WEAPONIZED CHARITY Èzili Dantò Statement in New Haven Court Case 3:09-cr-00207-JBA Transcript from Perlitz Sentencing hearing on 12/21/2010, Pages 105 to 115 MS. PATEL: Your Honor,…I do know that based on conversations both with chambers as well as the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, there is an individual from that organization that wishes to address the […]
US Bioterrorism: Crushing Civilian Protest with Gifts from Israel
“If all the member nations in the UN security council signed the Chemical Weapons Convention prohibiting the use of chemical weapons but they’re funding the militarized Haiti police using chemical weapons against civilian demonstrators. Then who will invade to stop the UN Security Council nations, the US-Eurasian-OAS-AU nations and the Zionists in Haiti from the […]
Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking?
Organ Trafficking Haiti Cholera Victims For Body Parts “Cholera is an infection of choice for those unfortunately slated for organ harvesting. Cholera doesn’t really harm the organs, but allow them to pull the plug when they claim the child is at death’s door.” — Pah abe Haiti Occupied: The International Horrors Metered out on the […]
Haiti Oligarchy: The Arab, Syrian and Jewish Mafia
“For more than 10 years, these gentlemen have been involved in arms trafficking, organ trafficking, human trafficking, cocaine trafficking, money laundering and smuggling…Since January 2015, Haiti is on the list of states that finance the international terrorist. No media…has ever asked a question. Well, our Arab and Jewish friends fund terrorism in the Middle East […]
Petisyon Pou Ayisyen Ki Viktim Kadejak ak Lòt Krim Seksyèl Nasyonzini
Petisyon Kont Kadejak ak Lòt Krim Seksyèl Nasyonzini Fè An Ayiti 1. Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon : isit 2. Say no to UN pedophiles raping Haiti children. Sign Petition: Here. Share with your network to sign. Thank you Haiti Petition to demand justice for Haiti children rape by UN soldiers “‘I did not even have […]