Ricardo Seitenfus: «Pour rester ici, et ne pas être terrassé par ce que je vois, j”ai dû me créer un certain nombre de défenses psychologiques.» (Paolo Woods)
By Leogane Magazine on December 25, 2010
(See, Haïti est la preuve de l”échec de l”aide internationale by Arnaud Robert, Le Temps, Dec. 20, 2010 )
After an interview with the Swiss journal “Le Temps” where he pointed the finger at the international community as Haiti’s main progress stoppers, Ricardo Seitenfus, was relieved from his duty as the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the OAS, which shows that the truth must not be known by Haitians and whoever is advocating for Haitians is the enemy of the International community; thus will be severly reprimanded.
“Haiti is not Iraq, Haiti is not Afghanistan, Haiti is not in a war situation, and Haiti is not an international threat” he said but since 2004, there have been over 10.000 Casques Bleus on the soil of Haiti.
Ricardo said that the presence of MINUSTAH in Haiti is counter-productive.
Ricardo told “Le Temps” that the biggest mistake of Haiti was to become free and independent in 1804; something that pissed off France and portrayed Haitians as being rogue.
Haiti is also paying the price for being so geographically near to the United Sates that waited until 1865 to recognize the independence of Haiti.
“UN mission in Haiti is to freeze the government and to transform Haitians in prisoners of their own island. The international forces in Haiti shape the relationship between Haiti and the international,” he continued.
“The Occident is a colonialist, racist, and a world of slavery that based its richness on the exploitation of third world countries, he also reported.
The United States through the intervention of the United Stations never knew how to treat Haiti and that is the reason they are applying the article 7 of the UN charter to deploy thousands of troops to Haiti in order to protect their own interests.
“In spite of many international aids that the country receives, Haiti is the breathing proof that the UN mission has miserably failed,” he affirmed when questioned about NGO’s roles in Haiti.
The international community is armed with the desire to remake Haiti but they should come to the conclusion that, after the cholera breakout that followed the earthquake of 12 January, they had led the country toward the wrong direction.
The perverted and the distorted relationship and the inefficacity of the Haitian government are the main causes of Haiti’s slow disaster recovery.
NGOs are in Haiti to benefit from the “malheur of Haitians.”
Ricardo told the reporter about the NGOs” mistakes after the earthquake that the import of food, good, water, etc had negatively affected the local production. Due to the lack of assertive leaders and the absence of laws in Haiti, it was a great opportunity for NGOs to see Haiti as a laboratory where they could come test their latest technologies.
“The throw of big numbers (about $11 billions) for the reconstruction attracted NGOs who decide to go to Haiti not as humanitarians but as businessmen,” he blatantly said.
Haiti’s situation is a challenge that we (UN) cannot comprehend because we fail to comprehend the Haitian’s soul. Haiti is the worst of the world and there are too many entities trying to help the country. Their help lead to nothing but chaos.
Haiti needs doctors, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, etc because Haiti is too complex to quickly jump in it like we know who Haitians are and what their needs can be.
Ricardo pleaded that “compassion is necessary but charity should not be the engine of international relations” and January 12 showed him that there was a great potential for Haitian solidarity because on the day of the earthquake, he witnessed how each Haitian became the Good Samaritan for each Haitian.
“We need to rethink how we do business in Haiti as well as offering better exportation opportunities for Haitians. It is the independence, the sovereignty, fair trade, and the respect for others that should be.” he suggested.
After this lengthy interview with “Le Temps,” that displayed how poorly the UN has been mismanaging Haiti since 1990, Ricardo Seitenfus, who was two months shy from completing his diplomatic duties in Haiti, was called back by his parent government. He was fired and his diplomatic future is currently uncertain.
Bobb Q Rousseau
© 2010, Léogâne Magazine. All rights reserved.
(See, Haïti est la preuve de l”échec de l”aide internationale by Arnaud Robert, Le Temps, Dec. 20, 2010 )
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