Petisyon Kont Kadejak ak Lòt Krim Seksyèl Nasyonzini Fè An Ayiti
1. Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon : isit
2. Say no to UN pedophiles raping Haiti children. Sign Petition: Here. Share with your network to sign. Thank you
Haiti Petition to demand justice for Haiti children rape by UN soldiers
“‘I did not even have breasts,’ said one girl, telling investigators that from ages 12 to 15, she had sex with nearly 50 peacekeepers, including a ‘Commandant’ who gave her 75 cents“– Associated Press, UN peacekeepers in Haiti implicated in child sex ring, April 14, 2017
(Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon : isit )
Travay HLLN – Tradwi pa Jafrikayiti Jean Elissaint Saint-Vil
Ayiti ekzije Konsèy Sekirite Nasyonzini an, Anbasadè Etazini nan Nasyonzini, Nikki Haley, ak Sekretè Jeneral Nasyonzini, António Guterres, aji kòrèkteman sou dosye Sòlda, polisye ak anplwaye Nasyonzini ki fè zak malfezans seksyèl sou Ayisyen.
Nou gen gwo maltèt paske, menm kote yo anose MINUSTAH ap kite Ayiti nan mwa Oktòb 2017 epi l ap ratresi pou li tounen yon fòs ki pa gen militè ladan l nan, poko janm genyen okenn jistis pou dividal moun MINUSTAH fè krim sou yo nan peyi a, kit se kadejak, pedofil osnon lòt zak malfezans seksyèl (zms);
Nou gen gwo maltèt paske menmsi yo fè plan pou yo chanje non epi diminye gwosè MINUSTAH, jiskaprezan genyen apeprè 20 lòt ajans Nasyonzini ann Ayiti kote se menm vye pratik yo ki ap boloze: kadejak, zak malfezans seksyèl, enpinite pou kriminèl ak sitirans total kapital;
Noumenm ki siyen petisyon sa a, Ayisyen ak lòt moun ki konsène, nou vin rele nan zòrèy Konsèy Sekirite Nasyonzini an, ak nan zòrèy Anbasadè Etazini an nan Nasyonzini, Nikki Haley, pou yo ka founi je gade kochma Pèp Ayisyen an ap viv nan moman an – yon reyalite ki pa parèt ditou nan rezolisyon S/res/2350(2017) men, se limenm menm nou layite nan tèks petisyon sa a, yon mannyè pou yo kapab itilize enfliyans yo epi pran yon seri mezi konkrè anfavè tout viktim zak malfezans seksyèl Nasyonzini fè ann Ayiti yo.
Kidonk, pou rezon sa a, noumenm ki siyen petisyon sa a, Ayisyen ak lòt moun ki konsène yo, nou mande Sekretè Jeneral Nasyonzini an:
(Youn) Avètisman pou asire konsèvasyon tout dokiman NASYONZINI/MINUSTAH yo
Pou yon pran yon dispozisyon prese prese pou konsève tout dokiman ki gen pou wè ak move zak yo repwoche MINUSTAH, depi lè yo te fenk debake nan peyi a jouk yo pati kite l, kit se rapo ki te vin dirèkteman nan baz militè ki Ayiti yo, kit se rapo Ekip Konpotman ak Disiplin MINUSTAH te resevwa, kit se rapo ki ale nan nenpot ajans oudimwens kèlkilanswa espas nan sistèm Nasyonzini an.
(Dezyèmman) Yon Komite Envestigasyon Endepandan pou Ayiti
Remèt tout dokiman osijè move zak MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH fè ann Ayiti bay yon Komite Envestigasyon ak Tribinal Endepandan pou Defann Etik ak Dwa Moun ann Ayiti (Haiti UN-MINUSTAH-NINUJUSTH independent Court). Tribinal sa a ap gen responsablite garanti jistis pou tout viktim vyolans ak abi seksyèl nan men ajan Nasyonzini yo. Pa dwe genyen okenn koneksyon ant tribinal endepandan sa a epi Nasyonzini, ONG\ ajans li yo.
(Twazyèmman) Ofri tès patènite pou latriye timoun anplwaye Nasyonzini ak MINUSTAH simaye nan peyi a
Komite envestigasyon endepandan an va genywn mwayen nan men li pou li mete kanpe, san pèdi tan, yon pwosesis pou detekte epi verifye ka kote ajan Nasyonzini yo enplike nan zak kadejak ak konpotman seksyèl ilegal. Li va itilize tès AND pou verifye patènite tout timoun solda MINUSTAH, polisye ak ajan sivil Nasyonzini fè ann Ayiti.
(Katriyèmman) Sipo ak ankadreman pou remanbre sante mantal ki byen souche nan reyalite kiltirèl pèp Ayisyen an.
Pou viktim zak eksplwatasyon selsyèl yo jwenn jistis ann Ayiti, fok yo jwenn bon jan tretman medical, sikolojik pou ede yo geri pwoblèm sante fixik ak mantal yo trape akoz vyolans yo sibi yo. Kit se pwoblèm sante mantal apre gwo epizod estrès (C-PTSD), kit se maladi moun trape nan fè bagay, fok viktim yo jwenn sèvis ki byen adapte ak kilti yo.
(Senkyèmman) Aplike yon Politik Zewo Tolerans annegad ajans, solda, polisye ak lot anplwaye Nasyonzini yo ki ann Ayiti
Kontrèman ak rimè k ap sikile sou sijè sa a, Nasyozini pa gen pyès iminite legal ki otorize li komèt krim ak malfezans lib-e-libè.
Pou solda ak polis militè Nasyonzini yo, sèl fom iminite ki ekziste se pou kouvri Operasyon Esansyèl. Krim ak malfezans pa ladan l. Anpil fwa, yo pran woulib sou zafè iminite Nasyonzini-MINUSTAH sa a pou yo pwoteje malfèktè, kouvri malfezans olye se ta yon bagay ki kore lapè, estabilite ak sekirite sou latè. Nasyonzini dwe mete yon ola nan lejann sa a, komkwali pa ta gen okenn obligasyon legal pou li asire anplwaye li yo peye pou zak yo komèt. Solda ki soti nan peyi founisè yo pa gen pyès iminite, jis paske yo anwole nan yon misyon pou lapè. Se sèlman nan limit operasyon esansyèl misyon an yo ka jwi iminite. Fè zak kadejak sou ti gason 6 zan, kontamine rivyè Ayiti yo ak jèm malady ki pase nan watè anplwaye Nasyonzini, epi tante kase fèy pou kouvri sa…okenn nan aksyon sa yo pa rantre nan kad operasyon esansyèl Nasyonzini pou garanti lapè, dwa moun osnon estabilite.
Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon: isit lan lyen sa
Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment
Sekretè Jeneral la va pran tout dispozisyon nesesè, pami tandot, pou asire pa genyen zafè kouvèti iminite nan Nasyonzini pou krim, ikonpri krim seksyèl ki enplike ajan Nasyonzini yo, epi:
- A) Tabli yon Rejis Entènasyonal Malfezan Seksyèl; pibliye lis non ak nasyonalite tout malfezan seksyèl ki nan sistèm Nasyonzini an; anrejistre non yo nan baz enfomasyon an (Rejis Entènasyonal la); epi bloke yo pou y opa patisipe nan okenn lot misyon lapè ni okenn djob Nasyonzini.
- B) Korije pèsepsyon degrenngoch ki ekziste paske yo te konn minimize nivo zak kadejak, pedofil, abi ak eksplwatasyon seksyèl ki gaye nan MINUSTAH ann Ayiti
Sekretè Jeneral la va asire Tribinal Endepandan pou Ayiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH la analize epi jije tout dosye zak malfezans seksyèl, ikonpri sila yo ki pat rapote paske sivivan yo te pè osnon te resevwa presyon pou dekouraje yo pote plent akoz kilti enpinite ki kontinye ap boloze nan sistèm Nasyonzini an, jan nou wè sa apre plizyè deseni kote nou obsève gwo fay ni nan entitisyon yo, ni nan envestigasyon ki te rive fèt yo.
(C) Pinga dekriminalize
Desizyon an va deklare, kare bare, pa gen piyay anko pou moun ki komèt zak malfezans ak eksplwatasyon seksyèl. Yo konsidere yo kom kriminèl. Pa gen pèsonn ki pral tante makiye, ni minimize krim sa yo, nan itilize fraz tankou “komès sèks” osnon “ti degaje pou nesesite” olye yo lonji dwèt kare bare sou kokennchenn krim ak vyolasyon dwa moun sa yo, ki toujou merite pwoteksyon devan lalwa, ni onivo lokal, ni onivo entènasyonal. Kidonk, viktim yo ka pousuiv kriminèl yo keseswa kote y ap viv.
(D) Yon Lwa 3 Fwa plis Pinisyon Ekonomik nan Nasyonzini
Sekretè Jeneral la va asire l Tribinal Endepandan pou Ayiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH la adopte epi aplike yon seri inisyativ Zewo Tolerans tankou: “Yon Lwa 3 Fwa” ki va ede Nasyonzini kwape kilti sitirans ak enpinite a epi limite chans pou malfezan yo chape san yo pa janm peye pou krim yo komèt yo.
Parekzanp, Nasyonzini ka koumanse gade dèyè pou wè si yon peyi k ap founi solda nan misyon MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH genyen 3 osnon plis plent ak akizasyon serye ki depoze kont li. Nan ka sa yo, retire privilèj peyi sa a genyen pou li voye solda nan misyon lapè ann Ayiti;
- Depi genyen 3 akizasyon malfezans seksyèl ki kredib kont yon peyi ki voye solda nan MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH, ikonpri tout akizasyon ki enplike soukontraktè MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH tankou jesyonè materyèl yo ak ekip medical yo… depi yo anrejistre 3 akizasyon kredib kont yo pandan yon peryod rotasyon 6 mwa, sa va lakoz tout manm delegasyon peyi sa a, inite alawonnbadè va sibi yon penalite 35% nan kob yo resevwa pou misyon an.
- Lapoula, Nasyonzini va bloke chèk li peye nenpot polisye, solda, anplwaye, soukontraktè k ap travay pou li epi ki genyen sou tèt li akizasyon malfezans seksyèl kredib.
- Rezondèt konsekans ekonomik sa yo se kwape kilti sitirans, kase fèy kouvri sa ak enpinite ki anndan sistèm Nasyonzini an.
- Konsa tou, depi nenpot nan ajans Nasyonzini ki Ayiti yo genyen sou do li 3 akizasyon kredib pou kadejak, pedofil, gwos pitit moun osnon lot malfezans seksyèl, otomatikman, se ajans sa alawonnbadè ki va sibi tout konsekans yo, kit se soustraksyon nan salè endividi yo, kit se anrejistreman non malfezan yo nan rejis entènasyonal la. Yo va ekzije nenpot ajans Nasyonzini an ki akimile 3 vyolasyon pou li degèpi kite Ayiti.
- Montan lajan “soustraksyon nan salè” ki va akimile an va depoze nan yon kont espesyal pou ede tout viktim zak malfezans seksyèl Nasyonzini ann Ayiti yo. Se Tribinal Endepandan po Ayiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH la ki va sipèvize lajan sa a. Nasyonzini gen responsablote pou li fè tout sa ki nesesè ak posib pou lajan sa a rive ede viktim yo tout bon vre.
(Sizyèmman) Noumenm ki siyen petisyon sa a, nou mande Sekretè Jeneral la pou li prezante manda Tribinal Endepandan pou Ayiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH a devan Asable Jeneral Nasyonzini an epi, pou Tribinal la mennen yon veritab envestigasyon ki kouvri tout akizasyon malfezans seksyèl ki konsène MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH, epi pou tribunal la resevwa tout dokiman ki nan baz enfomasyon ‘Misconduct Tracking System’ nan, depi lè MINUSTAH debake Ayiti, pou Tribinal la itilize pouvwa li pou rekomande pinisyon, soulajman, reparasyon ak dedomajman sou baz inisyativ zewo tolerans li va aplike yo.
(Setyèmman) prezante rapo ak rekomandasyon Tribinal Endepanadan pou Ayiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH la bay Asanble Jeneral Nasyonzini an.
Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon : isit lan lyen sa
Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment

The United Nations Stabilisation Mission In Haiti (MINUSTAH) forced children and women to have sex with them in order to receive a meal, clean water, or medicine. Items generally donated for the victims’ benefit. Photo Source: (See UN rape, pedophilia, sex slavery and enforced prostitution in Haiti.) Soldiers are supposed to protect children and civilians, not rape them!
Say NO to UN pedophiles raping poor Haiti children- Sign this petition
If you’d like to stand for justice for Haiti and the UN sexual abuse and exploitation victims:
Sign the petition to recognize the humanity of the UN-MINUSTAH survivors and help give every victim the voice, the relief, the dignity they can’t fight for by themselves but deserve.
Krim Kont Limanite Solda Lonu Fè An Ayiti ![]() Krim Kont Limanite Lonu Fè An Ayiti – UN War Crimes in Haiti *** |
Haiti Call for Action to UN Security Council, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, and UN Secretary General António Guterres on Sexual Abuse of Haitians by UN Peacekeepers, Police and Personnel.
..Deeply concerned that MINUSTAH is leaving Haiti on October 2017 and de-escalating to a non-military force but there’s been no justice for its victims of rape, pedophilia, and SEA;
Deeply concerned that although MINUSTAH is getting downsized and renamed, there are still 20 or so other UN agencies in Haiti with a culture of rape, sexual abuse, immunity for crimes and impunity in general;
UN War Crimes in Haiti ![]() UN Soldier Chapter 7 War Crimes in Haiti – Krim Kont Limanite Lonu Fè An Ayiti *** |
The undersigned Haiti petitioners and concerned individuals, appeal to the UN Security Council and US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, to take note of the Haiti nightmare not reflected in S/res/2350(2017) but herein outlined and to use their influence to bring the measures detailed below to application for the UN victims of sexual abuse in Haiti;
Now therefore, to that end, the undersigned Haiti petitioners and concerned individuals hereby call upon the Secretary-General:
(First) Notice to Preserve – UN/MINUSTAH Document Preservation
to issue an immediate directive requiring that all records of all acts of misconduct reported against MINUSTAH from the time they got to Haiti to their departure; whether reported directly to the peacekeeping bases in Haiti, collected from the wide range of United nations entities or within the United Nation system and/or reported to the Conduct & Discipline Team in MINUSTAH, all, be preserved;
(Second) Independent Haiti Panel
to provide all MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH records of wrongdoing to an Independent Haiti Court of Investigation, Ethics, and Human Rights Enforcers (Haiti UN-MINUSTAH-NINUJUSTH independent Court) that will provide justice for the UN sexual exploitation and abuse victims. This independent court shall not, in any way, be connected to the United Nation, its affiliates or NGOs.
(Third) Paternity Procedure for UN and MINUSTAH Babies
the Independent Haiti Investigators and Human Rights Enforcers shall be granted the authority and proper funding to set up an expeditious manner for determining rape and illicit sexual activities through DNA testing and the paternity of all MINUSTAH children left in Haiti by MINUSTAH troops, UN civilian authorities and police (the “UN-MINUSTAH babies”) in Haiti…;
Fourth) Cultural Specific Mental Health Counseling and Rehabilitation
Justice for the Haiti SEA victims demands that there are medical and psychological treatments provided to heal the physical and mental health issues caused by the violations, including C-PTSD mental health counseling and treatments that are Haiti cultural specific to help heal psychological trauma, to treat STDs and other ailments many are left with….
(Fifth) Zero Tolerance Enforcement directed at UN Agencies and Peacekeeping and Police Units in Haiti
Contrary to popular belief, the UN has no legal immunity to commit crimes or torts
For UN soldiers and militarized police units, there is only immunity for UN operational necessity, not for crimes or torts. UN-MINUSTAH immunity has been abused and conferred to protect predators, to cover-up wrongdoings, and not provide world peace, stability and security. The UN is not in a legal bind to hold its employees accountable for wrongdoing and must stop that fiction. Soldiers from troop contributing countries don’t have immunity merely for participating in peacekeeping operations. They have immunity for operational necessities to carry out that mission. Raping a 6-year old boy, or contaminating Haiti’s rivers with diseased UN feces and covering it up, are not a part of any operational necessity of any UN peace, human rights and stability function.
The Secretary General shall direct, inter alia, that there is no UN immunity for crimes, including sexual crimes by UN agents, and:
Set up an International Sex Offender Registry; publish and release the names and nationalities of all UN perpetrators of sexual crimes; put then on an international sex offender registry; and bar them from all further peacekeeping and UN jobs, whatsoever.
- B) Address past Misrepresentation of the Extent of Rape, Pedophilia, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) of MINUSTAH in Haiti
The Secretary General shall direct the Independent Haiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH Court to review and adjudicate all sexual abuse cases including those cases that were not reported because the survivors were afraid or discouraged by the United Nations’ culture of impunity, as shown by decades of documented gross institutional failures, and independent investigations……
(C) No decriminalization
The directive shall state that SEA acts shall no longer be decriminalized or euphemistically minimized as “transactional sex,” or “survival sex,” but identified and clearly referred to as innate crimes and violations of fundamental rights protected under international and local laws, subject to prosecution and universal jurisdiction.
(D) Three Strikes Law for the UN and Economic Deterrence
The Secretary General shall direct the Independent Haiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH Court to propose and enforce certain zero tolerance initiatives, such as a “Three Strikes law” to help stop the UN culture of impunity and limit the ability of offenders to go scot free without punishment.
For instance, make it retroactive that if there are three or more credible allegations against a MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH contributing member nation, then that nation no longer has the privilege to provide UN peacekeeping troops to Haiti;
- Require that when three credible sex abuse complaints are lodged against any one contributing MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH nation, including all complaints against MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH subcontractors such as their air asset and medical units, when three such credible complaints are lodged during any 6-month rotation period, then the entire member state unit, or FPU unit or outsourced police trainer units or company shall be subjected to a predetermined thirty-five percent (35%) unit dock in pay.
- The UN shall also immediately withhold payments to any individual police, peacekeeper, peace builder, UN personnel and/or subcontractor facing credible SEA allegations.
- These economic consequences are to help deter the culture of cover-up and impunity within the UN system.
- Similarly, when any UN agency in Haiti is accused of three credible rape, pedophilia, forced pregnancy or other sexual misconduct violations, then the entire agency shall be subject to the three strike economic consequences, docks in individual pay, for the names of the perpetrators to be put in an international sex offender registry. The UN agency with three strikes shall also be subject to being expelled from Haiti.
- Docks in pay that are collected shall go into a trust fund to assist victims of UN sexual abuse and exploitation in Haiti. The fund shall be supervised by the Independent Haiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH Investigators and Human Rights Enforcer Court. The UN shall do all that is necessary and expeditious to hold and transfers these funds for the benefit of the victims harmed.
(Six) The undersigned petitioners request that the Secretary-General present the Terms of Reference of this independent Haiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH court of investigation, ethics and human rights enforcement to the General Assembly for approval, and require that said Haiti ethics court carry out a complete review of every allegation of SEA received from within the UN system or by the Conduct and Discipline Team against MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH, and to have complete access to records held on them on their ‘Misconduct Tracking System’ since the inception of MINUSTAH with the power to recommend punishment, relief, remedy and zero tolerance initiatives.
(Seven) to present the reports and recommendations of the Independent Haiti MINUSTAH-MINUJUSTH Court to the General Assembly.
If you’d like to stand for justice for Haiti and the UN sexual abuse and exploitation victims:
Sign the petition (here) to recognize the humanity of the UN-MINUSTAH survivors and help give every victim the voice, the relief, the dignity they can’t fight for by themselves but deserve.
Tanpri souple, ale siyen petisyon : isit lan lyen sa
Haiti Petition on UN Sex Predators, Victim Relief, MINUSTAH Punishment

The UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti has killed over 10,000 Haitians with UN-cholera and infected over one million more with the deadly bacteria. End US occupation of Haiti behind UN guns, rigged elections, fake aid, fraudulent free trade and foul vaccines. Justice for the rape victims. Do not recycle MINUSTAH into MINUJUST!
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Map sign in petition sa pou tout Ayitian ki victim Abu sexuel anba main Soldat Nation Uni yo map mande jistis avek reparations pou yo.
Mèsi byen Sony Douyon. Jistis pou tout viktim solda Nasyonyini yo. Nou apresyè w. Kenbe la.