Open letter to the brotherly countries of Africa, the land of our ancestors, particularly the countries of the African Union (AU)
Port-au-Prince, August 6, 2023
Original Source: Rezo Nodwes, August 10, 2023
“ None of the countries of the land of our ancestors (Africa) should serve as a sounding board or armed arm of the former colonial, slave-owning powers, transformed into imperialist powers and today actively engaged in a criminal project of destabilization of “Haiti, systematic sabotage of its sovereignty of which the American-UN occupation constitutes a dangerous step”
Honorable Heads of State and Government of the brotherly countries of Africa,
We, the signatory Haitian organizations and personalities, learned the astonishing the surprising news that a brotherly country like Kenya has agreed to lead an American-UN occupation force against Haiti, disguised under the label of “multinational force”, the better to mislead national and international public opinion, in an attempt to hide the Machiavellian side of this initiative. It should be noted that to prepare national and international public opinion for the acceptance of this deception, the powers that be and the armed gangs are being mobilized on a national scale with the aim of creating total chaos likely to justify the American-U.N. occupation of our country. Armed gangs are thus authorized to gang-rape girls and women, massacre, kidnap and terrorize the defenseless population on a daily basis.
Honorable Heads of State and Government of Brotherly African Countries
We would like to draw your attention to the involvement of the United States of America in the process of supplying weapons and ammunition to the gangs that are quietly sowing terror and death in Haiti. According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) published in March 2023, the arms and ammunition used by the gangs come mainly from the United States. In the same report, the UNODC confirmed an increase in the illegal trafficking of weapons, mainly from the USA to Haiti, via the state of Florida. How can we understand or hope that the USA, which bears such a heavy responsibility for the supply of arms and munitions to the gangs, can at the same time claim to be helping to combat them effectively through a so-called multinational force? Paradoxically, what interest would the USA suddenly have in hunting them down?
Surprisingly, despite this contradictory situation, the government of Kenya , in a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that it would be ready to provide leadership of a multinational force and to deploy in Haiti a contingent of 1000 so-called police officers. intended to help train the Haitian police, to restore normality in Haiti. It is only waiting for a mandate from the UN Security Council as well as the agreement of local authorities to begin its deployment operation. In his haste, he has even planned in the coming weeks, according to Agence France Presse, “an evaluation mission led by an operational team from the Kenya police.” What operationality is this? What knowledge of the reality on the ground would such a team have to carry out the assessment of a situation that it only perceives through biased reports written by complicit agents of the Core Group?
It should be noted that Kenya hastily agreed to get involved in this suspicious political adventure after Canada and other countries, under pressure from a number of informed citizens, had to reject the request. of the USA to assume leadership of this occupying force that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the US government intend to impose by all means. Has the Kenyan government asked itself why Canada and other countries have, in fact, refused, despite pressure or advantages offered, to engage in this dubious enterprise? Did he question the real objectives of such an enterprise? Has it taken the necessary time, like other countries already contacted in this regard, to reflect on the political significance and the disastrous consequences of such a completely suspect adventure? At a time when several African countries are beginning to free themselves from the influence of the West or to move away from the logic of the West’s harmful neocolonial practices, can Kenya afford, for the most part misfortune of Haiti, to contribute to the reinforcement of such pernicious and destabilizing practices?
Has the government of Kenya sought to understand the unacknowledged and unspeakable objectives of such a maneuver which goes against what is solemnly proclaimed in the constitutive act and the Charter of the African Union (AU) ? Indeed, it is mentioned in Article II of the Charter: “ The objectives of the Organization are the following: (a) Strengthen the unity and solidarity of African States; (b) Coordinate and intensify their cooperation and efforts to offer better living conditions to the people of Africa; (c) Defend their sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence; (d) Eliminate, in all its forms, colonialism from Africa; (e) Promote international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ; »
Article III states: “ Member States, to achieve the objectives set forth in Article II, solemnly affirm the following principles: Sovereign equality of all Member States; Non-interference in the internal affairs of States; Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each State and its inalienable right to independent existence ; »
Honorable Heads of State and Government of Brotherly African Countries,
You will agree with us that the approach of the leaders of Kenya is part of a logic totally opposed to what is proclaimed in the AU charter and that it is appropriate in this situation to invite it, in the name of these officially adopted cardinal principles, to urgently review this approach which seriously undermines the sovereignty of Haiti, its right to self-determination. It is your duty to find the most effective strategy to explain to the leaders of this brother country that such a choice is likely to encourage, to reinforce in Haiti the already unacceptable interference of the imperialist powers including the United States of America. America especially.
Assuming for the benefit of the USA the leadership of this occupying force simply amounts to helping them consolidate their genocidal control over this country, ours which carried out the first and only successful slave revolt in the entire history of humanity and which at the same time changed the world order, colonial, racist and slavery. This revolution represented a great hope for the black world and all the oppressed peoples of the planet in search of freedom and collective well-being. Christiane TAUBIRA highlighted what Haiti represents for the world and black people in particular in these terms: “ It is not to me alone that the people of Ayiti have opened the avenues of a world of justice and fraternity. It was also the black world, as a whole, which recognized the first independent black Republic, torn away and then codified by former slaves, built in the morgue of the colonial empire. …It was also a gift for the oppressed world in its quest for reference and model in a universe that was not only hostile, but which, as Frantz Fanon asserted, was already seizing its past to disfigure it, distort it. ”
This terrible multidimensional crisis that Haiti is going through is therefore cynically manufactured and maintained in large part by the former slave-owning and racist colonial powers currently transformed into imperialist powers. The latter are in the process of suffocating our country with the effective assistance of local collaborators made up of puppet, corrupt, criminal, mafia political leaders imposed by Washington and that of equally corrupt oligarchs, criminals who finance armed gangs.
All this is part of a global war of these former racist colonial powers against Haiti because it had dared to break the chains of slavery and thus create the conditions for the establishment of a new order. anti-slavery, anti-colonial and anti-racist world.
Today, it is a question of these enslaving powers destabilizing our country, of erasing the Haitian people like the first inhabitants of this land, the Taino people decimated by the Spanish colonists and of building a Haiti without them. Haitians. From this perspective, they are fueling the chaos built to try to justify and legitimize their project of military occupation for the purposes of much more systematic political control and the total plunder of our wealth. Under these conditions, how can we believe that the USA would have the will to help the Haitian people eliminate armed gangs when it is a strategy of annihilating the resistance of the popular movement?
Honorable Heads of State and Government of Brotherly African Countries,
We urge you to look into the revolting situation of our country in order to understand it well to better help us overcome it and above all to convince Kenya of the need not to let itself be drawn into the murderous logic of the imperialist powers which are persisting to bury the sovereignty of Haiti.
Brother countries of the Africa of our ancestors, it is imperative to act in such a way as to prevent any country on the African continent from playing the role of a sounding board for the former colonial, slave-owning and imperialist powers. And let Africa’s active solidarity with Haiti be the preferred watchword from now on. As Professor André Ntonfo pointed out: “Africa embodies the sociological stock of Haiti; Haiti symbolizes the struggle for the liberation of the Black colonized and enslaved by imperialist nations ” In the name of this solid bond, in the name of what Haiti symbolizes and in the name of Pan-Africanism, “ solidarity movement for the emancipation of Black peoples through the world” which thus carries a political vision of emancipation of both Africa and its diaspora, Kenya must not “ choose imperialist servitude rather than pan-African solidarity ” as The Black Alliance For Peace has pointed out.
It is important to remember that Haiti has a long tradition of solidarity with the peoples in struggle including those of Latin America, Greece and Africa. It is in this logic that Haitian President Nord Alexis entrusted Benito Sylvain, considered one of the first apostles of Pan-Africanism, with the task of providing effective support from Haiti to Ethiopia threatened by Italy. President Alexis “helped King Menelik II buy cannons from Russia to defeat the Italian army in the Battle of Adoua in Ethiopia .” President Nord Alexis insisted: “We must help Emperor Menelik in a completely disinterested manner to maintain the national independence of his empire and to assure him in the fullness of his sovereign rights a normal path of progress. If Ethiopia falls, we will be the only ones to fight against colonialism but if it resists, our example will go a long way and free Africa from the colonial yoke. “.
Honorable Heads of State and Government of Brotherly African Countries,
Here is an example of concrete solidarity that we invite you to follow and practice to help Haiti recover its hypothecated sovereignty and perpetuate the symbol of freedom and dignity of the Black people that it has always been.
The Haitian people wish to find you at their side and thank you in advance for your concrete solidarity to help them get out of this dangerous impasse, to circumvent the imminent landing of this warlike and murderous occupation project. Such solidarity will allow Haiti not only to resolutely reject the deployment of foreign occupying troops and to obtain as a result:
– the recovery of its national sovereignty to put an end to the interference of imperialist powers;
– the end of the indecent support of the destabilizing fringe of the international, in particular the USA, Canada and France, to the criminal PHTK government of Ariel Henry and the establishment of a credible transitional government;
– the effective application of Resolution 2653 (2022) adopted by the Security Council on October 21, 2022 prohibiting arms trafficking from UN member states to Haiti;
– the suspension by the United States of the supply of weapons and ammunition to the gangs as well as the rapid recovery of weapons already introduced;
– the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry responsible for evaluating the eighteen years of support of the UN in order to update its responsibilities in the current chaotic situation;
– the granting, on behalf of Haiti, from the UN of another decade for Afro-descendants 2024-2033. Note that Haiti, the first to break the chains of slavery, was relegated to last place as part of the celebration of this International Decade for People of African Descent when the UN should have granted it a place of ‘honor.
Honorable Heads of State and Government of Brotherly African Countries,
We, the signatory organizations and personalities , want to end by reminding you of the urgent need to provide us with your concrete solidarity in this situation of extreme threat. We want to maintain the firm conviction that you will not fail to take an open position against the criminal project of occupation of Haiti and particularly against the regrettable decision of Kenya to persist in getting involved in such an enterprise undermining our national sovereignty. already laminated.
Long live the solidarity of all African countries with Haiti,
Long live the solidarity of people around the world with Haiti!
Follow signatures :
Socialist Alternative (ASO) / Jean Hénold Buteau and Jean-Paul Bastien
ALBA MOVIMIENTOS, Haiti/Islanda Chapter Micheline Aduel
Michel Frantz Grandoit, committed priest
Haitian Democratic Committee in Argentina / Henri Boisrolin
KONAKOM, Dunois Erick Cantave
NEHRO / Josue Renaud
Me Jean Oreste Junior Appilar Morin
Caribbean Pan-Africanist Network / Mirtha Desulme
Crossroads Leaves Youth Movement / Joseph Fenel
Inisyativ Patriyòt Maryen (IPAM) / Hugues Célestin
Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen / Origen Louis
Sek Makandal/Wendy Mentor
Esklav Revòlte / Jean Wilgins Charles
Latibonit Kanpe pou Ayiti (LAKAY) / Rigaud Velumat
Grandans Reveye / Legagneur Bouchensky
PPN / Bernadin Kény
Georges Eddy Lucien / committed citizen
James darbouze / committed citizen
Òganizasyon Feminis Danto / Vanessa Thursday
Rezistans pou Ayiti / Patrice Célestin
Mouvman Revolisyonè pou Liberasyon Mas yo (MORELIM) / Nelio Petit-Homme
COMIPOL/ Ernso Ertilus and Julio Fils Cham
National Union of Normaliens of Haiti (UNNOH) / Péguy Noel
Kolektif Solidarite, Idantite ak Libète (KSIL) / Rudy Prudent
Konbit Ayisyen pou Lojman Altènatif (KAYLA) / Francia Pierrette
KOPI / Raimy Ysmael
Platfòm Ayiti Vèt (PAV) / Saico Jean Michel Sévère
Introduction 109 / Luckner Jabouin
Union of Haitian Transporters (USTRAH) / Venès Junior Many
Asosyasyon Viktim Masak Leta nan Katye Popilè yo (AVIMEKP) / Nevelson Jean-Baptiste
Antèn Ouvriye / Reyneld Sanon
We are Dorval / Iswick Théophin
Rezo Òganizasyon Nòdwès / Kerby Joseph
MODÒD / Jose Félix
Rezo Òganizasyon Marigo / Lainé Louis
AJ3L / Kerly Dubréus
Platfòm Oganizasyon pou Ideyal Bwawon Tonè / Hugues-Capè Mondésir
FGPB / Edmond Jean-Paul
SECD / Georges Réginald
MOSSOH / Gary Lindor
Rasanbleman Fanm Peyizan Aken / Louise Marie Naissant
Kuwait Patriyotik / Francisco Alcide
MOPDES –Nòdès / Astride Noel
OJPDCP-NIPPES / Simon Wallan
Circle Grégory Saint-Hilaire / Cilien Luxenat
Armand Joseph Jules / Committed citizen
SITWAYEN / Gustave Augustin
Fòs Dèlma 32 / Clerveaux Fritznel
Sèk Janil / Wasly Simon
Baugé my heart/engaged citizen
PLANARE / Victor Charidieu
Kolektif medsin tradisyonel / Berthony Jean Charles
MSTH-ROZO / Mario Maisonneuve
ASJPCH / Luckner Chéry
ESKANP/Mario Coty
ROZO/Mirtha Elie
FOSYNPO/Gedeon Junior Georges
FRAKKA/ Francois Philippe
ZOULA/ Pierre Dieudonné Delice
Òganizasyon Konbit Aksyon Popilè / James Francisque
Schneider Alcereste / NOUVOLIB
Kolektif Atis Angaje (KATAN) / Kébert Bastien
Konbit Òganizasyon Sendikal, Politik ak Popilè / Josué Mérilien
Haitian Advocacy Platform for Alternative Development (PAPDA) / Camille Chalmers
MOLEGHAF / David Oxygène
Mouvman Leve Kanpe pou yon Lòt Endepandans / Patrick Joseph
For authentication:

Camille Chalmers / PAPDA

Rudy Prudent / KSIL

Josué Mérilien / KONBIT
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