the church basement. Remember that Anna?
Now everyone knows 41-Times flows in Iyaba’s very pores. He can sing it. Move with it. Teach us how to turn around reeeeeeeeeeeal slow with it.
To the beat y’all…”It takes 41 bullets to quiet your fears… 41 times I grew in your eyes. 41 times to shoot me to size. 41 times you thought you saw a gun. 41 times I didn’t try to run…41 times from four different cops, 41 times before one of you thought, STOP, stop, stop…I have three boys with melanin in their skins…I have three Amadous…What can I do?”
What we can do, is know, in our deepest of hearts, that the vampire energy that feeds off Amadou’s blood, that feeds on Hayti’s misery will come to an end because we’re here to rise and face it. We won’t cop out. Sell-out to suburban amnesia. Or turn the other cheek.
No welfare nation shall be permanently imposed on Hayti to feed the narcissism of Superman, Tarzan or Jake Sully and his Konzes.
We’re taking down Avatar Hayti.
We are clothed in our own sacred tree. We’ve walked around in our own homeland since first kidnapped out of Africa. It can”t be severed from us, amputated from us, no matter how many of our limbs they take in man-made or exacerbated earthquakes, disaster capitalism’s imposed crises or its profit-driven reconstructions. For we are one. One love grounded in the African Ancestors, indivisible with Janjak Desalin’s indigenous army. We’ve now gone viral.
How we live is important. Not how soon or late in life we die. Martin Luther King said longevity has its place. But it’s not Africa’s sole priority at the expense of justice and truth. No. We are Vodun, lifting up sacred energies with our life-force not bringing death.
You’ll not see a Haytian go and bomb anybody out of desperation and demoralization. We will proudly endure. Claiming back Hayti’s natural resources, gold and oil. Rejecting charity hand-outs and imposed Clinton/Bush/Obama grinning Sambo-making dependencies. We have the inner strength to SEE the ethnic cleansing genocide in Hayti, masked as humanitarian aid. Need no gifts of what’s already ours from the white man. Se pa kado blan te fè nou, se san Zanset nou yo ki te koule.
The white settlers slaughtered 50 million indigenous in the Americas to settle their “civilization” here. And built on this grave. With the Western MAAFA – catastrophic enslavement – that cost perhaps as high as 100 million African lives and continued variously for 400 years. Now the West takes oppression and trickery to unprecedented heights. There’s only one superpower. New frontier. The US doesn’t have to show off its fake human rights achievements to Russia. The forces of unfettered capitalism are using non-violent protest, manipulating students protests, grass roots organizations legitimate concerns, using our subconscious visuals of the innocent against the machine. Co-opting the traditional tools of the oppressed to eliminate agitation, pacify. That part of the Sun People’s serpentine path is very, very hard to absorb. Faith, goodness and all that’s sacred compels we see the work that you and I must, once more, become. Empathy dictates compassion for this scared, frightened and pathetic animal. Foraging for raw resources in what’s left of the planet these cavepeople have not yet dug up, mine, or drill already to devastating inhumane effect… The purpose of spirituality is to look at the evil, not be absorb by it. Not become it and KNOW simultaneously the beauty and harmony that is and EXTEND that my friends, no matter how hard. Life’s no fairy tale and what right, fair and just doesn’t win like in a two hour Lalaland movie. This Black woman, can testify to that as I am from the lineage that’s suffered 300-years of Euro enslavement in the Americas and over 200-years of deliberate forced assimilation and containment in poverty. But Africans – the Sun people – are in ancient people, aboriginal to the world.
The first time the Europeans and Arabs came to us, it was to study at our great universities. The second time was, for the Arabs in 640AD to start the MAAFA whitening of North and East Africa with religious jihads, followed by the Portuguese beginning the Western/Central Africa slave trade (MAAFA) in the 15th century.
Hayti is the first of Africa’s peoples to not be divided by the predator’s “religion,” to, after more than a 1000 years of MAAFA in Africa go back to Vodun – mother Africa’s peaceful path. Pat Robertson’s international ilk simply hate that! But that choice is why all the nations are back in Hayti now, behind that old “humanitarian mask” of horrible days gone by with this low intensive warfare and deliberate genocide raging on…
But death is only a transformation of energy for us. Ani, ani, ayi. Sun people are aligned to the rhythm of the biosphere. Not that superficial lineal concoction of Western man. That pineal gland connects us the Great Well Spring, the Ancestors and the eternal. Nou la – we’re still here, as we were in the beginning. Consciousness is more important than skin color. Graven images of desperate vampires, who cannot come out into the sunlight of truth is meaningless.
The world’s tiny profit-over-people-parasites ruling earth may be living off our Black blood right now. But that’s the rub, no? That pineal gland they covert cannot be swallowed. Only becoming melanin-tated will save them from nature’s wrath. The irony is that’s then the fate they hate the most, getting back to being BLACK! It’s inevitable, this great (“sun”) circle’s journey.
If you can see, see.Nonviolence and public protest-traditional tools of the oppressed – co-opted by the facists oligarchs. The protestors are scam artists for empire. What now?
See the false ops. The controlled media’s lies. And keep your head up, look and act. Don’t fall into pessimism. They’re the minority! Pathetic psychopaths. But you’re off balance. How do the sane convince psychopaths to stop being psychopaths?
Hold the line for the next generation as the Ancestors held on for you and I. Hayti belongs to the free! Desalin descendants. Not the Clintons’ cholera democracy psychopaths. Your voice could be that one voice added to a hundred million that came before you, that actually tips the scales towards wholeness for all sentient beings.
We are the Haytians. A peaceful people. We’ve never attacked anyone. Just defended our right to be human. We’re not the type of people to turn the other cheek as the beast of oppression eats us alive behind their mask of benevolence.
We know that because of what we stand in,
because of what we stand for,
all the nations are in Hayti right now masturbating on our imposed pain, trying to pull up our roots,
sever us from our own soul and lands.
But wild scattered seeds can’t altogether be uprooted.
Oh yeah! Li led li la! Dantò, the divine mother of all the races ! Desalin, the warrior father. We’re here- Nou la! (Even if you don’t know.)
Part 5
The only demon they see is Aristide
The Christian proselytizing crowd attack our children at Pèpè orphanages and schools first, when they’re too young to fight back.
Hayti’s the buffet table laid out by US policies for their charity perverts to come and feast.
Any pedophile minister and priest can run a home for boys, sodomizing a child nightly generation after generation. Consuming their childhood, their innocence, shredding their soul.
The Catholic Church and bible crowd have been sodomizing Hayti boys for so many centuries that if men could give birth, Hayti would be light-skinned already.
With each vulgar thrust,
ugly Christian missionaries play savior breaching sacred trust
continuing Hayti’s holocaust
trying to erase our history
where we beat their armies in combat to create Hayti.
These lowlife sorry excuse for men can’t get over it.
Schooling and religion have taught their programmed masses to get off on letting these hoarding vampires suck their souls, and ordinary folks are too far gone on the hedonistic rush or the promise of hedonistic rush of materialism to wish to be rescued anymore.
The megalomaniacs want to outlaw Black in Hayti like in the Sudan. By rape if they can, byeffeminizing the local Black man if they can. Make us tourist whores for the Northern tribes without the rebel Black woman’s child getting in the way. Become like in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Bahamas and Martinique. Tourist havens for bloody Northern vampires, not paying even the US minimum wage to the natives they’ve relegated as tourist props, in sweatshops in their own nations, or as butlers, maids, gardeners or sexual receptacles as the plan began with the stolen African. Eugenics, cause Hayti’s population is a time bomb which must be defused immediately.
Hayti is
the only
culturally Black nation in the Caribbean and Latin America.
So the scumbags have got to force assimilate and sterilize us like in the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean, vainly trying to re-write Hayti’s history nightly, on all levels, so that Haytians who come into contact with them, remain their stooges all their lives, working for their UN, USAID and the NGOs against Hayti’s domestic interests. How else do you explain Mrs. Clinton going down to Hayti to push sham elections not democracy?
It’s hard. To live through the ugly West. All over the world. Unbridled greed. Two faces, ONE evil.
It’s so bad the pedophiles in Hayti have formed a Jenny Graig sex-lost diet program to wean themselves off their own blood-sucking child molestation gluttony. No need to mention what the straight or bi-sexual foreign perverts do to young Hayti Black girls and women.
But the only demon the international looters see is Aristide.
The only demon the local looters see is the one Haytian man who empowered the Lafanmi se lavi-street boys and started to put a stop to the foreign gluttony across the board. But Bush, Clinton and now Obama and their religious NGO’s couldn’t have that gang of empowered boys in their face. No. They sent in a UN international force to slaughter them Lavalas chimeres. Crucify in print then assassinate, Hayti hero, Drèd Wilmè- the bandit, they said, of Site Solèy.
I came on the scene just as the international looters had unleashed their “progressive” human right organizations to drone on and on about the culture of rape amongst Haytians in Hayti. How Haytian youths where raping Haytian women in Site Solèy and they had to be in Hayti to put a stop to it. Talk about self-serving projecting stench.
I told them about their sickos rape of Hayti entrenched since slavery and exposed that travesty. I’m the history of rape.
But the indigenous Hayti voice is up against a noisy narcissistic Sean Penn, Paul Farmer/Bono benevolent white-God-narrative in Hayti. Neutralized. Egomaniac whites with twisted good intentions unintentionally cover up for the old boys network, their corrupt neocolonial system of exploitation. Behind the occupation and NGO money laundering, the crazed profit-over-people vampires are greedily carting off Haiyi’s oil, iridium, uranium, copper, silver, marble, underwater treasures and mountains of gold. But the only demon the international looters see is Drèd Wilmè.
Part 6
I wanna give a shout out to the Hayti street boys
I wanna give a shout out to the Hayti street boys.
No home crumbled on your bare back.
That January day,
homelessness was a blessing then.
With bare bleeding knuckles,
you Hayti street boys
lifted concrete and steel,
saving lives that minutes before wouldn”t have given you the time of day.
I wanna give a shout to you, the Hayti street boys, who on empty stomachs, in the scorching sun, without bulldozers, worked for days, days and days non-stop, to the beat of moans, grief and groans of those buried alive,
while NGOs and UN soldiers with full stomachs,
paid to rescue, where nowhere to be found.
Maximum respect to the Hayti street boys who saved lives.
Hayti needed doctors not soldiers.
20,000 US soldiers from the 82nd airborne, Gods from above –
“the US’s most elite fighting forces” –
landed in a country not at war, racist in anticipating violence and chaos.
Lifted up nothing.
Maximum respect to the Hayti street boys who saved lives,
while US soldiers
distributed food and water
throwing it on the ground,
having traumatized, grief-stricken
thirsty, hungry and broken Haytians,
run like animals to pick it up.
Hayti’s phenomenal street boys,
hands on, not from the distance.
Never given a chance.
Pay this price for you.
Unsung, invisible.
The greatest David vs. Goliath battle on planet earth is being fought right now in tiny Hayti.
And when Hayti wins,
the whole world will change.
People will see if the weakest nation, this Black Island nation, can step up to the most powerful and cruelest, profit-over-people-vampire-demons on planet earth and win. Then they too can win. Nothing is impossible. Honor and economic justice is possible everywhere.
Call: Kote moun yo ye?
Response: Nou la!
E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!
We’ve got work to be.
(First draft, Feb. 20, 2011) Check at this link, from time to time, if interested for how it changes and develops when performed or for updates and to make comments.
(c) 2011 Ezili Dantò. All rights reserved. No portions of this material may be copied, re-posted, published, performed, broadcast or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Contact: [email protected]

Ezili Dantò Zili Designs – Hayti is Not for Sale
Forwarded by Èzili’s Haytian Lawyers Leadership Network
“The U.S. continues to enlist assholes who could care less about the future of their people, people like Michel Martelly, Wyclef Jean, and Rene Preval, (Sambo Hankerchief-heads) and the like. People that sing and dance and shuffle and jive.” ( Hayti : The Ballot or The Buffoons! )
Video: Interview on the Return of Aristide
Support Hayti’s Zili Dlo – Clean water is life and health
Zili Dlo is Clean Water for all/Dlo pwòp pou tout moun
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This is such a STUPENDOUS poem!!! What an art piece! You hit all the right spots and I just found Myself nodding My head throughout, FEELING the words and the truth!!! Nou la Se’ Danto!
I have read the piece and hung on to every word! Great job!