Washington-backed Haiti Death Squad Leader, Guy Philippe, Finally Arrested On U.S. Drug Charges
Shots were fired in the air to disperse a crowd that had gathered as Haiti police arrested Guy Philippe, a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-wanted fugitive and personal friend of the newly announced but rejected puppet president of Haiti, Jovenel Moise.
Clinton and Obama’s parting gift to Haiti is former president Martelly’s replica, Jovevel Moise, who is already under investigation for money laundering. (See, The Complete File: Jovenel Moise and Money Laundering from 2007 to 2013; and Illicit drug trafficking: The Government of MARTELLY/LAMOTHE makes every effort to protect drug traffickers close to power and, Haiti Election Analysis: Sick Carnival 2016 Continues with Jovenel Moise.)

Guy Philippe take photo with Jovenel Moise/PHTK new death squad: The Men-in-Pink
A wanted U.S. fugitive and death squad leader, Guy Philippe, campaigned with US-supported presidential candidate Jovenel Moise and threatened to kill anyone who protested the Jovenel Moise electoral fraud. But the U.S.-backed, grotesque Leopold Berlanger electoral council saw no character or integrity issues in qualifying Philippe to run for a senate position in parliament even with a local and international warrant against him and his history for treason. The DEA, Haiti police and the U.N. troops in Haiti just couldn’t seem to find Philippe until January 5, two days after the results of the 2016 non-elections were announced and the people were continuing massive protests against getting yet another U.S. puppet president with close ties to drug traffickers, money launderers, weapons traffickers, kidnappers, death squad leaders and other PHTK legal bandits.
The Clinton Foundation and Clinon crony, Denis O’Brien of the Digicel Group telecom company backed the November 20, 2016 doctored elections and pulled all stops to bring Jovenel Moise to power with the same Michel Martelly “network of friends and aides who have been arrested on charges including rape, murder, drug trafficking and kidnapping.”
In addition to his close ties to narco-trafficking suspects and death squad leaders, two separate presidential commission found there was systemic election manipulation and fraud in favor of Jovenel Moise and his PHTK political party in 2015.
The DEA and Haiti police must ask vote-stealer, Jovenel Moise, what happened to his patron, Evinx Daniel, the prominent hotel owner and a personal friend of both Moise and his sponsor, Michel Martelly. Michel Martelly handpicked Moise Jovenel as his successor to the presidency. They are both close friends and allies to Guy Philippe, the missing Daniels and other accused narco-traffickers. Daniel disappeared without a trace in Martelly-Lamothe’s Haiti, after he was arrested for having 50 kilos of cocaine in his possession. He was suspiciously released within 48 hours of the arrest.
Death squad leader, Guy Philippe, was the mastermind behind the deadly attack on the Police Academy in July 2001 and the December 31, 2001 attempted coup d’etat against president Jean Bertrand Aristide.
In May of 2016, about 50 gunmen wearing green uniforms attacked a police station in Les Cayes on Haiti’s southern peninsula, killing one officer and wounding at least two others before fleeing. At the time of his arrest, there was an outstanding local warrant in Haiti for Guy Philippe in reference to the May 16, 2016 police station attack. Four assailants died and one of the captured attackers told reporters that the assault on the station was masterminded by Senate candidate, Guy Philippe. (See, Gunmen in green uniforms attack police station in Haiti; and, Kreyòl video testimony of captured old Haiti military uniforms who attacked Haiti police headquarters in Aux Cayes )
Arrestation de Guy Philippe : RNDDH heureux et triste en même temps
Philippe has privileged ties with Washington.
He received training from the U.S. Special Forces in Ecuador in the 1990s and Dominican military shelter in the Dominican Republic in 2001 where he fled after it was discovered that he was plotting a coup against the democratically elected Aristide-Neptune government.
It’s 2017 and Haitians are still struggling to choose their own president without foreign interference. Philippe was the face used by the US-orchestrated coupnapping of president Aristide in 2004 to create the scenario that there was a civil war in Haiti requiring a permanent U.N. “peacekeeping” presence. By 2007, he had a falling out with his Washington bosses who didn’t support his bid for the presidency in 2006. Philippe was wanted in the U.S. on drug-trafficking charges including conspiracy to import cocaine but protected by the real brokers of power running the U.S. (See Ex-Haiti rebel leader wanted in US arrested during talk show.)
There are many more (here, here, here, here,) such Washington and CIA assets in Haiti working the drug and weapons trafficking trade, whose corruption are used to bribe them into doing the political and economic bidding of the wealthy colonizers and occupiers of Haiti. Louis Jodel Chambain is another death squad leader roaming free in Haiti after the then U.S Ambassador personally escorted him to prison, only to have a midnight kangaroo court release him of all charges. (See also, Free Haiti Photo Album on latest Obama/Clinton/UN-backed electoral fraud and looting in Haiti: here, here, here and at Haiti riches, here and here.)
For years Guy Philippe basically gave the U.S. DEA authorities the middle finger as he freely campaigned for political office, confident that as the Washington and CIA asset who helped take down Haiti’s democratically elected president in 2004, he would never be made to account for the drug dealing and money laundering charges that put him on the DEA’s most wanted fugitive list.

Wanted DEA fugitive Guy Philippe campaigns with US-supported presidential candidate, Jovenel Moise
On Thursday, January 5, 2017, two days after the corrupt Haiti electoral council announced that Guy Philippe’s friend, Jovenel Moise, was the winner of the November 20, 2016 non-elections in Haiti and after Guy Philippe had “won” a Senate seat in Parliament, which would have provided him with immunity from prosecution, he was arrested by the Haitian anti-drug unit. He was apprehended during a Scoop FM radio talk show appearance with radio host, Gary-Pierre Paul Charles. It’s probably part of a psyops operation to distract the people from the November 20, 2016 electoral coup detat. (See, Don’t Fall Down The Rabbit Hole.)
Knowing how Washington protected death squad leaders, Louis Jodel Chanblain and his FRAPH partner, Emmanuel Toto Constant, we shall not be surprise if this is not theater to have Guy Philippe back in parliament with a US-cleansed record. Philippe was extradited to the U.S. the day he was arrested. We hope this is a start to stop the impunity of the well connected tyrants in Haiti.
Against all odds maybe the new Trump Administration will be different than the Clinton-Bush/Obama bipartisan corruption and not block prosecution of death squad leaders and suspected drug-traffickers, such as Guy Philippe and other Michel Martelly-Jovenel Moise drug dealing allies. But we Haiti justice activists have become numb to the corruption of the high-level international lawmakers. We don’t hold much hope in human decency from U.S. political leaders anymore.
But we are willing to be surprised and very pleased if President Donald Trump does help both Haiti justice and peace activists and the good US law enforcement officers whose hands are tied by their higher ups to clean the neocolonial swamp that continues to oppress and destroy Haiti progress. Drug trafficking from Columbia through Haiti that goes to the US hurts US citizens as well as Haiti. We want to institutionalize the rule of law in Haiti to stop these crimes.
Jovenel Moise did not win the presidency in the November 20, 2016 farce. If Haitian law wasn’t constantly destroyed by US bullying, the law would be applied and Jovenel Moise would be excluded for fraud. Similarly, long ago Guy Philippe would have been serving time in prison for murder and mayhem in Haiti.
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, January 5, 2017
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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Aba PHTK-Clinton Jovenel Moise koudeta elektoral 2017
Lè rasin pye bwa a pa bon, fwi yo pral move tou. Fòk Ayisyen ase lave men siyel y atè.
Ayiti paka gen soverente l si moun koudeta yo pa rete fè fwòd, tuye polis e vann Ayiti bay blan kolon pou degouden PHTK. Nou di: aba tout volè vot, kriminèl, kidnapè, dwòg dilè et lalwa ki pou vann bay Boulos, Bigio, Abdallah, Apaid, Brandt, Mevs fè sa yo vle an Ayiti; volè eleksyon, mete dwòg dilè ki lan poch yo lan Palman.
Nou pap obeyi koripson sa yo. Aba PHTK-Clinton Jovenel Moise koudeta elektoral 2017! Fè verifikasyon e mete moun ki fè fwòd yo deyò. Si nou pavle bay etranje fòs an Ayiti, fòk nou gen respè e onè avan tou. Si nou kite fwòd elektoral PHTK ak Jovenel Moise la, e kolon vinn cheche l pou blachisman lajan nou paka di se yo ki derespekte n. Se moun ki lan sitire fwòd, dwog dilè, kidnapè, koripson, volè, e volè vot ki derespekte tèt yo! Pou Ayiti gen yon chans, li pakapab konstwi progrè sou fwòd e koken. Di NON. No Sola-Clinton seleksyon an Ayiti. Aba PHTK elektoral koudeta! Fò nou kòmanse ak men prop.
Jovenel Moise pagen men prop lan eleksyon 2015 ou 2016 la ditou. Fout mete l deyò pou fwòd. Bay Ti Pèp la yon chans pou kòmanse ak yon bon rasin. Lè rasin pye bwa pa bon, fwi pye bwa sa pap bon ditou.
Focus on stopping the Jovenel Moise 2017 electoral coup d’etat, insist on a vote verification after Jovenel Moise is disqualified for fraud
Demand a verification. There was no verification of the Jovenel Moise win, only a rush to a fait accompli before January 20th end of Obama’s lawless influence in Haiti.(Trump demande aux ambassadeurs nommés par Obama de démissionner avant son investiture.) Haiti cannot survive the bad fruits of the rotten PHTK-Clinton tree for another five years: Aba PHTK-Clinton Jovenel Moise koudeta elektoral 2017.
Jovenel Moise’s 2017 electoral coup was sophisticated, but carries the same effect as Guy Philippe’s 2004 destruction. It maintains the colonial status quo, giving the country to the Clinton-Bush power elites to loot as the people suffer.
Jovenel Moise should answer the money laundering charges and be summarily excluded from the election for voter fraud both in 2015 and 2016 if the results found on the first day of the annulled verification process -where nearly 77% of the samples examined showed fraud in favor of Moise- are further confirmed. A new day in Haiti cannot start on top of doctored elections, money laundering drug money for campaigning, and allegation of aiding and abetting drug trafficking.
Guy Philippe was arrested and “extradited” to Florida on January 5, 2017. Yes, he deserves prison for the murders and mayhem Human Rights Watch has noted and there are two outstanding warrants for more wrongdoing against him. He should have been tried for murder and treason long ago, not rewarded with access to be a senate candidate. But the law is for sale to the wealthy with privileged ties to Washington. There’s no honor and respect for human rights under the US occupation behind the UN humanitarian front, fake oligarchy consensus/unity governments, fake aid and fake elections for thirteen years now.
However, the timing, bragging, trophy-picture taking and manner of this Guy Philippe arrest are more about political chess and it comes too late in Obama’s administration to be about stopping drugs coming into the US or money laundering If that were the case, the Acra brothers, Olivier Martelly, a few in the Senators, Deputies, businessmen exposed in public sources, Wikileaks and others involved in money laundering including the US-backed puppet Jovenel Moise would be arrested pursuant to the 50th legislature accord signed for money laundering crimes. So there are a few agendas here, including the US using its legitimate issue at law against Philippe for drug trafficking to distract from the Haiti majority’s IMMEDIATE desire to stop another electoral fraud from wasting five years of Haiti life – stop the Jovenel Moise 2017 electoral coup d’etat.
As noted, there will be more indictments. But this sudden show of law enforcement is also to distract from the last nightmarish 8-years of Obama-Clinton supervised and orchestrated lawlessness and vicious fraud and oppression of the Haitian people’s right to choose their own president; control and use the countries resources for the benefit of local Haitians.
After 13 years of US occupation behind a humanitarian front, the US doesn’t need force and Guy Philippe’s rag tag “rebel” theater for the cameras while, in fact, it’s the US Special Forces that flew Aristide out of the country on a rendition plane. No. They’ve had thirteen years to get it right. Make the tyranny even more covert. Weave themselves through lots of natural disasters and fake charity to confuse and pacify the traumatize people in the direction they want them to go; through dispersing tons of small monthly cash and reservation rations tendered by the ultra right wing PHTK-Duvalierists thanks to USAID/NED/George Soros patronage of Martelly in exchange for his crew confiscating electoral cards to vote the PHTK candidates…They’ve got the UN (UNOPS) who is supposed to transport ballots from the voting centers to the tabulation headquaters, simply throwing out votes in areas resisting the occupation, making sure those ballots never get to the tabulation center. The complicit Electoral Council controlled by the internationals allow PHTK criminals and their criminal allies to run for office which intimidates and suppresses the vote. They’ve also perfected suppressing the vote by sending voters far away from the most logical voting area near their domiciles.
Essentially, the colonists has got the Martelly-Digicel-Berlanger electoral fraud system in place to conduct a non-violent, mass produced, media marketed, Antonia Sola 2017 electoral coup d’etat. The intention has not changed since the US-backed Guy Philippe helped remove Aristide from office in 2004. The internationals relentlessly and ruthlessly deny the Haitian people the right to choose their own president and to market their vast riches to elevate the nation out of poverty.
Haitians are sick and tired of this and insist on the application of law in all areas, not just when the whim takes the US to unseal a 12-year old Guy Philippe indictment, pick him up and charge him. The colonial politics’ swamp must be drained, beginning by having a real vote verification process after the latest US puppet Jovenel Moise is excluded for electoral fraud. Due application of law and equity demands it. — Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti, Jan 6, 2017
Jan 6, 2017 – Guy Philippe Unsealed 2005 Indictment
Haitian National Charged with International Narcotics and Money Laundering Conspiracy
Other important considerations to weigh while focusing on stopping the 2017 Jovenel Moise electoral coup d’etat and insisting on a real vote verification process:
Moïse Jean-Charles se prononce contre l`extradition de Guy Philippe
Reyaksyon Moise Jean Charles apre Rezilta definitif la “Li pare poul Goumen Kont Jovenel”
– According to Claudy Gassant, the Haiti anti-drug unit, the La Brigade de Lutte contre le Trafic de Stupéfiants/(Bureau for the Fight Against Narcotics Trafficking), or BLTS police squad is not a domestic institution. He says in this video “the BLTS is under the direct command of the US Embassy.. the BLTS is a local extension of the DEA not the Haitian national police…The whites command them, give them illegal orders that they follow…” Attorney Gassant insists legal procedures were not followed in the arrest of Guy Philippe …that the 1997 US accord with Haiti signed between Preval and Albright to apprehend drug dealers implicated capture of offenders on the open seas not citizens on Haiti territory…
Published by Èzili Dantò of HLLN, November 29, 2016
Haiti Election Analysis: Sick Carnival 2016 Continues with Jovenel Moise
“…11. There are rumors that some of the more conscientious ones in the Laboratory are pissed at having their hands tied watching the fugitive Acra brothers go free after his drug boat from Columbia was caught in Haiti and a warrant issued for their arrest. Some of these US authorities are very angry at not being able to do anything to grab DEA wanted fugitive Guy Philippe, and other alleged drug kingpins in the Martelly crew – such as his father in-law Charles “Bébé” St. Rémy; “Senator” Youri Latorture; alleged former hit man for Michel Martelly and now hiding in the Haiti Senate, “Senator” Herve Fourcand; and the many other K-Plume and PHTK unelected criminals pushed into the Haiti Parliament by the Kenneth Merten-Privert agreement of February 2016.
Our sources indicate that even former presidential candidate, Jean-Henry Céant is said to be under investigation, like Jovenel Moise, for money laundering and other financial irregularities. So, expect more indictments under the Trump Administration of PHTK lawless bandits and hundreds of others not named herein but who are well-known lawless Duvalierists thugs, which Haiti lawyers like us have spent years trying to bring to justice, only to have the US-Laboratory and George Soros NGOs re-image them as “civil society,” or push them into Parliament through rigged elections where they’re then afforded Parliamentary immunity.” — Haiti Election Analysis: Sick Carnival 2016 Continues with Jovenel Moise
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