By Ezili Dantò
(Editor’s Note: If BlogTalk Radio Ezili interview comes on immediately upon clicking this essay, just scroll down to very end and turn off it if you wish. Interview begins 15minutes into music.)
May 18 Flag day essay:
Haiti: The soul of Africa, not for sale
By Ezili Dantò, May 18, 2012, for the FreeHaitiMovement
Chalermangne Peralte, assassinated by US Marines during the first U.S. occupation and then nailed to a door (Source: The Crucifixion of Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè during second US occupation of Haiti, April, 2005)
May 18, 2012 marks Haiti’s 209th flag day. The first Haitian flag lifting up Haiti’s independence was on May 18,1803 at Arcahaie. Those of us with a conscience will spend the day exposing the Haitians helping in the imperial exploitation of Haiti and defending Haiti against this brutal US re-colonization. (See video, We would rather die standing.)
May 18th Kreyòl feature- 209 years later
Haiti scholar, Bayyinah Bello, explains history of Haiti FlagBayyinah Bello(21:56) direct from Vil Desalin, first Haitian capital of the country- Broadcast on Lakou New York with Dahoud Andre and Manno, May 18, 2012 **** |
Haitians own more land than any other nationality in the Caribbean. But their lands are now being robbed. (i.e., the US-Euro imperialists are stealing Haiti prime lands, coastal areas and giving Haiti sweatshops as a way of life. They’re taking – privatizing- Haiti offshore islands: Ile a Vache, Ile de La Tortue, Mole St Nicolas; slaughtering peasants at La Visite, pillaging Haiti mineral rich North, its mountains of gold, copper, iridium, oil, deep water ports, underwater treasures: Haiti riches.) The schooled Haitians from the Diaspora, along with the puppet Martelly-Lamothe colonial administrators, provide the platform for Clinton, Bush, Obama and other key members of the US-Euro corporatocracy to take Haiti lands and resources without shouts of racism or genocide interfering. Humanitarian imperialism is the charitable industrial complex – the Haiti NGOs led by Harvard’s Dr. Paul Farmer and his partner, World Bank president, Jim Yong Kim. Humanitarian imperialism is the USAID money laundering that’s called “aid to Haiti” and the UN (MINUSTAH) military that acts as a colonial army for the United States. Haiti “humanitarians” are at peace with this status quo. They work for it, promote it, take status positions in it and are handsomely funded to cover up the US-Euro recolonization and plunders in Haiti.
Haiti belongs to Haitians. It is our legacy. A sacred land, paid for in combat, in oceans of blood, rivers of sweat and tears and a thousand terrors. Paid for, in hard centuries of labor. Paid for in hard cash, again and again, even after independence. Paid for in centuries of struggle against neocolonoliasm, centuries of enduring unendurable cruelties, centuries of possession against all odds.
2010 Homicide Rates(Pg 93)
**** Haiti – homicide rate 6.9 per 100,000 for 2010. USA Brazil (22.7/100,000), “Also there’s more HIV/AIDS in Washington, DC/USA (3.0) and in the Bahamas (3.0) than there is in Haiti (2.2), but Haiti is the one whose HIV rate is constantly recalled… the Western country’s paternalistic narrative uses Haiti to boost their egos. Their cruel projections mostly don’t survive objective inspection…(To Tell The Truth About Haiti Forum) * |
Haiti has provided sanctuary to the oppress, defended and freed many nations from Euro-US enslavement.
There is less violence in Haiti than in Washington D.C., Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras. Than in most of the countries in the Western Hemisphere. (See UN Global Study on Homicide at pg 93.)
What’s a Chapter 7, peace enforcement UN mission doing in Haiti for over 8-years when there is no peace agreement to enforce, and when there’s more violence elsewhere in the hemisphere, including much more in Brazil who heads the UN mission?
Other than to maintain the white savior’s narcissistic, racist and very profitable narrative of white supremacy, the occupation of Haiti is for plundering Haiti’s Riches – oil, gold, silver, copper, iridium, deep water ports, fertile lands and to control Haiti’s strategic position. It’s been so, since 2004 with the current US occupation behind UN guns and Paul Farmer’s tool-of-war NGO missionaries.
But these perennial liars’ indecency and hypocrisy are boundless.
So, since before the fall of the US-supported Duvalier dictatorships in 1986, the US has been bringing “hope,” democracy, development and human rights to Haiti.
As intended, it has systematically manifested the exact opposite.
The newest, profit-over-people sweatshop hoax is Caracol, a sweatshop project masking US colonial expansion in the Northeast – its appropriation, in post-earthquake Haiti, of fertile lands and constructionofadeep waterport atCaracol, just 9 miles from Canada’sflourishing gold mining operations.
The exploitation of Haiti’s riches – gold, copper, silver, deep-water ports, oil, natural gas, iridium, offshore Islands like Latòti, Lagonav, Ilavach, Lanavaz; northern ports such as Fò Libète, Mòl-Sen-Nikola, Labadi – and the destruction of fertile lands in Haiti, continues in this second occupation unabated.
There’s no dissent from the world’s moral arbiters like the religious institutions, the universities, the investigative establishments like the media or trend setters like the arts or the so-called progressive political parties. Until Haiti’s freedom fighters speak again, as in 1791, it seems that Haiti shall remain surrounded in an ocean of colonized nations and peoples who mostly accept the story they’re fed about Haiti and accept their own “better conditions” as the height of humankind’s marvelous progress.
The United Nation itself, the international arbiter of human rights in the world,gives the US its firepower cover and benevolent pretext in Haiti.
The UN mercenary force is paid nearly $1 billion per year and gives over 14,000 jobs to foreigners in Haiti.
Bill Clinton has been dispatched by Hillary Clinton at Obama’s State Department to fulfill Leclerc’s imperative through debt, privatization, unfair trade, UN occupation and wage slavery.
Video: Trench town “development” is Obama/Clinton tourist hopes for Haiti**** The UN is not in Jamaica bringing order to Trench town, not in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad or Honduras. The colonizers have conquered and taken over the best there is in these countries or have their agents solidly running as overlords, unlike in Haiti. US occupiers allow Haiti’s ex-soldiers and Martelly’s youth militia with guns to gather and assemble because this gives their UN guns and rapacious corporate media an enemy, an evil, in Haiti to focus on. The end is to create conditions like Jamaica’s Trench Town. Creating Trench Town in Haiti means lots of guns shall be made available to the hungry and jobless. These “locals” will invisibly exist in virtually the same area as gated luxurious compounds offering the latest in modern comforts and high-tech pleasures for Clinton/Obama’s rich tourists. This is the bourgeois graveyard or “development” the global US-Euros and their servants want for Haiti. **** How can Africa prevent the plunder of its lands by Western powers?**** Video:The secret behind the Rush to HaitiIn this April 2009 interview, Ezili Dantò asked what will we do if the atrocious foreigners’ poison our groundwater? By Oct 2010 UN-imported cholera made that horror a reality. **** Video: Kuala Lumpur war tribunal finds Bush guilty of war crimes“It’s official — George W. Bush is a war criminal. In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former president of the United States and seven key members of his administration were found guilty of war crimes on Friday. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisors, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee, and John Yoo, were tried in absentia in Malaysia. The trial held in Kuala Lumpur heard harrowing witness accounts from victims of torture who suffered at the hands of U.S. soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.’ (Go to: Bush finally found guilty of war crimes ) Bush Gang Found Guilty of War Crimes – War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes, orders reparations be given to torture victims Source: Common Dreams, Sunday, May 13, 2012 |
The US-Euros, descendants of the greatest enslavers to ever walk planet earth are back, since 2004, occupying the country that first abolished slavery and colonialism.
They have mercilessly shocked, traumatized, pummeled and brought UN imported disease, Clinton-famine and Clorox hunger to Haitians while taking Haiti lands, riches and destroying the ecosystem.
Their foreign imported filth and indecency goes unabated.
Since the UN brought in the most deadly cholera bacteria to Haiti in Oct. 2010, 7,128 Haitians have died, 540,145 infected, 290,491 hospitalized as of May 5, 2012. On top of this, no one knows where $6 billion in earthquake relief funds has gone. That’s after losing over 310,000 loved ones, in 33 seconds in the apocalyptic Jan. 2010 earthquake. Two years on, over 500,000 quake victims are still living under tarps – homeless under the hot sun, and in the flooding, rainy, muddy and windy hurricane seasons. There’s no clean water to drink, even outside the quake zone. The UN poisoned Haiti’s water with cholera. But the Red Cross, Obama, Hillary and Billy are building hotels for foreigners with quake donation dollars.
The use of schooled Haitian-Americans and African-Americans – pretty smiling black faces like Michaëlle Jean (Special Envoy to Haiti for the United Nations), Cheryl Mills (Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton), Susan Rice (United States Ambassador to the United Nations) – cover up nicely the foreign robbery, such as the Caracol Parc larceny. Institutional racism and the all-consuming white supremacist’s philanthropic narrative does the rest.
More peasant Haitians are being muscled out of their fertile lands by blan – foreigners – than since the slavery era. The Clinton-Bush invaders are using the Haiti and black elites – colonized minds created in foreign land, schooled by their colonial masters – who readily facilitate the continued plunder of Haiti, the buying of large tracts of Haitian lands. (See, How can Africa prevent the plunder of its lands by Western powers .)
The Caracol hoax, like SHADA (Haitian-American Society for Agricultural Development) during the first US occupation, is theft hidden behind the colonial pretext of giving jobs to disenfranchised Haitians. The fact that the 2004 US regime change disenfranchised Haiti is not a factor to consider.
In essence, there’s little difference between the Haitian-American collaborators (technocrats) in the first US occupation of Haiti (1915 to 1934) or in this on-going one (2004 – to the present). No difference between Caracol or SHADA. (See a historical perspective on our website at “Caracol, SHADA: Hoax masking foreign appropriation of fertile Haiti lands. See also Corruption uninterrupted ; Haiti’s Hotel Boom: Only for the Rich ; Not voting for Obama: We’re not even buying a voting ticket to the show and Haiti servants of colonial power: The mercenary families.)
The graveyard or touted dream “development” of the US-Euros and their black servants is to make Haiti in the image of their other Caribbean tourist spots. A place where Haiti’s best lands are foreign-owned and gated up from local intrusion and where the locals are simple backdrops, props for vacationing Northern tourists and for their sexual tourism. This is where Obama and the Clintons are taking Desalin’s Haiti.
Creating violence by killing and disappearing real Haiti community leaders, like Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, then allowing the arming of the disenfranchised and disillusioned youths and jobless former military, gives the US-Euros an enemy in Haiti for their UN guns.
The former army soldiers and puppet-President Martelly’s “RemnantArmy” militia are not criminalized as Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè and the Lavalas supporters were because they serve empire’s interests. Right now, for the eugenicists’ purposes, they will serve well the colonial blueprint to create conditions like Jamaica’s Trench Town.
The ex-soldiers are allowed to gather and assemble because this serves the “violent-Haiti” colonial narrative, deflect from the earthquake donation dollars stolen or misused by the Clinton/Farmer/USAID NGO cadres. Gives their rapacious corporate media a Black evil to focus on instead of the UN murderers, pedophiles and the corrupt aid workers. Something to focus on until the fleecing is done. Then you won’t hear so loudly the media cries about Haiti’s violence. Just as you don’t hear there’s more violence in the Bahamas and Dominican Republic than there is in Haiti. (Disaster Capitalism: 0.5 % in Haiti – Haiti’s Oligarchy – own 98% of Haiti wealth through monopolies supported by Western policymakers and the corporatocracy.)
Creating Trench Town in Haiti means lots of guns and drugs shall be made available to the hungry, jobless and disenfranchised as it is in Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Washington DC, Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic. The US-Euros simply won’t stop until they have raised Haiti’s violence levels for real. Once Haiti’s best lands, islands and resources are all stolen away from the poor and mostly foreign-owned as it is in the rest of the colonized Caribbean, then Haiti will no longer be a failed nation. No. It will be developed like the rest of the Caribbean.
The “locals” will invisibly exist in virtually the same area as gated luxurious compounds, protected by heavily armed security, offering the latest in modern comforts and high-tech pleasures for tourists. This is the bourgeois graveyard or “development” the US-Euros and their servants want for Haiti.
But this is DESALIN’s descendants they’re facing.
Se pa kado, blan te fè nou. Se san Zansèt nou yo ki te koule – We didn’t get our independence through Paul Farmer’s NGO charity but in combat with the hard core Euro-US enslavers hidden behind the missionary’s false benevolence.
Haitians have been fighting from one generation to the next for their own
freedom. May 18 marks another flag day under occupation. But resistance is not futile. Nou pap bay legen – we shall never give in. (Photos: Transcending the 2002 Ottawa Initiative for Haiti ; Haiti reMEMBER victims of 2004 US Regime Change& US/UN occupation.)
![]() **** |
When people with integrity re-establish some conscience, justice and law in the US and in the world; when the US occupation of Haiti behind UN guns is duly removed. Then, Haiti UN cholera victims, coup d’etat victims, Paul Farmer’s poverty-pimping and money laundering NGOs, along with all their false progressives, now begging for “Haiti rights” from the UN killers and murderers, will also be duly judged and convicted.
The road to justice for Haitians seems endless. But sometimes we glimpse the light of conscience.
At last week’s war crimes tribunal in Malaysia, former UN Assistant Secretary General, Denis Halliday, who attended the trial, later told Press TV that the UN had been too weak during the Bush administration to enforce the Geneva Conventions.
“He said: ‘The UN is a weak body, corrupted by member states, who use the Security Council for their own interests. They don’t respect the charter. They don’t respect the international law. They don’t respect the Geneva Conventions… A redundant, possibly a dangerous, and certainly corrupted organization.’
Following the hearing, former Malaysian premier Mahatir said of Bush and
others: ‘These are basically murderers and they kill on large scale.'” —War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes
Maybe generations from now, maybe tomorrow, a Desalin Haitian will make a way out of no way to lay out Haiti’s case against the UN, the US regime changers, the Paul Farmer NGO rapists and the sniveling Haiti collaborators. On that day, we shall overcome all the May 18th flag days we’ve endured under US occupation behind UN guns.
In the meanwhile, Haiti’s defenders submit that Haiti lands are a sacred legacy. More inviolable than Harvard’s legacy admissions. Haiti belongs to Haitians and must stay that way so to also give refuge to those fleeing oppression as outlined in Desalin’s 1805 Constitution.
The earth, mountains and lakes in Haiti are the hearts, sinew and bones of the Ancestors. Their Descendants’ communal (Lakou/Konbit) ownership is paid for, in full.
This sacred highland we own wasn’t bought on passive income from the slave trade. It was paid for in African souls going back to lè marasa, lè mòt e lè mistè.
Haiti is a protected legacy, birthed in liberty, not for sale.
Ezili Dantò
Larouze fè banda toutan soley pa leve
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN)/FreeHaitiMovement
Recommended HLLN Links:Article on Majesco Haiti mining proves a point only Ezili’s HLLN has made****************************** Follow Ezili Dantò on Twitter and FacebookBe the first to get relevant Haiti and world justice updates like this:Help support this Haiti, Haiti with dignity, life and health. Support Ezili Dantò/HLLN’s Zili Dlo- Clean water for everyone in Haiti US pastor indicted for going to Haiti for child sex: Larry Michael Bollinger, 66, another US charity worker pedophile indicted by Federal jury.Disaster Capitalism: 0.5 % in Haiti – Haiti’s Oligarchy – own 98% of Haiti wealth through monopolies supported by Western policymakers and corporations.Fulfilling Leclerc’s imperative through debt, privatization, free trade, UN occupation and wage slaveryPoor Little Rich Haiti to Be Fleeced of Copper-Silver-Gold Via Caracol Deep-Water Port Barrick in the Dominican RepublicAnti-black racism is fulcrum of white supremacyInstitutional racism at work again in a US without justice Abused Florida wife sentenced to 20 YEARS for firing warning shot at husband after Stand Your GroundThe burden of incarceration falls disproportionately on members of racial and ethnic minorities, a disparity which cannot be accounted for solely by differences in criminal conduct: black non-Hispanic males are incarcerated at a rate more than six times that of white non- Hispanic males and 2.6 times that of Hispanic males. One in 10 black males aged 25-29 were in prison or jail in 2009; for Hispanic males the figure was 1 in 25; for white males only 1 in 64.”Haiti: Where Has All the Money Gone?Haiti: The Sweatshop HoaxHaiti’s Enslavement: The Ruling Oligarchy and World Profit-over-People System ************** Mexico ViolenceCriminal cartels buy they arms from the U.S.- 90% of the guns come from US |
“The white saviors and corporate media have ignored HLLN’s points made about Haiti riches for 8-years, summarily ignoring the Haiti grassroots concerns about the economic reasons for the 2004 Bush Regime change. To acknowledge Haiti riches available to be used to elevate the people from containment in poverty would not promote their poverty pimping and colonial narrative for “saving” poor-and-without-resources-Haiti.
In particular, HLLN has been the only human rights and public advocacy organization to warn of the one-percenters” desire to take Caracol, Fort Liberte and other Northern Haiti ports, Islands and Northern riches. All, in complicity with the UN, Haiti technocrats from abroad, Duvalierist puppets and the local oligarchs. The US occupation behind the NGO invasion and UN military allows the likes of Bill Clinton, George Bush and their global partners to carry forth with the old US notion of building oil refineries and use of Fort Liberte as a transshipment terminal for US supertankers. (See, Article on Majesco Haiti mining proves a point only Ezili’s HLLN has made and Majescor mining flourishes in post-quake Haiti .)
As a result of these US free trade policies, over 830,000 rural Haitian jobs were lost and hundreds of thousands of Haitians were forced into the capital looking for work, where they would eventually meet up with the massive earthquake and death on January 12, 2010 at 4:53. Today Obama, the Clintons, Suzan Rice and Cheryl Mills want Haitians to be grateful for PROMISES of future 20,000 sweatshop jobs built on fertile Caracol lands that displaced more small farmers.
Displacing Haiti farmers enriches US and DR farmers as Haiti must import its food. Thousands of tons of rice, wheat, chickens , eggs, beef, pork, cheese is imported, each year, from the United States or from the Dominican Republic. An estimated $800million is spent by Haiti on imported food, mostly monies coming from Diaspora remittances going directly to the Haiti oligarchy overlords who never reinvest their capital (the Diaspora remittances) locally. But immediately repatriates this capital back into the US-Euro corporatocracy or offshore banks.
Haiti food doesn’t need mass infrastructure build-up, could easily be mass produced. But such an effort would not benefit foreign farmers, large-agribusiness, the NGOs nor the shipping companies. It’s not in the interest of US businessmen and Dominican farmers. Hence, Haiti spends 70% of its income on importing food.
Disenfranchise the huddled masses with US regime change, destroy Haiti’s manufacturing base and its food sovereignty, then fool the schooled and panting-for-Western-approval-Haitian, like the UN’s Michael Jean, Gary Conille or Gerald Latortue, that its their job to convince a starving and impoverished population that serving Pina Colada to clueless tourists is a dream opportunity. To not jump at this sweet opportunity is shameful, definitely evidences a lack of insight on the part of the huddled masses, opines the collaborators! The Chalabies of Haiti con their patrons to believe that all he/she has to do is get them into a well-paid public position in Haiti or abroad and they’ll bring the country to him lock, stock and barrel. Their success is an incremental, piecemeal affair, likewise Haiti’s slow, agonizing death.
“…although the oppressed often do revolt, the object of their hostility is misplaced. They vent their fury on a political puppet, someone who masks colonial power, a despised racial or ethnic group or an apostate within their own political class. The useless battles serve as an effective mask for what Gamer calls the “patron-client” networks that are responsible for the continuity of colonial oppression. The squabbles among the oppressed, the political campaigns between candidates who each are servants of colonial power, Gamer writes, absolve the actual centers of power from addressing the conditions that cause the frustrations of the people. Inequities, political disenfranchisement and injustices are never seriously addressed.”
( Colonized by Corporations )
Disaster Capitalism: 0.5 % in Haiti – Haiti’s Oligarchy – own 98% of Haiti wealth through monopolies supported by Western policymakers and corporations
Haiti: Where Has All the Money Gone? – Vijaya Ramachandran and Julie Walz
The Subcontracted Haitians – Haiti overseers
Haiti servants of colonial power:
The mercenary families
Not voting for Obama: We’re not even buying a voting ticket to the show
HLLN analysis of Times” cholera article
Corruption uninterrupted in Haiti
Inside the CIA (Covert Action in Haiti, Guatemala
IMF & World Bank are weapons of war by John Pilger
World Bank: Money Laundering Criminals | Interview with Whistleblower Karen Hudes
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