“Hillary Clinton was using the State Department to dole out special favors and access to her friends and donors. It’s called, “Pay-for-Play.” — Donald Trump, Rally in Greenville, North Carolina, Sept. 6, 2016
“Hillary Clinton preyed on Haiti. The earthquake weakened the victims and she used her power to crush them some more. Dressed as “savior” at the Obama State Department, Hillary Clinton betrayed innocent Americans who desired to help with recovery .” — Ézili Dantò, HLLN/Free Haiti Movement, September 6,2016
Donald Trump Says While Haiti Suffered The Clintons and their Pals Cashed-In
US foreign policy in Haiti rarely gets a mention during presidential campaigns. But at the September 6, 2016, Greenville, North Carolina rally, presidential candidate, Donald Trump, gave a good summary. He shows how Hillary Clinton used her position at the Obama State Department to fill up the Clinton family coffers. The Clintons also gave the South Koreans a free factory. A sweatshop that cruelly displaces Haiti farmers. They built homes and luxury hotels for their foreign pals, but left Haitians homeless. While Haiti suffered the Clintons and their pals cashed in, says Donald Trump
For years, we’ve made the very points Mr. Trump now makes. Since 2004, the powerful endlessly exploits Haiti behind a humanitarian front.
The Haiti resistance battles to get heard for years and to stop the exploitation and recolonization. (See, for instance, Israeli/DR Border Incursion into Haiti.) The 2016 US campaign provides an opportunity to reiterate our message through a huge megaphone.
We don’t expect much from the US norm of “two evils.” Voting is not a tool for liberation. As Emma Golden noted: “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”
However, if we are scientifically and objectively balancing facts, then Donald Trump, arguably a bigot and perhaps a sexist, still clearly has less of a record of lies, looting, lawlessness and implementing systemic governmental/institutional racism than Hillary Clinton.
Mr. Trump already steps ahead of the Clinton team by mentioning Haiti prominently. The Clintons cannot do this without risk. Addressing Haiti is a debacle for them. It brings up the 2010, Michel Martelly presidential election that Hillary Clinton and, her longtime consigliere, Cheryl Mills, help to doctor. It brings up their association with the convicted fraudster Claudio Osorio who never built any of the 10,000 housing units in Haiti that the US government put in a $10 million grant for him to build, and which the Clinton team heavily facilitated. It brings up the pay-to-play, money laundering scheme they call the “Clinton Foundation.” The Clintons cannot justify why they prey on hurt quake victims and poor Haitians to put money in their Foundation – a slush fund where 85% of the money collected goes to salaries, travel, luxury hotels, dinners and overhead, all tax free. Talk about masturbating on Black pain? (See, Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud Exposed by Whistleblower.) That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Haiti and the planet needs a break from the Clinton fraud. It cannot afford, both the loss of its lands, offshore islands, and mineral riches, along with the use of its pain to make monies for the Clintons and their pals. Haiti cannot afford rigged presidential elections in 2016, like the Clinton-Obama ones in 2010 and its follow ups in 2015.
Perhaps Mr. Trump would give Haiti a respite? At least the open racism would give the US a mirror to look through that the Clintons smoke up with lies, plausible deniability, and their fake love for Black people. Their actions belie their words. Donald Trump is the candid candidate here. After all, his shortcomings are not hidden.
Mr. Trump is also the only candidate who has indicated he would stop the endless wars, get rid of unfair trade. Not that we’re naive about that promise. But all that Haitians need is for the US to get out of Haiti, take the crooked UN with them, not block fair trade and fair elections. Eight years ago, we tried, to no avail, with Obama to build a different Haiti-US partnership. (See, Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team.) He didn’t even deign to consider the local concerns of US Blacks, much less Haiti. (See, Failure of aid to Haiti is Predictable: US False Benevolence; I pay this price for you: Haiti is open for business and Avatar Haiti.)
Donald Trump Denounces Hillary’s Avatar Haiti

Hillary Wage Slavery in Haiti Exploits Impoverished Black Women
Haitians themselves will quickly end the illegal and amoral humanitarian occupation, if Washington would stop its meddling and blocking of Haiti entrepreneurship, skills transfer, local Haiti capacity building and legitimate governance. At the very least, even a small delay from the nightmarish 8-years of Obama/Clinton exploitation might be in the offering for a few months? But without a doubt, without one doubt, a Hillary Clinton presidency means uninterrupted violence and plunder of Haiti lands, offshore islands, billions in gold, copper and oil resources as well as a continuation of the savage taking of Haiti sovereignty through fake elections. With Trump as president, it’s more likely the US electorate will stay awake, instead of going back to sleep as they will under the fake Santa Claus, his liar wife and their dangerous propaganda networks.For Haiti, another Clinton presidency offers zero hope. To quote, Donald Trump, here’s why:
“Hillary Clinton was using the State Department to dole out special favors and access to her friends and donors. It’s called, “Pay-for-Play.”
One example of Pay-for-Play is what the Clintons did in Haiti. So let me stop here for a second and say how much we appreciate the Haitian-American community in Florida and across our country. We’ve had a great relationship with that community. We send our prayers to the many still suffering in Haiti from the earthquake. But while Haiti has suffered, the Clintons and their pals have totally cashed-in.
Bill and Hillary’s brothers have signed housing deals in Haiti, and one wound up on the board of a gold mining company. Clinton Foundation donors have seen the Clintons pave the way for their investments.
In one deal (Caracol Industrial Park), Hillary Clinton set aside environmental and labor rules to help a South Korean company (Sae-A Trading) with a record of violating workers’ rights set up what amounts to a sweatshop in Haiti. The facility has produce only a fraction of the jobs it promised, and faces reports of wage theft, all over the place. People are asking, where did all the money go? (See our 2012 coverage at Haiti: Foreign Investment means Death and Repression: A Historical Perspective.)
This November, it’s up to the American people to stop the Clintons from raiding America, the way they’ve raided so many other people and places over the years.
One of the groups in America that have been harmed the most by Hillary Clinton’s policies are African-Americans. She sees them only as votes, not as people worthy of a better future…”
Watch from 51:10 for the relevant excerpts, where Donald Trump, addresses Haitians and African-Americans.
Video Source: Full Speech: Donald Trump Rally in Greenville, NC Sept 6, 2016
Donald Trump: Clintons Used Governmental Power to Conduct Personal Business
I’ve written elsewhere that:
“The Obama Administration got rid of its most powerful Democratic rival with Haiti. Hillary and Bill Clinton “opened Haiti” as their private asset to liquidate. They used the resources of the World Bank, the State Department, USAID, the UN, the Private Military Security Contractors (PMSC), the US military, and the Feds’ passport and visa issuance capabilities. They got kickbacks called “donations,” from anyone who wished to buy from them a piece of Haiti’s lands, oil, iridium, uranium or gold.
They also took in bribes disguised as donations from big businesses, some from offshore Swiss Bank accounts, to assign UN guns, subcontracted to PMSCs, to secure corporate interests in Haiti. The Clintons have used governmental power to conduct their private business and called it “helping poor Haitians.” The evidence is in the results for Haiti’s poor.” See, —Hillary Clinton, Haiti Resources, US Thievery and the Female Butchers by Èzili Dantò of HLLN/Free Haiti Movement, March 2015
In that same article, we made clear that:
“Systemic US false benevolence in Haiti and the failure of foreign “AID,” is structural. Both the Republicans and the Democrats preside over neoliberal economic policies, US unfair trade laws and NGO policies that take from the poor and gives to the wealthy. Both are mostly like thieves at the banquet, too drunk on power to remember Karma. ”

Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: UN a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide
No matter who wins in November, the Haiti resistance to dictatorship and occupation will continue to resist all attempts at subjugation disguised as humanitarian aid. Haiti lands and resources are for Haitians to use to dig Haiti out of containment in poverty.
Èzili Dantò,
President, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Sept. 6, 2016
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Links to recent Èzili newsletter topics:
Yeah Haiti! Good for you: Authorities suspend ‘sell off’ of La Gonâve island
Obama threatens Haiti Diaspora
The Clinton’s Corruption uninterrupted in Haiti, 2012
The oil and gold in Haiti here is the proof. Caracol near Haiti oil, (Èzili, 2009)
Clintons Stealing gold In Haiti?
How the Clinton Foundation Ripped Off Haiti
Hillary Clinton, Haiti Resources, US Thievery and the Female Butchers
Haiti Says: Indict not elect Hillary Clinton, “Hey, hey Hillary, Hey hey Obama, Hey hey CIA, Hey hey Council on Foreign Relations: Haiti Demonstrators Say: ‘Go Pick Up Your Trash in Haiti’— Haiti protestors outside Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters, April 23, 2015
KOMOKODA Press Conference against Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and to demand her prosecution
Cheryl Mills, her Babies’ Daddy and other Juicy Tidbits on Hillary Clinton’s Missing Haiti Emails
The three questions for Haitians and all world citizens to consider are:
1.) QUESTION: What’s so important in Haiti that the U.S. would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, and the largest U.S. embassy in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti while funding a UN proxy occupation force, behind fake aid and fake elections, since 2004? Haiti homicide rate is 10.2 per 100,000. It was lower in 2006 at 5.6 per 100,000. Haiti has one of the lowest crime rates and the lowest prison population rate in the Caribbean if not the entire Western Hemisphere. The Dominican Republic has four times more violence than Haiti. Until the 2016 ramping up of the covert US war to bring down the Dilma Rousseff government for allowing Chinese and Indian oil companies from BRICS dibs on its massive subsalt oil reserve find, Brazil was the commander of the UN-MINUSTAH troops in Haiti. Yet, Brazil has a 54 per 100,000 violence rate – enormously more violent than Haiti. Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Brazil, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Columbia, etc..? Or, in Brazil, Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, Columbia – all with greater violence than Haiti?
2.) QUESTION: Why is there a U.N. Chapter 7, shoot-to-kill, “peace enforcement” mission in Haiti since 2004? A country not at war, without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere? A country with one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean? The U.N. has never unleashed a war battalion in a country not at war and without a peace agreement to enforce in all its existence. Why the double standard for Haiti?
3) QUESTION: Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – billions in gold, massive oil reserves, natural gas, the purest iridium in the world, marble, copper, silver, et al– Why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 61cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy? The U.S. occupation has brought Haiti not only dictatorship with Michel Martelly ruling without a Parliament and leaving in disgrace with no duly elected successor, but reckless transmission of a UN contagious disease similar to the diseases brought by Columbus’ men when they first landed in Haiti over 500 years ago.
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You got to give a round of applause to Donald Trump. He said what we tried to get Bernie Sanders to pay attention to that could have helped him do better at the polls against Killary. But, like most of these so-called “Left,” he was too beholden to the establishment and perhaps hoping for a Hillary Clinton appointment!??? Whatever happens in this elections, now more people will hopefully start paying attention to the poverty pimping charitable industrial complex. The emperor, or is it the empress vampire has NO CLOTHES ON! Good for Donald Trump. Way to fight with the FACTS! Tell Mr Trump that what he said doesn’t even scratch the surface, barely the tip of the iceberg. Give us a ring, what we’ve survived and endured under Obama-Clinton-SusanRice-CherylMills-PamelaWhite-SamanthaPowers-PaulFarmer-JimYongKim is looting to the nth degree combine with medical terrorism.
He hates anyone who is not white. He got support from the KKK which is a group that tied a rope around the necks of black people and hung them from trees until they died. That group, the KKK, that supports Trump loved slavery. Trump wants to send back any immigrant without papers. He will make it much harder for people to move to the US from other countries. He wants to give big tax cuts to the rich. He wants to get rid of health care for the poor. He didn’t even pay many of his workers on his real estate projects.
He won’t do anything to help Haiti. He is going to be an isolationist which means that he will only help the US and white people in the US, not any other countries. I can’t believe that anyone from Haiti would like him or support him. I don’t want to have anything to do with anyone who supports Donald Trump. If you like him, let him help you. I am finished.
There have been several questions surrounding the ClintonFoundation. The group is described as a charity. Who or what groups have received assistance from this organization? Any poor people?