July 6, 2005 UN Massacre of civilians in Haiti. July 6, 2005 – 10 years ago today, during the US corporate take-over of Haiti, UN troops entered the sleeping community in Site Solèy of 450,000 civilians, dropped bombs from the sky, chemicals to disorient and proceeded to fire 22,000 live rounds of ammunition to quell dissent against the military occupation of Haiti. They shot dead these babies in their beds, along with their mother while asleep. 1440 troops gathered to kill Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè, a lone Haiti freedom fighter who defended his community, rejected the US military occupation and George W. Bush Jr’s regime change in Haiti. Free Haiti reMEMBERS the courage and honor of the voiceless in Haiti. We reMEMBER Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè and all our fallen heroes on the path to FREE HAITI stop the WHITENING, ethnic cleansing, land expropriations and resource pillage. Nou pap bay legen.
See, Video of July 6, 2005 UN massacre in Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits