Felipe Luciano interview on the historic return of Aristide with Ezili Dantò and Pierre Labossiere March 25, 2011, Wake up call, WBAI Click the black triangle to hear the show. Download audio: Felipe Luciano interview with Ezili Danto and Pierre Labossiere on historic return of Aristide
Posts tagged Return of Aristide
Beating back the elite’s rabid rage: Against all odds Aristide returns to Haiti
Beating back the elite’s rabid rage: Against all odds Aristide returns to Haiti Aristide returned to Haiti today. I’ve not seen such genuine happiness on the faces of Haiti’s poor in over seven years. Welcome President Jean Bertrand Aristide and family. Today is a good day for the poorest of the poor in the Western […]
Haiti: Anti-Apartheid Veterans Call on South Africa to help return of Aristide
*********** For Immediate Release: February 24, 2011 Contact: Walter Riley , ( 510 ) 451-1422 Prominent Anti-Apartheid Movement Veterans Call on South African Government to Assist Aristide in Returning to Haiti Now Oakland , CA – Several prominent figures from the International Anti-Apartheid movement have sent South African President Jacob Zuma an open letter “in […]