Pèp souvren pran lari, li ba Mateli Kanè.
Kounye a se tou pa Sena a, pwen ba. IMPEACHMENT kòm sa dwal!
“Why would you expect certain people to care about fair policies in Haiti when in the US Black lives do not matter. Why would they care about Haitians when in the US Blacks are choked like animals and grand juries justify the slaughter.” – A Haiti Senator
Impeach Martelly: A Solution for Civil Society in Haiti
There’s is no acceptable and peaceful solution to the current Haiti constitutional crisis other than the immediate impeachment of Michel Martelly by the only active democratic entity left in Haiti: The Senate. The Deputies are out of session and when their vacation is over, so is their terms in office. The terms of 10 out of the 20 remaining Senators will also be over on January 12, 2015.
The people of Haiti have not remained silent as Martelly -Lamothe tried to sell-off – by decree – the country’s offshore islands, pristine areas, mineral wealth and to give away Haiti assets to the imperialists, amongst other things.
The issue raised is how to legally remove Martelly from office even though he was far from legitimately elected? This is an issue that Haitians participating in the rising protests throughout Haiti have put in the background. It urgently needs to be brought to the forefront. We do not want Haiti’s traditional enemies to capitalize off the current Haiti protests and chaos and launch their military to “bring order back” to Haiti. A Haiti solution must be administrated that is a ratification of the protestors’ very legitimate concerns for democratic governance and to free Haiti.
Martelly can legally be removed from office through impeachment. Haiti has always added an unofficial public referendum to that official procedure.
For whatever reason, perhaps the US mid-term election changes to a Republican majority in both the House and Senate in the United States or the world situation, but for the first time since the Martelly sham election in 2011, the Internationals have pulled back their UN-PMSC guns in Haiti and allowed more and more space for the people of Haiti to protest against the US puppet regime in Haiti.
Almost every day, there are anti-government demonstrations. Some call it Haiti’s “Operation Burkina Faso”. It’s meant as a peaceful, nationwide mobilization, like the one that occurred in Burkina Faso, to take down dictatorship and install a sovereign Haiti. On December 6, 2014, there were major anti-governmental protests in the three major cities of Port au Prince, Aux Cayes and Cap Haitian. For nearly the first time since the direct US occupation of Haiti began in 2004, the protestors in the capital where not blocked by US Marines, US-MINUSTAH, the Haiti police or their paramilitary wings. Although tear gas was fired, the protestors actually reached the front of the National Palace. (See, Haitians Protest Current Government, Urge President Putin to Help and Violence erupts at Haiti protests.)

Tear gas fired at protesters demanding Martelly and Lamothe resign, Dec 6, 2014 / Source: Aljazeera/Reuters
If the rising protests throughout Haiti are any indication of people power in a democracy, than the people have publicly impeached the Martelly-Lamothe regime many times over. This time, it’s not the fake US-George Soros, NGO-created “populous uprising” of Haiti 2004. This 2014 Haiti referendum – Pèp souvren pran lari, li ba Mateli Kanè – openly and dangerously confronts the military, economic, diplomatic and political commands of the all-powerful United States and their UN troops in Haiti.
The UN troops act as the old bloody Haiti army to keep the neoDuvalierist, Martelly-Lamothe regime, in power. We’ve seen this with the OAS sanctions of Martelly’s questionable election in 2011, as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton’s various take over initiatives after the catastrophic earthquake. Not to mention the Internationals’ over friendly relationship with the Martelly-Lamothe regime as represented by US Ambassador Pamela White’s relationship in Haiti and the International community’s complete lack of censure for their unpopular puppet government’s blatant corruptions and human rights violations these last three years. (See, Statement by Haiti Counselors, Andre Michel and Newton Juste, andOpen Letter From Haiti Human Right Activists to US Congress: No to Sham Elections and US Occupation.)

Dec. 6, 2014- Haiti Protestors holding signs that read “Vladimir Putin, Please Help Us!” Source: SputnikNews.com
Haiti is under occupation with nearly 10,000 foreign troops on its soil and the illegal and unpopular Martelly-Lamothe regime has been allowed to run amok with no Parliamentary oversight for three years. (See, Haiti Message to US Ambassador Pamela White ; Haiti Dreads Demand a Stop to their Profiling and Persecution; Haitians at Fort Liberte and Ouanaminthe Protest Caracol Monopolizing Electricity and Tens of Thousands of Haitians take to the streets demanding the Martelly/Lamothe regime stand down, leave office; US terrorism in Haiti, US Crowds Next; Basic Haiti rights repealed and US to Rewrite Constitution to Better Serve the One Percent.)

Don’t Wait for the US to Sanction Which Unconstitutional road is best for Haiti: Hear the people. Impeach Martelly. Put Forth a Haiti Solution for Continuity from the Haiti Senate
There’s a small window of opportunity open for the 20 Senators, who are the only active political authority left in Haiti with a semblance of legal power to impeach Martelly and move the country forward with fair and honest elections.
Every other idea out there to handle this sham democracy without taking down the UN presence; every notion to keep the facade going with an extension of the expiring Parliamentary terms of office, or an amendment to the Constitution or for Martelly to remain in office, et al, risks delaying Haiti’s brutal suffering and plunging Haiti into more crisis, more extra-constitutional institutions and more clashes with the US-trained, Ferguson-style, Haiti militarized police. Last week, police tear gas killed a 3-month old baby at home. Black lives matter. A bloodbath, the slaughtering of more innocent lives, more mass incarcerations, and imprisonments of protestors should be avoided by any peaceful means necessary.
Where are the UN troops in Haiti? Haitians in their right minds see that this is a tactical decision and not a desire, as the head of the UN Mission (MINUSTAH) in Haiti, Sandra Honoré, has put forward to suddenly respect the protestors’ rights to peacefully protest, exercise of free speech and assembly. That UN hypocrisy unfurls, whole clothe, in the red blood of the many protesting Haitians the UN occupational forces have shot dead since the US occupation, behind UN mercenary guns, began in 2004. The UN is a criminal organization carrying out the biddings of empire in Haiti.
Nothing it does is about Haiti human rights as the cholera victims will testify. Its pronouncements as “the world arbiter of human rights” increasingly has no footing anywhere on planet earth, least of all amongst besieged Haitians in UN-terrorized Haiti. A Haitian Senator put it correctly:
“Why would you expect certain people to care about fair policies in Haiti when in the US Black lives do not matter. Why would they care about Haitians when in the US Blacks are choked like animals and grand juries justify the slaughter.” (See also, Free Haiti Movement photo essays:The Global War Against Black Men and Global War Against Black Women.)
Time is of the essence to save Haitian lives and property before the ruling psychopaths complete their agenda to slaughter and silence the protesting Haitians as the January 12, 2014 fifth anniversary of the earthquake approaches and the repugnant international media, lands in Haiti, once again, to feed their ratings on the “failed Haiti” spiel, “the proud and suffering Haitians” spiel and the “failed-Haiti-reconstruction-after-the-quake” chorus line.
This would serve as a good time for the UN/PMSC, already in Haiti, to come out of their Haiti compounds to shoot innocent Haitians as back-up to the Haiti militarized police. Think of the footage!
The Euro media would get to film the natural Haiti push back and write tomes on “those uncivilized, violent, unable-to-rule-themselves Blacks!”

Impeach Martelly to Avoid a Bloodbath, Further tear gas, foul/chemicalized water cannon sprays to disperse demonstrators and further unconstitutionality
To reinforce democratic institutions, the 20 Senators should listen to the people of Haiti who they serve, stop allowing Martelly-Lamothe to make their parliamentary existence futile and in one legal motion: lower the majority to 11, indict and impeach Martelly BEFORE December 12, 2014, or as soon as possible.
The majority of Senators need only reinstate/reconfirm the 2013 resolution they already issued to impeach Martelly for high treason, remove Lamothe for corruption and the de facto Minister of Justice. The PRI Deputies and other deputies who are out of session may decide to send in a letter of support recognizing the Senate’s authority to indict, impeach and remove Martelly IMMEDIATELY to protect the population, avoid a bloodbath, reinforce democratic institutions, and have some institutional continuity. But the Senate does not need this input to do their job. As of January 12, 2014, 10 of the Senators’ terms will end and there will only be 10 left.
Martelly-Lamothe have ruled Haiti by decree and obstruction of Parliamentary duties for three years. They’ve blocked general elections, unilaterally appointed their cronies to mayoral, municipal and regional offices and blocked indictment for impeachment in the lower house for three years. They have no right to benefit from their ill gotten gains. Today, the Lower House gridlock can be resolved without their impediments by the only remaining active parliamentary authority with any semblance of legal authority in Haiti: The 20 Senators. And no one is qualified to call into question procedural deficiencies or the integrity of this process if carried out by the Senate to safeguard Haitian life and national security.

To Avoid A Bloodbath, Dictatorship and Further Unconstitutionality: Impeach and Remove Martelly before Parliament is dissolved through the shenanigans of Martelly-Lamothe and Haiti’s is back to official dictatorship.
The Senate must not wait anymore but take responsibility to avoid a further bloodbath, property damage and chaos in the streets. The people have publicly impeached Martelly-Lamothe and do not want them in power. The Deputies are constructively gone because they’re out of session and their terms are effectively over when Congress comes back into session. What’s left is for the 20 Senators remaining to legalize the departure of Martelly-Lamothe; proceed as a unit towards setting the legal framework for fair and free elections as early in 2015 as possible.
The Senators are the obvious legal transitional body that must meet the people’s Constitutional demands towards sovereignty, release of the political prisoners, setting up commissions with the people’s participation to investigate corruptions and guard against further foreign interference in Haiti’s political, civil and economic life. This would be the beginning of a Haiti solution to the current crisis.
Pèp souvren pran lari, li ba Mateli Kanè. Kounye a se tou pa Sena a, pwen ba. IMPEACHMENT kòm sa dwal!
Share your thoughts Ayisyen?
Ezili Dantò of HLLN /Free Haiti Movement
December 6, 2014
Haitians Protest Current Government, Urge President Putin to Help
Join the Free Haiti Movement –
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The Haiti People’s Agenda:
– Free all political prisoners in Haiti
– Departure of Martelly/Lamothe regime
– Formation of a transitional government chosen by the people not foreign
– Create electoral council based on article 289 of the Constitution
– Void SOFA : End US occupation behind UN mercenary guns
– Void all the Martelly Lamothe Decrees and all “laws” imposed on Haiti under occupation, stop the corruption
– For Haiti to invest the mineral riches and assets of the country in the local economy and thus
– An end to unfair US-Euro trade in Haiti and the NGO invasion that’s mostly humanitarian imperialism.
– An accounting of the Haiti Interim “Hillary and Billy” Reconstruction funds, collected in the name of suffering Haitians.
Ezili interview on Black Agenda Report weekly radio broadcast with Glen Ford plus interview with Cornel West and Bob Avakian Dialogue at Riverside Church, published by BAR, Nov. 26, 2014. Ten of thousands of Haitians demonstrated in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and throughout Haiti said Ezili Dantò.
OAS Overturned Haitian Presidential Election in a “Political Intervention:” Statistical Analysis Shows that OAS Action Was Inconsistent with Election Data –
HAITI – MASSIVE PRO-DEMOCRACY PROTESTS CALLED. Operation Burkina Faso continues throughout December:5 December 2014
6 December 2014
11 December 2014
12 December 2014
13 December 2014
16 December 2014
18 December 2014Haiti: Operation Burkina Faso – the 5 Demands of the Population
1 – the Resignation voluntary or forced the President Martelly Doc2 – the Unconditional Release of all Political Prisoners.3 – the Establishment of a Transitional Government.4 – the Creation of a ‘credible electoral council’ inspired by article 289 of the Haitian Constitution.5 – the Organization of General Elections in 2015.
Statement by Haiti Counselors, Andre Michel and Newton Juste
(See original at: Avokapepla \ Translation/re-post: Reparations For Haiti
Attorneys André Michel and Newton Louis St Juste recall that the so-called friends of Haiti, together through the CORE group, have never denounced:
1 – the illegal taxes collected by the CONATEL, the BRH and firm Switzerland, Société Générale de Surveillance S.A (SGS) on calls and international transfers of June 1, 2011, to date, estimated at close to US $ 500 million.
2 – The mafia won by Dominican companies established in Haiti, including those contracts illegally with Estrella, Contructora Hadi, Constructiones y Diseños RMNSA, Constructora tho.
3 – The use and destination of the $ 9.5 billion received by Haiti in the context of the IHRC under the co-chairmanship of Bill Clinton and Jean-Max Bellerive.
4 – 432 million U.S. Dollars disbursed to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy but diverted by the Regime Martelly/Lamothe.
5 – Petro Caribe funds have been squandered from 2011 to our days.
6 – 15 million of US dollars spent by Laurent Lamothe outside accounting public standards for the purchase of weapons of war.
7. the disappearance suspicious of the American citizen, leader of PHTK, dealer of notorious drug, Evinx Daniel, since January 5, 2014.
Counsel André Michel and Newton Louis St just launch a heartfelt appeal to compatriots of all departments of the country and the Diaspora in order to intensify the mobilisation to cause the emergence of a national project based on:
1 – the regaining our sovereignty.
2 – The consolidation of the Republican Institutions.
3 – The integration of youth, women, popular and rural masses.
4 – The disappearance of social inequalities.
5 – The independence of the judiciary.
6 – The safeguarding of democratic achievements.
7 – Good governance political, economic and administrative.
Attorneys André Michel and Newton Louis St Juste

USA, STOP supporting: Drug-dealers, Kidnappers, Robbers, Bribers Against Haitian People!!!
Photo credit: Nouvelliste
Haiti’s Case Against Bill & Hillary Clinton & their Martelly
Flyer distributed in front of the Clinton Foundation, NY and in front of Hillary Clinton’s midtown office on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014. Distributed by Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti

Haiti’s Case Against Bill & Hillary Clinton & their Martelly
Flyer distributed in front of the Clinton Foundation, NY and in front of Hillary Clinton’s midtown office on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014. Distributed by Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti
Haiti: UN mission chief urges calm, respect for rights in wake of protests | Source: UN News Center
Head of the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) Sandra Honoré. Photo: UN/MINUSTAH/Nektarios Markogiannis
25 November 2014 – Amid rising tensions Port-au-Prince and other key Haitian cities in the wake of last month’s delayed elections, the top United Nations official in the country deplored the violence that recently caused injuries among demonstrators and called on all sides to respect the right to free expression while also avoiding any recourse to violence.
“The freedom to demonstrate and freedom of expression are rights guaranteed by international conventions, enshrined in the Haitian constitution and supported by the law,” said Sandra Honoré, head of the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in a press release issued yesterday evening.
According to press reports, an anti-Government protest is scheduled for Tuesday, November 25 at Port-au-Prince and several provincial cities. It followed another protest on November 18 that resulted in several injuries.
“The right to demonstrate and freedom of opinion is a sign of the consolidation of democracy in Haiti and efforts must be made to both sides to avoid any recourse to violence, defamation, intimidation of all kinds, or acts that may contribute to the peace and stability,” said Ms. Honoré.
“As part of strengthening the rule of law, it is up to the Haitian authorities to take the necessary measures to ensure that the right to peaceful protest is respected and that offenders are prosecuted,” she said.
“The period from November 25 to December 10 marks the 16 days of activism for the protection of human rights, it is up to all to reject violence in all its forms to move towards a stronger Haiti, more stable and more respectful the rights of all and all, ” she said.
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