Haiti is a fiscal paradise for the United States. Mexico is joining in. The New York Times recently wrote about US imperialism and bullying in Haiti without ever mentioning it.
“The right to own property does not extend to the coasts, springs, rivers, water courses, mines and quarries. They are part of the State’s public domain.” – Haitian 1987 Constitution, Section H, Article 36-5.” — See, US to Rewrite Constitution to Better Serve the One Percent by Ezili Dantò of HLLN and The Free Haiti […]
Brief Summary: In 1937, in a systematic campaign of extermination, the Dominican Republic slaughtered 30,000 Haitians in only five days. The Haitians were massacred in the most horrific ways by Dominican soldiers and civilians wielding machetes, bayonets and rifles. No Haitian or dark-skinned Dominican suspected of being Haitian was spared — women and children were […]
Brief summary of post content (click on links for sections you wish to read. Please check back often for updates): 1. More Than 17 People Died In Haiti Carnival Tragedy Evidence shows the carnival tragedy took the lives of more than the 17 people claimed by the Martelly regime. Families demand access to the missing […]
Ezili Dantò discusses the eleven-year US occupation of Haiti outsourced to
the UN military, the charitable industrial complex fronts, the 5th year
anniversary of the earthquake, the squandering of $9 billion collected in the
name of Haiti earthquake victims, the coming dissolution of Parliament on
January 12, 2015, the new generation of patriotic revolutionary forces that’s arisen since
the occupation began to resist state tyranny, foreign occupation
One Hundred Years of Haiti Resistance to US Imperialism in All its Faces Kanga Mundele, Kanga Bafyòti, Kanga Ndòki End the US Occupation of Haiti behind UN guns and the NGO fronts December 17, 2014 marks one hundred years since the United States invaded Haiti and at the point of guns the US Marines carried […]
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