US election scam in Haiti with Kenneth Merten and Pierre Louis Opont, same occupation fraud, five years later… Sadly even more cartoonish. See, Obama returns Clinton henchman to scene of crime in Haiti.
Who will the U.S. declare President of Haiti this time?
Testing the public’s ability to stomach more of the revolting Martelly, Haiti Electoral Council, presidentPierre-Louis Opont announced, on November 5, 2015, that preliminary results show Martelly’s handpicked subservient, Jovenel Moise in first place at 32.8%. Jude Célestin, a former protégé of president René Preval, garnered 25.2% for second place and is qualified with Martelly’s stoogeto go to therunoffs on December 27, 2015. Sen. Moise Jean-Charles, the most popular politician in Haiti today, is preliminary in third place with 14.2%.The Aristide candidate,Maryse Narcisse, came in fourth place with 7.05% percent.

Antonio Sola the man behind Jovenel Moise. 62% of votes cast were not of those listed on the electoral rolls but of party agents.
An outraged Haiti public is clobbered again by the U.S. power given to the disgusting dictator, Michel Martelly. Stay tune as more Haitian blood spills so that the corporatocracy the US embassy whores around for, may abscond with Haiti lands, deep water ports and mining resources. But they’ll call it: “building Haiti back better;” “bringing jobs to Haiti;” or “bringing Haiti democracy!” The Haiti holocaustand Middle Passage, ramps up. The international Gang Galil tyrants mercilessly bum rush defenseless Haiti with total impunity. (See, The Haitian struggle – The greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out right now on planet earthand,US/Israeli-HLSI Plunder of Haiti: The Gold Pillage at Mona Bossa/Loma Miranda Mountains and The Coastal/Offshore Oil Excavations.)
The Oct 25, 2015 Farce
A Monitors’ Election
915,675 monitors/(party agents) and tens of thousands observers, mostly affiliated with the PHTK ruling party were allowed into the polling centers. The 915,675 Pierre-Opont accredited monitors are allowed to vote wherever they are. Some voted multiple times at multiple voting centers. The Martelly Team is also reported to have used electoral rolls and ID information from their Aba Grangou program, et al, to cast votes for a population facing a criminal and complicit international community. The OAS was quick to approve the fraud as legitimate. Jude Celestin, Moise Jean-Charles and others dispute and are protesting the results.
History shows voting doesn’t make better the lives of the people of Haiti, but that of the politicians. As long as the Haitian people are denied the sovereign right to use their own lands and resources for local benefit and to choose their own accountable public servants, the country will remain dominated, dependent and impoverished. The US occupation of Haiti behind UN guns necessarily demands, at different levels and degrees, subservient conformist politicians who play by the rules set forth by the enemies of Haiti. Neocolonialism traps both the well-meaning and the corrupt politician. Both inevitably will conspire with Washington opportunists while battling one another to control the trickle down to enrich themselves and their cronies. (A Free Haiti solution is to change the rules, apply humane values and principles for a more just New World.)
In an interview a week before the announcement, on the Mark Thompson Make it Plain show with Bill Fletcher, Ézili Dantò gave the contextual framework for understanding the October 25th (s)elections in Haiti.
While the focus is on the sham elections, the US puppet president, Michel Martelly, illegally privatized Haiti borders – land, air and sea – to former Israeli military officers at HLSI. This author broke the story at the article titled, Barbarians Inside and at Haiti Gates: Israeli HLSI and Eva Peled, and presented the horror the disenfranchised Haitian people endure under US occupation and the .05% percent Syrian/Lebanese/Israeli/Lebanon population in Haiti that own theHaiti economy through US white privilege patronage. These white oligarchs make up less than 1% of the population in Haiti, but own 98% of the wealth through monopolies orchestrated and supported by foreign interests in Haiti.
Did Eva Peled‘s Mitrelli Group donation to the Clinton Foundation buy HLSI this $50million contract in Haiti? (See the signature line, here.) It seems Eva Peled’s Mitrelli Group partnered with Eytan M. Stibbe on a $24,800,000 deal to Clinton Global Initiative. (See also, Video: Who is the Mitrelli Group ; Mossad in Africa, ‘Aided by the CIA and American Trade Unions’.) What could the new mercenaries replacing the UN troops in Haiti look like? Get a glimpse of South African mercenaries turned “security firms” here, here and here. Haiti oligarch gangsters, drug traffickers and kidnappers buy their guns from the Israelis. The US Embassy and UN guns protect this wealthy cartel that gets their name –Gang Galil– from the high-powered Galil automatic rifles they carry.
Haiti signed a $50 million dollar “border surveillance” contract with former Israeli military. Where will that $50million to pay HLSI come from? Is it to be paid out of Haiti oil/mineral resources in the manner South African and other white mercenaries at Executive Outcomes were paid with Sierra Leone diamonds to protect the Sierra Leone government that hired them, or in oil and diamonds in Angola? These white mercenaries are the international oil communities private army. Is Haiti’s oil, which is strategically denied by the US, ready to suddenly be “discovered” by the Christopher Columbus terrorists? Are the Israeli/Lebanese/Syrians/Jordanian mercenary families in Haiti bringing in their own private army with US/Clinton connivance?

US election scam in Haiti, 2015
Ézili Dantò, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, November 5, 2015
“The West has two faces. One evil.”
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US Election Scams in Haiti;
The October 25th US election masquerade in Haiti;
Barbarians Inside and at Haiti Gates: Israeli HLSI and Eva Peled; and,
Three Simple Ezili Dantò Principles For A More Just New World
Moise, Célestin top 2 finishers in Haiti’s presidential vote
Source: Miami Herald
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Nov. 5, 2015
A serial entrepreneur-turned political newcomer and an engineer who led teams of female rescuers during Haiti’s tragic Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake are likely headed for a presidential runoff scheduled for next month.
Government-backed candidate Jovenel Moise and opposition candidate Jude Célestin emerged as the two top vote getters in the Oct 25 presidential balloting to succeed President Michel Martelly, according to preliminary results released Thursday by Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). Moise finished with 32.8 percent of the votes to Célestin’s 25.2 percent.
The high-stakes race, which included balloting for parliament and mayors, attracted a cacophony of 54 presidential candidates, including several proteges of twice-exiled, twice-elected former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Two of them, former Sen. Moise Jean-Charles and Dr. Maryse Narcisse, who was Aristide’s chosen pick, finished third and fourth, respectively with 14.2 percent and 7.05 percent.
Moments before the results were announced, a member of Jean-Charles” Pitit Dessalines platform, Maxo Gaspard, was shot to death near the group’s headquarters in Delmas 33. Hours later, his bloody corpse was still in a pool of blood in the street, covered with posters of Jean-Charles.
“They are attacking our supporters, and those who are responsible will pay for this,” Jean-Charles said after viewing the body. “Every time they attack us, they fight us, we will become stronger. We are prepared to defend the Haitian people. As we said, ”Vote and watch,” and we are asking for mobilization throughout the country. People who want to live can”t just stand with their arms crossed.”
Of the 5.8 million registered voters, 1, 538, 393 votes were cast in the election. Of those, 120,066 were invalidated for fraud and other irregularities, Provisional Electoral President Pierre-Louis Opont said.
Moise and Célestin will likely face off in the expected Dec. 27 runoff if the results stand.
“We don’t recognize these results and we will contest them,” said Jean-Hector Anacasis, spokesman for Célestin’s Lapeh (Peace) party.
There were no initial reaction from Moise’s camp.
The long-awaited announcement now sets the stage for a political and legal challenge in the coming days. Police are also on the lookout for unrest as tires began to burn in some parts of the capital after the announcement was made. Candidates have 72 hours to challenge the results, which will be heard by the National Electoral Complaints and Challenges Bureau (BCEN).
Several opposition camps have publicly announced plans to push for the removal of Moise, the hand-picked choice of Martelly, amid allegations of “systematic and massive fraud” during the vote.
On Tuesday, eight candidates including Célestin and Jean-Charles, issued a signed letter to the CEP asking members to appoint a five-member independent commission to do a deeper scrutiny of the ballot sheets to address the allegations of fraud and irregularities prior to publishing the results. The request echoed similar sentiments by a coalition of local observers that complained about ballot stuffing, and multiple votes by some of 915,675 political party monitors and observers at polling stations across the country.
The issue of the multiple votes has been at the center of the massive fraud allegations issued by a coalition of local observers. They noted that the nearly 1 million accreditation cards distributed to political party monitors and observers ahead of the vote, spurred a thriving black market for fraud. On election day, the cards sold for as little as $3 and were used by individuals to provide multiple votes to candidates.
Last week, the office of U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, wrote to the U.S. State Department noting that they were “deeply concerned” about the possibility of fraud in the elections in Haiti. Staff called on U.S. officials to “take all necessary and appropriate action to ensure that all of the votes are counted fairly and in a transparent manner.”
Announcement of the results were delayed 48 hours by Opont, who cited the litany of complaints ”162 — that were brought before a special commission consisting of its members last month to address complaints. But only one of the complaints actually had to do with the presidential race, and the rest were mostly for the legislative runoffs, whose results have been delayed.
The delay in the announcement, the allegations of massive fraud and a lack of transparency of how the votes were counted inside the Tabulation Center had fueled a climate of suspicions, rumors and tensions.
In a statement, local watchdog group, the Citizen Observatory for Institutionalizing Democracy (OCID), said that a number of weaknesses or blunders in the delicate tabulation phase “helped create a general atmosphere of suspicion and generate legitimate fears that the reality of the ballot boxes or the expression of the will of the people are being altered, in whole or in part.
“Such a climate on the eve of the publication of partial results is somewhat worrying,” OCID added.
OCID noted with concern that some ballot sheets were approved as part of the results despite lacking the proper number of signatures to confirm their validity.
Anticipating demonstrations and possible violence once results are released Thursday, Haitian police spent Wednesday removing discarded tires off the capital’s streets to limit protesters” ability to create burning tire barricades. They remained on high alert Thursday as did U.N. blue helmet peacekeepers, which were patrolling the streets of Petionville.
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