“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”― Samuel Adams, one of the founders of American Independence from England rallying his countrymen to action
Say Their Names Aloud: The Core Group Butchers of Haiti
On May 31, 2019, Haiti’s Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes released an extensive, 600-plus page report, showing how the favorable Venezuela PetroCaribe oil aid funds (2008 to 2018) to help Haiti build infrastructure and ameliorate the people’s living condition, were squandered by the local authorities. The report accuses, inter alia, the current puppet President Jovenel Moise of embezzling approximately $700,000 from a 2014 road rehabilitation project as part of the Petrocaribe funds. Moise was then the head of the Agritrans company, which was in the banana farming business not road construction business. In fact, the Agritrans company, was a hollow shell, a consultant created front used as a platform by the Core Group, their embedded media and George Soros fake NGO civil society, to image Moise as a successful businessman and catapult him into office to do foreign bidding.
Michel Martelly, put into office by the Clinton-Obama administration in rigged 2011 elections, wasted no time in misappropriating the PetroCaribe funds, including placing his wife and son in charge of fake social programs for the mothers, youth, elderly and the disabled and funneling funds to the 2015 presidential campaign of his handpicked successor, Jovenel Moise. Identification cards and mobile money phone identification cards, furnished for these social programs, were also illegally used to vote in elections for Martelly’s ruling party candidates.
The Court of Auditors report also shows the Ti Manman Cheri social program for mothers, headed by Martelly’s wife, had at least 20,000 fictitious members. Withdrawals from the Petrocaribe fund were regularly made, from 2012 to 2014, to pay those non-existent cash beneficiaries.
Without question, it’s way past time for the corrupt and incompetent President Jovenel Moise family, the Martelly family and the accused 15 former government officials named in these reports to be held accountable.
To do this, the national level conversation has to focus on ending Neo-colonialism in Haiti and neutralizing the Core Group of international imperialists. For they aid and abet cholera democracy through doctored elections. The entire neo-colonial apparatus is created, orchestrated and installed to oppress the majority. The Colonizers give unwavering support to rejected and corrupt opportunists over the heads of the protesting people and their legal and human rights to self determination. We can expect that despite the latest Court evidence of blatant corruption, the Core Group will do all that’s necessary to keep their accused Jovenel Moise in office.
That’s why Haitians are to focus vertically first, on the economic elites, foreign oligarchs, the Haiti’s mercenary families – Mevs/Bigio-Acra/Apaid/Brandt/Boulos/Abdallah and the US-Euro nine (9) core group of embassy bandits who basically hold Haiti hostage. Their minions will fall when the power of these occupiers and their false benevolence are EXPOSED and talked about DAILY by every concerned Haitian.
The names of these core gang of international terrorists, butchers and cannibals in Haiti are to be blasted everywhere. Their families, friends, children, grandchildren, private company affiliations and homeland communities must know their naked malevolence and fraud in Haiti.
In Haiti, the Core Group of imperialists and colonial oppressors are composed of approximately nine(9) rotating international career terrorists, legal bandits and global butchers, their successors and predecessors and is currently led by:
Michele Jeanne Sison, the current U.S Ambassador to Haiti;
António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations;
Manfred Auster, Ambassador of Germany,
Jose Luis Machado E. Costa, Brazil’s Ambassador to Haiti;
André Frenette, Canada’s Ambassador to Haiti
José Gomez, France’s Ambassador to Haiti;
Hubbert Labbe, the representatives of Spain;
Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States; Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Union and,
The Apostolic Nuncio.
PetroCaribe Earthquake Aid
Haiti cannot get lost in the PetroCaribe dossier. It has to control the narrative. The Venezuelan oil aid monies is the most significant direct country aid to Haiti after the earthquake. It began in 2008, but when the earthquake hit in January 2010, President Hugo Chavez forgave the Haiti PetroCaribe debt owed since 2008 to 2010 under President Rene Preval. So when we speak about the PetroCaribe aid squandered by Haiti, we’re talking mainly about post earthquake funds that went directly to the corrupt, Clinton-Obama installed governments of Michel Martelly and Jovenel Moise from Venezuelan aid monies.
And so, regarding the PetroCaribe protest discourse and the Petrochallengers who appeared on the scene last summer after the July 7, 2018 weekend shut down of Port-au-Prince and to support the denunciations of the Core Group represented in this open letter to the Core Group, we stress our concerns against ignoring the bulk of aid monies after the earthquake did not go into Haiti hands. Let’s not inadvertently promote Black on Black crime of the colonial tokens as Haiti’s primary obstacle to regaining its sovereignty and crushing corruption.
There’s a war being waged against the nation of Haiti and its poor Black majority.
Fòk nou pran prekosyon e pa kite Blan Kolon itilize mechan li fè Ayiti pou detwi Venezuela ki te eseye ede Ayiti. Fòk nou nonmen non bandi legal, kanibal rèk kap mange Ayiti e ki se ENPLWAYÈ konze yo ki volè kòb Petro Karibe a. Yo rele: “CoreGroup”.
The primary legal bandits and butchers of Haiti are: Michele Jeanne Sison, António Guterres, Manfred Auster; Jose Luis Machado E. Costa; André Frenette, José Gomez ; Hubbert Labbe; Luis Almagro; Jean-Claude Juncker, the Apostolic Nuncio and all their rotating predecessor and successors (including former international colonial agents: Kenneth Merten, Pamela White, Sandra Honoré, Cheryl Mills, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Ban Ki-moon, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Edmond Mulet, ect…)
Haitians of conscience identify first the enemy behind the curtain who animates the Jovenel/Martelly occupation. They are the same colonists and nations who animated the Duvalierists dictatorship.
There is no legit Haiti judiciary to bring justice to the Petrochallengers‘ demands for an end to the impunity. But at least Haiti has extensively audited its post-earthquake waste and corruption in an attempt to stop these financial crimes and corruption. There are the 2016 and 2017 separate Senate investigations which concluded $2 billion from the Venezuelan aid program was misused. The January 2019 first Court of Auditors report and now the May 31, 2019 second Superior Court of Auditors’ report.
In contrast, the Core Group and their subcontractors, including the Clinton-Paul Farmer NGhoes, wasted over $13 billion in quake funds without even batting an eye or having to account to the Haitian people or the donors. The suffering Haitian people say, a total overthrow of the Core Group’s rotten system – “a Tabula Rasa,” is necessary. This Haiti revolution is not about playing musical chairs, removing the current anti-democratic regime. But to construct a new, inclusive Haitianist system reflective of Haitian realities, without the social and economic apartheid or the domination of Core Group and local mafia families. The dream is of a regenerated Haiti where the political, social, economic, human, ancestral property and cultural rights of every Haitian are respected and enforced.
“There is no impartial justice system in occupied Haiti to fairly bring the colonial puppets to justice. The Core Group of imperialists invested in their puppets’ corruption. The entire system infrastructure is corrupted, including the executive, judicial and parliament. And, as hideous as the waste of PetroCaribe funds are, it’s not a fraction of the Core Group corruption, waste and corruption and that must also be part of the conversation. The notion the Core Group is here to be appealed to, by conscious Haitians, to stop corruption is laughable, naive and indecent.” — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti

The Corrupt Core Group
Corruption overall in Haiti, even with the $4.2 billion in question, is still less than the rest of the colonized islands. Why? Because the impoverished majority fights back against the elites’ rabid rage – are not fully complacent. Don’t accept their lot on Earth for the potential of future salvation in heaven. That’s what the repugnant Core Group and foreign evangelical NGhoes would have them do. The Core Group rigs elections, meters out superpower military violence, sets loose foreign mercenaries, stops investigation that could bring justice, rushes local judges out of Haiti to exile in Washington whenever some of them come close to indicting the Jovenel Moise puppets or other Martelly bandits. They regularly turn a blind eye to evidence of massacres of the people by their proteges. But when the people burn tires, shut down businesses or vandalize property during protest demonstrations in reaction to these superpower terrors and antagonism, that frustration is what the media focuses on as the most awful of violence in Haiti.
No matter the grief endured, Haitians always have in innate sense that their life, worldview and future are more important than foreign interests, imperialistic values, bourgeois comfort zones and the foreigner’s export economy in Haiti. These points are strategically made even while the people demand a reckoning for both the weaponized aid monies that went to the Neocolonial puppets and the greater earthquake billions that stay in donor countries or go to foreigners in the name of Haiti progress.
Weaponized charity, cloaked behind false benevolence and fake humanitarian aid, disembowels and dismembers Haiti. The Clintons and the U.N.’s Haiti Interim Recovery Commission literally absconded with the earthquake $13 BILLIONS. It was funneled through international contractors and NGOs, leaving the people to the mercy of the Core Group’s castrated men-in-pink and their thievery. The current Moise government, like its parent Michel Martelly sponsor, are illegal. The Core Group Colonizers who doctored elections to put them in office require the major part of our focus and attention in order for Haitians to END the OCCUPATION of Haiti once and for all and to change the geopolitics and destructive paradigm for the next generations, both in Haiti and abroad. The world must help Haiti stop the Core Group from keeping corruption in office and continuing the colonial narrative which ignores the bulk of foreign aid never reaches Haiti government hands and thus the bulk of corruption and aid thievery in Haiti is international.
Black fratricide as the focus is a trick of US-Euro geopolitics, the controlled opposition and it also kills two birds with one stone: both Venezuela and Haiti.
The U.S. wanted to marginalize and destroy the PetroCaribe program. It used the men-in-pink legalized bandits, to do so. And then provides its white liberal press and Robert Fatton-like university academia to focus on that Martelly-Jovenel corruption it helped impose, not the earthquake corruption of the greater oppressive and corrupt white liberal-Duopoly, international nongovernmental organizations (NGhoes), U.N. agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other such mostly CIA fronts. Worst, the Venezuelan aid monies was misappropriated and embezzled, in part, to orchestrate an image for Jovenel Moise as an experienced and successful “businessman.” Then when he got into office, Moise, revealed his colonial master’s agenda. He voted to recognize Juan Guaidó against the legitimate president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
The research shows the U.S., the U.N., Core Group and OAS tried to overthrow President Rene Preval to benefit Texaco and its oil companies and stop, from its inception, the implementation of the Venezuelan PetroCaribe project. It’s not strategic then to appeal to the Colonizers while merely focusing on the horizontal corruption of the group of bafyòti – Black collaborators – who replaced Rene Preval and were allowed by empire to steal the Venezuelan direct aid benefits he fought hard to give to Haiti.
“The inference that protestors in Venezuela are democracy seekers while those in Haiti are democracy destroyers exposes the U.S.’ favorite political institution as a lie” — Marlene Daut, Haiti’s Recent Protests Expose the Lie of Democracy, March 2, 2019
And, while we indeed also hold the PHTK ruling party and other Haiti puppets (Black collaborators) accountable for the Venezuelan direct aid they squandered after the earthquake, we do not absolve the Respondiat Superior, these Black collaborator’s bosses and white masters. The internationals took over $13.6 BILLION in member-state funds, untold private billions through their money laundering NGhoes, doctored Haiti elections in 2011, 2015, 2016, helped plunder Haiti’s natural resources for their nations, brought in outfits like Monsanto to further destroy local Haiti agriculture, poisoned Haiti’s water system with cholera and desecrated the Haiti earthquake victims with no accountability and total impunity. We name the nine Core Group nations as the respondiat superior to what happened to the $2billion unaccounted for from the PetroCaribe aid monies, along with the over $13 billion in earthquake funds missing.
And no matter how often these Colonizers use of their media, their academics, the U.N., the Bretton Woods organizations, the Neoliberal death plan and these revolting diplomats to directly oppress and persecute Haiti, they won’t silence all of us.
We’ll always name these butchers of Haiti and thank Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, for the aid they tried to give our people because we are not accomplices in our own oppression. In fact, if Chavez-Maduro had read the works of Èzili Dantò and FreeHaiti, they would not have trusted and cozied-up to Martelly-Lamothe whatsoever to begin with.

“Unfortunately, Haiti’s case is not an isolated one as in the space of a few weeks, Washington stole most of Venezuela’s overseas assets, just as it did in 2003 with the Iraqi Treasury, in 2005 with the Iranian Treasury, and in 2011 with the Libyan Treasury. This money has never been recuperated by its rightful owners, except by the Iranians during the JCPOA agreement. The Iraqi and Libyan régimes were overthrown, and their successors were careful not to take the affairs to trial. But this time, the Bolivarian Republic held fast, and the US situation is now untenable.” — Harry Comeau, comment on this post, shared this article.
Core Group Interference is Predictable with Historical Prescience
If it wasn’t for the self-described Core Group and “Friends of Haiti,” the men-in-pink could not have gotten away with doctored elections with former Tonton Makout, Michel Martelly nor the indicted money launderer, Jovenel Moise. Nor, would either have remained in office over the massive demonstrations and objections of the majority who took to the streets against both.
Each time, for instance, puppet President Jovenel Moise is put against the ropes of justice for Haiti’s redemption, the core gang of nine internationals rush out with a simple PRESS RELEASE or Washington visit to re-recognize his legitimacy. No matter the neoDuvalierist government massacres, unilateral decrees, rank dictatorship or La Saline atrocities. That’s all the Butchers have to do (since Haiti is not Venezuela or Iran with China/Russia backing) to crush millions of Haiti citizens asking for their sovereignty back, is show their support for their puppets.

Yet, the media chorus stays far away from identifying these Western Colonists as the tyrants they are. Black-on-Black crime and corruption is always their ticket of distraction/deflection of their white supremacist terror system and to dissemble their accountability in containing Haiti in poverty, dependency, domination with a black face collaborator upfront and to use the chaos their neocolonialism has provoked to hide the exploitation of Haiti’s natural riches that go on behind the scenes of these Kote Kòb PetroKaribe or carnival charades… That pattern is so historical and OBVIOUS, it’s not a chess game but a child’s Tic Tac Toe game. We KNOW who the missionary-colonists are, their media propaganda of “blaming the Haitians” and their historical role.

We know from the first U.S. occupation, from 1915 to 1934, that Haiti academics and politicians within occupied governments are there to get their visas, scholarships to foreign countries and to mouth the controlled opposition positions that won’t call out the Colonists just the Black collaborators. It’s just that Haitians are NOT ready to reach for their legacy and digest that the nine Core Group Bandits, led by the U.S., are the brutal despots of Haiti. They brought the occupation, the U.N., the NGhoes, feed the restaveks House Negroes and sell-out media/machan micro yo to do their bidding. Most pundits with large platforms are not rewarded to see the historical patterns in the present, just in the past. And so the people’s liberation remains the impossible dream…
Those of us who are there, remain the Ancestors’ pye devant – front line.
The Core Group is the face of the bankers, the corporatocracy and despotic world oligarchs who mercilessly rule all 7.5 billion people on planet earth. The Core Group is the front line of modern western imperialism in Haiti. It represents and personifies the balance of power between old colonial Europe and its most successful modern offshoot of robber barons. Together they’ve agreed to continue the enslavement and impoverishment of the Haitian people.
This Core Group decides – despite their lofty public pronouncements to the contrary, their veneer of civility, their access to superior education and logic, their nation’s scientific feats and technological advances— that self determination and the one person one vote won’t apply to Haitians. Their power, backed-up by singular U.S. military might, is as disruptive to suffering Haitians as unpredictable environmental forces such as pandemics, famines, earthquakes, and asteroid strikes.
It’s shameful predictability offers nothing but terror with historical prescience.
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