Haitian Diaspora Rejects Jovenel Moise in New York
(See Kreyòl video below: A young Haitian speaks our torment)
Haitians Object to the PHTK Legal Bandits, their Criminal Budget Fleecing the Poor While Enriching the Corrupt and Fraudulently Elected
Men kouman Pou’n Reponn Kesyon Pyèj
Lidè politik yo ki kanpe ak mass pèp la, men kouman pou’n reponn kesyon pyèj: If the objective conditions are VIOLENT, no leader can stop a violent response in self-defense. It’s the objective conditions which brought the violence.
Source: Ricot Dupuy, Radio Soleil/Facebook excerpt from Jean Bennett
““The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.” —Frederick Douglass
“Violence is when you pay a minimum wage of less than $300 US dollars PER YEAR.”
“Vyolans se lè wap peye yon moun yon jounnen travay a 350 gourdes.”
“Violence is when you disenfranchise 12 million Haitians in fake elections, perpetual World Bank indebtedness and NGO poverty porn…”
Diaspora Rejects Jovenel Moise in New York: Stop the Jovenel Moise Electoral Fraud, the Criminal Budget Fleecing the Poor, the Denial of a Wage Increase for the Poor and Wholesale PHTK Corruption
Video: Fatima Marcadieu/Facebook
Video: Bellevue Hherold/Facebook, Sept 20, 2017
In this video, angry Haitians chant to protest the normalizing of corruption with the legally incriminated puppet President Jovenel Moise. They reject his presence in their community. Jovenel Moise is in New York for the United Nations gathering of world leaders. The crowd chants: “bare volè“- “stop the thieves” and “Pa vle, pa vle, pa vle ti nèg dwòg” – “We don’t want this drug dealer!”
“We can’t take this anymore!” they sing, demanding respect and dignity for Haiti.
The outraged Haitian protestors are assembled to show the United States and the legal bandits of the international community and wealthy oligarchs in Haiti how the Diaspora rejects these drug dealers and money launderers, put into power, in Haiti, through the 2015-2016 Obama-Clinton-UN/OAS/CORE GROUP foreign-imposed elections. Jovenel Moise in their community is an insult and affront, they say.
Bannann yo gate nan men Jovnèl
Jovenel Moise is a consultant-created candidate who lied about his banana business for campaign purposes in a fraud committed against the voters. A money launderer makes money off the kidnapping, human trafficking, all sort of contraband activities, and drug dealings. Jovenel Moise was already part of the criminality in Haiti before he started to campaign, one protester says.
Haitians, duly disturbed by the lies – the vote fraud, the U.N-US military occupation, the deported felons who bought their seats in the 2015/2016 Parliament, the $2 billion Petro Caraibe swindle included for Main Street to pay in the criminal budget – gathered by the hundreds yesterday at Pastor Nicolas’ church in Brooklyn, taking the police and New York authorities by surprise, to reject the new 10,000 gourdes ($158.25) diaspora tax the illegitimate government and mostly narco-trafficking parliament assessed on all Haitians. They also demanded accountability for the $1.50 tax per remittance and the extra .05cent surcharge per each five minutes of a phone call to Haiti that’s been assessed against the Diaspora since 2011 without improvements in school education in Haiti.
The protestors make the point that the government denied an 800 gourdes ($12) per day minimum wage increase. Haiti factory workers will only make a mere $5.54 per day minimum wage. Yet, it wants each Haitian to pay a $159.25 yearly tax and other taxes including 2500 gourdes for a voting card. They want to know how are the Haitians in Haiti earning a slave wage, and Haitians in Haiti without jobs and Haitians deported to Haiti, including the TPS returnees without jobs, are supposed to pay, for some worker categories, half the amount of the yearly minimum wage, in taxes.
Haitians protest the incriminated Jovenel Moise and mostly un-elected parliament that voted in a budget paying to themselves:
Le Nouvelliste – “7,2 milliards de gourdes pour 146 élus, 6,14 milliards pour la santé de 12 millions d’Haïtiens
See Videos:
Protest Outside Pastor Nicholas’s Coup Detat Church in Brooklyn
Video: Fatima Marcadieu/Facebook
Video: Bellevue Hherold/Facebook, Sept 20, 2017
[In Kreyòl] A Young Haitian Speaks Our Torment
“A Haitian Speaks About the Criminal Jovenel-Lafontant Government and Parliament Budget While Enriching the Corrupt Source: Daly Valet/Facebook
Video: Protest Against President Jovenel Moise in Brooklyn
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