The Dying in April: Black Liberation, Chauvin verdict, Duopoly Disdain, DMX & Cosmic Remembrances Ézili Dantò with special guest Kwame Kwatei Piankhi talk Black Liberation, the Chauvin verdict, the racist/imperialistic Duopoly disdain for Black liberation; the collaborating Hoe Culture, U.S. House Kneegrows and Haiti Conzes/(Coons); the end of dictatorship in Hayti; the jab to bring […]
Posts tagged black collaborators
Django, white saviors, false benevolence and the Haiti quake
by Èzili Dantò of HLLN “The slave-raids of today…white invaders and aggressors are joined by treacherous African petty bourgeoisie parasites, such as Obama, Kagame, Museveni, Kabila and others whose main demands have been integration into the command and leadership of the white capitalist parasitic political economy.” – Down with Kagame, Museveni and Kabila! The imperialist […]