Jan. 1 – Another Independence Day Under Occupation “Recall everything I have sacrificed to fly to your defense – relatives, children, wealth, so that now the only riches I possess is your freedom. Recall that my name horrifies all those who are enslavers, and that tyrants and despots everywhere only bring themselves to utter it […]
Posts tagged US false benevolence
“Who protects us from you?” – MINUSTAH and Haiti
“Who protects us from you?” — MINUSTAH and Haiti By Kevin Edmonds , Source: Stabroeknews.com Oct. 17, 2011 Kevin Edmonds is a freelance journalist and doctoral student in Political Science at the University of Toronto. He is one of the authors of the recently released report by a Harvard University based research group, on MINUSTAH […]
Haiti: UN/MINUSTAH’s Gang Rapes
MINUSTAH’s Gang Rapes By Michaëlle Desrosiers and Franck Seguy A l”Encontre Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery, October 12, 2011 Source: Haiti Chery MINUSTAH almost exclusively attacks those who are most despised, humbled, and impoverished. Thus, it assures itself a sickening legitimacy with the Haitian grandonarco-bourgeoisie and the petty bourgeoisie from […]
Ezili’s HLLN denounces massacres of Haiti Vodouist, holds UN responsible
Recommended HLLN links: Zili Dlo photos on Facebook , HLLN website , and Flickr ***** Ezili’s HLLN denounces the massacres of Haiti Vodouist accused of responsibility for the cholera outbreaks; holds UN responsible for inaction Ezili’s HLLN denounces the murder and massacres, to date, of at least 75 Vodouist in Haiti accused of being responsible […]
US False Benevolence in Haiti
by Ezili Dantò “Cholera democracy formally inaugurated ‘bad boy’ Mickey Mouse (or, is it fascist Mickey Mussolini?) to govern occupied Haiti under a newly adopted occupation constitution. Over 80% of Haiti voters were summarily disenfranchised in the foreign supported cholera elections…” –Èzili Dantò of HLLN, May 14, 2011 (See essays written days after the quake […]
Rebuilding on Quicksand: Haiti after the US (s)election
***************** Solidarity with Haiti: Ezili Dantò of HLLN in Toronto (Photo)| (See also: Ezili Dantò on the election of Michel Martelly ; Beating back the elite’s rabid rage; Seismic shifts and Avatar Haiti) ***************** Rebuilding on Quicksand: Haiti after the US (s)election An analysis by Ezili Danto of HLLN *** After reading, Rebuilding on Quicksand: […]