“If any of you see me submit myself to French domination and authority 100 times. Know that 100 times 100 I shall betray them. I promise you I will give you independence” – Janjak Desalin (Jean-Jacques Dessalines) March 1802
“If you have come here to help me then you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine then let us work together.” — Lila Watson
How Clinton Raped Haiti, How Globalists Will Rape US
The Trump Win Is a Referendum Against the Duopoly and Corporate Media
For Haiti: Donald Trump’s Victory is A US Peoples’ Victory for the Haiti Victims of Clinton-Bush-Obama
This win for Trump was a people’s referendum against the Democratic party, the Republican party and the clueless mainstream media, both conservative and liberal.
Trump’s victory is a psychological victory for the Haiti victims of the Bush dynasty, the Clintons and Obama going back to the fall of the US-supported Duvalier regime since 1986 to the CIA’s two regime changes (1991 and 2004), to the imposition of dictator Michel Martelly through fake elections. It’s a victory for the Haiti victims of Clinton-Bush-Obama who stood up and told Americans to free themselves from the shame factor the rich elites were spewing against Trump voters because US naked aggression against innocent Haiti is the evidence the evil of the Bush dynasty, Clinton and Obama years.
For now, it’s a psychological victory for the Haiti victims of the Bush dynasty, the Clintons and Obama. But we’ll have to see that Trump doesn’t do an Obama on us and put all of the Clinton-Bush people, which the American people just overwhelmingly rejected back into government positions with the globalists’ “unity card” Kumbaya sneer. But no matter, the November 18 is near, the Ancestors hear and Haitians connected to that sacred African umbilical chord, herein claim:
“Bye bye Kenneth Merten! Bye Bye Cheryl Mills. Bye bye Samantha Powers, Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Sandra Honore. Bye Bye Susan Rice. Bye Bye Tom Shannon! Bye bye Tom Adams, all the Clintonians and the morally repugnant Duopoly colonists at USAID and the big NGOs. Long live clean, fair, free and inclusive elections in Haiti! Down with selections in Ayiti!” –Jean Yves Point du Jour and Èzili Dantò, Free Haiti
We further commit, in the name of all those we don’t see and who are bigger than we, to continue the fight for: Justice for the coup d’etat, earthquake and cholera victims
Justice for all of Haiti. Haiti resources, fertile lands, islands and riches are to elevate the living standards of local Haitians not the globalists and Clinton Foundation donors. It’s time to end the US occupation of Haiti behind UN mercenary guns, fake elections, fake aid and the poverty pimping charitable-industrial complex.
Haiti has vast resources and uniquely talented peoples. It doesn’t need fake charity, fake aid or the NGO republic – drain that swamp now!

Stop the Dramatics
Hillary Clinton lost the working class vote and 53% of the white women vote. Are the majority of white women voters racists? If so, why not protests them?
Each one of Haiti’s 10 million Haitians can be multi-millionaires if justice for Haiti is the environmentally safe use, with good corporate partners, of Haiti resources to provide material means to every Haitian family; to build public infrastructure, model villages for Haitians with all the accoutrements the US Embassy, USAID and Korean staff, masturbating on quake relief funds and US aid to Haiti behind gated housing compounds in Haiti, enjoy today.
Drain the USAID, US Embassy coup detat/rigged election swamp Trump, drain it. Keep your promises to the Haitian people, the American people, the world. Let there be more peace on earth. We sincerely hope that this historic victory means the US will back off in Haiti and let Haitians have free and fair elections without UN/OAS/US manipulations.
November 20, 2016 Haiti presidential elections, nears.
Yesterday, the establishment and corporate elites in the US intended to destroy Trump. It was the American people’s intervention that prevented the annihilation of Trump by the system. Haitian activists were pivotal in this. We ask that Trump do for us what we helped do for him, when he gets into office. He must stop the elitist establishment in Haiti from destroying the people’s most popular candidate, whoever that turns out to be on November 20, 2016 in Haiti. And let me say right now, it’s not the Clinton-Obama-Kenneth Merten Martelly replica.
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, November 9, 2016
“It is only the oppressed who, by freeing themselves, can free their oppressors” — Paulo Freire
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